Chapter 5 CMOS Inverter - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 5 CMOS Inverter


Chapter 5 CMOS Inverter Boonchuay Supmonchai Integrated Design Application Research (IDAR) Laboratory July 5, 2004; Revised - June 25, 2005 Goals of This Chapter ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 5 CMOS Inverter

Chapter 5CMOS Inverter
  • Boonchuay Supmonchai
  • Integrated Design Application Research (IDAR)
  • July 5, 2004 Revised - June 25, 2005

Goals of This Chapter
  • Quantification of Design Metrics of an inverter
  • Static (or Steady-State) Behavior
  • Dynamic (or Transient Response) Behavior
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Optimization of an inverter design
  • Technology Scaling and its impact on the inverter

Digital Gate Design Metrics Recap
  • Cost
  • Complexity and Area
  • Reliability and Robustness ? Static Behavior
  • Noise Margin, Regenerative Property
  • Performance ? Dynamic Behavior
  • Speed (Delay)
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Energy and Power Consumption, Energy-Delay

Why CMOS Inverter?
  • CMOS because it is the dominating technology of
    the era.
  • High Packing Density
  • Relatively Easy Process
  • Inverter because it is the nucleus of all digital
  • Behavior of more intricate structures (logic
    gates, adders, etc.) can be almost completely
    derived by extrapolating the results obtained
    from the inverters.

CMOS Inverter A First Glance
Driven by Output Of another gate gt Fanin
Collective Capacitances Of Wires and Gates gt
CMOS Inverter Physical View Recap
Two CMOS Inverters Physical View
Abut Cells
CMOS Inverter Static Behavior
State of Transistors ON VGT VGS - VT gt
VT, Ron ? ? OFF VGT VGS - VT
gt VT, Roff finite
CMOS Inverter Dynamic Behavior
  • Gate response time is determined by the time to
    charge CL through Rp (discharge CL through Rn)

CMOS Properties
  • Full rail-to-rail swing
  • High noise margins
  • Logic levels not dependent upon the relative
    device sizes gt Ratioless
  • Transistors can be minimum size
  • Regenerative Property
  • Low output impedance
  • Large Fan-out (albeit with degraded performance)
  • Typical output resistance in k? range.

CMOS Properties (2)
  • Extremely high input resistance (MOS transistor
    is near perfect insulator)
  • nearly zero steady-state input current
  • No direct path between power and ground under
    steady-state (but there always exists a path with
    finite resistance between the output and either
    VDD or GND)
  • no static power dissipation
  • Propagation delay a function of load capacitance
    and resistance of transistors

NMOS Short Channel I-V Plot Recap
PMOS Short Channel I-V Plot Recap
  • All polarities of all voltages and currents are

Transforming PMOS I-V Plot
IDSp -IDSn VGSn Vin VGSp Vin -
VDD VDSn Vout VDSp Vout - VDD
CMOS Inverter Load-Line Plot
CMOS Inverter VTC
VTC Voltage-Transfer Characteristics
Robustness of CMOS Inverter
  • Precise Values of Switching Threshold, VM
  • VM is defined as the point where Vin Vout
  • Noise Margins
  • Piece-Wise Linear Approximation
  • Maximization
  • Process Variations
  • Device Variations
  • Technology Scaling

Switching Threshold
  • At VM where Vin Vout, both PMOS and NMOS
    transistors are in saturation (since VDS VGS)
  • VM ? rVDD/(1 r) where r kpVDSATp/knVDSATn
  • Switching threshold set by the ratio r, which
    compares the relative driving strengths of the
    PMOS and NMOS transistors
  • Goal To set VM VDD/2 (to maximize noise
    margins), so r ? 1

Switch Threshold Example
  • In our generic 0.25 micron CMOS process, using
    the process parameters from Table 3.2, at VDD
    2.5V, and a minimum size NMOS device ((W/L)n of

VT0(V) ?(V0.5) VDSAT(V) k(A/V2) ?(V-1)
NMOS 0.43 0.4 0.63 115 x 10-6 0.06
PMOS -0.4 -0.4 -1 -30 x 10-6 -0.1
(W/L)p 3.5 x 1.5 5.25 for a VM of 1.25 V
Example Simulated Results
Minimum Width-to-Length 1.5
Observations I
  • VM is relatively insensitive to variations in
    device ratio
  • Small Variations of the ratio do not
    significantly disturb VTC.
  • Common Industry Practice to set Wp smaller than
    the requirement.
  • Increasing the width of the PMOS moves VM towards
  • Increasing the width of the NMOS moves VM toward

Noise Margins Determining VIH and VIL
Gain g Slope
Approximating VIH VM - VM /g VIL VM
(VDD - VM )/g
So high gain in the transition region is very
CMOS Voltage Gain
  • Gain is a strong function of the slopes of the
    currents in the saturation region, for Vin VM
  • Determined only by technology parameters,
    especially channel length modulation (?). Only
    designer influence through supply voltage and VM
    (transistor sizing).

