Title: Unit 7 The Cold War and African Decolonization
1Unit 7The Cold Warand African Decolonization
2The Cold War
- An ideological conflict between the United States
and the Soviet Union in which neither nation
directly confronted the other on the battlefield
3Capitalism Communism
- An economic system in which all means of
production land, factories, railroads, and
businesses are owned by the people, private
property does not exist, and all goods and
services are shared equally
- An economic system based on private ownership and
on the investment of money in business ventures
in order to make a profit
4The Start of the Cold War
- Either
- The Yalta Conference (Feb. 45)
- Division of Germany/Berlin
- Reparations to USSR by Germany
- Free E. European elections
- Dropping the bomb (Aug. 45)
The Big Three
5June 1945
- Creation of the United Nations
- Replaces the FAILED League of Nations
- World peace-keeping body
6Potsdam Conference July 1945
- Stalin Communism and capitalism cannot exist
in the same world. War between the two is
inevitable. - Reneges on his promises from Yalta
7Germany and Berlin
- Divided into two parts, East and West
- East Germany, East Berlin Soviet control
- West Germany, West Berlin Allied control
- 1961 Berlin Wall a symbol of the Cold War
8Warsaw Pact - 1955
- Iron Curtain Churchill March 1946
- Warsaw Pact alliance btwn Soviet satellite
countries to protect against Capitalist attack
9Cold War in the 50s and 60s
- Korea and Vietnam Containment and the Domino
Effect - Hungarian and Czech uprising
- Cuban Missile Crisis
- Bay of Pigs
- Brinkmanship
- Space race
- Arms Race
And the answer is
Larry Bowler Recent American History
10Cold War in the 70s and 80s
- Many reforms to limit nuclear weapons build up
- Still great tension (Afghanistan)
- Nixon Regan Détente, A lessening of tensions
- Mikhail Gorbachev
- Glasnost- Openness btwn US USSR
- Perestoika- economic restructuring of Soviet
11End of the Cold War
- European Union (EU) stimulate economic growth of
participating countries - Collapse of Communist govts
- Fall of Berlin Wall (1989)
- USSR become Commonwealth of Independent States
(CIS) (1991) - Today? Russia? China? Cuba? Vietnam? Korea?
12Choice of Assignments 1 35 points
- For this assignment, you must choose one of the
events we have discussed in class concerning the
Cold War and write a newspaper article describing
the events.
13Choice of Assignments 235 points
- Draw political two cartoons of the same COLD WAR
event that show - Communism from the U.S. point of view
- Capitalism from the Soviet point of view
14(No Transcript)
15Cold War Caricatures
Joseph Stalin
Harry Truman
Nikita Krushchev
Mao Zedong
Fidel Castro
Ronald Reagan
16Russia, China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba today?
Articles from different perspectives
17African Independence
- Decolonization after 1946
- Third World Countries
- the underdeveloped nations of the world, esp.
those with widespread poverty. - the group of developing nations, esp. of Asia and
Africa, that do not align themselves with the
policies of either the U.S. or the former Soviet
18Problems in Newly Independent Countries
- Still rely on cash crops
- Lack of industrial growth
- Ethnic cultural conflicts
- South Africa Apartheid
- A rigid policy of segregation of the non-white
Nelson Mandela
- Rwanda
- Hutus v Tutsis
- Cultural clashes
- Over 1 million dead
- Darfur
- Sudan
- Never again?
20Rwanda search Hotel Rwanda