Introduction to game theory and auctions

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Introduction to game theory and auctions


An example: play the battle of the sexes 100 times (e.g. once a day). You may decide to choose boxing on a particular day if and only if concert has ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Introduction to game theory and auctions

Introduction to game theory and auctions
  • Moshe Tennenholtz
  • Technion and Stanford University

  • Game theory
  • Static games
  • Dynamic games
  • Games with incomplete information
  • Mechanism design
  • From analysis to design
  • Auctions
  • Some results of auction theory

Game theory
  • Game theory deals with the interaction of several
    self-motivated agents, extending upon classical
    decision theory.
  • In decision theory an agent has to take decision
    adopting beliefs about the environment

Game theory
  • Game theory deals with the situation where
    several agents have to take decisions adopting
    beliefs about one another.
  • Battle of the sexes

Static games
  • In a static game each agent has a set of possible
    strategies to choose from, and a payoff
  • An agents payoff is determined by the strategies
    selected by all agents.
  • Pure coordination

Static Games in Strategic Form
  • A (two-player) game in strategic form is a tuple
    ltS1, S2, U1, U2gt where S1 is a set of strategies
    available to player i, and Ui S1S2?R is a
    utility/payoff function for player i.
  • Usually depicted through a payoff matrix

Examples of game in strategic form
  • Prisoners Dilemma (PD)
  • The coordination game
  • Matching pennies

Larger games
  • Larger payoff matrix (as many dimensions as
  • Each dimension has as many entries as there are
    possible strategies (actions) to that agent
    different agents may have different numbers of

Solving games
  • How will agents behave in a game?
  • The solution is not obvious and much of game
    theory deals with this subject.
  • The basic approach agents will choose an
    equilibrium strategy.
  • A joint strategy of the agents is in
    equilibrium if it is irrational for each agent to
    deviate from it assuming the other agents stick
    to their part of that joint strategy

Solving games
  • Defection by all agents is the only equilibrium
    of the famous prisoners dilemma

A solution concept the Nash equilibrium.
  • A pair of strategies (s,t) is a Nash equilibrium
  • ?(s'? S1, t'? S2), U1(s', t) ? U1(s, t),
    U2(s, t') ? U2(s, t)

Solving games
  • Equilibrium analysis enables to analyze games.
  • In certain cases equilibrium analysis leads to
    paradoxes, which are then studied and leads to
    refinements and improvements of solution
  • In certain cases an equilibrium is not unique
    and equilibrium selection becomes a major issue
    (see the trust game below)

Strategy Types
  • Dominant Strategy
  • Best to do no matter what others do
  • e.g., prisoners dilemma (PD) has a dominant
    strategy (best to do no matter what others do)
  • The coordination game has several equilibria, but
    no dominant one.

Mixed Strategies
  • Mixed strategies of player i probability
    distributions on Si, denoted by ?(Si).
  • The definition of Nash equilibrium is easily
    generalized to mixed strategies rather than look
    at payoff, look at expected payoff.

Solving games
  • But, does equilibrium always exist?
  • YES! (Nash), if we allow mixed
    (probabilistic) strategies.
  • Thm. There always exists a Nash equilibrium in
    mixed strategies. The result holds also for the
    case of n players.
  • Agent 1 (resp. 2) will give probability 1/3 to
  • boxing (resp. concert)
  • is an equilibrium of the battle of the sexes.

Zero-Sum Games
  • Zero-sum games U1-U2
  • we will refer only to the payoff of player 1.
  • The value of a zero-sum game is the payoff
    obtained by player 1 in equilibrium, and it is
    independent of which equilibrium is selected.

Dynamic and multi-stage games
  • In a dynamic game there are several stages, and
    an agents strategy may depend on the history of
    his/her actions taken so far.
  • An example play the battle of the sexes 100
    times (e.g. once a day). You may decide to choose
    boxing on a particular day if and only if concert
    has been selected by the other agent no more than
    5 times.
  • Extensive form games agents may alternate in
    making their moves, e.g. in a revised version of
    the battle of the sexes agent 1 will make his
    move to be followed by agent 2s move.

Repeated Games in Strategic Form
  • We play the game finitely or infinitely many
  • Strategies may depend on the whole history.
  • Example 1 finitely repeated PD
  • backward induction.
  • Example 2 infinitely repeated PD
  • TFT (tit-for-tat).

