Kein Folientitel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Kein Folientitel


... 1192) Financed by EU - Tacis Client: National Association of Credit Unions ... Co-operation between: IDI International Development Ireland (IRL ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Kein Folientitel

Von-Groote-Str. 28 50968 Köln Germany
  • 1975 saw the foundation of ICON-INSTITUT
    Gesellschaft für angewandte Sozialforschung,
    Beratung, Planung und Entwicklung mbH. The
    company's aim was to provide consulting services
    in development aid projects.
  • GET German Education and Training GmbH was the
    first subsidiary with a specialised profile, and
    has worked in the field of education since 1987.
  • In 1996 the establishment of ICON-INSTITUT
    Gesellschaft für Berufliche Bildung und Training
    mbH followed in Aachen.
  • Two years later ARCOTRASS, a company from
    Frankfurt focusing on rural and regional
    development, joined the ICON group.
  • In early 2001, two departments of the former
    ICON-INSTITUT GmbH became autonomous
  • The remaining part of the organisation now
    concentrates on Private Sector Development.
  • With these steps the long process of the
    original company's development has been
    completed. The result is six competent
    specialised institutes which together call
    themselves the ICON-INSTITUTE group.

  • Development of SMEs and Micro Enterprises
  • Trade and Export Promotion
  • Investment Promotion
  • Restructuring and Privatisation
  • Development of Financial Systems and Services
  • Development and implementation of tailor-made
    education and further education programmes
  • Training of management staff
  • Consulting on company human resources
  • Modification of vocational profiles
  • Development of curricula and guidelines for
    vocational education and training
  • Development and supply of tailored training
    material and media for the vocational education
  • Advice on introduction of co-operative
    vocational education structures
  • Education system advice (primary, secondary and
    higher education)
  • Promotion of vocational education structures and
    set-up of training institutions
  • Economic and employment promotion

  • Communication, Information and Culture
  • Environment
  • Good Governance
  • Labour market
  • Law and Standard
  • Social Policy
  • Statistics
  • Regional Development
  • Social Services
  • Water and Sanitation

  • IT Systems Development
  • Development of databases

Staff of the
in 2005 in headquarters 55 in
projects 121 Economics, Civil Engineering,
Sociology, Psychology, Political Sciences,
Pedagogics, Economics, Philology, Commercial
Training, Engineering, Sociology, Informatics,
Media, Banking, Economics, etc. Total
176 (incl. 9 persons in
Projects by Sector actually contracted
Our core competence is in the development of
organisations and human resources combined with
technical expertise - related to specific sectors
of the economy and of society. The following
chart provides information on our targeted
Turnover of the
9,634,080 Euro 2002

10,533,670 Euro 2003

13,444,810 Euro 2004
Euro 2005 23,430,960 Euro 2006 26,383,100
Euro Provisional figures Estimated
figures (consolidated figures)
Projects by Clientsactually contracted
Projects by Regionactually contracted
32,9 Mio Euro57,7
2,6 Mio Euro4,5
9,1 Mio Euro16,2
6,08 Mio Euro10,6
Latin America
2,98 Mio Euro5,2
3,3 Mio Euro5,8
Working Fields per Sector
Private Sector Development - Development of
SMEs and Micro Enterprises- Trade and Export
Promotion- Investment Promotion-
Restructuring and Privatisation- Development of
Financial Systems and Services
Education/ Training/ HRD - Education system
advice (primary, secondary and higher
education)- Promotion of vocational education
structures and set-up of training
institutions- Economy and employment
Rural/ Regional Development - Rural, Urban and
Communal Development- Health and Nutrition-
Assistance to People and Regions in Emergency
  • Public Sector Development
  • Communication, Information and Culture-
    Environment- Good Governance- Labour Market-
    Law and Standard- Social Policy- Statistics

