World War II 19391945 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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World War II 19391945


World War II 19391945 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: World War II 19391945

World War II 1939-1945
Prelude to War
  • Essential Questions
  • How was Adolf Hitler able to come to power in
    Europe in the Post World War I period?
  • Prior to 1941, how was America able to take sides
    against Germany, without actually declaring war
    on Germany?
  • What was Americas strategy for fighting a two
    front war with Germany and Japan?
  • 4. Was America right or wrong to drop the Atomic
    bomb on Japan?


Key Terms to look for and know Fascism,
Isolationism (Neutrality), Franklin
Roosevelt, Mein Kampf, Nazi Party (National
Socialist Party), Kristallnacht, Anti-Semitism,
Appeasement, Benito Mussolini, Neutrality Act of
1939 (Cash and Carry), Lend Lease, Adolf Hitler,
Fuehrer, Totalitarian, GI (Government Issue),
Treaty of Versailles, Neville Chamberlain,
Maginot Line, Luftwaffe, Blitzkrieg, The Blitz,
.Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin,
Non-Aggression Pact, Rhineland, Sudetenland,
Manchuria, Pearl Harbor, Axis Powers (Rome,
Berlin, Tokyo Axis), Allied Powers, D Day,
Normandy, Island Hopping, Pearl Harbor,
Manchuria (Manchukuo), Atomic Bomb, Little Boy,
Hiroshima, Fat Man, Nagasaki, Nationalism Aryan
Race Theory, Doolittle Raids, Arsenal of
Democracy Operation Overlord, Anschluss,
Manhattan Project Self-determination
The end of World War I laid the foundation for
World War II.
  • The harshness of the Treaty of Versailles
    destroyed the self-esteem of many Europeans and
    paved the way for new leadership.
  • Economic hardships caused by the worldwide
    depression that made many Europeans open to
    radical political changes in their political

European women and children are forced to dig in
the dump to obtain food for their families.
Note It was experiences like this that made
Europeans open to the radical changes of Fascism.
One of the first dictators to appear in Europe
was Benito Mussolini. The country was Italy.
  • Mussolinis background
  • Teacher, journalist and political activist
  • Wounded in WWI fighting for the Allies (I.e.
    England and France)
  • Felt his country was shortchanged in the
    Versailles Treaty
  • 1919 he banded together some other war veterans
    and formed the Fascist Party. Through threats and
    intimidation they were able to convince the
    Italian people that their leadership was needed
    to restore the greatness that Italy once enjoyed
    in Europe (I.e.Roman Empire)
  • Note Fascism promotes the
  • importance of the nation or race
  • above that of the individual.
  • 1922, Mussolini forced King
  • Victor Emmanuel III to recognize
  • him as prime minister of Italy.
  • 1925, Mussolini declared himself
  • Il Duce (the leader)
  • Ultimately he secured his position as a
    Totalitarian leader.

Mussolini was reaching back into Italys past and
ultimately, he hoped to regain the greatness of
the Roman Empire by creating a Modern Roman
Note Propaganda became an important aspect of
Mussolinis popularity and he used it efficiently
and effectively to secure his popularity.
Here a young Italian woman on the beach displays
her support of Benito Mussolini.
Mussolini had uniforms made for the many
different honorary military roles he gave to
Young boys on a beach in Italy promote Il Duce by
spelling his name out in the sand.
  • Mussolini was not all political fluff he became
    popular for a variety of tangible contributions
    to his country.
  • Over 400 new bridges were constructed under his
  • Over 4000 miles of new roads were created during
    his dictatorship.
  • The Italian military was enlarged and modernized.
  • Created a variety of economic and social programs
    to relieve the suffering of his people.
  • Reestablished Italian control in Northern Africa
    when Italy conquered Ethiopia
  • Increased the sense of Italian Nationalism.
  • Nationalism The collective strength of how a
    nation feels about itself. In other words, a
    nations self-esteem.

