Mushroom - Phylum ASCOMYCOTA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mushroom - Phylum ASCOMYCOTA


The phylum Ascomycota belongs to the kingdom Fungi. Here you can learn something about the general characteristics, morphology, edible mushroom, reproduction, lifecycle, advantages and disadvantages of ascomycetes. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Mushroom - Phylum ASCOMYCOTA

Annamalai University Faculty of
agriculture Department of plant pathology Exp
pat 421 mushroom culture (0 10 ) B.Sc (hons)
agriculture iv - year
Seminar topic Mushroom belonging
to the phylum ASCOMYCOTA
Done By C . Bremkumar (190720160) A . Brindha
(190720161 )
Mushroom belonging to the
  • Ascomycota is a phylum of the kingdom Fungi and
    that together with the Basidiomycota, forms the
    sub kingdom Dikarya.
  • Ascomycota is derived from Greek words
  • askos bag or bladder
  • mykes fungus.

  • Its members are commonly known as the sac fungi
    or ascomycetes.
  • It is one of the largest phylum of Fungi, with
    over 64,000 species.
  • They produce sexual non-motile spores known as
    ascospores . They are produced in a
    sac-like structure known as an ascus .
    Each ascus contains 4 - 8
  • Examples of sac fungi or ascomycetes include
    morels , truffles , brewers and
    bakers yeast , dead mans fingers, and
    cup fungi,etc..,

Characteristics of ascomycetes
  • Ascomycota are morphologically diverse . The
    group includes organisms from unicellular yeasts
    to complex cup fungi. 98 of lichens have an Ascom
    ycota as the fungal part of the lichen.
    The unifying characteristic among these diverse
    groups is the presence of a reproductive
    structure known as the ascus, though in
    some cases it has a reduced role in the life
  • Some of the ascomycetes are edible as mushrooms.
  • Eg . True morels, truffels , etc..,
  • Sexual reproduction is by conjugation between two
    gametangia. They are either
    homothallic or heterothallic .
  • Asexual reproduction is by the formation of
    conidia exogenously on
    conidiophores . Yeast reproduces asexually by
    budding .

  • Many of them cause tree diseases, such as Dutch
    elm disease and apple blights.
    Some of the plant pathogenic ascomycetes are
    apple scab, rice blast , ergot fungi ,
    black knot, and the powdery mildews.
  • Most ascomycetes are terrestrial or parasitic.
  • The cell walls of the hyphae are variably
    composed of chitin and ß-glucans.
  • The mycelium of ascomycetes is usually made up of
    septate and branched hyphae.

Difference between Ascomycota and basidiomycota

A division of fungi characterized by the presence of asci and ascospores. A division of fungi that have sepatate hyphae and spores borne in a basidium
Sac fungi Club fungi
Mainly undergoes asexual reproduction Mainly undergoes sexual reproduction
Shows partial degeneration of visible sexuality Shows complete degeneration of visible sexuality
Produces gametangia Does not produce gametangia
The dikaryophase is established either by the development of gametangia, by spermatization or by somatogamy The dikaryophase is established either by spermatization or by somatogamy
Dikaryophase depends on the haplophase for nutrition Dikaryophase is independent
The dikaryophase is small and short-lived The dikaryophase is large and long-lived
Forms croziers in the dikaryotic mycelia Forms clump connections
Sexual Spores Ascospores Sexual Spores Basidiospores
Ascospores are endogenous and are formed inside the ascus Basidiospores are exogenous and are formed inside basidia
Produces 4-spored or 8-spored ascus Produces 1-spored to 8-spored basidia
Morphology of ascomycetes fungi
  • The important edible sac fungi or mushrooms
    belonging to the phylum Ascomycota are
  • Morels
  • Truffles
  • Lobster Mushroom
  • Scarlet cup

1 . Morels
  • True morel or morel mushroom
  • Morchella esculenta, is a species of fungus in
    the family Morchellaceae of the Ascomycota.
  • Each fruit body begins as a tightly compressed,
    grayish sponge with lighter ridges, and
    expands to form a large yellowish sponge with
    large pits and ridges raised on a large white
    stem . It result in sponge or honey comb

  • Morels are mostly found in North America , Brazil
    , Bulgaria,etc,..
  • In India , it can be found in Jammu and Kashmir
    in Kupwara district,Bandipora
  • It grows mostly in wild temperate forests during
  • spring to early summer.
  • They occur singly or in groups of 3 7

  • Morels are rich in vitamin D and
    contains some phenolic compounds.
    It has many medicinal value . Due to their unique
    flavor and nutritional value, these morels are
    used in soups and gravies. It also contains minera
    ls like Copper and Potassium.
  • They are also a low-fat, plant-based food that
    makes a great addition to a heart-healthy diet
    as an ingredient or as a meat substitute

2 . Truffles
  • A truffle is the fruiting body of a subterranean
    (underground) ascomycete fungus.
  • Truffles are ectomycorrhizal fungi, so they are
    usually found in close association with tree
  • Spore dispersal is accomplished through
    fungivores, animals that eat fungi.
  • Truffles are mostly found in France ,US, Italy ,
    Australia, etc..,
  • The winter truffles can be found in regions of
    India, Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, China, and
  • They are often located with the help of an animal
    possessing a refined sense of smell.
    Traditionally, pigs have been used to extract

Different truffles
  1. Black winter truffle - Tuber melanosporum
  2. Black Summer/burgundy - Tuber aestivum
  3. White truffle - Tuber magnatum
  4. Whitish truffle - Tuber borchii
  5. Garlic truffle - Tuber macrosporum

Summer / burgundy truffle
Winter truffle
  • Because of their high price and their strong
    aroma, truffles are used sparingly.
  • Truffles are also used for producing truffle salt
    and truffle honey.
  • Truffle oil is used as a lower-cost and
    convenient substitute for truffles,
    to provide flavouring, or to enhance the flavour
    and aroma of truffles in cooking.
  • It is used as a cocktail mix or a food flavouring.

