Title: Giuseppe Malinverno
- Giuseppe Malinverno
- Presidente Comitato Sicurezza Prodotti -
IT FORUM LInnovazione dellInformation
Technology al servizio di Sicurezza, Salute e
Ambiente per una Chimica sempre più
responsabile Bollate, 23 novembre 2006
2Co-decision process timing
Council political agreement DEC 2005
COM proposal 29 October 2003
Council Common Position to be adopted in the
ENVI Committee on 27/06/06
EP first reading NOV 2005
Transmission of common position
4/09/06-September part-session
EP second reading ENVI Committee (10.10.)
Plenary (11-14.12) (absolute majority)
(3 1 months it means within December 2006)
We are here
Commissions opinion on EPs amendments
Draft amendments to Council common position
Second reading Council
3 1 months
Council does not approve the amendments to the
common position
6 2 weeks
REACH comes into force April or July 2007
3EP Environment Committee
- The Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
Committee has 63 members, its chairmen is
Karl-Heinz Florenz (EPP) . The committee voted on
the rapporteurs (Sacconi/PES) report. The
Sacconi-report contains mostly industry
critical amendments. - Political composition of the committee
- European People's Party (EPP) 22
- Party of European Socialists (PES) 16
- Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
(ALDE) 8 - Greens/Free European Alliance (Greens) 5
- European United Left / Nordic Green Left
4 - Independence / Democracy Group 4
- Union for Europe of Nations Group 3
- Non-attached 1
Result of the vote on October 10th 42 votes in
favour, 12 against, 6 abstentions
4Environment committee Analysis of the Vote
- EPs 1st reading position on Authorisation,
Substitution and Duty of care reinstalled - European Peoples Party was split
- UK-Tories pro Sacconi, EPP-SWE voted green
- Liberals voted mostly Green
- Hardly any abstentions
5ENVI-vote in Detail (I)
- Duty of Care (principle)
- Origin in Anglo-Saxon legal system, introduces
new (extra) obligations for industry interfering
with national liability systems and lead to legal
uncertainties - Agency
- Many technical decisions are replaced by
political ones. Art. 272 gives power of veto to
the European Parliament concerning commission
decisions on authorisation. No right to appeal
against agency decisions regarding confidential
business information - Registration
- Chemical Safety Assessment and Report starting
from 1 t (before 10 t) - Polymers
- Earlier revision after 6 years (instead of 10
before) - Scope
- Nanoparticles now fall under REACH and are
considered substances of very high concern.
but tight vote (29/28)
6ENVI-Vote in Detail (II)
- Authorisation Procedure (41 /17) concerns ?
1.500 substances high-risk substances -
- The Authorisation will be granted under
strict conditions only, namely if - 1. Suitable alternatives or technologies do not
exist measures to minimise exposure - AND
- 2. It is demonstrated that the social and
economical advantages outweigh the risks to human
health or the environment - AND
- 3. The risk to human health/environment are
adequately controlled as documented in the
applicants chemical safety report. - The Authorisation will only be valid for a period
of max 5 years (35/23) - Substitution (38/19)
- Mandatory substitution, even when no
alternative exists. - Substitution plan is always requested
when applying for an authorisation - Precautionary principle mentioned in
the general provisions of REACH and in the
provisions on authorisation
7Authorisation Council vs. Parliament
8Major players reactions to the vote
- Finnish presidency (before and after the vote)
- Environment Minister Enestam governments
should seek some adjustments to REACHs
authorizations and compromise with MEPs
substitution views. - CEFIC The stricter criteria for granting
authorisation and mandatory substitution, even
when there is no alternative, will lead to the
banning of certain substances even though there
are clear socio-economic benefits and no
alternative is available. This situation could
encourage a lot of producers to move out of
Europe. - UNICE The outcome in the Parliaments
Environment Committee is disappointing as it does
not take into account the Councils proposals
towards a workable and smart approach based on
the concept of adequate control of risk. The
European Parliament, Council and Commission must
continue their efforts to achieve a
cost-effective and workable REACH before the
plenary. - ETUC (EU Trade Unions Confederation) wants
Council to follow the MEPs' lead on the
substitution principle in the second reading
negotiations on REACH.
9REACH timing
SVHC Substances of very high concern SIA
Substances in articles EIF Entry into force
Notification of SVHC in SIA If gt1t/year and the
substance is present in those articles above a
concentration of 0,1 weight by weight (w/w)
Agency start up
1-100 tonnes
?1000tonnes ?CMRs 1tonne ?PBTs/vPvBs
(R50-53) 100tonnes
100-1000 tonnes
Non-phase-in substances
6 months
11 years (April 2018?)