Il Duce addresses the Italian People
After Mussolini had risen to power another
fascist from the country of Austria was emerging
in Germany and came to power often supported by
,and following in the footsteps of Benito
  • Hitler was an unlikely dictator because
  • Background
  • Born in Austria. Therefore he was Austrian and
    not German.
  • Poorly educated and supported himself in
    adulthood selling paintings.
  • Failed to gain entry to various art schools he
    applied to.
  • Fought in World War I as a message carrier.
  • Temporarily blinded in the war when he inhaled
    mustard gas.
  • After the war he became homeless and often
    frequented shelters for housing and food.

This is an example of the artwork of Adolf Hitler
Like Mussolini, the social, economic and
political conditions in post WWI Europe created
an atmosphere that allowed Hitler to emerge and
gain popularity. Reason 1 An economic
depression had destroyed Germanys economy and
Hitler was promising to restore Germanys
Reason 2 The Treaty of Versailles had severely
limited Germanys ability to strengthen the
economic, political and social systems of the
country and Hitler was promising to overturn the
resolutions of the Treaty of Versailles.
The men who formulated the Treaty of Versailles
Some of the issues that Hitler found unacceptable
in the Treaty of Versailles 1. High
war reparations that kept Germanys economy
depressed. 2. Germany had to take blame for
causing WWI. 3. Germanys military was reduced
to a police force. 4. Germany lost valuable
resource land. (E.g. Rhineland)
Hitler had read history and he had mastered the
things that make great leaders. Note Hitler was
a great speaker that could mesmerize his audience
Every great movement on this globe owes its rise
to the great speakers

Adolf Hitler
An observation of a speech given by Adolf
Hitler I cannot remember in my entire life such
a change in the attitude of a crowd in a few
minutes, almost a few seconds. There were
certainly many who were not converted yet. But
the mood of the majority abruptly changed. Hitler
had turned them inside out, as one turns a glove
inside out with a few sentences. It had almost
some-thing of hocus pocus, or magic about it.
Karl Alexander Von Muller
German Historian
Hitler mastering the art of giving a speech.
  • Hitlers chronological rise to power
  • In 1919 Hitler joins the German Workers Party
    which in 1920 changed its name to the National
    Socialist German Workers Party or the Nazi Party.
  • In the early 1920s he makes some speeches about
    Germanys issues that spearhead him to the top of
    the party leadership.
  • In 1923, his party gained a total of 55,000
  • In 1923 Hitler led a rebellion against the German
    government called the Beer Hall Putch in which he
    was defeated and sent to jail.
  • 1924 sent to jail and served for 9 months. The
    short term was probably due to the fact that many
    Germans supported Hitler
  • While in jail he wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle)
    an autobiography of Germanys ills and what
    Hitler would do to curb them. (Winston Churchill
    predicted Hitlers intentions)
  • By the end of the 1920s Hitler continued to
    promote his views and became a very popular
    German leader.

In 1933 Hitler and his Nazis represented the most
powerful political party in Germany and Adolf
Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany.
(Similar to a Prime Minister or President)
German President Paul von Hindenberg
German Chancellor Adolf Hitler
Hitler continued to secure political power for
himself by trying to associate himself with those
who were already in power
Steps to finalizing Hitlers power in the Third
Reich January, 1933 Hitler is appointed
Chancellor of Germany. February, 1933 Hitler
persuaded President Paul von Hindenberg to
suspend most German civil rights. June, 1933
Hitler demands that members of the military
swear personal allegiance to him. August, 1934
President Hindenberg dies and shortly after
Hitler abolishes the office of president and and
declares himself Fuehrer, or supreme leader of
the Third Reich
July 1934, In a night of blood and terror Hitler
sent his storm-troopers throughout Germany to
murder his political enemies. He then justified
his actions to the German legislature (I.e.
Reichstag) with these words.
Like Mussolini, Adolf Hitler acknowledged the
power of propaganda and used it to solidify his
popularity and power in Germany.
Hitler made certain cameras were present in
situations he wanted the public to see. Here, he
banters with some of his soldiers he helped
develop through his Hitler Youth programs.
Hitler was often portrayed as a father figure to
the German People. Here he is photographed as a
father figure to the German children.