Private Sector Developmentactually contracted
Page 1
Yemen Access to Micro-finance, TA (Code
1333)Financed by BMZ ? Client GTZPeriod
2004 - 2007 ? Duration 33 months Afghanistan
Privatisation in Afghanistan, TA (Code
1195)Financed by BMZ ? Client GTZ ?
Beneficiary Public and private
institutionsPeriod 2004 - 2005 ? Duration 18
months Tanzania Consultancy Activities on Trade
and Regional Policy in Tanzania, TA (Code
1449)Financed by EU - EDF ? Client EC
Delegation ? Beneficiary National Authorising
Office of the EDFPeriod 2004 - 2005 ? Duration
7 months Ukraine Support to SMEs in the Rural
Sector, TA (Code 1192)Financed by EU - Tacis ?
Client National Association of Credit Unions
(NACUU) ? Beneficiary Ministry of Agricultural
Policy ? Co-operation between ICON-INSTITUT
GmbH Private Sector (D)/ IDI International
Development Ireland (IRL)/ INTERPROJECTS (D)/
Scanagri (SE) Period 2003 - 2005 ? Duration 24
Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda Support of Regional
Business Associations in East Africa, TA (Code
1101)Financed by BMZ ? Client GTZ ?
Beneficiary East African Community
(EAC)-Secretariat and East African Business
Council (EACB)Period 2003 - 2006 ? Duration 36
Private Sector Developmentactually contracted
Page 2
Kyrgyzstan Support to the Non-Banking Financial
Sector, TA (Code 1237)Financed by EU Tacis ?
Beneficiary Ministry of Finance, Department of
Non-Bank Financial Sector Development
(DNBFSD)Period 2003 - 2005 ? Duration 18
months Serbia Support to SME Credit Facilities
(II), TA (Code 1591)Financed by EU CARDS ?
Client EAR ? Beneficiary National Bank of
Serbia (NBA) Period 2004 - 2006 ? Duration 18
months Thailand Financial Services to SMEs, TA
(Code 1403)Financed by BMZ ? Client GTZ ?
Beneficiary Ministry of Finance Period 2004 -
2006 ? Duration 24 months Serbia Assistance to
the Privatisation Agency of Serbia in
Strengthening its Corporate Restructuring Centre,
TA (Code 1062)Financed by European Union -
CARDS ? Beneficiary Privatisation Agency of the
Republic of Serbia ? Co-operation between
(D)Period 2004 - 2005 ? Duration 12 months
Private Sector Developmentactually contracted
Page 3
Mongolia Promotion of Small and Medium
Enterprises, TA (Code 1782)Financed by BMZ ?
Client GTZPeriod 2004 - 2005 ? Duration 24
months Tunisia Information System Development
for the CGA-FTUSA Data Base, TA (Code
1758)Financed by EU MEDA ? Beneficiary
Tunisian Insurance Federation (FTUSA) and the
Tunisian General Committee of Insurances (CGA) ?
Co-operation between IDI International
Development Ireland (IRL)/ ICON-INSTITUT GmbH
Private Sector (D) Period 2004 - 2005 ?
Duration 3 months Lebanon Support to
Competition Reform, TA (Code 1403)Financed by
European Union MEDA ? Beneficiary Ministry of
Economy and Trade ? Co-operation between IDI
International Development Ireland (IRL)/
ICON-INSTITUT GmbH Private Sector (D)/ ProDev
(LB) Period 2004 - 2005 ? Duration 12 months
Regional Developmentactually contracted
Page 1
Mexico Integrated and sustainable Social
Development (Desarrollo Social integrado y
sostenible), TA (Code 1391)Financed by EU - ALA
? Client EU Delegation ? Beneficiary
Secretaría de Desarrollo Social del Gobierno del
Estado de Chiapas (SDS) ? Co-operation between
EPTISA (E)/ARCOTRASS (D) Period 2004 - 2009 ?
Duration 44 months
Albania Social Investment Fund II and
III,Training and Qualification Measures, TA
(Code 1148)Financed by BMZ ? Client KfW ?
Beneficiary Albanian Development Fund ?
Co-operation between ARCOTRASS GmbH (D)/AFC (D)
Period 2003 - 2006 ? Duration 26 months
Afghanistan Emergency Infrastructure
Reconstruction Project (EIRP) Sanitation
Improvement in Kabul City, TA (Code
1270)Financed by World Bank ? Client
Municipality of Kabul ? Beneficiary Kabul
Municipality Sanitation Department ?
Co-operation between H.P. GAUFF Ingenieure GmbH
Co. KG JBG(D)/ICON-INSTITUT Public Sector GmbH
(D)/ ibu Ingenieurgesellschaft für Bauwesen und
Umwelttechnik (D) Period 2004 - 2005 ?
Duration 12 months
Turkey Maternal Mortality Study from the
Reproductive Health Programme, TA (Code 11516/
1675)Financed by European Union - MEDA ?
Beneficiary Ministry of Health ? Co-operation
Public Sector GmbH (D)/ Hacettepe University
(TR)/ BNB-Consulting (TR) Period 2004 2006 ?
Duration 24 months
Regional Developmentactually contracted
Page 2
China Programme Environment Compatible City
Planning Communal Environmental Management
Component Selected Core Themes of Environment
Compatible City Development, TA (Code
1153)Financed by BMZ ? Client GTZ ?
Beneficiary Government of the province of
Jiangsu ? Co-operation between Dorsch Consult
Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH (D)/ ICON-INSTITUT
Public Sector GmbH (D)/ Öko-Institut e.V. (D)
Period 2003 - 2006 ? Duration 37,5
months Kosovo Urban Water Supply
Rehabilitation Programme, TA (Code
1577)Financed by BMZ ? Client GTZ ?
Beneficiary Regional Water Companies Prizren and
Peja ? Co-operation between KICO (D)/ ARCOTRASS