3 years
6 years
EIF (April 2007?) 12 months
18 months
Source DG-JRC Mr. Jack de Bruijn
10News from COREPER
- On 15th November, during the meeting of the
COREPER, the Presidency invited and pushed the
delegation to do the maximum efforts to reach the
compromise. - Many delegations agreed (Italy included) but
Germany, Malta, Hungary, Poland and Czech
Republic stayed firmly on the Common Position.
11News from COREPER
- There are currently 2 proposals floating
- The UK proposal only regards authorisation for
non-threshold substances under article 59.4 (not
59.2). This means the UK is not proposing any
mandatory substitution plan for substances
authorised on the basis of adequate control, but
rather for those on basis of socio-economic need.
This plan would only be required - a) if a safer alternative has been identified
- b) if it is technically and economically
feasible - c) only at time of any review to the original
authorisation. - There is strong support in Council to
maintain the common position for - authorisation on basis of adequate
- The Finnish Proposal would mean substitution
plans would have to be submitted as part of the
application for authorisation where the
assessment of alternatives has identified that a
safer alternative (which is technically and
economically feasible) for the use of that
substance exists.
12News from COREPER
- The following member states argued in favour of
the UK proposal over the Finnish one UK, DE,
POL, ES, IRE, PORT, MT, CZ (i.e. a blocking
minority). - DK, SWE and FR were more supportive of the
Finnish Presidency. - Despite the opposition, the Finns insisted on
presenting their proposal to Sacconi in the next
Trialogue. Several member states are angry that
the Finns are trying to go beyond their official
mandate. It is expected that Sacconi will not
accept the UK proposal as he will be aware of the
Finnish desire.
13Trilogue meetings
- Trilogue meeting of 20th November the
compromise on authorization should/shall be
reached ?? - On 22th November the different COREPER will get
the possible agreement. Within few hours they
must give their opinion (!!!??) on the whole
package (which probably include besides the
authorization, duty of care, confidentiality of
data etc.) - On 24th November the COREPER will decide
- The next Trilogue is scheduled for 27th November
- The vote is still foreseen for the 13th of
December in plenary -
- REACH is a comprehensive piece of legislation
covering a wide range of aspects of chemical
management - Guidance and support tools are essential to help
stakeholders understand their tasks and fulfil
their obligations - Successful implementation needs proper and timely
Source DG-JRC Mr. Jack de Bruijn
15Preparations for REACH Commission interim
- REACH Implementation Projects (RIPs)
- RIP 1 Process descriptions
- RIP 2 Development of IT systems (IUCLID database
and REACH-IT) - RIP 3 Guidance Documents for industry
- RIP 4 Guidance Documents for authorities
- RIP 5/6 Setting up the (pre)-Agency
- AIM In close collaboration with all stakeholders
develop guidance to help fulfil the obligations
under REACH
Source DG-JRC Mr. Jack de Bruijn
3.1 Preparing the registration dossier
3.2 Preparing the CSR
3.10 Guidance on checking substance ID
RIP-3 Guidance for Industry
3.4 Guidance on data-sharing
3.3 Information requirements
3.7 Guidance on applications for authorisation
3.5 Guidance for downstream users
3.9 Guidance on SEA
3.8 Requirements for articles
3.6 Guidance on CL under GHS
Source DG-JRC Mr. Jack de Bruijn
4.3 Inclusion of Substances in Annex XIII
4.1 Guidance on dossier evaluation
4.2 Guidance on substance evaluation
RIP-4 Guidance for Authorities
4.4 Preparation of Annex XIV dossiers
4.5 Priority setting for evaluation
Source DG-JRC Mr. Jack de Bruijn
18Timelines for RIP 3 projects
Source DG-JRC Mr. Jack de Bruijn
19General management of the RIPs
- Overall process coordinated by the European
Chemicals Bureau (ECB) of the JRC - Most projects are tendered out via open call for
tendersA number of projects have started with
scoping studies - Working papers and draft final reports are being
discussed in Stakeholder Expert Group (SEG)
meetings - Industry, Member States, NGOs and the Commission
take part in the SEG meetings and provide input
and written comments - Final reports are being discussed and commented
by the Technical Committees following todays
chemicals legislation -
- Under REACH, the Agency will be responsible for
the guidance !
20Stakeholder Expert Group participation
- Nomination of experts via Commission Working
Group on REACH (Members Observers) - More than 200 experts follow the process!
- 19 MS or accession countries
- Many Industry organisations
Reach Alliance, EuPC, BLIC, EDANA, Eurocommerce,
- ETUC, FoE, WWF, ECEAE, BUAV, EEB, Greenpeace
- Others
- OECD, US-EPA, Health Canada, Japan Business
Council in Europe
21(No Transcript)
- Absolute majority (367 MEPs) required for the
Vote in Plenary in Dec. 2006, Absenteeism
determinant - Uncertainty How will the Finnish Presidency and
the Member States react, now that the Parliament
has a strong political mandate - European Advocacy Strategy needed for Parliament
and - Council
23Thanks for your attention