Games in Extensive Form Game Trees
  • A two-player game in extensive form is a tree
    where odd levels are associated with player 1,
    and even levels are associated with player 2, and
    the leaves are associated with the players
  • Extensive form games can (in principle) be solved
    by the minimax algorithm (e.g., Chess).
  • In the case of non zero-sum games, this procedure
    leads to certain paradoxes.
  • Example (over)

the centipede game
Nash- vs subgame-perfect- equilibriumin
extensive-form games
  • Consider the following game tree
  • There are two Nash equilibria (U,R) and (D,L)
  • But only one subgame-perfect eqm (U,R)

Games with incomplete information
  • There are several ways to model uncertainty in
  • The most classical way to model uncertainty is
    by referring to partial information about agents
    utility/payoff functions
  • The payoff/utility function of an agent is taken
    to depend on a parameter called the agents type,
    which is typically known to the agent but it is
    unknown to the other agents.
  • An agents type is for example his willingness to
    pay for a particular good.
  • The typical assumption is that the distribution
    on the agents types is known, each agent knows
    his/her type but in general he/she does not know
    the type of other agents.

Games with incomplete information
  • The equilibrium concept has been generalized to
    games with incomplete information (Harsanyi)
  • A joint strategy of the agents is in equilibrium,
    if each agent applies its best response against
    the strategies of the other agents, given the
    distribution on agents types.

Uncertainty Bayesian Games
  • Represent games in which agents have partial
    information about one another
  • Bayesian games add this ingredient in one of two
    equivalent ways
  • Posit a set of games, with each player having a
    belief (probability) about which is being played
  • Posit a single game with an added player, Nature,
    with each player receiving some signal about
    Natures move.
  • Bayes-Nash equilibrium is a generalization of
    Nash equilibrium to this setting.

Auction as a Bayesian game
  • Players bidders Nature
  • Nature chooses valuations for each agent
  • Each agents signal is his own valuation.
  • Agents strategy mapping from valuations to bids

Example simple first-price (high bid) auction
  • n risk-neutral agents
  • Valuations are real numbers, distributed in the
    range between 0 and 1
  • Valuations are independently drawn based on a
    uniform distribution.
  • One unit of good
  • Agents submit monetary bids
  • The good is allocated to the agent who has made
    the highest bid this agent will pay his/her own
  • An agents type is his/her own valuation (maximal
    willingness to pay).
  • An agents strategy determines how much he/she
    will bid as a function of his/her type.
  • An agents payoff is determined by whether he/she
    received the good, his/her payment, his/her
  • The equilibrium an agent with valuation v, will
    bid (1-1/n)v.
  • Notice that agents cheat about their valuation.

Computing equilibria brief example
  • Setting
  • One good, two agents
  • The agents valuations are independently drawn
    from the uniform distribution on 0,1
  • u(y)y is the utility functions of both agents
  • A first-price (FP) auction

First approach proving a particular equilibirum
  • Assume player 1 plays z, and player 2s strategy
    is b(y)y/2
  • If player 1s valuation is x his expected payoff
    is given by
  • (note given the y/2 strategy, 1 only wins when
    2s valuation is lt2z)
  • This is a quadratic equation with derivative
  • is equal to 0 at
  • The same analysis is true of player 2
  • Therefore b(x)x/2 is the best response to the
    same strategy by the other player, and therefore
    the two players adopting this strategy forms an

Second approach finding an equilibirum
  • Well be looking for a continuous symmetric
    increasing equilibrium.
  • 1s expected payoff is

Second approach (cont.)
  • We now look for a value for z which zeros the
    derivative, under the constraint that zb(x)
  • Now note that b(x)x/2 is a solution

Beyond two-player 1st-price auctions
  • More generally, with n bidders and similar
    conditions, the symmetric equilibrium is given

Example second-price (Vickrey) auction
  • In a second-price auction the good will be sold
    to the agent with the highest bid. He/she will
    pay the second highest bid.
  • In equilibrium of a second-price auction, each
    agent submits his/her valuation as his/her bid.
  • The following strategy is a dominant strategy
    truth-revealing is optimal regardless of other
    agents behavior.