GmbH (D) Period 2004 - 2008 ? Duration 39
Regional Developmentactually contracted
Page 3
Guatemala Productive Reintegration of Repatriate
Communities, TA (Code 8228)Financed by EU ?
Co-operation between EPTISA (E)/ ARCOTRASS GmbH
(D)Period 2001 - 2007 ? Duration 48
months Ecuador Integrated Health Project in
the Province of Esmeraldas (Proyecto Intergal de
Salud en la Provincia de Esmeraldas), TA (Code
8015)Financed by EU - ALA ? Beneficiary
Ministry of Health ? Co-operation between
ARCOTRASS GmbH (D)/ LATH - Liverpool Associates
of Tropical Health (UK)Period 2002 - 2007 ?
Duration 60 months Nicaragua Integrated
Project Managua Periferia, TA (Code
8255)Financed by EU ? Beneficiary ENACAL, INAA
? Co-operation between EPTISA
(E)/ARCOTRASSPeriod 2002 - 2006 ? Duration 48
Education/ Training/ HRDactually contracted
Page 1
Europe Human Resources Initiative EQUAL, second
call 2004 2008, Evaluation (Code
1780)Financed by EU ? Client BMWA ?
Co-operation between ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH Co.
KG Consulting Gruppe (D)/ Compass (D)/
Progress-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH
(D)Period 200 - 2008 ? Duration 49
months Uganda Promotion of Private Training
Providers Phase II, TA (Code 1100/
5092)Financed by BMZ ? Client KfW ?
Beneficiary Ministry of Education and Sports
(MoES) ? Co-operation between GET GmbH (D)/
GAUFF Ingenieure (JGB) GmbH (D)Period 2003 -
2006 ? Duration 36 months
Germany Evaluation of the Human Resources
Initiative EQUAL, first call 2000 - 2006,
Evaluation (Code 4085)Financed by EU ? Client
BWA ? Co-operation between ICON-INSTITUT
(D)/Compass GmbH (D)/ PIW-Institut (D)Period
2003 - 2006 ? Duration 41 months Kuwait
Kuwait Fund External Training Programme, Training
(Code 5088)Financed by Kuwait Government ?
Beneficiary Kuwait Fund ? Co-operation between
SIMS (Kuwait)/GET (D)Period 2003 - 2005 ?
Duration 26 months
Education/ Training/ HRDactually contracted
Page 2
Brazil Modernisation of the National Service
Institute for Industrial Training (SENAI), TA
(Code 1073)Financed by BMZ ? Client GTZ ?
Beneficiary National Service Institute for
Industrial Training (SENAI) and respective
CENATECS ? Co-operation between ICON-INSTITUT
GmbH (D)/ GWZ Gesellschaft fuer internationale
wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit Baden-Wuerttemberg
(D)Period 2001 - 2005 ? Duration 46 months
Lebanon Financing Mechanism of the Education
Sector, Study (Code 1486)Financed by IBRD ?
Client Ministry of Education and Higher
Education ? Beneficiary Ministry of Education
and Higher Sports ? Co-operation between HCF
Helsinki Consulting Group (FIN) GET GmbH (D)/
TAGI (LB) Period 2003 - 2004 ? Duration 12
Education/ Training/ HRDactually contracted
Page 3
Yemen Strengthening of Priority Areas of
Vocational Training, TA (Code 5010)Financed by
EU - ALA ? Beneficiary Ministry of Technical
Education and Vocational Training ? Co-operation
between ICON-INSTITUT GmbH (D)/IFOA (I) Period
2000 - 2005 ? Duration 72 months
Honduras Assistance to Vocational Training
(PRAEMHO), TA (Code 1553)Financed by EU ?
Beneficiary Ministry of Education ?
Co-operation between GET GmbH (D)/ INYPSA
(E)Period 2004 - 2008 ? Duration 42 months
Malaysia Dual/ Co-operative Vocational
Education, TA (Code 1072)Financed by BMZ ?
Client GTZ ? Beneficiary Economic Planning
Unit (EPU), Prime Minister's OfficePeriod 2001
- 2005 ? Duration 47 months
Public Sector Developmentactually contracted
Page 1
FYROM Public Procurement Office, TA (Code
1529)Financed by EU - CARDS ? Client EAR ?
Beneficiary Ministry of Finance ? Co-operation
between ICON Public Sector/EIPA (LUX)/ CIEEL
(GR)/ SVASTA Consult (RO) Period 2004 - 2006 ?
Duration 19 months Turkey Upgrading the
Statistical System of Turkey (USST 1), TA (Code
1362)Financed by EU - MEDA ? Beneficiary State
Institute of Statistics ? Co-operation between
ICON-INSTITUT Public Sector GmbH (D)/
Statistisches Bundesamt (D)/ ASA Institut (D)/
Meteksan Sistem (TR)Period 2004 - 2006 ?
Duration 31 months
CEEC Management of Sectoral Pilot Projects for
the multi-beneficiary Phare statistics programme,
Lot 2 (Social Statistics), TA (Code
1138)Financed by EU Phare ? Beneficiary
Statistical Offices in 10 Phare Countries State
Institute of StatisticsPeriod 2004 - 2005 ?
Duration 16 months Croatia Reform of the
Judiciary Support to the Croatian Training
Centre for Judges, TA (Code 1254)Financed by EU
CARDS ? Client Delegation of the European
Commission to the Republic of Croatia ?
Beneficiary Training Centre for Judges, Ministry
of Justice ? Co-operation between ICON-INSTITUT
Public Sector GmbH (D)/ Asser Instituut
(NL)Period 2004 - 2005 ? Duration 21 months
Public Sector Developmentactually contracted
Page 2
Kosovo Support to the Statistical Office, TA
(Code 2568)Financed by EU - Phare ?
Beneficiary Statistical Office of KosovoPeriod
2003 - 2006 ? Duration 36 months Bosnia-Herzegov