Pro Hitler advertising became very popular in
Hitler immediately began solidifying his power
and twisting the minds of the a German people.
One of Hitlers first policies became identified
with discrimination against the Jews. It was
called anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism
Social,economic and political discrimination
against the Jews
Star of David was required on all Jewish clothing
Hitler instituted a series of laws called the
1935 Nuremberg Laws Restricted the freedom of
Jews in Germany. Example 1 Jews could not marry
Germans. Example 2 Jews must always wear the
Star of David upon their person.
Germans, defend yourselves do not buy from Jews
Propaganda like this was used by the Nazis to
turn the German people against the Jews.
At this place I am the greatest swine I take
Jews and make them mine As a Jewish boy I
always take German girls up to my room
On November 9, 1938, The Nazis, using an
assassination of German diplomat (Ernst Von Rath)
in Paris by a young Jew (Herschel Grynszpan)
protesting Nazi policies against the Jews
initiated a series of attacks against various
Jewish institutions, businesses and homes that
resulted in
  • 1. 91 Jews killed
  • 2. 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to
    concentration camps where hundreds died within a
    few short weeks.
  • 3. Many were released after the agreed to
    emigrate from Germany, but only after the had
    agreed to transfer their property to the Aryans.
  • 4.Thousands of homes, synagogues and business
    were burned and destroyed.

Hitler Youth
Hitler promoted a strong sense of nationalism
with his promotion of the Aryan Master Race
Theory This theory promoted the belief that the
Aryan(Germanic) race is genetically superior to
every other race in the world.
  • Hitler begins his advance
  • 1936 Hitler reoccupies the Rhineland in violation
    of the Treaty of Versailles
  • 1936 Hitler annexes Austria by signing the
    Anschluss with Austria (Czechoslovakia (Munich
  • 1938, Hitler took the Sudetenland from
  • 1938 Hitler took all of Czechoslovakia
  • 4. 1939 signed Non Aggression Pact with
    Soviets giving Hitler the a one front opportunity
    for war.
  • 5. Sept. 1939 Hitler invades Poland with the
    help of Joseph Stalin
  • Note This is ends the policy of appeasement and
    the Allies declare war on Germany.

The Allies (England, France and even America)
during this early period of German expansion
followed a policy of Appeasement
  • In order to avoid armed conflict the allies
    appeased Hitler
  • by
  • Ignoring his aggression.
  • Ignoring his military buildup
  • Creating deals at the expense of other countries.

Neville Chamberlain signing the Munich Agreement.
This agreement signed by the Allies and Germany
effectively gave Germany the Sudetenland.
Leader of Soviet Union Joseph Stalin
Mussolini Stalin Hitler
1939 Non Aggression Pact
After Poland Hitler turned to the west
1. April 1940, Germany took Denmark, Norway,
Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. 2. May,
1940, Hitler using his Luftwaffe and Blitzkrieg
tactics flanked the French Maginot Line and in
June of 1940 France surrendered to Hitler.
French General Charles De Gaulle
Summer of 1940, Hitler turned the military power
of Germany against Britain which stood alone
against the onslaught of German aggression. Not
wishing to commit German troops to a land
invasion and cross the English channel, Hitler
opted to use the Luftwaffe to attack
England. Due to the superiority of the Royal Air
Force and the experience of its pilots, Germany
experienced many losses and decided to resort to
night attacks. This became known in English
history as The Blitz. Sept. 7, 1940 May
Hitler had hoped to by attacking civilian
targets that he might break the will of the
English people and they would quickly sue for
peace. He was wrong! Note The Blitz lasted for
months but in the end Hitler had not accomplished
any of the goals he had set prior to the Blitz
Final Tally
40,000 civilians killed 46,000 seriously
injured 1 million homes and businesses
Americas position throughout this conflict was
to take a position of Isolationism and
Neutrality. There were several reasons for this
position. 1. Americans felt that this was a
European problem and besides World War I was
suppose to have been the war to end all wars.
They are not going to drag us in again 2.
Americans were concerned about their own economic
problems at home, (I.e. Great Depression) Note
As much as America wanted to remain indifferent,
we were destined to get involved as dictators
threatened democracy around the world. Roosevelt
knew this and looked for ways to maintain our
neutrality while supporting the cause of the
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Movies like All Quiet on the Western Front helped
support Americas fears of getting involved in
European conflicts
America First
Americans were varied in their opinions
concerning isolationism, but the nation was
committed to staying out of the conflict in
  • Note As early as 1938, Roosevelt began asking
    Congress to appropriate for defense.
  • 1938, Roosevelt asked Congress for 300 million
    in new spending for defense.
  • 2. 1939, FDR asked Congress to appropriate 1.3
    billion to the military budget.