Mechanism design from analysis to synthesis
  • Given a description of an environment, i.e the
    information structure with regard to the agents
    valuations, the agents utility functions (e.g.
    whether they are risk-neutral, risk-averse,
    risk-seeking), and an optimization criterion
    (e.g. maximizing revenue, efficient computation
    of certain statistics), find an optimal game, a
    one such that in the equilibrium of which (given
    the information structure) we will obtain optimal
    behavior (given the optimization criteria).
  • Example assuming the number of participants, the
    information structure as before (risk-neutral
    participants with valuations drawn independently
    and uniformly from the interval 0,1), find an
    auction procedure that optimizes the sellers

  • Auctions are the most widely-studied economic
  • Auctions refer to arbitrary resource allocation
    problems with self-motivated participants.
  • The basic insight of auction theory can be
    generalized and extended to be used in other
    forms of trade.

Some Classical Assumptions
  • Independent valuations for object(s)
  • Free disposal
  • No Externalities
  • Risk-averse/neutral agents (concave utility
    functions most analysis is for risk neutral
  • Constant risk attitude

Auction Rules
  • English/Japanese auction
  • Dutch auction
  • First-price auction
  • Second-price auction
  • k-price auctions
  • Combinatorial (multi-dimensional) auctions lead
    to hard computational problems, but are more
  • Multi-round auctions lead to complex equilibrium
    analysis and multiple equilibria

Single-unit English auction
  • Bidders call ascending prices
  • Auction ends
  • at a fixed time
  • when no more bids
  • a combination of these
  • Highest bidder pays his bid

Multi-unit English auctions
  • Different pricing schemes
  • lowest accepted (uniform pricing, sometimes
    called Dutch)
  • highest rejected (uniform pricing, GVA)
  • pay-your-bid (discriminatory pricing)
  • Different tie-breaking rules
  • quantity
  • time bid was placed
  • Different restrictions on partial quantities
  • allocate smaller quantities at same
  • all-or-nothing

Japanese auction
  • Auctioneer calls out ascending prices
  • Bidders are initially in, and drop out
    (irrevocably) at certain prices
  • Last guy standing gets it at that price

Dutch (descending clock) auction
  • Auctioneer calls out descending prices
  • First bidder to jump in gets the good at that
  • With multiple units bidders shout out a quantity
    rather than mine. The clock can continue to
    drop, or reset to any value.

Sealed bid auctions
  • Each bidder submits a sealed bid
  • (Usually) highest bid wins
  • Price is
  • first price
  • second price
  • kth price
  • Note Can still reveal interesting information
    during auction
  • In multiple units similar pricing options as in

Reverse (procurement) auctions
  • English descending
  • Dutch ascending
  • Japanese descending

Two yardsticks for good auction design
  • Revenue The seller should extract the highest
    possible price
  • Efficiency The buyer with the highest valuation
    should get the good
  • usually achieved by ensuring incentive
    compatibility bidders are induced to bid their
    true valuation
  • maximizing over those bids ensures efficiency.
  • The two are sometimes but not always aligned

Agents care about utility, not valuation
  • Auctions are really lotteries, so you must
    compare expected utility rather than utility.
  • Risk attitude speak about the shape of the
    utility function
  • linear/concave/convex utility function refers to
  • The types of utility functions, and the
    associated risk attitudes of agents, are among
    the most important concepts in Bayesian games,
    and in particular in auctions. Most theoretical
    results about auction are sensitive to the risk
    attitude of the bidders.

  • Dutch 1st-price sealed bid
  • English Japanese
  • English 2nd-price sealed bid under IPV

Hints about the analysis of auctions
  • Information assumptionsauctions rules
  • ( many other assumptions) yield a
  • Bayesian game.
  • Agents use equilibrium strategies of the Bayesian
  • We now describe some basic results of the theory
    of economic mechanism design in order to show the
    type of studies one can
  • carry. We will emphasize the objective of
    revenue optimization.

Some Classical Results
  • When the agents are risk-neutral, all k-price
    auctions are revenue equivalent (Myerson).
  • When agents are strictly risk-averse, then

    first-price and Dutch are preferable to
    second and English (Maskin and Riley, Riley and

Risk-Seeking Agents
  • The expected revenue in second-price (English) is
    greater than the expected revenue in first-price
  • The expected revenue in third-price is greater
    than the expected revenue in second-price
  • Under constant risk-attitude
  • (k1)-price is preferable to k-price

Independent Private Value (IPV)versus Common
Value (CV)
  • In a CV model agents valuations are correlated.
  • the revelation of information during the auction
    plays a significant role
  • In the IPV model they are independent.
  • Under CV, risk-neutral bidders, we have that
  • English gt 2nd gt 1st.

