ENT - WP4 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ent - wp4 annual meeting – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ENT - WP4


Welcome at Euresearch
Agenda 27th Jan.
13.00 Welcome Marion Tobler, WP Leader and Viroel Vulutrescu, Coordinator
13.10 ENT after one year Overview on activities of all WPs Viroel Vulutrescu
13.30 WP4 Task and deliverables for the first year Marion Tobler
13.40 WP relations Flurina Schaffer
13.50 Reports of the Task leaders The first year of activities - Goals achieved, deliverables - Missing parts, needs All Task Leaders
14.50 Burning Questions Discussion
15.10 Strategy WP4 for the next two years Marion Tobler
15.20 Coffee break
15.40 Work on incomplete /missing tasks
17.00 Practical information needs Outlook on WP 2011, Budget for ICPC partners, aob
18.00 End of working session
  • Tasks and deliverables for the first year

  • D4.1 Coordinating smooth transfer of knowledge
    between INT-ER-LINK and ENV-NCP-CSA, in
    particular at the end of INT-ER-LINK (month 18)
  • D4.2 5 Annual WP progress reports to the
    project coordinator (months 12, 24, 36, 48, 60)
  • D4.3 a database of international partners
    including organisations and potential partners
    made available in a secure way. Security will be
    assured by using a controlled distribution medium
    such as the NCP Forum (months 6). Further updates
    as required throughout the duration of the
    project (months 12, 24, 36, 48, 60)
  • D4.4 A questionnaire of ICPCs (month 5)
  • D4.5 A report with recommendations on ICPC FP7
    needs (month 10)
  • D4.6 Preparation and distribution of first
    draft ICPC customised information about FP7 to
    selected ICPC representatives (month 2, 14)
  • D4.7 4 FP7 ENV Training presentations to ICPC
    representatives meetings (months 12, 24, 36, 48)
  • D4.8 4 FP7 ENV Training events at the offices
    of ICPC representatives of high potential
    countries (months 12, 24, 36, 48)

Deliverables T 1
Coordinating smooth transfer of knowledge between INT-ER-LINK and ENV-NCP-CSA, in particular at the end of INT-ER-LINK 1  
5 Annual WP progress reports to the project coordinator 0  
Database of international partners including organisations and potential partners made available in a secure way. 3 6
A questionnaire of ICPCs 2 5
A report with recommendations on ICPC FP7 needs 2  
Preparation and distribution of first draft ICPC customised information about FP7 to selected ICPC representatives 1 3
4 FP7 ENV Training presentations to TC representatives meetings 4  
4 FP7 ENV Training events at the offices of TC representatives of high potential countries 4  
Task 4.0
Task 4.1
Task 4.3
Task 4.2
Task 4.2
Task 4.3
Task 4.4
Task 4.4
  • WP relations

Relations of Task 4.0 Management
  • ? Input
  • ? Output
  • ? Management

Relations of Task 4.1 International Cooperation
  • ? Input
  • ? Output
  • ? Management

Relations of Task 4.2 Third Country Needs
  • ? Input
  • ? Output
  • ? Management

Relations of Task 4.3 Awareness Dissemination
  • ? Input
  • ? Output
  • ? Management

Relations of Task 4.4 Exchange of Expertise
  • ? Input
  • ? Output
  • ? Management

Work Package Relations
  • Reports of the Task Leaders

Task 4.0 Managing the WP
  • Leader NCP ENV Switzerland (Marion Tobler and
  • Flurina Schaffer)
  • Internal to WP smooth running of tasks 4.1, 4.2,
    4.3 and 4.4
  • External to WP Coordination of work amongst all
    stakeholders (other WPs, NCPs, INT-ER-LINK,
    ICPCs, EC, etc) ensuring synergies with ENV NCPs
    and others (Advisory board South African, New
    Zealand and Australian NCPs, EU-INCO water
    research, etc )
  • A close relationship with the INT-ER-LINK to
    prevent duplication of effort and improve

