Title: Ingen bildrubrik
1 Final announcement
Pediatric EMG 2003
June 18-19, 2003 Uppsala, Sweden
? The meeting will be held at Atrium Conference
Center, Dragarbrunnsgatan 46, located in
the very centre of the city within walking
distance from the hotels. Very welcome! ?
Programme Wed June 18 08.00 -
09.00 Registration 09.15 Opening welcome 09.15
- 10.00 Physiology of the muscle fibers. Prof L
Larsson. 10.00 - 10.45 Electrical properties of
the motor unit. Prof E Stålberg. 10.45 -
11.10 Coffee 11.10 - 12.00 Overview of
disorders of the motor unit. Prof R Jones. 12.00
- 12.30 EMG (standard macro) studies on polio.
Dr A Sandberg. 12.30 - 13.45 Lunch 13.45 -
14.15 EMG facial, lingual and velopharyngeal.
Dr F Renault. 14.15 - 14.45 EMG of diaphragm.
Prof C Bolton. 14.45 - 15.15 Neurography in
healthy children. Assoc prof K E
Eeg-Olofsson. 15.15 - 15.40 Coffee 15.40 -
16.00 Studies on F-responses in children. Dr
Leena Puksa. 16.00 - 16.45 Neuropathy in
childhood. Dr Matthew Pitt. 16.45 -
17.00 Summing up and information. 18.30 Social
programme Thursday June 19. 08.30 -
11.15 Workshops at the Dept. of Clin
Neurophysiology at the hospital SfEMG E
Stålberg Diaphragm EMG C Bolton
Velopharyngeal EMG F Renault Macro EMG A
Sandberg H-reflexes Catarina
Färnstrand 11.15 Walk back to Atrium conference
center. 12.00 - 13.15 Lunch 13.15 -
13.45 Intraoperative monitoring Assoc prof R
Flink and T Winkler 13.45 - 14.10 Update on
plexus lesions. Dr J Vredeveld. 14.10 -
15.15 Open for free communications. 15.15 -
15.45 Coffee 15.45 - 16.30 Open for free
communications 16.30 - 17.00 Pediatric
neurophysiology in the future. Round table
discussion. 19.00 Social programme Friday
June 20 All speakers accompanying persons
invited to fam. Eeg-Olofsson for lunch
(walking distance from hotels). All those who
wish are invited to participate in the Midsummer
celebration around Uppsala.
Uppsala, Sweden, Wednesday Thursday 18-19
June, 2003
Name. Address
Phone. Fax
. Food preference
(such as normal, vegetarian, diabetic) Optional
- included in the registration fee for
conference participants of
participants Boat-trip on Fyris river
18/6 . Conference dinner 19/6 . Midsummer
celebration 20/6 . ? 3000 SEK (Swedish VAT
will be added). Payment for the registration fee
should kindly be paid as following Per postal
giro, nr 35500-8, Ansvar 90 563, Projekt 101 56
/ keo / University hospital, Uppsala, Sweden.
Final date for registration May, 28.
Please send the registration form per ordinary
mail (Dept. of Clin. Neurophysiology,
Neurocentre, University hospital, 751 85 Uppsala,
Sweden) or by fax 46-18-556106, or You can
register per e-mail with above information to
catarina.farnstrand_at_nc.uas.lul.se or
Hotels in Uppsala, close to the conference
building single-room from double-room
from Samariterhemmet 430 670 Basic
hotel 690 790 Grand hotel Hörnan 1050 1250 Hot
el Linné 1202 1252 Hotel Uplandia 1261 1584 Sv
ava hotel 1295 1535 Gillet hotel 1490 1890
Your reservation will as far as possible be made
in accordance with your wishes All the hotels are
close to the castle, Dome church, the University,
hospital and the Fyris river, and You will
easily find Your way around by walking. The
accomodation is paid at the hotel. Above prices
in SEK. Invited guest speakers will be
accomodated at the Svava hotel free of charge for
2 nights.
BOOKING OF HOTEL Name of hotel
Single-room ? Double-room
? Number of nights From (date)... To
(date)... Arrival date in Uppsala.. By
(bus, train etc)
Please send this form per ordinary mail (Dept.
of Clin. Neurophysiology, Neurocentre, University
hospital, 751 85 Uppsala, Sweden) or by fax
46-18-556106, or per e-mail to
catarina.farnstrand_at_nc.uas.lul.se or
Notification of free communications as well as
invited communications on this form. We want the
full abstract no later than 1st of June in order
to get it printed in the abstact
book. Name. Ad
Fax E-mail
Title of Your contribution
. . Length
of the speech (15-60min)..
There are technicalities for computer material
with wide screen, slides, overheads and video.
Notify if You have any further wishes concerning
Your speech.
Please send this form (and later Your abstract)
per e-mail to karin.edebol.eeg-olofsson_at_nc.uas.l
ul.se Pictures/illustrations together with Your
text will be included in the abstract book.