Reka Cipta, Inovasi - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Reka Cipta, Inovasi


Reka Cipta, Inovasi & Kreativiti Konsep Reka cipta A new product, system, or process that has never existed before, created by study and experimentation. An ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Reka Cipta, Inovasi

Reka Cipta, InovasiKreativiti
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Our world is very different from the world of
our ancestors. Tens of thousands of inventions
and discoveries have transformed the way we do
things and the way we think. An invention is
something new, created by arranging things in
some novel way. A discovery is a thing or
principle that already existed, needing only to
be found. But it is often difficult to tell where
invention ends and discovery begins. Whatever
they are, few inventions or discoveries are made
overnight. There is usually a period of
preparation before they emerge. Even then, they
take time to act. An invention may take years to
displace existing methods. A discovery may take
generations to change habits of thought.
(Bridmann, 2000)
Imagine a world where no one has discovered
electricityor a world where electricity has been
discovered, but the inventions didnt know what
to do with it! There would be no telephones,
radios, televisions, computer game, internetthe
list goes on and on. Think how different the
whole story of the world would be without these,
and other, great inventions. Without the
invention of aeroplanes and later, the jet
engine, for example, a journey from Britain to
Australia could take a very and I mean very
long time. Now, nowhere in the world is more than
24 hours away in the fastest planes.
Adargh (2000)
Konsep Reka cipta
  • A new product, system, or process that has never
    existed before, created by study and
  • An original device, idea, or process originated
    after study and experiment - a discovery or a new
  • A new device, process, and so on, that has been
    created. Can be in either physical or conceptual
    form. Pre-existing knowledge is combined in a new
    way to yield something that did not before
  • An invention is any new thing that makes
    something faster, easier, more powerful, more
    efficient, more attractive, more accurate, more
    fun, or more productive in short just plain

Formula Reka cipta
  • (TRIZ method)
  • Masalah Idea (Teori) Kepakaran RD
    Material Modal Paten
  • ___________________________________
  • ___________________________________

Creative problem solving begins when knowledge
and simply thinking about a problem fails One
sometimes finds what one is not looking
for Alexander Fleming
Sebatang besi buruk bernilai RM5, jika anda
mengambil besi buruk tersebut dan hasilkan ladam
kuda nilainya akan bertambah RM50.50, dan jika ia
digunakan untuk membuat jarum nilainya akan
meningkat kepada RM3,285. Jika anda menghasilkan
spring jam ia akan bernilai RM250,000. Perbezaan
antara RM5 dan RM250,000 adalah KREATIVITI, REKA
CIPTA dan INOVASIRipleys Believe It or Not
Invention is science-driven, and today
ultimately derives from the codification of
theoretical knowledge, and from the unfolding
logic of technology, such as miniaturization,
greater speeds, use of and adaptation to new
materials, etc.
Daniel Bell, 2001
Intelligence determines the upper limits of a
persons ability to obtain and store information
without actually being itself part of creativity.
The degree of creativity depends upon the amount
of novelty created in the processing of the
information made available by intelligence.
Cropley (2003)
At some point in their lives, each of these
individuals discovered the most important key to
creativity. They actively used their imaginations
to go beyond their knowledge.Gamez (2000)
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Reka cipta Abad ke-21
Pengklonan Produk kesihatan dan penjagaan
diri Internet dan kepintaran buatan (AI) Kad
pintar Produk sukan Produk hiburan berkonsep
maya Komunikasi segera capaian seluruh
dunia Penggunaan sel solar secara
menyeluruh Akhbar elektronik Hand
videophone Darah, jantung, paru-paru, buah
pinggang, hati dan telinga
tiruan Sistem wang elektronik Teknologi robotik
dalam pelbagai bidang pekerjaan, permainan
kanak-kanak dan barangan pengguna Telesidang tiga
dimensi Kereta pintar Kejuruteraan genetik dalam
makanan, perubatan dan sebagainya Mutasi manusia
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Reka cipta Inovasi
Mencipta produk Membuat perubahan
(1) Baru dan unik. (1) Penambahbaikan.
(2) Asli. (2) Modifikasi.
(3) Risiko tinggi. (3) Risiko rendah.
(4) Toleran terhadap kesilapan. (4) Pengurusan risiko.
(5) Komitmen jangka panjang. (5) Komitmen untuk mencapai matlamat.
(6) Berterusan. (6) Berubah-ubah.
(7) Proses yang kompleks. (7) Proses yang bersistematik.
(8) Bermula daripada tiada. (8) Bermula dengan sesuatu yang telah ada.
(9) Hasil tidak dapat dijangka. (9) Hasil dirancang dan dapat dijangka.
(10) Lazimnya melibatkan individu dan bersifat kepuasan. (10) Lazimnya melibatkan organisasi dan bersifat komersial.
Kategori Pereka Cipta
  • Pereka cipta yang bekerja dalam industri dan
    bisnes (captive inventor) iaitu bekerja sebagai
  • Pereka cipta bebas (independent inventor) iaitu
    pereka cipta yang menjadikan aktiviti reka cipta
    sebagai kerjaya sepenuh masa dan kerja sambilan.