Task 4.1 NCPs Networking sharing international
cooperation contacts
  • Leader NCP ENV Switzerland (Marion Tobler)
  • Previously contacts have been established by
    Julian Randall (APN and representatives from
    Australia, New Zealand, Korea),
  • Contact with INTER_LINK (consortium meeting in
  • Foster contacts
  • Input from the Mobility networks
  • Input from INCO NCPs networks
  • Elaborate contacts with international
  • IGBP International Geosphere-Biosphere Program
  • Diversitas (Climate Change)
  • IHDP International human dimension program for
    global environmental change
  • WCRP World Climate Research Program
  • Make information available in a secure way to all
    NCPs (e.g. NCP forum) meetings with key contacts
  • Annual reports to the WP leader

Asian Pacific Network for Climate Change
  • Australia
  • Bangladesh
  • Cambodia
  • China
  • Fiji
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Japan
  • Lao People's Democratic Republic
  • Malaysia
  • Mongolia
  • Nepal
  • New Zealand
  • Pakistan
  • Philippines
  • Republic of Korea
  • Russian Federation
  • Sri Lanka
  • Thailand

APN Activities
Events in bold are APN or APN co-sponsored/support
ed events.
2010 2010
8-10 JAN Final Synthesis Meeting for the Project "Managing Ecosystems Services in Asia A Critical Review of Experiences in Montane Upper Tributary Watersheds". Institute of Geography, Yunnan University, China. Contact abraimoh_at_glp.hokudai.ac.jp
14-16JAN APN Workshop on "Role of Experiments in Sustainability Transitions in Asia Towards a Conceptual frameworkfor Alternative Development Trajectory". Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. Contact Person Joyashree Roy joyashreeju_at_gmail.com
15JAN IGES Kansai Research Center International Symposium 2010 on Climate Change / Global Environment and Natural disaster. Yomiuri Kobe Hall, Kobe, Japan. Please visit http//www.iges.or.jp/ for more details.
17-22JAN APN Workshop on Quantifying the role of dead wood in carbon sequestration". China. Contact xiedaoan_at_xtbg.ac.cn
20-22 JAN Project Scoping and Training Workshop for Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD), Jakarta, Indonesia. Contact Dr. Rony Bishry at rbishry2000_at_yahoo.com.
23JAN APN International Symposium on Low Carbon Society, Kobe, Japan. Contact info_at_apn-gcr.org
28-30 JAN Final Workshop for the Project "Reducing Water Insecurity Through Stakeholder Participation in River Basin Management in the Asia-Pacific". Chiang Mai, Thailand. Contact elenanikitina_at_bk.ru
4-6FEB The 10th annual Delhi Sustainable Development Summit Beyond Copenhagen new pathways for sustainable development ,New Delhi, India. Please visit http//dsds.teriin.org/2009/
10-12MAR The Fourth GEOSS Asia-Pacific Symposium, Sanur Paradise Plaza, Bali, Indonesia. Contact secretariat_at_GEOSEC.ORG
12-15 MAR The Second GAOTT Workshop for the Project "The Global Earth Observation System of Systems Asian Water Cycle Initiative Observation Convergence and Data Integration (GEOSS / AWCI / OCDI)", Bangladesh
15-19MAR 15th APN Inter-Governmental Meeting/ Scientific Planning Group Meeting and associated committee meetings. Busan, Republic of Korea. Contact info_at_apn-gcr.org
15-19 MAR Joint Regional Workshop on Research Results of the Project "Assessment of Food and Water Security in South-Asia under Changing Climate Scenario Using Crop Simulation and Water Management Models, and Identification of Appropriate Strategies to Meet Future Demands". Islamabad, Pakistan. Contact Mohsin.iqbal_at_gcisc.org.pk
Events in bold are APN or APN co-sponsored/support
ed events.
2010 2010
22-26 MAR Pre-conference of COP10 and the SC meeting of DIVERSITAS. Nagoya, JAPAN.
10-11 APR China Low Carbon Economy Forum 2010. Beijing, China. Contact Tracy Liu at tracy.liu_at_clcef.org
12-13 APR International Symposium on Coastal Zones and Climate Change Assessing the Impact and Developing Adaptation Strategies, Monash University, Victoria , Australia. Please visit http//www.monash.edu.au/cemo/czcc2010/ or Contact Irene Thavarajah at oce_at_adm.monash.edu.au
14-16 APR Joint Regional Workshop for the Project "Human Impact on Land-cover Changes in the Heart of Asia". SCERT, Tomsk, Russia. Contact oig_at_scert.ru
10-13 MAY 2010 Earth System Science 2010 Climate, Global Change and People, Edinburgh International Conference Centre, Edinburgh, UK. Please visit earthsystemscience2010.org