The Revenue Equivalence Theorem
  • In all auctions for k units with the following
  • Buyers are risk neutral
  • IPV, with values independently and identically
    distributed over a,b (technicality
    distribution must be atomless)
  • Each bidder demands at most 1 unit
  • Auction allocates the units to the bidders with
    the k highest valuations
  • The bidder with the lowest valuation has a
    surplus of 0
  • a buyer with a given valuation will make the same
    expected payment, and therefore
  • all such auctions have the same expected revenue

The revelation principle
  • In a revelation mechanism agents are asked to
    report their types (e.g.valuations for the good),
    and an action (e.g. decision on the winner and
    his/her payment) will be based the agents
  • In general, agents may cheat about their types,
  • Any mechanism that implements certain behavior
    (e.g. a good is allocated to the agent with the
    highest valuation,v, and he pays (1-1/n)v) can be
    replaced by (another) revelation mechanism that
    implements the same behavior and where
    truth-revealing is in equilibrium.

The revelation principle an example
  • In a first-price auction as before, with only two
    participants, submitting half of the valuation is
    in equilibrium.
  • Consider the following modification the highest
    bidder wins, but pays half of his bid.
  • The new (strange?) protocol implements the same
    function (the same allocation and payments for
    every tuple of agents valuations), and
    truth-revealing is in equilibrium there.

Many Participants
  • An upper bound -- the expected highest valuation
    (notice that agents may overbid).
  • When the number of participants is large --
    English auctions approach the upper bound.
  • Marketing is more important than engineering!
    Attract one more participant and you will
    increase your revenue more than in selecting an
    optimized protocol.

Multi-Object Auctions
  • Several goods
  • Bids may be submitted for subsets of goods
  • Valuations need not be additive the valuation
    for a set of goods may be different from the sum
    of valuations for the elements it consists of.
  • Agents can do better job in expressing their

Combinatorial bids
  • Multiple goods are auctioned simultaneously
  • Each bid may claim any combination of goods
  • A typical combination a bundle (I bid 100 for
    the TV, VCR and couch)
  • More complex combinations are possible

Motivation complementarity and substitutability
  • Complementary goods have a superadditive
    valuation function
  • V(a,b) gt V(a) V(b)
  • In the extreme, V(a,b) gtgt0 but V(a) V(b)
  • Example different segments of a flight
  • Substitutable goods have a subadditive utility
  • V(a,b) lt V(a) V(b)
  • In the extreme, V(a,b) MAX V(a) , V(b)
  • Examples a United ticket and a Delta ticket

Multi-Object Auctions the Clarke (GVA)
  • Each agent is asked to reveal its valuation for
    each subset of the goods
  • An optimal allocation (which maximizes the sum of
    agents valuations, given their reported
    valuations), O, is calculated.
  • Agent j is required to pay Aj - Bj, where Aj is
    the sum of other agents (reported) valuations in
    an optimal allocation, Oj, which ignores j, and
    Bj is the sum of other agents (reported)
    valuations in O.
  • Truth-revealing is a dominant strategy!
  • Notice that in the case of a single good we get
    the second-price (Vickrey) auction.

Formal definition of GVA
  • Each i reports a valuation function
    possibly different from
  • The center calculates which maximizes sum
    of s
  • The center calculates which maximizes sum
    of s without i
  • Agent i receives (the goods allocated to
    it there) and also a payment of

Agent is utility
What should agent i bid?
  • Of the overall reward
  • is bid impacts only
  • the auctioneer maximizes
  • therefore i should make sure his function is
    identical to the auctioneers!

Special case Multiple units of good (example)
  • 2 bidders, 3 units (of a single good)
  • Bidder As demand curve is (10,8,5), and Bs
  • Outcome
  • A will win 2 units and B 1 unit
  • A will get 9-22-13, i.e. pay 13 for two goods
  • B will get 18-23-5, i.e. pay 5 for one good

Example (multi-object auction)
  • Three goods A, B, C.
  • Three agents 1, 2, and 3.
  • The valuation assigned by the agents to the
    different goods
  • 1 2 3
  • A 5 3 6
  • B 4 4 4
  • C 7 4 5
  • A,B 8 9 12
  • A,C 10 9 10
  • B,C 10 12 11
  • A,B,C 16 14 14
  • AB goes to 3, and C goes to 1, is
    optimal, leading to total of 19.
  • Without 1 BC goes to 2, and A
    goes to 3, leading to total of 18.
  • Without 2 as in the optimal
  • Without 3 BC goes to 2, and A
    goes to 1, leading to a total of 17.
  • Final payments 1 pays 18-126, and 3 pays
    17-710 .