3 . Lobster Mushroom
  • The lobster mushroom Hypomyces lactifluorum
    is actually a fungus that has parasitized a
    Russula or Lactarius mushroom.
  • The fungus creates a beautiful, bright orange
    covering over the mushroom, the surface of which
    is rather hard, and dotted with tiny pimples.
  • They have a sea food-like flavor and a firm,
    dense texture.
  • Theyre low in fat and sodium and high in fiber

4 . Scarlet cup
  • Sarcoscypha coccinea, commonly known as the
    scarlet elf cup, scarlet elf cap, or the scarlet
    cup, is a species of fungus in the family
    Sarcoscyphaceae of the order Pezizales.
  • The fungus, widely distributed in the Northern
    Hemisphere, has been found in Africa,
    Asia, Europe, North and South America, and

  • The cup-shaped fruit bodies are usually produced
    during the cooler months of winter and early
  • The time required for the development of fruit
    bodies has been estimated to be about 24 weeks.
  • Uses
  • Sarcoscypha coccinea was used as a medicinal
    fungus by the peoples of Oneida,New York.
  • In Scarborough, England, the fruit bodies used to
    be arranged with moss and leaves and sold
    as a table decoration.
  • The fruit bodies have been noted to be a source
    of food for rodents in the winter, and slugs
    in the summer.

Reproduction iN ascomycetes
  • Sexual reproduction in the Ascomycota leads to
    the formation of the ascus, the structure
    that defines this fungal group and
    distinguishes it from other fungal phyla.
  • The ascus is a tube-shaped vessel, a
    meiosporangium, which contains the sexual spores
    produced by meiosis and these spores are called
  • An Ascocarp is the fruiting body of the sexual
    phase in Ascomycota.

different types of Ascocarp
  • Perithecia Ascocarp are in flask-shaped
    with a pore (ostiole) at the top. E.g. Neurospora
    Cleistothecia The ascocarp is spherical and
    closed.E.g. Aspergillus Apothecia The ascocarp
    are in a bowl shaped.
  • These are sometimes called the cup fungi.
    E.g. Peziza
  • Ascostroma - There is no differentiated fruiting
    body. Asci are present in the stroma, e.g.
  • Naked asci These occur in simple ascomycetes
    asci are produced on the organisms surface
    have no ascocarp. E.g. Yeasts

Types of Ascocarp
Asexual reproduction
  • Asexual reproduction occur through the vegetative
    reproductive spores ,
  • Conidia
  • Oidia
  • Chlamydospores
  • Asexual reproduction also takes place through
    budding in the case of Yeast.

Some important terms
Haploid (n) The presence of a single set of
chromosomes in an organisms cells
. Diploid (2n) The presence of two complete
sets of chromosomes in an
organisms cells, with each parent
contributing a chromosome to each
pair. Plasmogamy The protoplasm of two-parent
cells merges without nuclei fusion,resulting in
two haploid nuclei in the same cell
(nn) Karyogamy Fusion of two haploid nucleus
to form a single diploid nuclei (2n).
Meiosis Division of a germ cell involving two
fissions of the nucleus and giving rise to
four gametes, or sex cells, each
possessing half the number of chromosomes
of the original cell. Mitosis process of cell
division wherein the chromosomes
replicate and get equally distributed into two
diploid daughter cells.
Life cycle of ascomycetes
Advantages of ascomycetes
  • Ciclosporin, an immunosuppressor is derived from
    the fungus Tolypocladium niveum. It is used in
    organ transplants and autoimmune diseases
    Many organic acids and enzymes are produced by
    ascomycetes, e.g. Citric acid, gluconic
    acid, amylases, proteases, etc
    Different kinds of cheese are prepared from
    different Penicillium species, e.g. Camembert,
    Brie, Roquefort, etc. Aspergillus is used to prepa
    re soyasauce and to prepare other
    Asian alcoholic beverages

  • Penicillin, the first antibiotic is discovered by
    Alexander Fleming from Penicillium notatum( Now
    called as Penicillium
    chrysogenum) is also from ascomycetes.
  • Morels, Truffles and lobster mushroom are used as
    fungal Delicacies Neurospora, Saccharomy
    ces, etc. are widely used to study

Disadvantages of ascomycetes
  • Some species cause plant diseases like apple
    scab, rice blast, the ergot fungi, and the
    powdery mildew that damage crops and
    other plants Penicillium italicum spoil food that
    can result in significant loses.
    Some species are capable of producing poisonous
    substances called mycotoxin like patulin ,
    aflatoxine and alkaloides that can gravely affect
    humans and animals. Candida albicans in phylum Asc
    omycota can cause opportunistic diseases
    in human beings.

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