17-28 MAY 2010 Summer Institute on Climate Information for Public Health, New York. Please visit http//iri.columbia.edu/education/summerinstitute10/apply or contact si2010_at_iri.columbia.edu
14-16 JUNE Regional Workshop and Dissemination Meeting for the Project "Impacts of Global Change on the Dynamics of Snow, Glaciers and Runoff over the Himalayan Mountains and their Consequences for Highland and Downstream Regions". Kathmandu, Nepal. Contact klshrestha_at_wlink.com.np
TBD JUNE Regional Workshop and Stakeholders Meeting for the Project "Peri-Urban Development and Environmental Sustainability Examples from China and India", Wuhan, China
29-JUNE1-JULY 2010 International Climate Change Adaptation Conference Climate Adaptation Futures preparing for the unavoidable impacts of climate change, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Please visit www.nccarf.edu.au/conference2010
27-30 JULY International GMBA-DIVERSITAS conference Functional significance of mountain biodiversity. Chandolin (Valais), Switzerland. Please vist the conference website.
23-28 AUG World Congress 2010 "Forests for the Future Sustaining Society and the Environment" , Seoul, Republic of Korea . For more details please visit http//www.iufro.org/events/congresses/world-congress-2010/
TBDAUG 1st Visionary Workshop on A comparative study of urban water quality management in SEA, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh City,Viet Nam. Contact suthi_at_gist.ac.kr
2010 2010
TBDAUG 1st Visionary Workshop on A comparative study of urban water quality management in SEA, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh City,Viet Nam. Contact suthi_at_gist.ac.kr
5-11SEP 2010 World Water Week, Stockholm, Sweden. Please visit www.worldwaterweek.org
13-17SEP Storm Surges Congress 2010 "Risk and Management of current and future Storm Surges" University of Hamburg, Germany. Please visit http//meetings.copernicus.org/ssc2010/
TBD SEP Final Plenary Meeting for the Project "The Global Earth Observation System of Systems Asian Water Cycle Initiative Observation Convergence and Data Integration (GEOSS / AWCI / OCDI)", University of Tokyo, Japan
15-17 OCT International Conference on Urbanization and Global Environmental Change, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA. Please visit www.ugec2010.org or contact ugec2010_at_asu.edu
17-19 OCT GLP 2010 Open Science Meeting, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA. Please visit http//www.glp2010.org/ or contact info_at_glp.hokudai.ac.jp
3-7DEC N2010 -5th International Nitrogen Conference, New Delhi India. Please visit http//www.n2010.org/
Mi 14.10.2009 0501
  • Dear Marion,
  • Thanks for your response. It is interesting to
    know that the FP7 and the planned FP8 follow the
    same strategy as the APN. Please allow me to
    reiterate my earlier point that APN always
    welcome opportunities for partnership and
    collaborative work to promote global change
    research in the region.
  • After having discussed your response with my
    colleagues at the Secretariat, we thought that it
    would be best to accommodate your presentation at
    the Scientific Planning Group (SPG) Pre-Meeting.
    This will take place a day before the main 3-day
    Inter-Governmental Meeting (IGM)/SPG Meeting. The
    tentative schedule of the main IGM/SPG Meeting is
    on 17-19 March 2010.
  • We also thought that we can accommodate a short
    presentation from you at the main IGM/SPG Meeting
    but we can only confirm this once we have
    prepared the agenda for approval by the Steering
    Committee. The only thing I can assure for now is
    that you are welcome to attend at the IGM/SPG
    Meeting as an observer and this will give you the
    opportunity to meet our national Focal Points and
    SPG Members as well as representatives of our key
    partner organisations and have informal
    discussions with them during breaks. In terms of
    time allocation for your presentation, I kindly
    ask you to wait until the end of October or first
    week of November so we can first get the approval
    the SC. Thanks in advance for your patience and
  • I will be in touch again and if you have any
    questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
  • Kind regards,
  • Perlyn

