Title: Sylviane Wybo
1The European AIS Database
A EUROCONTROL Programme Service
- Presented by
- Sylviane Wybo
- EAD Programme Manager
- and
- Elmar Blatt
- EAD Safety Manager
2Current Situation
Data Provider
Data Provider
Data Users
Data Provider
Data Provider
PIB, Fight Manuals, Charts, etc.
3Operational Concept with EAD
Data Provider
Data Provider
Data Users
Data Provider
Data Provider
PIB, Fight Manuals, Charts, etc.
4- The EUROCONTROL Member States entrusted the
EUROCONTROL Organisation with the development,
establishment and operation of an EAD following
the principles laid down in the Service Charter. - System Implementation Contract signed on 7 July
1999 with Frequentis Network Systems - Service Provision Contract signed on 10 July
2001 with GroupEAD Europe S.L.
5Operational Concept
- States remain responsible for providing the AIS
and the information published. - AIS of migrated States (ECAC area) are
responsible for inserting, maintaining and
correcting their national data - Although externalised, the EAD is a service
provided and owned by EUROCONTROL on behalf of
its Member States. - The authority for the provision of a State AIS
shall not be delegated by a State to the EAD,
except for the distribution of the AIP elements
published by that State AIS.
6EAD Data Coverage
- International NOTAM Operation (INO)
- World-wide Original Processed messages
- Static Data Operation (SDO)
- Static data used for NOTAM Validation, and PIB
Generation - World-wide
- Complete Static Data contained in the
Aeronautical Information Publications - ECAC area
- AIP, Amdt and Supplements, AIC and Charts
- ECAC area
7European AIS Database will be Operational 6
June 2003
8EAD SafetySecurity Approach Failures of an EAD
function can be caused by internal threats (e.g.
human errors occurring during development,
operation or maintenance or random faults such
as hardware problems) these failures are
normally assessed in a Safety Concept .
Failures can also be caused by external threats
(e.g. power failure or hacker intrusion) these
failures are normally assessed in a Security
Concept. In all cases, we have the
chain Failure ? Hazard ? Harm
9Safety Security
10(No Transcript)
11The basic rationale to define the necessary
protection for the EAD was ICAO Annex 11, which
defines The objectives of an air traffic
service shall be to a.       prevent collisions
between aircraft b. prevent collisions
between aircraft on the manoeuvring
area and obstructions an that
area c.       expedite and maintain an orderly
flow of air traffic d.       provide
advice and information useful for the safe
and efficient conduct of flights e.       notify
appropriate organisations regarding
aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and
assist such organisations as required.
12Steps of the EAD S/S Concept
- Planning of S/S
- Establishment of the S/S Management Body.
- Development of a S/S Policy.
- Determining the S/S Level and Development of a
S/S Concept. - Implementation of S/S
- Implementation of the measures selected in the
S/S Concept. - Training
- Maintenance of S/S
- S/S during operations and maintenance.
13The parts of the EAD Safety and IT Security
Concept are
- A) Functional Hazard Assessment, FHA
- How safe and secure does the EAD need to be to
achieve tolerable risks? - B) Preliminary System Safety/Security Assessment,
PSSSA (analysis of the design) - Is the proposed EAD architecture able to achieve
the defined levels of safety and IT security? - C) System Safety/Security Assessment, SSSA
(analysis of the implementation) - Has the EAD as implemented achieved the defined
levels of safety and IT security? - D) Prepare the Safety/Security Case
- Provide assurance that the EAD has actually
achieved and will maintain the required level of
safety and IT security.
14Information to EAD Programme Steering Group
- Meeting of 2 July 2002, issue of ESARRx
applicability was discussed - Information paper provided to PSG
- explaining the followed process
- list of deliverables available
- All existing Safety Deliverables are available on
15 Conclusion The EAD System is safe and secure to
be put into operations. As documented in the
EAD Safety Case, all applicable requirements of
the EAD Safety and IT Security Policy have been
met. All required Safety deliverables are
available Safety Case is being finalised and
will be available after final EATMP review