Title: Into a New Century 1992-Today Chapter 33
1Into a New Century 1992-Today Chapter 33
- What political, social, technological, and
economic trends have shaped American life since
- Element SSUSH25.e
- Explain the relationship between Congress and
President Bill Clinton including the North
American Free Trade Agreement and his impeachment
and acquittal. - Element SSUSH25.f
- Analyze the 2000 presidential election and its
outcome emphasizing the role of the electoral
college. - Element SSUSH25.g
- Analyze the response of President George W. Bush
to the attacks of September 11, 2001 on the
United States, the war against terrorism, and the
subsequent American interventions in Afghanistan
and Iraq. - Â
3The Computer and Technology RevolutionsSection 1
- How have technological changes and globalization
transformed the American economy? - Vocabulary
- -personal computer globalization
- -biotechnology satellite
- -service economy internet
- -multinational corporation
4Sec 1 Computer and Technology Revolutions
Computer and Technology Revolutions
Technology Changes American Life  Main Idea One
of the most important technological advances of
the twentieth century was the development of
computers, which affected business, industry, and
science. A Communications Revolution Main
Idea Computers, satellites, and the Internet
created an information age, that allowed anyone
to have access to information quickly. A
Changing American Economy Main Idea Computers
and other technology have increased global
businesses, as well as increased jobs in the
service sector and decreased organized labor.
5Note Taking Reading Skill Categorize
Reading Skill Categorize
6Transparency New Medical Technology
New Medical Technology
7Chart Households With Computers and Internet
Households With Computers and Internet Access
8Infographic The Global Reach of E-Commerce
The Global Reach of E-Commerce
9Chart Occupations Predicted to Grow the Fastest
Occupations Predicted to Grow the Fastest,
10Progress Monitoring Transparency Section 1
Progress Monitoring Transparency
11The Clinton PresidencySection 2
- What were the successes and failures of the
Clinton presidency? - Vocabulary
- -William Clinton Newt Gingrich
- -H. Ross Perot Kenneth Starr
- -Brady Bill impeachment
- -Contract with America
- -Family Medical Leave Act
12Sec 2 The Clinton Presidency
The Clinton Presidency
The 1992 Election Main Idea William Jefferson
Clinton positioned himself as a New Democrat, a
moderate position that helped him win the 1992
presidential election with promises of social and
economic opportunity. Clintons Domestic
Policies Main Idea Clinton successfully
introduced new laws involving medical leave and
waiting periods for buying handguns, but failed
to win support of healthcare reforms. The
Republicans Galvanize Main Idea In the mid-term
election of 1994, Republicans won control of the
House of Representatives, but an economic boom
helped Clinton to win reelection two years
later. Scandals, Impeachment, and Trial Main
Idea A scandal over Clintons affair with a
White House intern led to his impeachment by the
House of Representatives, but the Senate
acquitted him in his trial.
13Bill Clinton
- Governor of Arkansas
- Ran for President in 1992 against George Bush
- Accused of having a mistress and being a draft
dodger - H. Ross Perot, third party candidate
14Clintons First Term
- Economy spending cuts and tax increases
- Health care Hillary appointed to analyze
problem suggested government-supervised
insurance program defeated in Congress
15Republicans Contract with America
- Newt Gingrich, Georgia representative scale back
federal government - 1994, voters elected Republicans to Congress
balanced budget, welfare reform government shut
down Republicans blamed
16Clintons Second Term
- 1996 Campaign Clinton vs. Bob Dole (Ross Perot
will get 8) - Clinton wins due to strong economy
- Congress raises minimum wage
- Whitewater Affair fraudulent loans and land
deals in Arkansas - Illegal campaign donations from foreign nations
- Monica Lewinsky
- 1998, House impeached Clinton acquitted by the
18Note Taking Reading Skill Summarize
Reading Skill Summarize
19Chart Goals of the Contract With America
Goals of the Contract With America
20Transparency Republicans Take Over Congress
Republicans Take Over Congress
21Chart The Impeachment Process
The Impeachment Process
22Progress Monitoring Transparency Section 2
Progress Monitoring Transparency
23Global Politics and EconomicsSection 3
- What role did the U.S. take on in global
politics and economics following the Cold War? - Vocabulary
- -NAFTA ethnic cleansing
- -GATT al Qaeda
24Sec 3 Global Politics and Economics
Global Politics and Economics
Competing in the Global Economy  Main Idea As
global economy increased, free trade became a
highly debated issue and the United States got
involved with several trade blocs. Americans on
the Global Stage Main Idea During Clintons
administration, he used military intervention in
regional conflicts around the world, including
Somalia, Haiti, and Eastern Europe. America and
the Middle East Main Idea Clinton tried to help
the Israelis and Palestinians come to a peace
agreement, but conflict continued to exist in
these countries and with terrorist groups in
other parts of the Middle East.