SEA - EU Net
  • SEA-EU-NET has established and will strengthen a
    network of scientists, policy-makers and
    programme-owners of International ST cooperation
    activities to further promote FP7 in the region
    of SEA.
  • SEA-EU-NET has started and will increasingly help
    to develop, promote, organise and structure the
    participation of SEA countries in the activities
    of the Framework Programmes. It will continue to
    contribute to the definition of SICAs (Specific
    International Cooperation Actions, a new
    instrument defined under FP7 for International
    cooperation) but will increasingly identify and
    promote opportunities in the existing FP7 Work
    programmes to researchers in SEA countries. A key
    component to increase the participation of
    researchers from SEA countries in FP7 is to set
    up and strengthen FP7 National Contact Points.
    The project has started supporting the NCP
    establishment in some SEA countries in the first
    phase but will enlarge this support to all 10 SEA
    countries. A key objective for the top-up phase
    is to establish a regional network of NCPs in
  • SEA-EU-NET gives insights in the research systems
    of SEA countries and analyse ST cooperation
    between the EU and SEA in respect to opening the
    ERA towards this region.
  • Utilizing strategic mapping, SEA-EU-NET will
    deliver an overview of the critical stakeholders
    within the EU and ASEAN regions, identify
    thematic and regional priorities, delivers
    rationales for priority setting and analyse the
    critical mass in terms of research effort in
    respect to each field (funding, workforce, etc).
    The project thereby provides the necessary
    evidence on research priorities and research
    strengths of SEA to develop and justify targeted
    and joint actions.

SEA EU NET Partners
Participant No. Participant Short Name Participant Organisation Name Country
1 (Coordinator) PT-DLR The International Bureau of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research Germany
2 KNAW Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences The Netherlands
3 BHC The British High Commission Singapore Singapore/United Kingdom
4 COLBUD Collegium Budapest, Institute for Advanced Study Hungary
5 TUBITAK The Scientific Technological Research Council of Turkey Turkey
6 NSTDA National Science and Technology Development Agency Thailand
7 ZSI Zentrum für Soziale Innovation Austria
8 RISTEK Ministry of State for Research and Technology Indonesia
9 NACESTI National Centre for Scientific and Technological Information Vietnam
10 GIGA Institute of Asian Studies GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies Germany
11 CIRAD Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement France
12 RS The Royal Society United Kingdom
13 CNRS Centre National de Recherche Scientifique France
SEA EU NET Partners
Participant No. Participant Short Name Participant Organisation Name Country
13 CNRS Centre National de Recherche Scientifique France
14 TUBITAK-UME The Scientific Technological Research Council of Turkey- UME Turkey
15 PAN Polska Akademia Nauk Poland
16 NML-SIRIM National Metrology Laboratory SIRIM Berhad Malaysia
17 (new partner) DOST Department of Science and Technology Philippines
18(new partner) AIT Asian Institute of Technology Thailand, Regional Scientific Institution
19(new partner) NTU Nanyang Technological University Singapore
20(new partner) Eureserach Euresearch Switzerland
21(new partner) STI National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Office Thailand
Events of SEA EU Net
  • 4 Scientific Workshops (2011 2012)
  • FP7 Info days and Road Shows (1 National event
    and 2 roadshows per year per SEA partner) - 2012
  • SEA NCP Training in SEA (2 events 2 days each)
    training the trainer)
  • SEA/EU NCP Meeting plus brokerage/networking
    event in Europe 2012 2 days
  • 2 week SEA NCP internship in Europe (back to back
    with above)
  • Development of NCP survival kit
  • 2 Workshops in SEA How to Write a Good
  • E-learning tool for NCPs
  • Twinning arrangements for Laos and Cambodia