Most Americans did not favor the policies of the
Fascist and so we immediately began to compromise
our neutrality in ways that were technically
legal Neutrality Act of 1939 Expanded
Americas neutrality by allowing America to sell
war materials to warring nations on a cash and
carry basis. Note Previous neutrality acts did
not allow the selling of war materials to warring
nations. Note Even though America was
technically committed to selling goods to the
Axis powers as well, the fact that Britain had
complete control of the Atlantic Ocean shipping
zones meant that we would only be trading with
the Allies.
Winston Churchill The new Prime Minister of
England sees America as a necessary participant
in the conflict
September, 1940, Destroyer-Base Deal US
gave 50 WWI destroyers to England in exchange for
military bases throughout the world.
September, 1940 Selective Service and Training
  • Men ages 21 to 25 needed to register.
  • Served for a term of one year.
  • Draft forces could only be used in the Western
  • The first peacetime draft in American History
  • Note Roosevelt is preparing the America so that
    it can successfully fight a global war.

Visual showing Americas preparation for war
prior to our entry into the conflict in 1941.

Prior to entry to the war on December 7, 1941,
America was in a difficult position that could
compromise their neutrality. Note England was
the only real opposition to Hitler and it was
running out of money purchasing American goods on
a CASH and CARRY basis while at the same time
trying to combat the aggressions of Hitler and
March 1941 Lend-Lease Act The United States
could loan war materials to any nation that
America felt was vital to the defense of the
US. Note Roosevelt said it was like loaning
your garden hose to your neighbor whose house was
In the Election of 1940, Franklin Roosevelt
became the first president to run for and win a
third term. One of his campaign promises located
above was a promise he was not able to keep to
the American People.
Early in the 1930s, Japan was also pursuing a
military policy similar to the aggressive
policies of the Fascists in Europe.
Japans policy tried to regain the greatness of
Japan felt was their destiny and the era of the
Samurai based on their Bushido Code of Honor.
NoteThe League of Nations condemned the attack,
but the Japanese simply withdrew from the League
of Nations saying it needed the land for long
term security.
  • September, 1931, Japan invaded Manchuria and
    renamed the puppet country Manchukuo.
  • America is concerned for these reasons
  • Americans have a sympathy toward the Chinese
  • Leader of China (Chiang Kai shek) is very popular
    in America
  • America has strong economic interests in China.
    (E.g. 100 million in cotton sales
  • If Japan grew stronger economically it could
    effectively compete with the US in world sales.


