Title: ISPA Environment Programme Implementation in
1Ministry of Environment and Water Management
- ISPA Environment Programme Implementation in
- Bucharest, 07 October 2004
- ISPA Environment Programme in Romania - Overview
- ISPA Environment Strategy
- ISPA Environment - Current Status and Future
3ISPA Environment Programme- General Information -
- Instrument for Structural Policies for
pre-Accession, - set up by EC Regulation no. 1267/1999 of 21st
June 1999 - Non-reimbursable financial instrument to assist
the candidate countries in implementation of the
EU heavy Directives - Sectors benefiting from ISPA funds
- Environmental protection
- Transportation
- Hybrid nature - transition from PHARE (candidate
countries) to Cohesion Funds (member states) - Complementary with other EU programmes
4ISPA Environment Programme- General Information -
- Beneficiary countries 10 accession candidate
countries - (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary,
Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia,
Slovenia) - Duration 7 years, between 2000-2006
- ISPA Budget for Romania 208-270 MEuro annual
(20-26 of total ISPA funding) - Romania - second largest recipient
5Main EU Financial Instruments
- Copenhagen European Council Decision increase of
financial pre-accession support - 20 - 2004
- 30 - 2005
- 40 - 2006
7ISPA Goals
- Prepare applicant countries for accession
- Familiarize applicants with Union policies and
procedures - Meeting environmental acquis
- Extending and giving access to the transeuropean
transport Network
8Funds Accession - basic conditions
- ISPA Strategy (for each sector - transportation
and environment) elaborated and approved - ISPA Applications (and supporting documents)
according to EU Standards submitted to Bruxelles - Set up adequate mechanisms for co-financing
guarantee - Set up and/or develop Institutional Framework for
ISPA Programme Implementation as per Memorandum
of Understanding Romania - EU
9ISPA Environment - Objectives
- Comply with EU principles and environmental
policies - Contribute to a gradual social-economical
cohesion - Comply with the provisions of the National Plan
for the Adoption of the Acquis Communitaire - Maintain, protect and improve environmental
factors - Protect human health
- High level of protection of sensitive
environmental areas - Enforce environmental pollution at source
- Apply polluter pays principle
10Environment Other Programs
- SAPARD water infrastructure in rural area
- SAMTID Water infrastructure in small and medium
towns -
11Institutions Involved in ISPA-Environment
ISPA Coordinator
(MWEP) ISPA Environment Authority
(CFCU) Central Finance and Contracting Unit
12Key Stages in ISPA Project Cycle
- Application for assistance
- Appraisal of project
- Management Committee
- Financing Memorandum
- Implementation - physical/financial
- Monitoring and control
- Ex-post evaluation
13Programming - ISPA Application
BENEFICIARY -Elaboration-
MoE -Endorsement-
FN -Endorsement-
MIE -Submitting-
CE (via DCE) -Approval-
14ISPA Environment Strategy
- Reference Documents
- Pre-accession Partenership
- National Plan for the Adoption of the Acquis
Communitaire - National Programs (strategies/action plans) for
the environmental sector - Sectoral Strategies of ISPA fields
- Elaborated in June 2000, updated in 2003
15Eligibility - General Criteria
- Significant impact on environment and peoples
health - Beneficiary population
- Urban public utilities sector
- Minimum value of a project 5 mil. Euro
- Availability of co-financing
- ISPA grant represents 50-75 of the eligible cost
of the project, while difference is to be covered
by local beneficiaries - Project to be in one of the ISPA priority fields
16Priority fields in ISPA Environment
- Improvement of Water Infrastructure
- Water supply and sewerage networks
- Water and Wastewater treatment
- Waste management
- New controlled landfills (old, un-compliant ones
to be gradually closed) - Selective collection systems for domestic waste
- Waste recycling
- Air quality protection
- Reduction of pollutant emisions
- increase of energetic efficiency
17Water sector top priority
- Experience acquired in previous internationally
financed projects - Local, regional and river basins structures -
well defined - Legislation in place
- Focus on higher environmental problems instead of
spreading away resources on small-scale projects
18Selection of Projects in Water Sector - Other
considerations -
- River basin approach according to the
provisions of the WFD balanced investments on
basins - Regional development according to the National
Plan for Development, taking into account a
uniform distribution on regions of development
19Solid Waste Projects
- Waste Management Plan
- Regional focus
- Integrated waste management (minimization,
recycling, disposal) - Realistic about recycling targets
- Impact on size and design
- Composition of waste stream
- Include public awareness campaign
20Approved ISPA Measures
- 28 on-going projects in total value of 912.6
MEuro - (ISPA Grant 683.5 MEuro)
- 23 investment projects - different stages of
implementation - 19 projects in water and wastewater field
- 4 projects in waste field
- 5 projects of technical assistance
- -2 projects on TA to prepare investment projects
in water management - field for 6 cities
- 11 more projects submitted to Bruxelles, to be
approved - in total value of 483.2 MEuro (ISPA Grant
348.2 MEuro)
21Co-financing of ISPA-Environment projects
- ISPA Grant - for approved projects - between
68-75 - Intervention rate determined on the basis of the
financial analysis - Co-financing is ensured by final (local)
beneficiaries through - loan from IFI (EIB or EBRD) for most of the
projects - local budget
- state budget
- donors
- Co-financing is required (how and who) before
submission of ISPA Application
22Project pipeline
- For 2004-2006, 15 ISPA Applications to be
prepared - in the framework of TA (78 ISPA Grant 22 MoE)
- 10 projects in water/wastewater sector
- 5 projects in solid waste management
- 8 projects under preparation from other sources
- For 2007 and up, a number of large-scale
- projects are identified to be promoted in
23Main EU Financial Instruments
Financing Prospects after Accession
EU Budget for Romania
Structural Funds
Cohesion Funds
24ISPA Projects in Romania
25ISPA - Forthcoming Issues
- Absorption of increased funds to be allocated to
Romania in 2004-2006 - preparation of new ISPA
projects (300 mil. Euro) - Further project pipeline to be prepared for CF
- Increase institutional capacity for project
implementation - Higher involvement of central and local
authorities in public information and
consultation (EIA Directive) - Development of projects at basin level and
regional level uniform distribution considered - Balance projects in water waste fields
- Identify projects in air field
26Opportunities of cooperation within ISPA Programme
- Participation at international tenders for
services and works under ISPA - Set up common programmes for
- financial assistance for ISPA Applications
- technical assistance for institutions involved in
ISPA/CF programme.
27Web sites
- www.europa.eu.int
- ISPA Application Form
- ISPA Regulation
- ISPA Manual
- Practical Guide for PHARE, ISPA and SAPARD
- Information regarding the approved projects and
tenders - www.infoeuropa.ro
- Information regarding EU Financial Instruments in
Romania - www.mie.ro
- Accession Partenership
- National Plan for the Adoption of the Acquis
Communitaire - www.mappm.ro
- National Strategy for Environmental Protection
- National Action Plan for Environmental Protection
- ISPA Strategy
- ISPA Environment in ROMANIA
Bucharest, 07 October 2004