Example VTC and Noise Margin
  • For a 0.25?m, (W/L)p/(W/L)n 3.4, (W/L)n 1.5
    (min size) VDD 2.5V

Real Value VIL 1.03 V, VIH 1.45 V NML
1.03, NMH 1.05
VM ? 1.25 V, g -27.5 VIL 1.2 V, VIH 1.3
  • Output resistance ? Sensitivity of gate output
    with respect to noise
  • low-output 2.4 k?
  • high-output 3.3 k?
  • Preferably as low as possible

Observations II
  • First-Order Analysis overestimates the gain
  • Max. gain only 17 at VM ? VIL 1.17V, VIH
  • Piecewise Linear Approximation is too overly
  • Major contributor to deviation from the true gain
  • CMOS inverter is a poor analog amplifier!
  • One of the major differences between analog and
    digital designs is that digital circuits operate
    in the regions of extreme nonlinearity.
  • Well-defined and well-separated high and low

Impact of Process Variation on VTC
  • Process variations (mostly) cause a shift in the
    switching threshold

Scaling the Supply Voltage
Reducing VDD improves Gain
But it deteriorates for very low VDD
Practical Lower Bound VDDmin gt 2 to 4 kt /q
Observations III
  • Reducing the supply voltage has a positive impact
    on the energy dissipation
  • But is also detrimental to the delay of the gate
  • DC Characteristic becomes increasingly sensitive
    to device variations once supply and intrinsic
    voltages become comparable
  • Scaling the supply voltage reducing the swing
  • Reduce internal noise (e.g., crosstalk)
  • More susceptible to external noise that do not

CMOS Inverter Dynamic Behavior
  • Transient behavior of the gate is determined by
    the time it takes to charge and discharge the
    load capacitance, CL, through on-transistors
  • Delay is a function of load capacitances and
    transistor on-resistances
  • Getting CL as small as possible is crucial to the
    realization of high-performance CMOS circuits
  • Transistor Capacitances
  • Wire Capacitances
  • Fanout
  • Wire Resistances also become more important.

Computing the Capacitances
Finding Cgd The Miller Effect
  • M1 and M2 are either in cut-off or in saturation.
  • The floating gate-drain capacitor is replaced by
    a capacitance-to-ground (gate-bulk capacitor).

A capacitor experiencing identical but opposite
voltage swings at both its terminals can be
replaced by a capacitor to ground whose value is
two times the original value
Diffusion Capacitances Cdb1 and Cdb2
  • We can simplify the diffusion capacitance
    calculations by using a Keq to linearize the
    nonlinear capacitor to the value of the junction
    capacitance under zero-bias
  • Ceq Keq Cj0

0.25 ?m Process high-to-low high-to-low low-to-high low-to-high
0.25 ?m Process Keqbp Keqsw Keqbp Keqsw
NMOS 0.57 0.61 0.79 0.81
PMOS 0.79 0.86 0.59 0.7
Extrinsic Capacitances Cg3 and Cg4
  • Simplification of the actual situation
  • Assumes all the components of Cgate are between
    Vout and GND (or VDD)
  • Assumes the channel capacitances of the loading
    gates are constant
  • The extrinsic, or fan-out, capacitance is the
    total gate capacitance of the loading gates M3
    and M4.
  • Cfan-out Cgate(NMOS) Cgate(PMOS)
  • (CGSOn CGDOn WnLnCox)
    (CGSOp CGDOp WpLpCox)

