Title: Chapter 37 The Cold War Begins
1Chapter 37 The Cold War Begins Americans feared
Depression would return after war Congress passed
Taft-Hartley Act (gain control over
unions) Employment Act passed to promote a good
economy created Council of Economic Advisors for
President Servicemens Readjustment Act (GI Bill)
passed to help ex-soldiers get education and ease
back into work US economy booms 1942-1970 (
in military projects) Families on the move to the
sunbelt parents raising kids without THEIR
parents around (people rely on self-help books ?
Dr. Spock) Cities get surrounded by suburbs
larger families the result of a baby boom cheap
housing seen in Levitown
2Harry Truman (and his MO Gang in the White
House) Yalta- critics say FDR gave too much to
the USSR at his last big meeting US USSR are
the only giant nations standing gtWW2 US took a
global approach Bretton Woods meeting creates
IMF (Intl. Monetary Fund) UN founded American
representative Bernard Baruch called for UN
agency to investigate nuclear weapons USSR
NO! Truman follows policy of Containment (created
by George Kennan) Truman Doctrine US pumping
money to nations vulnerable to becoming
Communist US uses the Marshall Plan to help
rebuild W. Europe
3National Security Act of 1947 creates National
Security Council (NSC) to advise
President Department of Defense (in Pentagon)
and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) all
tools for security Post-War Alliances US its
allies join together in NATO USSR their allies
create the Warsaw Pact
4Israel created on May 14, 1948 (US supported
it) Arab nations opposed Israel (and control a
lot of oil) McArthur leads reconstruction of
Japan Chinese communists lead revolution
(1949) US accused of NOT helping Chiang Kai-shek
enough USSR detonates atomic bomb 1949 hydrogen
1952 US on the hunt for Communist threat in our
nation Loyalty Review Board examines 3 million
federal employees Dennis-v-US upholds conviction
of 11 Communists from Smith Act (first
anti-sedition act since 1798) HUACHouse
(Committee) on Un-American Activities
51948 Richard Nixon goes after Alger Hiss Feb.,
1950 Joseph McCarthy gets big attention Great
fear that spies in US led to USSR having
A-bombs Julius Ethel Rosenberg tried put to
death Americans upset that 2 children
orphaned 1948 ? Election Year (Republicans choose
Dewey) Democrats were not fond of Truman a
Southern branch of the party broke off as
Dixiecrats Newspapers wrongly reported that
DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN Trumans 2nd term has 2
plans POINT FOUR for US foreign policy FAIR
DEAL for domestic policy
6War in Korean breaks out (it had never been
united as planned after the war) Communist North
overruns Democratic South Truman took quick
action as a result of new powers from NSC-68
(unlimited presidential spending) S. Korea fights
back dividing line _at_ 38th parallel McArthur
Truman tangle ? Mac gets fired Truce talks start
in 1951 peace in 1953