Other remarks about the Clarke (Generalized
Vickrey Auction) mechanism
  • Applies not only to auctions as we know them, but
    to general resources allocation problems
  • When externalities exist
  • E.g, with public goods
  • Not collusion-proof

Multi-Object Auctions Maximizing Revenue
  • An upper bound -- the expected maximal sum of
    agents valuations over all allocations.
  • When the number of participants is large, the
    revenue of the Clarke mechanism approaches the
    upper bound.

Competition among sellers
  • If there are two sellers that use second-price
    and n agents, then it is likely that about 50 of
    the agents will participate at each auction.
  • If one of the sellers deviates to a third-price
    auction, and if an agent prefers second-price to
    third-price then more than 50 may participate
    in the second-price auction.
  • However, the expected utility of a buyer is
    identical in all k-price auctions, and therefore
    by deviating to a most profitable auction the
    seller gains but the buyers do not lose!
  • Hence, auctions can serve as legal lotteries!

Towards implementation computational problems
  • Single object auctions are computationally
  • Multi-object auctions are in general intractable.
  • Researchers try and find computationally
    tractable cases, and heuristics are suggested.

Computational Aspects Multi-Unit Auctions
  • N agents.
  • M units of good.
  • The value of K units is not greater than the
    value of (K1) units.
  • Multi-unit auctions are computationally
  • tractable.

Computational Aspects Multi-Unit Auctions
  • Deciding on optimal allocation given the agents
    bids computationally tractable.
  • Applying the Clarke mechanism is tractable.
  • Allowing several sets of units of good and
    combinatorial bids on pairs of different goods is
    still tractable.

Computational Aspects Network Auctions
  • Objects G1,G2,,Gm
  • A tree G(V,E) where V is isomorphic to the
  • A bid for a bundle of goods should correspond to
    a path of G
  • The case of linear goods (Rothkopf,Nisan) is the
    case where G is a simple path this applicable to
    time scheduling

Computational Aspects Network Auctions
  • Deciding on optimal allocation (and applying the
    Clarke mechanism) for network auctions is
    computationally tractable
  • Other related auction problems can be solved by
    b-matching techniques

Motivating Scenario Mechanism design in networks
Jon wishes to sell his TV to one of n potential
buyers. Highest buyers valuation, v , is
known -- Jon can obtain v. The buyers might not
reveal their information in the non-cooperative
setup-- Jon can use a first-price auction.

Motivating Scenario mechanism design in networks
Agent 2 might listen to agent 1s message and
submit a slightly higher bid (although his
valuation is much higher)
  • Agent 1 can send an encrypted bid.
  • This might be quite costly.

Motivating Scenario Game Theory versus
  • A game-theoretic solution
  • Use second price instead of first-price --
  • The expected revenue in first-price and in
    second-price auctions are identical.
  • In second-price auction it is not beneficial
  • to listen to others messages.

Distributed Games
  • Distributed Games
  • Game Theory Distributed Systems
  • Topology of network
  • Syntax of messages
  • Asynchronous activity
  • Parallelism

Implementation in networks a problem
  • 2 listens to 1s bid in first price auction

Implementation in networks the problem
  • Agents messages might be corrupted.
  • Classical mechanism design implicitly
  • assumes a concrete communication graph.

Implementation in networks a solution
Select k


Send y
Send k
Send k
Implementation in networks a solution
  • Any function that is implementable in the
    classical economic setting is implementable in
    any 2-connected graph.
  • The technique relies only on game-theoretic

Parallel Games
  • Many locations -- concurrent interactions
  • Each user controls several agents (e.g. one at
    each location).
  • The interaction at each location is modeled by a
    game in strategic form
  • Asynchronous parallel interactions (modeled by a
    probability distribution on the possible
    orderings of interactions).
  • Broadcast communication

Cooperation in the parallel prisoners dilemma
  • Two users. The PD is played at n locations
  • (e gt b gt a gt 0)
  • (e lt b (b-a)(n-1)/2)
  • Equal probability for each ordering of
    interactionsbroadcast communication imply
    cooperation in all locations.
  • Distributed systems features yield cooperation in
    finitely repeated PD.