Example Layout of Two Inverters
AD Drain Area PD Drain Perimeter AS
Source Area PS Source Perimeter
0.25 ?m W/L AD (?m2) PD (?m) AS (?m2) PS (?m)
NMOS 0.375/0.25 0.3 1.875 0.3 1.875
PMOS 1.125/0.25 0.7 2.375 0.7 2.375
Example Components of CL (0.25 ?m)
C Term Expression Value (fF) H?L Value (fF) L?H
Cgd1 2 Cgd0n Wn 0.23 0.23
Cgd2 2 Cgd0p Wp 0.61 0.61
Cdb1 KeqbpnADnCj KeqswnPDnCjsw 0.66 0.90
Cdb2 KeqbppADpCj KeqswpPDpCjsw 1.5 1.15
Cg3 (2 Cgd0n)Wn CoxWnLn 0.76 0.76
Cg4 (2 Cgd0p)Wp CoxWpLp 2.28 2.28
Cw from extraction 0.12 0.12
CL ? 6.1 6.0
Wiring Capacitance
  • The wiring capacitance depends upon the length
    and width of the connecting wires and is a
    function of the fan-out from the driving gate and
    the number of fan-out gates.
  • Wiring capacitance is growing in importance with
    the scaling of technology.

Inverter Propagation Delay
Propagation delay is proportional to the
time-constant of the network formed by the
on-resistance and the load capacitance

tp f(Ron, CL)
tpLH 0.69 Reqp CL
tpHL 0.69 Reqn CL
  • To equalize rise and fall times make the
    on-resistance of the NMOS and PMOS approximately

Inverter Transient Response (0.25 µm)
VDD 2.5V W/Ln 1.5 W/Lp 4.5 Reqn 13 k?
/1.5 Reqp 31 k? /4.5
tpHL 36 psec tpLH 29 psec tp (3629)/2
32.5 psec
tpHL 39.9 psec and tpLH 31.7 psec
Analysis results is too optimistic 10 better
Inverter Propagation Delay, Revisited
  • To see how a designer can optimize the delay of a
    gate, we have to expand Req in the delay equation.

tpHL 0.69 Reqn CL 0.69(3CVDD)/(4IDSATn)
Minimizing Propagation Delay
  • Reduce CL
  • Keep the drain diffusion as small as possible
  • Increase W/L ratio of the transistor
  • Most powerful and effective way
  • Watch out for self-loading!
  • When the intrinsic capacitance dominates
  • Increase VDD
  • Trade off energy efficiency for performance
  • Very minimal improvement above a certain level
  • Reliability concerns enforce a firm upper bound
    on VDD

PMOS-to-NMOS Ratio
  • So far PMOS and NMOS have been sized such that
    their Reqs match (ratio of 3 to 3.5)
  • symmetrical VTC
  • equal high-to-low and low-to-high propagation
  • If speed is the only concern, reduce the width of
    the PMOS device!
  • widening the PMOS degrades the tpHL due to larger
    parasitic capacitance
  • ? (W/L)p/(W/L)n

r Reqp/Reqn resistance ratio of
identically-sized PMOS and NMOS
PMOS-to-NMOS Ratio Effects
  • ? of 2.4 ( 31 k?/13 k?)
  • gives symmetrical response
  • ?opt 1.6 - 1.9

  • When wire capacitance is negligible (Cdn1Cgn2 gtgt
    CW), ?opt ?r
  • If wire capacitance dominates then larger value
    of ? must be used

Device Sizing for Performance
  • Divide capacitive load, CL, into
  • Cint intrinsic - diffusion and Miller effect
  • Cext extrinsic - wiring and fanout
  • tp 0.69 Req Cint (1 Cext/Cint) tp0 (1
  • where tp0 0.69 Req Cint is the intrinsic
    (unloaded) delay of the gate
  • Widening both PMOS and NMOS by a factor S reduces
    Req by an identical factor (Req Rref/S), but
    raises the intrinsic capacitance by the same
    factor (Cint SCiref)
  • tp 0.69 Rref Ciref (1 Cext/(SCiref)) tp0(1

Observation IV
  • Intrinsic Delay of the inverter tp0 is
    independent of the sizing of the gate
  • tp0 can be determined purely by technology and
    inverter layout
  • With no load the increased drive strength of the
    gate is totally offset by the increased
  • Any S sufficiently larger than (Cext/Cint) would
    yield a much better performance gain with a
    substantial area increase

Sizing Impacts on Delay
  • The majority of the improvement is already
    obtained for S 5.
  • Sizing factors larger than 10 barely yield any
    extra gain (and cost significantly more area).