  • Workshop on methodology (questionnaire, data
    structure and database design)
  • Training course on database development in EUROPA
    Publications Office (CORDIS)
  • Alumni survey (for alumni groups and individual
    alumni) and information gathering
  • Database/directory of alumni in ASEAN countries
  • Report on the role of EU-Alumni in creating
    synergy for EU-ASEAN ST Cooperation
  • Workshop on Fostering EU-SEA Alumni as Synergy
    for ST Development and Cooperation (Cooperation
    especially in participating in FP7 as well as
    other specific EU-ASEAN activities)

  • Co-ordinating Latin America Research and
    Innovation NETworks
  • Goal is to strengthen bi-regional dialogue on ST
    between EU
  • Member States (MS), Associated States (AS) and
    Latin American
  • Partner Countries (LAPC) at policy, programme and
  • (research entities) level, thus contributing to a
    three fold
  • objective
  • a) Promote the joint identification, setting up,
    implementation and monitoring of mutual interest
    priorities of future work programmes across the
    Specific Programmes of FP7.
  • b)  Joint definition of ST co-operation policies
  • c)  Support and stimulate the participation of
    LAPC in FP7

  • EULARINET will establish a co-ordination platform
    bringing together the key EU and LA policy makers
    and programme managers, as well as
    representatives of research entities,
    universities and the private sector, eminent
    researchers and representatives of the civil
    society, to set up dialogue fora at different
    levels, leading to the identification of ST
    policies and priorities and defining specific
    activities to promote, support and stimulate
    participation of LA researchers in FP7 and to
    strengthen international ST cooperation. These
    activities will be aimed at strengthening the EU
    LA Knowledge Area.
  • As political background, EULARINET will consider
    and develop the on going EU LA dialogue on ST,
    since the Río Summit in June 1999, the ALCUEs
    Brasilia Action Plan for ST Co-operation, the
    Guadalajara Declaration to set up the EU LA
    Knowledge Area and finally the Vienna Summit in
    2006 and the conclusions of the preparatory
    Senior Officials meeting in Salzburg, as a basis
    to go further in the practical implementation and
    updating of the existent policy guidelines.

  • will also consider the achievements of existent
  • programmes, such as
  • i)  The multilateral programme CYTED with two MS
    (Spain and Portugal) and 19 LA countries,
    involving more than 15.000 researchers in
    research actions (thematic networks and
  • ii) The on going ERA-NET EULANEST, co-ordinating
    the national programmes of International
    Co-operation in ST of 4 MS (Spain, Portugal,
    France, Germany), 1 AS (Norway) addressed to LA,
    with the aim to launch a joint call specifically
    dedicated to LA in 2008.
  • iii)  Other National Programmes such as Deutsche
    Forschungsgemeinschaft, IRD, etc.

  • Liebe Frau Tobler,
  • ich freue mich sehr über Ihre geplanten
    Trainings! Zu Ihrem Fragenkatalogs möchte ich
    Ihnen Folgendes zurückmelden In Südamerika haben
    wir die Situation, dass in den meisten
    Ländern offiziell   hohe Regierungsbeamte als
    NCPs benannt sind. Diese sind in der Regel nicht
    im Beratungsgeschäft. Daher laufen hier die
    Rubriken nach Kontaktpersonen gegebenenfalls
    falsch. Die thematischen Prioritäten haben sich
    hoffentlich herauskristallisiert bei dem Workshop
    in Brasilia. Ich persönlich habe nicht den
    Eindruck, dass diese Prioritäten vorher explizit
    vorlagen. Daher erscheinen mir die Fragen hierzu
    etwas zu konkret, als dass Sie darüber bald eine
    Antwort erhalten könnten. Überwiegend sind die
    NCP in Lateinamerika staatlich administriert. Was
    Sie unter Block 3 Mobility programmes abfragen
    wollen, verstehe ich nicht ganz, erwarten Sie
    eine Fleißarbeit der LA Europäische,
    Amerikanische u.a.Programme zu listen? Auch der
    Block 4 Description of information and
    help needed scheint mir so zu umfangreich und
    komplex abgefragt, da werden Sie nicht viel
    Rücklauf bekommen (besser wäre Beispiele für
    Trainings aufzulisten und dann nur über Kreuzchen
    abzufragen). Zu Zeitpunkt und Anzahl
    möglicherweise interessierter Personen kann ich
    spontan nichts sagen, nur soviel, dass es in den
    seltensten Fällen (Mexiko, Chile, Argentinien,
    Brasilien (?)) NCPs gibt, die sich nur mit Umwelt
  • Gerne können wir uns zusammensetzen, um uns
  • Mit herzlichen Grüßen,
  • Cornelia Andersohn

