Title: Implementation of the National Environmental Health Programme in Mongolia
1Implementation of the National Environmental
Health Programme in Mongolia
Ministerial Regional Forum on Environment and
Health, 8-9 August 2007, Bangkok, Thailand
- Dr. N.Saijaa, D.Sc., Director of Environmental
Health Research Center, Public Health Institute - Mr. G.Enkhee, Director, International Cooperation
Department, Ministry of Nature and Environment - Dr.Sh.Enkhtsetseg, PhD, Programme Officer, WHO/MOG
Location Between Russia
and China Capital City Ulaanbaatar Language
3Development of NEHP
- State Public Health Policy.
- Health and Environment High level Joint
meetings - held in Manila, 2004, 2005
- Technical working group to develop NEHP was
established in 2005. - The First National Forum on Health and
Environment jointly organized by MOH and MNE in
August 2005. - Draft NEHP was discussed at the Health Ministers
Counsil meetings in 2005 - The National Environmental Health Programme
endorsed by the Government Resolution 245 in
December 2005.
4- Objectives
- Advance the system of control, surveillance, and
improve the legal environment with regard to
environmental health - Enhance effectiveness of activities to analyze,
evaluate, and control negative effects from
environment to human health - Take sequential measures to ensure ecological
balance by reducing environmental pollution and
to reduce illnesses caused by environmental
negative factors - Improve health education by promoting appropriate
awareness, attitude and behavior on environmental
health among population.
5Duration and stages of implementation of NEHP
- The NEHP is planned to be implemented to 2015.
- Stages
- First stage 2006-2010
- Second stage 2010-2015
6Management of the Programme
- Ensure an overall coordination of NEHP
implementation - - Take necessary action to reflect resources in
government budget of every year and focus donors
aids for implementation of the NP
National level National Public Health Counsil,
chaired by the Prime Minister
Multisectoral working group for NEHP
-Develop subprogramme on EH and manage its
implementation - Report programme
implementation to the National Public Health
Local level Provincial Public Health Council led
by a Province or Capital City Governor
7Financial sources
- Government and local budgets
- Aids of donor countries, UN and international
organizations - Local and foreign investments, loans
- Aids and donations gathered by the initiatives of
governmental and nongovernmental organizations,
companies and citizens - Other sources
8Achievements in implementation of NEHP
- Water, sanitation and waste management
- Water Supply Master Plan for Ulaanbaatar city,
2006 - Waste Management Master plan project, Ulaanbaatar
City Government and JICA. - Revision of the national drinking water quality
standard based on WHO DWQG III, 2005, MOH. - Drinking water quality and water-borne disease
survey, MOH, WHO, 2005.
9Achievements in implementation of NEHP
- Water, sanitation and waste management
- Led by the Ministry of Construction and Urban
Development - National programme on Improvement of Sanitation
Facilities, Government decree 246 Oct 2006, - Second project on Integrated development of basic
urban services in provincial towns of Mongolia,
10Achievements in implementation of NEHP
- Water and Sanitation
- New technology installed in 8 soums of Gobi
desert region to reduce mineralization of water. - Rural hospital Water, Sanination and Hygiene
project (MOH, WHO, USAID, AGFUND) - Piloting in 2 soums and expansion to other rural
health facilities.
11Achievements in implementation of NEHP
- Air pollution
- - Parliament resolution of 2007 to decrease air
pollution - Development of the Master plan for reducing air
pollution of Ulaanbaatar city is completed and
will be submitted to the Parliament of Mongolia
for approval. - The law on Payment for polluting the air is under
development. - National Standard on Air quality is being updated
based on WHO air quality guidelines.
12Achievements in implementation of NEHP
Air pollution
- Survey on Environmental lead pollution and its
health impact, 2006, MOH WHO - Risk reduction interventions for indoor air
quality project, MOH WHO - Inventory of sources of air pollution in the
Capital city, MNE.
- HSMP (2006-2015) was approved by a Government
Resolution 72 in 2005. - The HSMP Implementation Framework was endorsed in
February 2007 by the resolution 43 of Health
Minister. - Implementation of NEHP is essential part.
- Improvement of medical waste management and
disposal of expired drugs considered as an issue
for high priority for resource allocation and
international support. -
14Achievements in implementation of NEHP
- National workshop on Strengthening of
implementation NEHP, December 2006, MOH and MNE - Mayors of provincial cities
- Expansion of healthy cities and healthy settings
initiatives - NEHP implementation report was discussed at the
Government Cabinet meeting in May 2007. - Recommended allocation of funds for NEHP from the
annual state budget.
- Create a sustainable funding mechanism for
implementation of NEHP, increase government
funding - Capacity building for health impact assessment of
environmental hazards -
- Strengthen chemical safety management and
poisoning surveillance - Adaptation to the global climate change.
- Monitoring evaluation, effective intersectoral
collaboration and coordination.