Impact of Fanout on Delay
  • Extrinsic capacitance, Cext, is a function of the
    fanout of the gate
  • the larger the fanout, the larger the external
  • First determine the input loading effect of the
    inverter. Both Cg and Cint are proportional to
    the gate sizing, so Cint ?Cg is independent of
    gate sizing and
  • tp tp0 (1 Cext/ ?Cg) tp0 (1 f /?)
  • The delay of an inverter is a function of the
    ratio between its external load capacitance and
    its input gate capacitance the effective fan-out
  • f Cext/Cg

Inverter Chain
  • The delay of the j-th inverter stage is
  • tp,j tp0 (1 Cg,j1/(?Cg,j)) tp0(1 fj/ ?)
  • Overall Delay tp ?tp,j tp0 ? (1
  • If CL is given
  • How should the inverters be sized?
  • How many stages are needed to minimize the delay?

Sizing the Inverters in the Chain
  • The optimum size of each inverter is the
    geometric mean of its neighbors meaning that if
    each inverter is sized up by the same factor f
    wrt the preceding gate, it will have the same
    effective fan-out and the same delay
  • where F represents the overall effective fan-out
    of the circuit (F CL/Cg,1)
  • The minimum delay through the inverter chain is
  • The relationship between tp and F is linear for
    one inverter, square root for two, etc.

Example Inverter Chain Sizing
f 2
f2 4
  • CL/Cg,1 has to be evenly distributed over N 3
  • CL/Cg,1 8/1
  • f

Determining N Optimal Number of Inverters
  • What is the optimal value for N given F (fN) ?
  • If the number of stages is too large, the
    intrinsic delay of the stages becomes dominate
  • If the number of stages is too small, the
    effective fan-out of each stage becomes dominate
  • The optimum N is found by differentiating the
    minimum delay expression divided by the number of
    stages and setting the result to 0, giving
  • For ? 0 (ignoring self-loading) N ln (F) and
    the effective-fan out becomes f e 2.71828
  • For ? 1 (the typical case) the optimum
    effective fan-out (tapering factor) turns out to
    be close to 3.6

Optimum Effective Fan-Out
  • Choosing f larger than optimum has little effect
    on delay and reduces the number of stages (and
  • Common practice to use f 4 (for ? 1)
  • But too many stages has a substantial negative
    impact on delay

Example Inverter (Buffer) Staging
N f tp 1 64 65
2 8 18
3 4 15
4 2.8 15.3
Impact of Buffer Staging for Large CL
F (? 1) Unbuffered Two Stage Chain Opt. Inverter Chain
10 11 8.3 8.3
100 101 22 16.5
1,000 1001 65 24.8
10,000 10,001 202 33.1
  • Impressive speed-ups with optimized cascaded
    inverter chain for very large capacitive loads.

Input Signal Rise/Fall Time
  • In reality, the input signal changes gradually
    (and both PMOS and NMOS conduct for a brief
    time). This affects the current available for
    charging/discharging CL and impacts propagation

ts input signal slope
  • tp increases linearly with increasing input
    slope, ts, once ts gt tp
  • ts is due to the limited driving capability of
    the preceding gate

for a minimum-size inverter with a fan-out of a
single gate
Design Challenge
  • A gate is never designed in isolation its
    performance is affected by both the fan-out and
    the driving strength of the gate(s) feeding its
    inputs. (Revised tp expression)
  • tip tistep ? ti-1step (? ? 0.25)
  • Keep signal rise times smaller than or equal to
    the gate propagation delays.
  • good for performance
  • good for power consumption
  • Keeping rise and fall times of the signals small
    and of approximately equal values is one of the
    major challenges in high-performance designs -
    slope engineering.

Delay with Long Interconnect
  • When gates are farther apart, wire capacitance
    and resis-tance can no longer be ignored.

tp 0.69RdrCint (0.69Rdr0.38Rw)Cw
0.69(RdrRw)Cfan where Rdr (Reqn Reqp)/2
tp 0.69Rdr(CintCfan) 0.69(RdrcwrwCfan)L
  • Wire delay rapidly becomes the dominant factor
    (due to the quadratic term) in the delay budget
    for longer wires.