1937, Japan then invaded China from the north
(I.e. Manchukuo,) and participated in the brutal
slaughter of thousands of Chinese citizens in
Nanking and Shanghai. How brutal? 1. Chinese men
were rounded up tied to poles and used for
bayonet practice by Japanese soldiers. 2. Old
women and very young girls (E.g. some 8 years
old) were publicly raped in the streets of
Rape of Nanking
American response to the brutal attacks was to
issue a series of communications to the Japanese
government disapproving of the aggression. Was
this a case of American Appeasement?
Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere
Japans Monroe Doctrine
Americas response to Japanese aggression was
ultimately to stop their war machine with an
American embargo of aviation fuel, iron, steel
and rubber and oil.
Note All these products were important to Japan
if they were going to sustain their expansion
into South East Asia.
Japanese diplomats were negotiating peace with
America at the time Pearl Harbor was attacked.
This led America to stereo-type the Japanese as
Attack on Pearl Harbor (morning) December 7,
1941, brought America into the war. 19 US Ships,
188 US planes, 2400 Americans killed
View taken by a Japanese pilot just after the
attack on Pearl Harbor began.
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Bank in San Francisco is protected from fears of
a Japanese attack on the mainland.
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The American government wasted no time
propagandizing the Pearl Harbor attack.
The attack on Pearl Harbor prompted many
Americans to enlist in the armed services. 1942,
3.9 million Americans were in the armed
forces. 1943, 8 million Americans were in the
armed forces. 1945, 12 million Americans were in
the armed forces.
America was anxious to send a message to the
Japanese that America was hurt but not defeated
and the Japan was not safe from Americas
wrath. April, 1942 Doolittle Raids Series of
American bombing raids to send the message to
Japan that they were not invincible and that we
would soon be coming their way. In other words,
America was hurt but not defeated and we wanted
some revenge!
Jimmy Doolittle led a group of volunteer American
pilots (off the USS Hornet) on a bombing run into
Tokyo, Japan. (B25 midrange bombers).
The Doolittle landings, if successful, were to be
made in China.
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The Japanese grossly underestimated the
industrial capacity of America.
America rebuilt what was destroyed at Pearl
Harbor at a much faster rate than the Japanese
had predicted.
America went from a Guns to Butter economy
after WWI to a Butter to Guns economy at the
beginning of WWII.
The increases in production would not have been
possible without the participation of Americas
female population. Women represented by Rosie
the Riveter took many of the work positions left
behind by the dwindling male population .
An American woman puts down her apron and picks
up a torch for the war effort.
Life at home in America changed dramatically as
women seized the roles previously dominated by
After Pearl Harbor, many Americans became
concerned with the large number of
Japanese-Americans living in Hawaii and along
the West Coast. Bowing to political pressure, FDR
issued an executive order that ordered all
Japanese Americans living in this area to
relocate to interment camps in the interior of
America. It was not one of our prouder
moments! Should we have relocated this
population of Japanese Americans in order to
insure the safety of America?
Can we trust them?
A Japanese family is tagged and awaits evacuation
away from the West Coast.
Japanese-American children pledge a allegiance
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This opinion, clearly recognizes the injustice of
the interment of Japanese-Americans, but also
indicates the sense of fear felt my many
whiteAmericans. In the end, the majority of
white Americans felt that the need to be secure
held priority over what they viewed as an issue
of national security.
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Selling the War to America at Home
Patriotism became a significant part of American
society and the word victory permeated
throughout America even into the arena of
consumer products.
Patriotism was being used by some companies as a
marketing tool to sell consumer products.
Recruitment posters portrayed American troops
that were courageous, determined, patriotic and
physically fit.
Buy War Bonds
The government hired famous artists to gather
support from the American population. Patriotism
and fear were both used to promote and finance
the war effort.
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Creating disrespect for foreign leaders by
portraying them as cartoon characters became very
popular in Americas propaganda efforts. Note
Laughing at our enemies made them seem less
threatening and dangerous.
Emotions such as fear kept Americans on their
Efforts were made to ensure that Americans
remained silent so as not to tip off any spies or
divulge information that could hurt the war
Americans were urged to be very careful in their
correspondence with others concerning the
war. The postal service was a significant
security risk recognized by the government as a
way that the enemy might obtain vital
Women in a self defense drill prepare for the
necessity to defend themselves.
The American people were asked to make sacrifices
for the war effort.. The American Government
implemented a consumer education program that
supported the war effort..
Sacrifices were made in all areas of life. Here a
woman has given up nylons for the war effort but
inventively paints on replacement nylons.
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Even the rich and famous sought to support the
war effort
Hey big boy, how about donating your bumpers for
the war effort.
All materials were needed to fight the war.
Therefore, Americans were urged to take items
they no longer used and commit them to the war
It was not only American men who were urged to
join in the fight. American women were lured into
the armed forces using the wave of patriotism
that swept across America after Pearl Harbor
  • While men referred to themselves with the new
    nickname of GIs (I.e.Government Issue), American
    Women formed their own branches of American armed
  • Oveta Culp Hobby founded the Womens Army
    Auxiliary Corp or WACS
  • The US Navy had the Women Accepted for Volunteer
    Emergency Service or WAVES. Sideline it was
    popular for young men to retort
  • The US Air Force developed the Women Air Force
    Service Pilots or the WASPS
  • Note All female positions were non-combat
  • Note BY the end of the war 300,000 women had
    served in WWII.

