Title: the later middle ages
1Christianity in medieval society
- By tanner baker, and william ball
2The church shapes politics and society
- Clergy very influential in medieval European
culcher and politics.
- Society everything took place at the church.
- Politics - church officials often became
- political advisors to local rulers .
- pilgrims-visited religious places.
3Monks and Friars
4The Monks of chuny
- Religious order-group of people who dedicated
their lives to religion and follow common rules. - Living apart from society-most monks lived apart
from society, but two new religious orders
developed for those who wanted to live and teach
among people.
- Francis of Assisi founder of the Franciscan
order. - Friars members of religious orders who lived and
worked among general public . friars living
within society- the Christian church shaped
everything in society
6Universities are built
- Thomas Aquinas natural law .
- created by religious leader Thomas Aquinas
- student took test then and know to know what u
learned and was created by Thomas Aquinas
7The church and the arts
8Religious architecture
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- Inspired by religious expression the great
gothic cathedrals of late medieval Europe are
among the most beautiful of all architectural
- Throughout this power point we have learned that
the church shapes politics and society and that
monks of Cluny created the religious order
10Magna Carta changes in england
11Magna Carta
- Magna Carta was a document it said no one could
be kept in jail without reason and even the king
must obey. - who demand this agreement king Jhon
12Effects of magna carta
13- What were the effects of magna carta became key
principals of English government- the king came
to the councils and nobles for advice and money . - three of the demands are respect ther rights
even the king must obey no one could be kept in
jail without reason.
14Changes after Magna Carta
15- Magna Carta inspired nobles to develop a system
called parliament. - Parliament lawmaking body that governs
England. - how did the king limit Magna Carta the king
would turn to council and nobles for advice and
16Student Magna Carta
- 1 no homework .
- 2 sports come first .
- 3 no individual work always group work.
17The hundred years war
- The course of the war was when the English king
tried to take control of Francis throne. - French king dies with no heirs two men claim the
throne. - Two men claim the throne one was French the other
was the king of England. - English take the lead they win most wars so far .
- Joan of Arc railed the French troops.
18Results of the war
- Changes in England parliament power grew and
the king lost power. - Changes in France the king gained power and the
parliament lost power. - Democracy in England will have to wait- they will
wait to use democracy
19Black Death
- Where it came from- central and eastern Asia.
- How it spread- fleas that fed on infected rats
passed on the plague to people. - What disease was it- plague.
- Effect on manor life and feudalism /how many
died-the old manor system weekend by the growth
of cities collapsed/25 millions. - What happened to it- it went away