Where Does Power Go?
  • Static Power Consumption
  • Ideally zero for static CMOS but in the real
  • Leakage Current Loss
  • Diodes and Transistors constantly losing charge
  • Dynamic Power Consumption
  • Charging/Discharging Capacitances
  • Major Source of Power Dissipation in CMOS
  • Direct-Path Current Loss
  • Short circuit between Power Rail during Switching

Dynamic Power Consumption
CL VDD2 / 2
Pdyn Energy/cycle fclk
CL VDD2 fclk
Switching Activity
  • Power dissipation does not depend on the size of
    the devices but depends on how often the circuit
    is switched.
  • Switching Activity ? frequency of
    energy-consuming transition f 0?1

Pdyn CL VDD2 f 0?1 CL VDD2
P0?1 fclk Ceff VDD2 fclk
P0?1 0.25, f0?1 fclk / 4
Effective Capacitance Ceff Average Capacitance
Switched per clock cycle
Example Power Dissipation of an IC
  • Consider a 0.25 micron chip, 500 MHz clock,
    average load cap of 15fF/gate (for fanout of 4),
    2.5V supply.
  • Dynamic Power consumption per gate is
  • Pdyn Ceff VDD2 fclk
  • 15 fF (2.5 V)2
    500 MHz
  • 47 ?W
  • With 1 million gates and a switching activity of
  • Dynamic Power of the entire chip is
  • Pchip Pdyn Ng Pa
    (Ng no. of gates)
  • 47 ?W/gate 106
    gates 0.25
  • 11.75 W 12 W

Lowering Dynamic Power
  • Pdyn CL VDD2 P0?1 f

Short Circuit Power Consumption
Finite slope of the input signal causes a direct
current path between VDD and GND for a short
period of time during switching when both the
NMOS and PMOS transistors are conducting (active).
Short Circuit Currents Determinates
Esc tsc VDD Ipeak P0?1 Psc tsc VDD Ipeak f0?1
  • tsc Duration of the slope of the input signal
  • Ipeak determined by
  • the saturation current of the PMOS and NMOS
    transistors which depend on their sizes, process
    technology, temperature, etc.
  • strong function of the ratio between input and
    output slopes
  • a function of CL

Impact of CL on Psc
Large capacitive load
Small capacitive load
Output fall time significantly larger than input
rise time.
Output fall time substantially smaller than input
rise time.
Ipeak as a Function of CL
When load capacitance is small, Ipeak is large.
Short circuit dissipation is minimized by
matching the rise/fall times of the input and
output signals - slope engineering.
Psc as a Function of Rise/Fall Times
When load capacitance is small (tsin/tsout gt 2
for VDD gt 2V) the power is dominated by Psc
If VDD lt VTn VTp then Psc is eliminated since
both devices are never on at the same time.
normalized wrt zero input rise-time dissipation
Static (Leakage) Power Consumption
Pstat VDD Istat
  • All leakages increase exponentially with
  • Junction leakage doubles every 9C
  • Sub-threshold current becomes more concern in
  • The closer the threshold voltage to zero, the
    larger the leakage current at VGS 0V (when NMOS

Leakage as a Function of VT
  • Continued scaling of supply voltage and the
    subsequent scaling of threshold voltage will make
    sub-threshold conduction a dominant component of
    power dissipation.
  • An 90mV/decade VT roll-off - so each 255mV
    increase in VT gives 3 orders of magnitude
    reduction in leakage (but adversely affects

TSMC Processes Leakage and VT
From MPR, June 2000, pp. 19 Performance of
various TSMC processes (G generic, LP low power,
ULP ultra low power, HS high speed)
Exponential Increase in Leakages
Leakage currents double every 10 degree increase
in temperature
The Leakage Power is six orders of magnitude
smaller than the dynamic power (at room
Energy and Power Equations
E CL VDD2 P0?1 tsc VDD Ipeak P0?1 VDD
P CL VDD2 f0?1 tsc VDD Ipeak f0?1 VDD
Dynamic power (90 today and decreasing
Short-circuit power (8 today and decreasing
Leakage power (2 today and increasing)
Sizing for Minimum Energy
  • Goal Minimize Energy of the whole circuit
  • Design parameters f and VDD
  • tp ? tpref of circuit with f 1 and VDD Vref

Overall Effective Fan-out F Cext/Cg1
Intrinsic Delay of the inverter tp0 VDDt/(VDDt
- VTE)
Sizing for Minimum Energy II
  • Performance Constraint (g1)
  • Energy for single Transition

Sizing for Minimum Energy III
  • Optimum sizing occurs at fopt ?F
  • Increasing device sizes beyond fopt increase
    self-loading factor
  • Deteriorate performance and require increase in
    supply voltage