Cooperative outcomes in parallel games
  • Assume the same strategic-form game is played in
    all locations
  • Assume there is a joint strategy, J, of the
    strategic form game, which is preferable to all
    agents upon the Nash equilibria of it.
  • J will be performed in equilibrium of the
  • game (assuming enough locations).

Cooperation Without Enforcement?A comparative
analysis of litigation and online reputation as
quality assurance mechanisms
  • Economic activity requires economic agents to
    abide by the terms of explicit or implicit
  • Most commercial transactions rely on the legal
    system to assure performance of promises, which
    are written into explicit or implicit contracts.
  • The article explores the ability of online
    reputation mechanisms to efficiently induce
    cooperation, compared to contractual arrangements
    depending on the threat of litigation.

Introduction cont
  • Electronic markets operate on a global scale and
    typically span multiple jurisdictions.
  • Litigation across jurisdictions is very costly
    and often infeasible.
  • Online reputation mechanisms have emerged as a
    viable alternative to the legal system in such
  • Information technology is having dramatic impacts
    on the cost, scale and performance of reputation

Introduction cont
  • Online systems greatly reduce the cost of
    collecting and disseminating feedback information
    on a worldwide scale and enable the pooling of
    experiences of unrelated individuals into a
    single, easily accessible repository.
  • This increases the likelihood that a feedback
    report for a specific transaction will influence
    large numbers of future transactions, thus
    strengthening the impact of reputation effects.
  • Online reputation systems allow the precise
    control of who can participate, what type of
    feedback is solicited, how it is aggregated and
    what type of information is disseminated to the

The setting
The setting
  • Given is a monopolist seller who in each period
    offers for sale a single unit of a good to m
  • Buyer i has valuation wi for a high quality good
    and all buyers value a low quality good at zero.
  • Buyer lifetime is exactly one period and in each
    period the m buyers are drawn from the same
    probability distribution, thus buyer valuations
    are independent and identically distributed
    within and across periods.
  • There is an infinite number of periods and the
    seller has a period discount factor ? reflecting
    the frequency of transactions within the
    community, or the probability that the game will
    end after each period.

The setting cont
  • Seller effort determines the probability that the
    good provided will be of low quality if the
    seller exerts low effort, the good will be of low
    quality with probability ?, whereas if the seller
    exerts high effort he will incure additional cost
    c and the good will be of low quality with a
    smaller probability ? (?lt?).
  • The sellers objective is to maximize the present
    value of his payoffs over the entire span of the
    game, while the buyers objective is to maximize
    their short-term (stage game) payoff.

The setting cont
  • In each period a mechanism is used to allocate
    the good among the m buyers by determining the
    buyer that receives the good and the price she
    pays to the seller.
  • Assume a second price Vickrey auction is used to
    award the good to the highest valuation buyer who
    pays a price equal to the second-highest bid G.

The reputation mechanism model
The reputation mechanism model
  • The reputation mechanism allows buyers to rate
    the seller based on the quality of the good
  • Buyers report the outcome of a transaction as
    either positive or negative.
  • positive rating indicate high quality good
  • negative rating indicate low quality good
  • The mechanism aggregates past ratings and
    publishes a summary of the sellers most recent
  • Buyers can see the total number of each type of
    rating received by the seller during the most
    recent N transactions (earlier ratings are

The reputation mechanism model cont
  • A sellers feedback profile is represented as (x,
    N), where x?0,1,,N is the number of negative
    ratings currently contained within that window.
  • At the end of each period, the ratings received
    during the current period is added to the profile
    whereas the rating received N periods ago is

The role of information technology in online
reputation systems
  • Once an online system has been developed, the per
    period cost of collecting, processing, and
    communicating ratings information is much lower
    compared to a traditional off-line system.
  • The type of structured design for the reputation
    mechanism in the suggested setting is only
    feasible in the context of an online system.

The role of information technology in online
reputation systems cont
  • Since the cost of providing feedback is low
    enough, customers are given incentives that
    induce participation and truth-telling.
  • Information technology makes the outcome of any
    single transaction immediately known to the
    entire population of prospective buyers,
    therefore it increases the proportion of
    transactions affected by the sellers reputation.