Task 4.2 Determing Third Country Environment
research needs and activities
  • Leader NCP ENV Germany (Elisabeth Osinski
  • Preparation of a questionnaire (D4.2.1)
  • a) financial basis of the activities of the
  • b) addresses, the function and professional
    tasks of the multipliers
  • c) conditions for mobility into and out of the
  • d) most appreciated information and help for
  • e) ICPC representatives facilities for
  • f) information the ICPC to feed back to MS/AC
    NCPs e.g. catalogues of researchers and
    or organisations
  • Implementation of the questionnaire (D4.2.2).
  • distribution to at least the 14 ICPC
  • ICPCs mentioned in Scope part b) above
  • with a clear deadline for return, collection of
    the answers, follow up with late returns of
  • Collect and summarise the results of the
    questionnaire in a report (D4.2.3)
  • findings and make recommendations.
  • how best to proceed with Task 3 of this WP
  • how to proceed in general with ICPCs. (comparison
    with what INT-ER-LINK if appropriate)

(No Transcript)
Task 4.3 NCP ICPC Awareness and dissemination
  • Leader NCP ENV Poland (Danuta Maria Antosiewicz
    and colleagues)
  • Facilitate information flow between researchers
    in MS/AC and researchers in ICPCs. (NCP
    representatives distribute the information within
    their countries.)
  • Information flow about FP7 and MS/AC researchers
    to ICPCs (customise NCPs existing tools
    presentations, webpages, catalogues, brochures
    etc for distribution to ICPCs.) Distribution
    mainly electronically
  • Information flow from ICPCs to MS/AC Find out
    more about ICPC skills and capabilities and fed
    back to the MS/AC NCPs for distribution within
    their countries
  • Explore activities of interest to ICPCs and MS/AC
    researchers MS/AS brokerage events and partner
    search facilities are accessible to researchers
    from ICPCs and vice versa
  • Observe on going activities (INT-ER-LINK project)
    and take appropriate actions (copy successful
    activities). Electronic distribution of FP7 ENV
    information to APN SPG members under Task 4.3
    will include APN secretariat in cc.
  • Take care of ICPCs changing requirements during
    the project and adjust our support to them (use
    resources effectively and efficiently).
  • Annual reports to the WP leader.

(No Transcript)
Task 4.4 NCP exchange of expertise and know how
with ICPC NCP like networks
  • Leader NCP ENV Romania (Viorel Vulturescu and
  • Achieve the participation of ENV researchers from
    ICPCs to our events e.g. brokerage as well as
    catalysing interest in FP7 trough personal
    information by NCPs towards ICPC representatives
    group presentations and individual ICPC
  • Group presentations reaching more individuals in
    one go. (provisional interest with the APN
    secretariat established (Task1) one NCP makes an
    FP7 ENV opportunities presentation to all SPG
    members typically coinciding with the APN Annual
    General Meeting to which all SPG members are
    invited. Consolidate the distribution of
    electronic information described in Task 4.3
  • NCPs will also be available, outside the AGM
    context, to provide further information to
    individual ICPC representatives. Send an NCP to
    three such AGMs, one/year in the first three
    years of the project to ensure momentum and
    interest is not lost.
  • Select three high potential countries for
    training at locations in their respective
    countries. These individual ICPC workshops will
    be provided to ICPC representatives so that they
    can be trained by European homologues on
    procedures, techniques and modalities to support
    participation of national actors in FP7.
  • Invite ICPC representatives to participate in
    Project meetings, PMT meetings to facilitate
    their integration in NCP mechanisms
  • SPG member is an NCP equivalent in the 14
    selected ICPC

(No Transcript)
Burning questions
  • Who will be our interested clients in ICPC
  • How can we reach and involve NCP like positions?
  • How can we attract best researchers of ICPC
  • Will the questionnaire be sufficient to identify
    the need of ICPC countries?
  • What can we offer the ICPC countries (topics)?
  • What trainings should be offered?
  • What budget do we have for ICPC NCPs travelling?
  • What action do we have to take to lobby in
    Brussels for an Asian call?
  • How much time do we need to disseminate
    information on upcoming calls in time?
  • What permanent information has to be available on
    the web?