Aim between the eyes Joe
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Betty Grable
Rita Hayworth
Boys will be boys
This was the era of the pin up girl and many GIs
enjoyed the company of these posters on their
barrack walls.
GIs made good use of the pin up pictures that
they found in magazines and brought from home and
placed them on the walls of their barracks.
America became the Arsenal of Democracy for
producing the weapons and supplies that were used
to defeat Germany and Japan.
To American production, without which this war
would have been lost.
Joseph Stalin toasting Americas ability to be
the production arsenal for WWII.
WWI Allied Strategy The Allies agreed at the
very beginning of the conflict that Germany was a
bigger threat than Japan and so the the Allied
Powers agreed to concentrate on defeating Hitler
before joining together to defeat the Empire of
Im a bigger threat to world security than Japan
World War II in Europe 1939-1945
D Day Operation Overlord June
6, 1944 Largest armada ever assembled in world
Allies landed and attacked the Normandy coast of
France in what would become the D-Day invasion.
Operation Overlord THE PLAN
The Germans knew the attack would come. Here a
German soldiers gazes out into the English
Channel looking for an allied attack.
German officers inspect the defense of the
Atlantic Wall
Atlantic Wall was the name given to the defenses
along the French Coast that had been created by
Germany to protect occupied France from an attack
by the Allies.
D Day Statistics
  • 4,126 transport vessels manned by 200,00 sailors
  • 1,173 ships carrying tanks and other armoured
  • 1,213 assault ships, 300 war ships
  • 57,000 Americans, 75,000 British and Canadian
    troops went ashore.
  • 900 armored vehicles and 600 guns.
  • 13,743 aircraft took part including 867 gliders
    that dropped 27,000 airborne troops behind enemy

Allies shell the Atlantic Wall to soften it up
for the invasion.
Soldiers wade ashore in an attempt to establish a
Americans waiting for the gate to drop. Life
expectancy for these soldiers in the first wave
on Omaha Beach was less than 5 seconds.
American soldier hunkers down to avoid the
exploding shrapnel from an enemy shell.
The walk to shore.
326,000 soldiers, 50,000 vehicles, 100,000 tons
of supplies
Troops wade ashore after the beachhead is
Allied troops establish the beachhead.
Allied troops shelling the German lines in order
to break out from the beachhead.
Once the allies broke out of the beach,
liberating French towns became a primary goal of
many units.
The Germans knew the attack was coming but Hitler
feared a bigger attack would take place at Calais
so he order little opposition to the allied
landing. BIG MISTAKE!
D Day Invasion
Beachhead established!
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April, 1945, With the Russians occupying Berlin
and nearly knocking on the bunker door where
Hitler was in seclusion.
Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun,his new wife
(I.e.Hitler married her one day earlier in the
bunker), committed suicide on April 30.1945. On
May 7, 1945 Germany surrendered to the Allies
ending Hitlers threat to the security of Europe.
Pre-Victory conferences were held throughout the
war to prepare for the day when Hitler and the
Axis Powers were defeated. The Allies needed to
address the many issues that would be faced by
defeating the Axis Powers and determining what
postwar Europe would look like.
Atlantic Charter, Teharan Conference Yalta
Conference, Potsdam Conference
Atlantic Charter
Date August, 1941 In Attendance Franklin
Roosevelt and Winston Churchill Where Met off
the coast of Newfoundland to discuss war strategy
and common vision for a postwar
world. Decision 1. Every nation should have the
right to choose its government free from the fear
of aggression. 2. An international organization
should be created to protect the security of all
All men to live out their lives in freedom and
fear from want
United Nations?
Teheran Conference
  • DateNovember 28 December 1, 1942
  • In Attendance Franklin Roosevelt, Winston
    Churchill, Joseph Stalin
  • Where Teheran, Iran
  • Decision
  • Agreed on cross-English Channel offensive attack
    of Germany. (I.e. D Day)
  • Stalin promised simultaneous attack from the East
    creating two war fronts for Germany