  • The above affects significantly the ability of
    the reputation mechanism to promote cooperative
  • Lets focus on the special case where N1. This
    corresponds to a reputation mechanism that
    publishes the single most recent rating received
    for the seller.
  • A sellers reputation is denoted by a binary
    state variable
  • x ?0,1.

Stage game for reputation mechanism
  • Seller offers a single unit of a good, promising
    to deliver a high quality good.
  • System provides a binary (positive or negative)
    rating for the seller, based on the buyer in the
    most recent period.
  • Buyers bid their expected valuations for the good
    in second price Vickrey auction. The winning
    bidder pays G, which is the second-highest bid.
  • Denote by w1 and w2 the respective valuations
    for a high quality good of the winning bidder and
    the second-highest bidder.

Stage game for reputation mechanism cont
  • Seller decides whether to exert high effort at
    cost c, or low effort at cost 0, with
    corresponding probabilities that the resulting
    good is of low quality being ? and ? (?lt?).
  • Buyer receives the good, experiences its quality,
    and realizes the corresponding valuation w1 for a
    high quality of good or 0 for low quality good.
    Buyer reports the quality of the good received to
    the system, and the rating of the seller reported
    in the next period is changed accordingly.

Characterization of Equilibrium Outcomes
Characterization of Equilibrium Outcomes
  • Let s(x,ht) ? 0,1 denote the sellers strategy
    in period t, equal to the probability the seller
    will cooperate in period t if his current
    reputation profile contains negative ratings at
    the beginning of the period and the past history
    of play is ht.
  • Restrict the seller to stationary strategies,
    where s(x,ht) does not depend on t, or the
    history of play.
  • Let ss(0), s(1) denote the sellers strategy

Characterization of Equilibrium Outcomes cont
  • Expected auction revenue
  • Expected surplus for winning bidder
  • Sellers payoff

Characterization of Equilibrium Outcomes cont
  • Let U(x,s) denote the sellers expected future
  • Since the reputation mechanism discards past
    ratings, the sellers future payoff is
    independent of the current state x of his
    reputation profile.
  • Therefore

Characterization of Equilibrium Outcomes cont
  • A strategy s is an equilibrium strategy if and
    only if it satisfies the incentive compatibility
  • We will focus the attention on the Pareto
    dominant equilibrium strategy s that maximizes
    the sellers expected discounted lifetime payoff
  • Where x0 ? 0,1 is the initial state of the
    reputation profile of new sellers, as well as the
    winning buyers expected single period surplus.

Proposition 1
  • Proposition 1 summarizes the sellers optimal
  • Let .

Following proposition 1
  • The condition
  • in order to induce any degree of cooperation, the
    buyers valuation of high quality must be high
    enough relative to the incremental cost of
    exerting high effort, so that discounted future
    payoffs from sustained cooperation are greater
    than short-term gains from cheating.

Following proposition 1
  • The condition
  • in order to induce any degree of cooperation, the
    sellers must transact with sufficient frequency
    within the span of the reputation mechanism so
    that the stem of future payoffs is large enough
    to offset the short- term gains from cheating.

Total surplus
Total surplus
  • Single stage total surplus
  • Average single stage total surplus

Proposition 2
  • Proposition 2 shows the total surplus
    corresponding to the seller strategy of
    proposition 1

Enforcement-based Framework (litigation)
  • Instead of reporting the quality of good
    received, the buyer may sue the seller for
    failing to deliver a high quality good.

Stage game for litigation mechanism
  • Seller offers a single unit of a good, promising
    to deliver a high quality good.
  • Buyers bid their expected valuations for the good
    in second price Vickrey auction. The winning
    bidder pays G, which is the second-highest bid.
  • Denote by w1 and w2 the respective valuations
    for a high quality good of the winning bidder and
    the second-highest bidder.
  • Seller decides whether to exert high effort at
    cost c, or low effort at cost 0, with
    corresponding probabilities that the resulting
    good is of low quality being ? and ? (?lt?).

Stage game for reputation mechanism cont
  • Buyer receives the good, experiences its quality,
    and realizes the corresponding valuation w1 for a
    high quality of good or 0 for low quality good.
  • Buyer decides whether or not to sue seller. If
    buyer does not sue, the stage game ends.
  • If the buyer sues, the court finds for the buyer
    with probability a if the good received was high
    quality, and with higher probability b if the
    good received was low quality. Independent of the
    court decision, each party incurs litigation
    costs L.
  • If court finds for the buyer, then the seller has
    to pay to the buyer damages D.