  • Strategy for the next two years

Strategy for the next two years
  • Focus on SEA-EU-NET and APN
  • Offer 1-2 general workshop for ICPC NCPs at their
    place(experienced NCP -gt WP1 workshop)
  • On the basis of WP1 and WP3 specific trainings
    for (non-experienced) NCPs
  • Invite ICPC NCP to Brokerage events
  • Elaborate and implement the strategy on
    dissemination hub (maintenance)
  • Create an entry point for non-European
    countries on the website

(No Transcript)
  • Outlook on Call 2011

Focus of the upcoming call
Geographic Latin America (6 topics) ICPC (3 topics) Mediterranean (2 topics) Africa (2 topics) India (1 topics) Geographic Latin America (6 topics) ICPC (3 topics) Mediterranean (2 topics) Africa (2 topics) India (1 topics) Thematic Socio economy (4 topics) Eco-efficiency (3 topics) SME (3 topics) PPP (2 topics) Space (1 topic)

Connections to other thematic themes
  • Health
  • (e.g. QSARs (quantitative structure-activity
    relationship) for toxicology.
  • Food, agriculture and biotechnology
  • Biodiversity and its sustainable exploration for
    the production of biological resources
  • the use of Synthetic Biology for the solution of
    environmental problems i.e. waste
  • Information and communication technologies
  • Challenge 6 ICT for Mobility, Environmental
    Sustainability and Energy Efficiency
  • management of natural resources
  • Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new
    production technologies
  • Health and Environment Impacts
  • Transport (including aeronautics)
  • Preventive and emergency interventions to protect
    marine, coastal and land environments
  • Socio-economic sciences and the humanities
  • Combining economic, social and environmental
    objectives in a European perspective (Activity

  • Sub-activity 6.1.1. Pressures on environment and
    climate (xx M)

Indicative issues to be addressed Focus
Climate change and pollutant pathways
Responses from the research community to the mitigation and adaptation challenges posed by a post-2012 global climate agreement a cross-thematic call Cross-thematic Call
Development of climate and earth system models of different complexity Socio-economic
Climate change at vulnerable regions Cross-thematic Call
Decadal climate prediction for adaptation decision support Latin America
  • Sub-activity 6.1.2. Environment and Health (xx M)

Indicative issues to be addressed Focus
Environmental change and human health Africa
Combined exposures to environmental stressors via different routes
Health Impact Assessment and risk assessment methodologies
  • Sub-activity 6.1.3. Natural hazards (xx M)

Indicative issues to be addressed Focus
Science for better forecasting, prediction and early warning Asia, Latin-America, Mediterranean
Climate-related disaster risks reduction
Vulnerable communities, capacity building and resilience Social sciences
  • Sub-activity 6.2.1. Conservation and sustainable
    management of natural
  • and man-made resources and biodiversity (xx M)

Indicative issues to be addressed Focus
Maintenance and restoration of soil fertility ICPC
Water resources in changing environment
Sustainable and Resilient Organic Cities SME, Industry
Biodiversity governance and valuation of ecosystems ICPC, Latin America, Social impact
Land-use and forest ecosystems
Coastal zone management and lagoons ICPC
  • Sub-activity 6.2.2. Management of marine
    environments (19 M)

Indicative issues to be addressed Focus
Exploitation of marine mineral and energy resources SME
Marine Microbial Ecosystems
Marine and maritime joint call FP7 WP2011 ICPC, Mediterranean, Black Sea
  • Sub-activity 6.3.1. Environmental technologies
    for observation, simulation, prevention,
  • mitigation, adaptation, remediation and
    restoration of the natural and
  • man-made environment (xx M)