our peoples will act together jointly and in
friendship now and after the end of the war.
Joseph Stalin
Yalta Conference
  • DateFebruary 4 February 11, 1945
  • In Attendance Franklin Roosevelt, Winston
    Churchill, Joseph Stalin
  • Where Yalta, Russia
  • Decision
  • Stalin committed to Polands government being
    reorganized with self-determination.
  • Soviet Union would enter the war against Japan 3
    months after the defeat of Germany.

Potsdam Conference
  • Date July 2 August 2, 1945
  • In AttendanceHarry S. Truman, Clement Attlee,
    Joseph Stalin
  • Where Outskirts of Berlin Germany
  • Decision
  • Set up the Council of Foreign Ministers to
    supervise treatise with the Axis Powers.
  • 2. Germany would be split into peacekeeping zones
  • (4 zones/Allied Occupation)
  • 3. Issued ultimatum to Japan surrender or suffer

prompt and utter destruction.
Once Hitler and Germany were defeated it was time
for Allies to concentrate on Japan.
By 1942 the Japanese had expanded throughout East
Asia and much of the Pacific Region.
Island Hopping Capturing significant Pacific
Islands and going around others effectively
cutting them off from Japan.
Military strategist realized that capturing every
island that the Japanese occupied would be time
consuming, expensive, and cost additional
American lives. It is for this reason that
America developed a strategy of Island Hopping.
Island Hopping Strategy
The Navaho language was used by the US Government
as a form of code (I.e. encryption) that the
Axis Powers were never able to break! Americans
had broken the German and Japanese codes at
various times throughout the war.
The Atomic Bomb
August 1939, Albert Einstein wrote to President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt telling him of the
possibility of building an atomic weapon.
The letter that prompted the construction of the
Atomic Bomb.
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Manhattan Project
Atomic Physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer becomes
the Father of the Atomic Bomb and serves under
the military direction of General Leslie Groves.
President Truman is informed of the Atomic Bomb.
The decision to use the Atomic Bomb was
controversial from the beginning of its
Why not use atomic weapons?
Atomic Weapons
Conventional Weapons
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Now I am death the Destroyer of worlds
Robert Oppenheimers words from Hindu scripture
commenting on seeing the first A-Bomb explode in
the New Mexico desert.
This is the view of the crew of the Enola Gay as
they looked back to see the impact of the first
atomic bomb dropped in world history.
Note The pilot of the Enola Gay was Col. Paul
A Hiroshima watch records the time of the Atomic
Explosion that leveled Hiroshima. August 6, 1945
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Ground Zero in Hiroshima
Irene Nakagawa
August 14, 1945, after the dropping of two atomic
bombs and the Soviet Union declaring war on
Japan, the Japanese Empire surrendered
unconditionally to the Allied Powers.
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(No Transcript)
World War II ends and the Baby Boom begins.
The price the World paid.
The End
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