Stage game for litigation mechanism
Proposition 3
  • Each period is independent, therefore, analysis
    of the game consists of analyzing the stage game.
  • Prop 3 shows the resulting outcomes of the
    litigation game

Proposition 4
  • Implication of proposition 3 for maximizing total

Following proposition 4
  • If the tree conditions
  • are simultaneously satisfied, then the buyer
    will sue only when a low quality good is
    received the seller will always exert high
    effort because its cost is less than the expected
    reduction in legal costs and damages and
    inducing the seller to exert high effort through
    the threat of litigation increases the total

Impact of information technology
  • Before the advent of the internet, word-of-mouth
    regarding professionals and merchants took place
    within relatively small and (almost) mutually
    disjoint groups of neighbors, friends,
    co-workers, etc.
  • The above is equivalent to a setting where each
    group operates an independent reputation
    mechanism that only receives and disseminates
    feedback from members of the group.
  • If a seller operates over a large, fragmented
    territory, the number of such groups would be

Impact of information technology cont
  • The sellers discount factor for future payoffs
    from any given group would be smaller
  • If the seller discounts the future by ? per
    period and transacts with each group every n-th
    period on average, the appropriate discount
    factor in considering the sellers behavior for
    each group will be .
  • Since ? lt 1, for large enough n it will be
  • Therefore, reputation mechanisms will fail to
    induce cooperation when feedback networks are
    sufficiently fragmented.

Impact of information technology cont
  • Internet-based online reputation mechanism
    provide easily accessible, low cost focal points
    for previously disjoint groups to pool their
    experiences with service providers and merchants
    into a single feedback repository.
  • As these feedback mechanisms cover more groups,
    the effect is equivalent to reducing the degree
    of fragmentation n of the feedback networks. This
    increases the discount factor of the seller.
  • At the limit, outcome of any single transaction
    becomes immediately known to the entire
    population of prospective buyers. This would
    result in the sellers discount factor getting
    closer to 1.

Impact of information technology cont
  • As ? increases, reputation becomes more efficient
    relative to litigation.
  • Reputation may be less efficient than regulation
    for lower values of ?.
  • Reputation may become more efficient than
    litigation as ? increases and approaches 1.

Comparing the efficiency of reputation vs.
litigation mechanism
  • The reputation mechanism induces the seller to
    exert high effort most of the time provided that
  • A seller with good reputation will always
    cooperate, while a seller with bad reputation
    will cooperate with probability
  • Average total surplus per period

Comparing the efficiency of reputation vs.
litigation mechanism cont
  • The reputation mechanism reduces the total
    surplus by
  • compared to the high-effort first-best outcome.
  • The efficiency of litigation mechanism depend on
    the litigation costs L.
  • If then for a properly
    selected level of damages D the litigation
    mechanism will induce the seller to always

Comparing the efficiency of reputation vs.
litigation mechanism cont
  • The surplus, in this case, is
  • the reputation mechanism reduces total surplus by
    2?L compared to high effort first-best outcome.
  • If ??1 and if w1?w2 then the reduction in surplus
    for the reputation mechanism simplifies to
  • In this case, the reputation mechanism is more
    efficient than litigation in terms of total
    surplus generated if and only if

Comparing the efficiency of reputation vs.
litigation mechanism cont
  • The crucial determinant of the relative
    efficiency of the two mechanisms is the magnitude
    of litigation costs L relative to the incremental
    cost of high effort c. The higher the ratio, the
    more attractive the use of reputation mechanism
    relative to litigation.
  • For values of ? and ?,
    the two mechanisms are comparable in inducing
    cooperation when litigation costs are between
    50-100 of the incremental cost of high effort.
    If litigation costs rise above that threshold,
    reputation emerges as most efficient mechanism.

  • The effectiveness of a reputation mechanism in
    inducing cooperative behavior has a discontinuous
    relationship to the frequency of transactions
    that are affected by this mechanism A certain
    degree of participation is required before
    reputation can induce a significant level of
  • If legal costs are comparable to or larger than
    the incremental cost of cooperation, reputation
    mechanisms are likely to outperform litigation in
    terms of inducing cooperation and maximizing
    total surplus.
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