Title: Chapter 7 Feeding Behavior
1Chapter 7 Feeding Behavior
- External adaptations
- Snail kite snails
- Crossbills seeds from pine cones
- Anteaters
22. Describe the digestive system of a bird.Â
Draw a bird's digestive system, label it's parts
and give a function for each
- Herbivore bird digestion
- Crop expansion of esophagus for storage (seed
eaters) - Gizzard for grinding food before digestion,
improve digestion because enzyme partially digest
before stomach - Ex. Wild turkey eat whole nuts, crush within 1
hr. 52 lbs pressure - Lots of plants but toxins, cellulose, hard
exodermis (nuts, seeds) hard to digest - Ceca pouches with bacteria to help break down
fiber. - Multiple stomach ungulates aided by bacteria
to digest cellulose
32 3)Types of digestive systems
4Typical vertebrate digestion
- Mouth ?esophagus?stomach?sm. Int ?lg int? anus
5Types of feeders
- Omnivore average vertebrate system
- Carnivore larger intestines to digest meat
- Detritivore average vertebrate system
Average system similar to humans. Label and give
a function for each.
6(3) Carnivore vs herbivore digestive tract
7 (3) Herbivore system deer, cow
A feeding deer is at a disadvantage because
while feeding it cannot be alert to danger. (1)
regurgitates a ball of partially chewed food from
rumen rechews, then reswallows the food, goes
to (2) the reticulum. 3) then omasurn, then
through the abomasum (4) into the intestines
where digestion is completed. 67 feet of
intestine defecate 13 X per 24 hours
8(3) Horse digestion
94. Factors determining caloric need
- Animal size
- Feeding source
- Weather (temperature, moisture)
- Insulation (fur, feathers)
- Cover or shelter available
- Health of animal
10(4) Calorie needs
- Brody (1945) kcal 140 x body wt in kg)3/4
- 5g shrew 2.63 kcal per day
- 544 Kg brown bear 15,000 kcal per day
- Elephant
- Exception birds smaller than 10 grams need more
- 5 g hummingbird needs 1200 1500 kcal per day
11(4) Varies over time w/ env conditions and
individual status
- Pregnancy
- Maternity
- Rut season
- juvenile vs old age vs adult
12Types of food carbohydrates (5)
- 4.2 kcal per gram
- (quick energy) Sugar, starch,
- (long term energy) cellulose, lignin, chiten
- Seeds, wood, all parts of plants Only a few can
digest lignin and cellulose in wood (lagomorphs,
beaver, porcupine)
13Types of food fats (5)
- 9.5 kcal per gram
- Fats, lipids, wax, oils
- Slowly digested, energy storage (carbs converted
to oils for long term storage). - Grazers, browsers not really adapted for oils,
Most carnivores are. - Gall bladder liver
- Adaptations deer, no fall bladder, secrete bile
14Types of food protein (5)
- 4.2 kcal per gram
- Nitrogen needed for amino acid, nucleic acid,
enzymes for all chemical reactions - Not abundant in plants except legumes
- Plants used as indicators due to low protein
- Clover, alfalfa, beans, peas
- Other plants tips (active growing only)
15(6) Macro vs micronutrients
- Macronutrients needed in large quantities
- Sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur,
phosporus - Micronutrients small (micro) quantity
- Vitamins
- coprophagy eat own feces, absorb vitamins
bacteria vitamin K biotin especially - Minerals
- copper, cobalt, nickel, zinc, fl, iodine, chromium
16(7) Ecology/evolution of feeding behavior
- Plant defenses co-evolved w/ herbivore strategies
- pine nut squirrel cones
- Squirrel strategy
- Select for high producing cones
- Stockpile cones for lean years
- Pine tree strategy
- Cones hard to open
- Cones with fewer seeds
- Seeds have increase coat thickness
- Less nutritious seeds
- Drop seeds early (sq rely on other food)
- Periodically produce no seeds at all
17Plant defenses (7)
- Physical/ mechanical spikes, thorns, sticky
hairs - Roses, black locust, raspberries, blackberry
18Plant defense chemical (7)
- Chemical/ toxins tannins, oils, resins,
alakaloids, terpenoids, nicotine - Tree leaves, tobacco, pine trees, sumac, poison
oak, ivy
19Food quality (8)
- Quality quantity vary seasonally, with weather
changes, soil health fertility, animal
populations - Rabbits on sandy soil require more food
- Size of animals varies with food quality (compare
IL white tail to coors or keys or southern
states) - Make up for deficiencies by bone, feces ingestion
(antlers mice, squirrels, porcupines) - Animals select for missing nutrients
20Activity cycles keyed to variation in quality and
quantity (8)
- Reproduction waterfowl, songbirds time hatching
of young to insect cycles - Number of offspring often related to food
availability (quality corn vs brush triplets - Sex specific differences does eat less browse,
bucks more
21Age related changes in feeding in ducks (8)
Young?? Juveniles Adult (flyers)
22(8) List at least 5 caloric values for different
food items (handout).
- Quality of food varies seasonally
- Ecosystem interruption, human impact
- Positive corn, wheat, soybeans
- Negative interrupt ecosystem, pest species not
as nutritious (canary grass, foxtail, purple
23Food shortages (9)
- Winter starvation few years of catastrophic
loss (mule deer, whitetail, elk) - Brant eelgrass collapse 2 of pop left
- Lower metabolic rates, lose antlers, sleep
longer - Hibernation, aestivation, torpor
24Human induced shortages
- Deer in UP michigan fed lumber yards,
- Stopped feeding, collapse artificial high
population for hunting Beaver Basin - Now stopped due to chronic wasting fears gave
to state, MI didnt have funds to supply
commerical food all winter massive starvation
25Cover (10)
- Fur, feathers help
- Snow
- Brush low lying, with leaves tall grasses,
spruces, fir trees
26Measuring cover (10)
27 Effect of Cover on wind (10)
28Effect of snow cover (10)
29Edge effect (10)
- Increased number of plant species at edge
- Variety in cover
- Variety in env conditions (heat, sun, etc)