25Note Taking Reading Skill Identify Main Ideas
Reading Skill Identify Main Ideas
26Analyze Political Cartoons NAFTA
Political Cartoons NAFTA
27Infographic The World Bank
The World Bank
28Transparency Ethnicity in Yugoslavia
Ethnicity in Yugoslavia
29Progress Monitoring Transparency Section 3
Progress Monitoring Transparency
30U.S. in a New World
- Russia and Eastern Europe
- South Africa apartheid
- Middle East
- Haiti
- Northern Ireland
- Balkan Nations
- Somalia
- Rwanda and Zaire
- India, Pakistan, and China
31Russia and Eastern Europe
- Gorbachev leader in 1991 put under house
arrest in August 1991 - Yeltsin supported by thousands in Parliament
building - Yeltsin becomes leader after the Soviet Union
fell apart - Chechnya war between Russia and break-away
province - Putin is leader today as Russia moves away from
- Lech Walesa labor leader of Solidarity
- Bold economic reforms, causing inflation,
unemployment - Joined NATO along with Hungary and the Czech
33South Africa
- Policy of apartheid
- Nelson Mandela released from prison in 1994
- Elected president no bloodshed
34Middle East
- Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Yasser
Arafat (Fatah) - Israel Yitzhak Rabin
- Palestinian self-rule in Gaza Strip, Jericho
PLO recognized Israels right to exist - Road map to peace
- Hamas
- 1991 military overthrew Jean-Bertrand Aristide
- U.S. forced military to give up control
- Aristide again elected
- Overthrown again
36North Ireland
- Protestants versus Catholics
- 1998 Good Friday Accords British reforms for
the British province - Catholics want unification with Ireland
37Balkan Nations
- Yugoslavia under Tito
- Serbia Slobodan Milosevic tried for crimes
against humanity, died recently - Slovenia, Croatia wanted independence
- Bosnia-Herzegovina ethnic cleansing
- 300,000 killed
- 1995 bombing brought peace peacekeeping troops
still there
- Famine, civil war
- 1992, George Bush sent troops to assist UN effort
- People attacked Black Hawk helicopter and U.S.
soldiers - Clinton recalled troops
39Rwanda and Zaire
- President of Rwanda killed in plane crash
- Hutus blamed Tutsis
- 800,000 Tutsis slain
- Hutus fled to Zaire
- President of Zaire forced to resign
- Zaire is now Democratic Republic of Congo
40India and Pakistan
- India became a nuclear power in 1998
- Pakistan followed soon
- Border dispute over Kashmir (water)
- U.S. relations with Pakistan are better than in
the past
- Nuclear power
- Economic growth is around 8 a year
- Issues over Taiwan
- Hu came two weeks ago
- China buying oil all over world
42Trade and the Global Economy
- European Union 1993, Euro currency
- NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
reduce tariffs - World Trade Organization (WTO) ensure
compliance with GATT, negotiate new trade
agreements, and resolve trade disputes
43The George W. Bush PresidencySection 4
- What was the impact of Bushs domestic agenda
and his response to the terrorist attack against
the U.S.? - Vocabulary
- -George W. Bush Taliban
- -Bush v. Gore Patriot Act
- -Afghanistan WMD
- -No Child Left Behind Act
- -Department of Homeland Security
44Sec 4 The George W. Bush Presidency
The George W. Bush Presidency
An Election Controversy Main Idea The 2000
presidential election between Al Gore and George
W. Bush resulted in such a close vote that a
recount was needed and the Supreme Court had to
intervene. Bush Launches an Ambitious
Agenda Main Idea Bushs priorities were tax
cuts to stimulate the economy, as well as
addressing education and the needs of senior
citizens. The United States Is Attacked Main
Idea On September 11, 2001, a foreign enemy
attacked the United States for the first time
since Pearl Harbor when terrorists crashed planes
into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Americas War on Terrorism Main Idea American
officials determined that Osama Bin Laden was
responsible for the attacks and quickly sent
American forces to the region, made attempts to
improve domestic security, and expanded the war
on terror to Iraq. Continued...
45George W. Bush
- Elected 2000
- Democrat Al Gore challenged the election
- 9/11
- Iraq War
- Election of 2004 defeated John Kerry
- Hurricane Katrina
- Election of 2008
46Note Taking Reading Skill Recognize Sequence
Reading Skill Recognize Sequence
47Transparency Political Cartoons The Election of
Political Cartoons The Election of 2000
48Comparing Viewpoints Should President Bushs Tax
Cuts Be Passed?
Should President Bushs Tax Cuts Be Passed?
49War on Terror
- Invasion of Afghanistan Taliban government had
allowed al Qaida to train NATO troops are
helping - Patriot Act gave law enforcement broader powers
regarding aliens - Department of Homeland Security coordinate
domestic security matters - Iraqi Freedom Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
Saddam Hussein overthrown
50Quick Study Major World Terrorist Attacks Since
Major World Terrorist Attacks Since 2000
51Progress Monitoring Transparency Section 4
Progress Monitoring Transparency
52Americans Look to the FutureSection 5
- How was American society changing at the
beginning of the twenty-first century? - Vocabulary
- -Immigration Act of 1990 affirmative action
- -bilingual education privatize
- -Immigration and Control Act of 1986
- -Violence Against Women Act
53Sec 5 Americans Look to the Future
Americans Look to the Future
Immigrants Shape a Nation Main Idea Relaxation
of immigration quota laws led to a sharp increase
in Latino and Asian immigrants, causing a great
deal of debate about how they should be
treated. Changing American Demographics Main
Idea By the year 2000, there had been many
changes to the makeup of what is considered a
traditional family, how many rights minorities
had, and how long people were expected to live.
54Note Taking Reading Skill Identify Supporting
Reading Skill Identify Supporting Details
55Chart Sources of Immigration 2000
Sources of Immigration, 2000
56Chart Annual Earnings by Race and Ethnicity
Annual Earnings by Race and Ethnicity
57Progress Monitoring Transparency Section 5
Progress Monitoring Transparency