One sometimes finds what one is not looking
for Alexander Fleming
being at the right place and the right time.
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  • pencarian yang panjang
  • memperoleh progress yang kecil
  • kejadian yang tidak dirancang
  • pancaran kognitif
  • transformasi

Bette Nesmith (setiausaha) Liquid paper Hubert
Booth (jurutera jambatan) vacum cleaner King
Camp Gillette (jurujual) Pisau cukur Wright
Bersaudara (tukang basikal) Kapal
terbang Samuel Moorse (pelukis) Alat
telegraf Robert Fulton (guru) Bot kuasa
wap Kimberly Clark (jurujual) tisu kleenexW.K
Kellogs (pekerja restoran) makanan bijirin J.B
Dunlop (doktor haiwan) Tayar PenumatikMarion
Donavon (suri rumah) - diapers
Idea-idea kreatif kerapkali diterbitkan oleh
orang-orang yang salah, dari jabatan yang salah,
yang mempunyai latarbelakang yang salah, dalam
unit-unit yang salah dan pada waktu yang
salah Tom Peters
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Reka cipta Konkrit Reka cipta Sosial
Fokus utama dalam bidang Sains dan Teknologi (sains gunaan) Sains sosial (sosiologi, sains politik, pendidikan,undang-undang, linguistik, komunikasi, antropologi, geografi dan sebagainya)
Produk boleh dikomersialkan Produk boleh dikomersialkan
Menjalankan Penyelidikan, Pembangunan dan teknologi Menjalankan Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan
Manusia sebagai pusat masalah Manusia sebagai pusat masalah
Berasaskan teori dan model sains fundamental Berasaskan teori dan model sains sosial
Pereka cipta?
  • a man (they were all men) had to have obtained
    a patent or applied for a patent
  • Someone whos the first to think of or make
  • Anyone whos involvement and contribution was
    essential to the development of the invention
  • Someone who creates or produces an original
    device, idea or process
  • Manakala Nobel e-Museum mendefinisikan pereka
    cipta sebagai
  • An inventor is someone who makes or produces
    things and objects for the first time through the
    use of the imagination or of ingenious thinking
    and experiment
  • An inventor is a person which creates new
    inventions, typically mechanical or electrical
    machines or others devices of practical use.

Eksperimen Pembangunan Produk
  • Produk Tempoh eksperimen
  • Antibiotik 30 tahun
  • Zip 30 tahun
  • Kopi segera 22 tahun
  • Pen mata bola 7 tahun

Katalis Reka cipta?
  • Survival dan gaya hidup masyarakat
  • Sistem pendidikan
  • Penulisan dan filem fiksyen sains
  • Perubahan hidup dan keperluan semasa
  • Bakat dan kepintaran manusia
  • Menyelesaikan masalah RD
  • Faktor-faktor alam (gempa bumi, banjir, tsunami
  • Kekayaan Sumber alam
  • Penguasaan dan persaingan

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We are building airplanes, not cement walks. If
you want to build cement sidewalks, then you can
do away with engineering. Just mix the materials,
pour them into a form and collect your money. But
if you want to build and sell airplanes, you
first have to create them. That takes research
and development, and testing, and engineering.''
Claire Egtvedt, First Boeing Head of
Pertandingan Reka Cipta
  • Hammcher Schlemmer Search For Invention Contest,
  • National Invention Contest For Kids , U.S
  • German International Invention Show, Nuremberg
  • Taipei International Invention Show Technomart
  • Sydney Star Invention Contest, Australia
  • Student Invention Contest, South Korea
  • Alabama Inventors Open Contest, U.S
  • Energy Inventions Contest, U.S
  • National Invention Contest, Manila, Philipines
  • European Union Contest for Young Scientist
  • British Invention Show
  • Lemelson MIT prize
  • PHILIPS Young Inventors Challenge
  • Seoul International Invetion Fair, South Korea
  • An International Invention, Innovation,
    Technology Exhibition and Competition, Malaysia
  • Pameran Reka abentuk Graduan Institusi Pengajian

Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions,
Harta Intelek (IP)
  • Arief (2002) menyatakan bahawa harta intelektual
    menurut undang-undang ciptaan mempunyai empat
    elemen penting iaitu
  • Sekumpulan hak yang diberi oleh undang-undang
    seperti hak cipta, tanda niaga, paten, reka
    bentuk perindustrian dan sebagainya.
  • Hak tersebut disabitkan pada maklumat atau idea
    yang digambarkan dalam barang ciptaan dan bukan
    pada barang ciptaan tersebut.
  • Maklumat atau idea itu mestilah telah dizahirkan
    dalam barang ciptaan.
  • Ia bertujuan untuk melindungi hasil usaha
    pencipta terutamanya dalam knteks ekonomi.

Undang-undang IP
  • Di Malaysia, terdapat empat jenis perlindungan
    harta intelektual iaitu
  • Akta Cap Dagangan 1976
  • Akta Paten 1983
  • Akta Hak Cipta 1987
  • Akta Reka Bentuk Perindustrian 1996
  • Akta Petunjuk Geografi 2000
  • Akta Reka Bnetuk Susun Atur Litar Bersepadu 2000

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