ina Establishment of a Single Economic Space II,
TA (Code 2556)Financed by EU - CARDS ?
Beneficiary Ministry of Foreign Economic
Relations, Ministry of European Integration,
Institute for Standards, Metrology and
Intellectual PropertyPeriod 2003 - 2005 ?
Duration 12 months
Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Moldova Reform of
Official Statistics - Statistics 7, TA (Code
1131)Financed by EU - Tacis ? Beneficiary
Agency of Statistics Kazakhstan, National
Statistical Committee Kyrgyzstan, Department for
Statistics and Sociology Moldova ? Co-operation
between ICON-INSTITUT Public Sector GmbH (D)/
FSO (D)/ Statistics Finland (FIN)/ ASA Institut
GmbH (D)Period 2005 ? Duration 12
months Palestine Support to Municipal
Self-Government, TA (Code 1576)Financed by BMZ
? Client GTZ ? Beneficiary Municipalities of
Al-Bireh, Betunia, Ramallah, SalfeetPeriod 2004
- 2008 ? Duration 24 months
Public Sector Developmentactually contracted
Page 3
Lithuania Modernisation of the National
Statistical System, TA (Code 1718)Financed by
EU Phare ? Client Central Project Management
Agency ? Beneficiary Department of Statistics
of the Republic of Lithuania ? Co-operation
between ICON-INSTITUT Public Sector GmbH (D)/
ASA Institut (D) Period 2005 - 2006 ? Duration
11 months CEEC Management of Sectoral Pilot
Projects for the 2003 Phare Multi-Beneficiary
Statistics Programme Lot 6 (Local Territorial
Units), TA (Code 1687)Financed by EU - Phare ?
Client EUROSTAT ? Beneficiary Statistical
Offices in 10 Phare Countries ? Co-operation
between Umweltbundesamt (D)/ ICON-INSTITUT
Public Sector GmbH (D)Period 2004 - 2005 ?
Duration 12 months
Romania Management and Supervision of the ISPA
Contracts in Constanta, TA (Code 2416)Financed
by EU - Phare ? Client CFCU ? Beneficiary Regia
Autonoma Judeteana de Apa Constanta ?
Co-operation between Consulting Engineers
Salzgitter GmbH (D)/ ICON-INSTITUT Public Sector
GmbH (D)Period 2002 - 2006 ? Duration 54
months Western Balkan Countries Western Balkan
Countries Regional Program, TA (Code
1137)Financed by EU - Phare ? Beneficiary
Institutes for Statistics in Western Balkans ?
Co-operation between ICON-INSTITUT Public Sector
(GmbH)/ Artemis Information Management SA
(F)Period 2003 - 2005 ? Duration 18 months
Public Sector Developmentactually contracted
Page 4
CEEC Management of Sectoral Pilot Projects for
the 2003 Phare Multi-Beneficiary Statistics
Programme Lot 4 (Social Statistics), TA (Code
1687)Financed by EU - Phare ? Client EUROSTAT ?
Beneficiary Statistical Offices in 10 Phare
Countries ? Co-operation between Umweltbundesamt
(D) ICON-INSTITUT Public SectorPeriod 2004 -
2005 ? Duration 12 months CEEC Management of
Sectoral Pilot Projects for the Multi-Beneficiary
Statistics Programme Lot 1, TA (Code
1119)Financed by EU - Phare ? Client EUROSTAT ?
Beneficiary Statistical Offices in 10 Phare
Countries ? Co-operation between ICON-INSTITUT
Public Sector GmbH (D)/ Artemis Information
Management (F)Period 2004 - 2005 ? Duration 13
China EU-China Training Programme on Village
Governance, TA (Code 2242)Financed by EU - ALA
? Beneficiary MOFTEC and MOCAPeriod 2001 -
2006 ? Duration 60 months
Europe Establishment of Purchasing Power
Parities (PPP) and a respective Database, TA
(Code 1250)Financed by EU ? Client
EUROSTATPeriod 2004 - 2005 ? Duration 12 months
Public Sector Developmentactually contracted
Page 5
Malta Pilot Business Survey on Job Vacancies,
TA (Code 1467)Financed by EU ? Client Ministry
of Finance and Economic AffairsPeriod 2004 -
2005 ? Duration 12 months Cyprus Preparation,
Follow-Up and Evaluation of the Pilot Experiment
for the EU-SILC Project Statistics on Income and
Living Conditions, TA (Code 1500)Financed by EU
? Client Ministry of Finance and Economic
AffairsPeriod 2004 - 2005 ? Duration 11
months Cyprus Preparation of Cyprus in the
Phare Multi-Beneficiary Programme 2002 on
Statistical Co-operation, TA (Code
1502)Financed by EU - Phare ? Client
StatisticalService of CyprusPeriod 2004 - 2005
? Duration 17 months
Ukraine Support to the Election Process, TA
(Code 1502)Financed by EU Tacis ? Client
Delegation of the European Commission to Ukraine,
Moldova and Belarus ? Co-operation between BIRD
Bureau for Institutional Reform and Democracy
(D)/ ICON-INSTITUT Public Sector GmbH (D)
Period 2004 - 2005 ? Duration 8 months
GET German Education and Training GmbH
Fields of Work GET targets improvement of
education and training at all levels - Primary,
secondary and higher education - Technical and
vocational education and training - Non-formal
education - Further education and training
  • Core Competences
  • Management of large scale and complex programmes
  • Planning and management of Human Resources
    Development programmes
  • - Design and management of employment promotion
    and labour market programmes
  • - Knowledge management in the international
    education and training sector
  • - Project cycle management
  • - Quality management

