Title: Structural Funds for Energy Efficiency
1Structural Funds for Energy Efficiency
Vienna, April 6, 2006
- Eddy Hartog
- European Commission
- Current settings 2000-2006
- EU cohesion policy 2007-13
- Prepare for future programs
3Part 1
- Current settings 2000-2006
4The current objectives of Structural Funds
- Objective 1 less developed regions
- Objective 2 regions with structural problems
(industrial decline and rural areas) - Objective 3 education, training and employment
5Cohesion Policy between 2000 and 2006
Objective 1 Objective 2 Total budget
about 233 bn
6Energy in current Structural Funds activities
- - planned investment 2000-06 1.9 billion
(EU15) - - plays a role in mainstream programs, the
Interreg initiative and innovative actions
7Guidelines for 2000-2006
- - seek for technologies with reductions of cost
and energy intensity - - initial focus on the demand side
- - support for industry investment in efficient
and innovative energy production technologies - - energy audits, labelling, best practice,
8Energy efficiency for buildings in the current
- yes, for non residential buildings (notably
schools, hospitals, town halls etc) - but not for residential buildings
9Energy generation example Objective 1
- Wood fire heating plant which supplies hot water
and heating to local homes and businesses,
Güssing, Burgenland
10Energy efficiency example Objective 2
- Promoting energy efficient sources solar panels,
Marstal, Fyns amt, Denmark.
11Urban regenerationURBAN Community Initiative
- Economic and social regeneration, local
inhabitants have been given small plots of land
on which to grow vegetables and flowers,
Mulhouse, Alsace, France. Co-financed by ERDF.
12Part 2
- EU cohesion policy 2007-13
13Cohesion policy 2007-13
- 308 billion - about 1/3 of the EU budget
- 0.37 of EU 27 GNI
- More or less 50-50 between old and new Member
14 Three EU objectives
- Convergence (82 )
- - Regional competitiveness and employment (16 )
- national level
- regional level
- Territorial co-operation (2 )
15Geographical concentration Regions below or close
to 75 threshold
GDP/head average 2000-2001-2002
below 75 in EU25
statistical effect below 75 in EU15 above in
"naturally" above 75 because of growth
other regions
Index EU 25 100
Source Eurostat
16Cohesion policy and Lisbon Time to move up a
- investing in education and research
- freeing up SME and unlock potential
- getting people into work
- efficient, secure and sustainable energy
17Energy and the ERDF Convergence objective
- improving security of supply
- completing the internal market
- integrating environmental considerations
- improving energy efficiency
- developing renewable energies
18Energy and the ERDF Objective Competitiveness
- stimulating energy efficiency,
- more renewable energy production
- development of efficient energy management systems
19Energy and the ERDF Territorial cooperation
- reducing isolation through cross border energy
systems and facilities
20Energy and the Cohesion Fund
- areas to be developed on a sustainable basis and
with clear environmental benefit in the fields of
energy efficiency and renewable energy
21Community strategic guidelines Strategic elements
for energy
- improve energy efficiency and promote low energy
intensity development models - support renewable and alternative technologies
- develop networks where market failures, mainly in
convergence regions
22European summit December 2005
- ERDF may also contribute to the financing of
housing projects in EU10, Bulgaria and Romania
23ERDF and housing,eligible only if
- in the framework of an integrated urban
development operation - or priority axis for areas with physical
deterioration and social exclusion
- maximum 3 of ERDF allocation to OP concerned
- or 2 of the total ERDF allocation
- multi-family housing
- or buildings owned by public authorities or
non-profit operators for housing of low income
households or people with special needs
26Part 3
- Prepare for future programs
27New programming and implementation cycle
- Community's strategic guidelines
- National strategic reference frameworks
- Operational programs
- Program management and project selection
- Strategic follow up
28Elements to consider
- Start planning in time
- Revenues must be deducted from cost
- Loans could be an option (JESSSICA)
- Use a system that avoid public funds being used
for speculation
29 Thank you for your attention!