Observation V
  • Device sizing, combined with supply voltage
    reduction, is very effective in reducing the
    energy consumption
  • For F 1, minimum size device is the most
  • For network with large effective fan-out (F gtgt
    1), a large reduction factor of almost 10 can be
  • Oversizing transistors beyond the optimal value
    results in a hefty increase of energy
  • Unfortunately, a common approach in many todays
  • Optimal sizing factor for energy is smaller than
    the one for performance (delay), especially for
    large F
  • For a fan-out of 20, fopt(energy) 3.53,
    fopt(delay) 4.47

Power-Delay and Energy-Delay Product
  • Power-delay product (PDP) Pav tp (CLVDD2)/2
  • PDP is the average energy consumed per switching
    event (Watts sec Joule)
  • Lower power design could simply be a slower
  • Energy-delay product (EDP) PDP tp Pav tp2
  • EDP is the average energy consumed multiplied by
    computation time required
  • Takes into account that one can trade increased
    delay for lower energy/operation (e.g., via
    supply voltage scaling that increases delay, but
    decreases energy consumption)

Energy-Delay Plot
VTE (VTn VTp )/2 0.8 V
VDDopt (3/2)0.8 1.2 V
VTn 0.43 V, VDSATn 0.63 V, VTEn 0.74 V VTp
-0.4 V, VDSATp -1 V, VTEp -0.9 V
Observation VI
  • Voltage Dependence of the EDP
  • Higher Supply Voltages reduce delay, but harm the
  • Vice Versa for low voltages
  • VDDopt simultaneously optimizes performance
    (delay) and energy
  • For submicron technologies with VT in the range
    of 0.5 V, VDDopt 1V.
  • VDDopt does not necessarily represent the optimum
    voltage for a given design problem
  • Goal of the design (speed or power) determinates
    the supply voltage

Goals of Technology Scaling
  • Make things cheaper
  • Want to sell more functions (transistors) per
    chip for the same money
  • Build same products cheaper, sell the same part
    for less money
  • Price per transistor has to be reduced
  • But also want to be faster, smaller, lower power

Technology Scaling
  • Goals of scaling the dimensions by 30
  • Reduce gate delay by 30 (increase operating
    frequency by 43)
  • Double transistor density
  • Reduce energy per transition by 65 (50 power
    savings _at_ 43 increase in frequency
  • Die size used to increase by 14 per generation
  • Technology generation spans 2-3 years

Technology Evolution (ITRS2000)
International Technology Roadmap for
Semiconductors (ITRS) (http//
Node years 2007/65nm, 2010/45nm, 2013/33nm,
Technology Evolution (1999)
Technology Scaling Models
  • Full Scaling (Constant Electrical Field)
  • Ideal model - dimensions and voltage scale
    together by the same factor S
  • Fixed Voltage Scaling
  • Most common until recently
  • Only dimensions scale, voltages remain constant
  • General Scaling
  • Most realistic for todays situation
  • Voltages and dimensions scale with different

Scaling Long Channel Devices
Scaling Short Channel Devices
Scaling Wire Capacitances
S Technology Scaling, U Voltage Scaling, SL
Wire-length Scaling ?c impact of fringing and
interwire capacitance
Parameter Relation General Scaling
Wire Capacitance WL/t ?c/SL
Wire Delay RonCint ?c/SL
Wire Energy CmV2 ?c/SLU2
Wire Delay/Intrinsic Delay ?cS/SL
Wire Energy/ Intrinsic Energy ?cS/SL
Power Density vs. Scaling Factor
  • Power density increase approximately with S2
  • In correspondance with fixed-voltage scaling
  • Recent Trend is more in line with Full-scaling
  • Constant power density
  • Accelerated VDD scaling and more attention to
    power-reducing design techniques

Evolution of Wire Delay and Gate Delay
How the ratio of wire over intrinsic
contributions will actually evolve is debatable
Looking into the Future (Year 2010)
  • Performance 2X/16 months
  • 1 TIP (terra instructions/s)
  • 30 GHz clock
  • Size
  • No of transistors 2 Billion
  • Die 4040 mm
  • Power
  • 10kW!!
  • Leakage 1/3 active Power

Some Interesting Questions
  • What will cause this model to break?
  • When will it break?
  • Will the model gradually slow down?
  • Power and power density
  • Leakage
  • Process Variation
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