Indicative issues to be addressed Focus
International cooperation on environmental technologies India, Latin America
Public-Private-Partnerships within the Recovery Package Green cars, Energy efficient buildings
  • Sub-activity 6.3.2. Protection, conservation and
    enhancement of cultural,
  • including human habitat (xx M)

Indicative issues to be addressed Focus
New advanced compatible materials for conservation and restoration of Cultural heritage objects SME
Support to the Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural heritage
  • Sub-activity 6.3.3. Technology assessment,
    verification and testing (EUR xx million)

Indicative issues to be addressed Focus
Risk evaluation
Technology assessment
  • Sub-activity 6.4.1. Earth and ocean observation
    systems and monitoring methods
  • for the environment and sustainable development
    (xx M)

Indicative issues to be addressed Focus
Inter-operable integration of shared Earth Observations in the Global Context Joint call with GMES
Observation Systems for land use and coastal management in Africa Africa
Optimisation of information for an Integrated Global Carbon Observing System as a foundation for understanding, modelling and predicting environmental changes and related human activities Latin America
  • Sub-activity 6.4.2. Forecasting methods and
    assessment tools for
  • sustainable development taking into account
    different scales of observation (xx M)

Indicative issues to be addressed Focus
Assessment tool and indicators for sustainable development Societal
Interplay between social, economic and ecological systems Societal
Community based management of environmental challenges Latin America
Gearing European research towards sustainability
Sustainable Consumption and Production at the heart of green growth Eco efficiency
  • Sub-activity 6.5.1. Dissemination and horizontal
    activities (xxM)

Indicative issues to be addressed Focus
Uptake of research results through knowledge platforms with international collaboration partners Africa
Dynamic e-dissemination systems and platforms for stakeholders to exploit results
  • Dinner _at_ Klötzlikeller

Restaurant KlötzlikellerGerechtigkeitsgasse 62
Restaurant Klötzlikeller
Central Station
Federal Square
Agenda 28th Jan.
09.00 Action Plan WP4 for 2010 /2011 Tasks, Responsibilities, Agenda All Task Leaders
10.00 Concept of the NCP training Christian
10.30 Coffee Break
11.00 Wrap up Marion Tobler
11.30 Business Lunch _at_ Euresearch
  • Action Plan 2010 / 2011

Action Plan 2010 (1)
What Responsible Contribution When
Compile the list of ICPC NCPs Maria Upload it on the Intranet Midd-February
Send the questionnaire Jean-François Send the questionnaire, phone calls, Feedback End of March
Finalise information material on SICA Marion WP4 Sending information Feedback on presentations Next week One month later
Identify needs (Report) Jean-François Midd-May
Set up training activities WP4 Viorel, Daniela Information related to events held by other networks Planing of trainings Midd-February Beginning of March
Select and invite NCPs Viorel, Daniela (Marion) 3 African NCPs 3-4 Western-Balkan NCPs open
Write annual report
Action Plan 2011 (2)
What Responsible Contribution When
Send addresses about ICPC NCP to Maria WP 4 Viorel NCP of China Marion Participants Bogota Next week, update annualy
Identify needs of Third Countries WP4 Add information of NCP needs End of February
A common folder has to be made Daniela Jean-François Check the possibility of common folder Create document Next week open
Leaflet for ICPC Lior (WP6) Jemma, Marion March
Invitation (member/committee) APN to brokerage event Asli Marion (Alain Strauss) When published
Frame of the brokerage event All involved WP-Leaders March
Action Plan 2011 (3)
What Responsible Contribution When
Information hub Maria Ingrid, Mirka What information, what frequency, to whom Midd-March
Entry point for ICPC/International Cooperation Daniela Entry point on the website Midd-February
Input for WP7 (Country-profile) Viorel (Zdenka) Phone call Before March
Use of the Budget Viorel Other NCPs Before March
Connection to 6.5 Ingrid, Mirka
Potential Cooperation with other ICPC country Jemma all Information to Viorel, Marion Midd-February
Profile on groups of interest (ICPC) Marion March
Action Plan 2011 (4)
What Responsible Contribution When

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