GET GmbH - Consulting Services
  • - Sector studies
  • - Feasibility studies and project design
  • Project appraisals and evaluations
  • Employment and labour market analyses
  • Education and employment policy advice
  • Education and training needs assessments
  • Institution strengthening advice
  • Planning and implementation of market oriented
    and tailor-made training, education
  • and further education projects
  • Curriculum development and adaptation
  • Teacher training and Train-the-Trainer
  • Training programmes for executive and line
  • Support in know-how exchange and creation of
  • Planning and organisation of specialists
    conferences, workshops and study tours
  • - Quality management

  • - A network of competent partner institutions
    enables GET to obtain support from major actors
    and professional authorities in the European
    university and vocational education sector.
  • This network is based on the principle of
    complementarity of both the innovative technical
    know-how and the project management expertise
  • Core partners in the GET Occupational Education
    and Research Network are the Rheinisch-Westfälisch
    e Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen,
    Fachhochschule Aachen, the Aachen Chamber of
    Industry and Commerce as well as a number of
    industrial enterprises and companies operating in
    the IT and High-Tech sectors
  • - The service potential of GET GmbH has been
    enlarged by its sister company within the
  • Group, the ICON-INSTITUT Gesellschaft für
    Berufliche Bildung und Training mbH, which
  • focuses on the development of tailored training
    programmes in the fields of production, services
    and applied technologies.
  • - Besides providing services to the major
    international development organisations, ICON BBT
    also services private industry clients in Germany
    and overseas in the fields of mechanical,
    automotive, electrical/ electronics, plastics,
    construction and civil engineering.
  • - Further to this ICON BBT also covers IT and
    communication, teaching and learning media

Contact us
Von-Groote-Str. 28 50968 Köln Germany Tel.
49 221 / 93743-0 Fax 49 221 /
93743-5 Email http
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