Title: Thema der Folie
Regional Bioenergy Initiatives Increasing the
Market for Biomass Heating in Europe
2Project Facts
- Baltycka Agencja Posznanowania Energii S.A.
(BAPE), Poland - BIOMASA, Slovakia
- Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden (ESS), Sweden
- Energy Centre Ceske Budejovice (ECCB), Czech
Republic - Fundacion Asturiana de la Energia (FAEN), Spain
- GDE-Net, Sweden
- Institut Technique Européen du Bois Energie
(ITEBE), France - Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI), Lithuania
- O.Ö. Energiesparverband (ESV), Austria
- Ökoinstitut Südtirol / Alto Adige (ÖKI), Italy
- Renewable Heat and Power Ltd (RHPL), UK
- South-East Regional Authority (SERA), Ireland
- target GmbH, Germany, consortium leader
- University of Applied Science Arts Hildesheim
(HAWK), Germany
4WP Overview
WP 1 Coordination Management leader target
WP 2 Regional Networking Policy Advice O.Ö.
WP 3 General Awareness Raising BAPE
WP 4 Supply Chains Market Structures HAWK
WP 5 EU-Wide, External Communication
Dissemination ESS
WP 6 Internal, IEEA Related Communication
Dissemination target
5Target Groups and Technologies
6Planned Regional Stakeholder Forums
- Set-up of regional biomass action plans to
define objectives and measures - Co-ordinating activities and capacity building
- Quarterly moderated meetings of regional
7Planned School Competition
- School classes are invited to hand in creative
and information works on wood stored
sunshine - Reaching about 20 30 school classes per
region - Taking place 2007 and 2008
- Best contributions will receive an award
- High awareness raising and public relations
effect through press work, politicians involved
8Planned European Pellet Day
- Owners of pellet heating systems will open
their cellars to the interested public - Convincing approx. 30 owners per region to
participate - Aim is to have an average of 15 visitors per
pellet site - Taking place 2007 and 2008
- Supported by special advertisement, press work,
leaflets - Involving installers and boiler manufactures
9Planned Regional Market Guide
- Basic information on biomass heating in a
nutshell - Compilation of regional addresses (installers,
suppliers, manufacturers) - Overview on relevant financial incentives
- Presentation of costs and application examples
- Target group are private investors
10Planned Installer and Fuel Supplier Training
- Capacity building for installing companies and
fuel suppliers - Focus on the variety of pellet heating systems
technological focus depends on specific
regional needs and conditions - Two training courses for installers, two for
suppliers in every region - REGBIE partners are experienced in vocational
11Planned Consultation Packages
- Stimulation the market by targeted
consultations of potential investors - 20 consultations will be carried out and
documented in every region - Pre-feasibility checks may trigger off
target GmbH Marion Elle Walderseestraße
7 D-30163 Hannover GERMANY Phone 49 34 12 40
39 00 E-Mail elle_at_targetgmbh.de For more
information visit www.regbieplus.eu