Israel vs. Palestine: The Conflict - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Israel vs. Palestine: The Conflict


Israel vs. Palestine: The Conflict Introduction Two conflicting sides over land, resources, sovereignty, religion, and culture. Jerusalem/Temple Mount Jordan River ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Israel vs. Palestine: The Conflict

Israel vs. PalestineThe Conflict
  • Two conflicting sides over land, resources,
    sovereignty, religion, and culture.
  • Jerusalem/Temple Mount
  • Jordan River
  • Israelis Judaism, claim rights to Israel a
    recognized state of the UN
  • Palestinians Islam, claim the same land as
    Palestine, are not recognized by the UN, but
    have a central PNA
  • Both sides have contributed considerably to

The Issues
  • Palestinian Refugees and the Right of Return
  • Status of Jerusalem
  • Borders and the Occupied Territories
  • Israeli Security Concerns in relation to
  • Settlements in the West Bank

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Ancient History
  • Cultural Conflict goes back several thousand
    years mainly religious
  • Old Canaan conquered by Israeli tribes out of
    Egypt (according to Torah) 1200 BCE
  • Hebrew settlements/conquests of present-day
    Jerusalem under Solomon
  • First Temple Built in Jerusalem on Temple Mount
  • Later split into two kingdoms Israel and Judea
    (both later fall to Assyrians) after Solomons
  • Land referred to as Palestine by ancient
    Egyptians and Israel by the Jewish tribes
  • Same place, different language

Ancient History cont
  • Control continuously changes from app. 530 BCE
    61 BCE ending with control from Roman Empire
  • Christianity is founded around 4 BCE 35 CE,
    followed by Islam in 622 CE
  • Non Jewish inhabitants of Israel/Palestine
    convert begin to practice Islam/Christianity
  • Roman Empire Collapses after schism,
    Israel/Palestine is conquered by Persians in 614
  • Then, conquered by Arab Islamic armies Al-Aqsa
    Mosque is built in 715 CE on Temple Mount
    (considered Third Holiest site in Islam)

Ancient History cont
  • European Christian crusaders begin their attacks
    on The Holy Land occupied by Saladin and his
  • Crusaders briefly occupy Jerusalem in 1229 CE,
    retaken by Mameluke Muslims, later defeated at
    acre and evicted from Palestine
  • Ottoman/Turk conquest of area in 1517, part of
    official Ottoman Empire until 1917
  • Demographics in Jerusalem under Ottoman Rule
    7120 Jews, 5760 Muslims, 3390 Christians

Modern History
  • World War I breaks out Turkey (Ottoman Empire)
    fights against Allies
  • Balfour Declaration by the UK in Nov 1917
  • His Majesty's government view with favour the
    establishment in Palestine of a national home for
    the Jewish people, and will use their best
    endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this
    object - British Foreign Policy during wartime
  • British control of Egypt extends itself to the
    Israel/Palestine area under pressure from the
    Zionist Movement Dec 1917

Modern History cont
  • Faisal-Weizmann Agreement Jan 3, 1919 part of
    the Paris Peace Conference
  • Leader of the Zionist Commission (Chaim Weizmann)
    met with Emir Faisal (Kingdom of Hedjaz)
  • Encourage mass Zionist/Jewish settlements in
    Palestine, in exchange for an Arab nation
    encompassing present-day Iraq, Syria, and the
    Fertile Crescent
  • Became irrelevant Kingdom of Hedjaz was
    conquered in 1923 and incorporated under the
    Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Modern History cont
  • European Zionists continue to settle in Palestine
    Britain begins to decolonize grants
    independence to nearby Egypt and Transjordan
  • League of Nations France and Britain divide the
    Middle East into Mandates
  • Churchill White Paper (June 3, 1922) clarifies
    Balfour Declaration in response to anti-semetic
    riots in Palestine
  • Main Point Europe dividing new nations for
    self-determination deconstruction of

Modern History cont
  • Britain caught in the middle of appealing to
    Palestine and Israel violence escalates
  • Racial profiling, religious desecration,
    segregation, power struggle within Palestine
  • Zionist immigration continues
  • British policy continually changes with pressure
    from both sides
  • Progress in Middle East halts somewhat as WWII
    begins in Europe
  • Britain is distracted, situation becomes even
    more unclear, violence continues to escalate

Modern History cont
  • WWII large portion of Jewish population flees
    Nazism for Palestine, many join Zionist movement,
    seek new life
  • Wounded Britain pulls out of Palestine completely
    by 1948
  • Organized fighting with armies and weapons
    begins, bombings, massacres, spontaneous fighting
    from both sides
  • State of Israel declares independence May 14,
  • Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Saudi
    Arabia all declare war on Israel
  • United States immediately recognizes new state,
    followed by USSR
  • Israeli War of Independence 1948 - 1949

Modern History cont
  • Result app. 800,000 Palestinians are displaced
  • Yasser Arafat founds the Palestinian Liberation
    Organization (PLO) 1964
  • Six-Day War (Jun 511, 1967)
  • Israel aquires West Bank, Gaza Strip, and the
  • Fighting causes many Palestinians to flee into
    neighboring Arab countries, especially from the
    Golan Heights
  • OCs under martial law not represented by MPs
  • First Intifada 1987-1993 Violence moves from
    organized to massive civil warfare
  • Triggered by Palestinian students boycotting
    Israeli goods, strikes, graffiti, barricades,
    planned terrorism, resistance of authorities

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Modern History cont
  • Oslo Accords (Declaration of Principles on
    Interim Self-Government Arrangements)
  • GOI and PLO meet, sign accords on September 13,
  • Sets up the Palestinian National Authority
  • Mutual recognition between PNA/State of Israel
  • Government over the Occupied Territories
    gradually phased over in a period of 5 years to
  • IDF (Israeli Defense Force) to withdraw from the
    areas, eventual sovereignty given to PNA
  • Failed
  • Only addressed borders no status of Jerusalem,
  • No provisions for a permanent Palestinian state
  • OCT still under Israeli military control
  • Cultural violence continues (Israeli anger at
    Palestinians/vice versa)

Yasser Arafat
Yitzhak Rabin
Modern History cont
  • Second Intifada (Al-aqsa Intifada) response to
    failed Oslo Accords suspended all-out civil war
  • Triggered by a MP visiting temple mount with over
    a thousand police guards, leading to violence
  • Response International inquiry
  • Mitchell Report of 2001 by UN, EU, US, Egypt, and
  • Camp David Negotiations US President Clinton
    facilitates talks with Israeli PM Ehud Barak and
    PA Chairman Yasser Arafat
  • Tried to negotiate final status of Israel and
  • Israel agreed to a partial two-state solution,
    rejected by Palestinians
  • Ultimately failed neither side reached an
  • Israel uses the complete Palestinian rejection of
    this plan as an example of unwillingness to seek
    peace on the part of the Palestinians
  • Palestine uses the unfair compromises presented
    by Israel as an example of Israeli greed
    especially disliked the Israeli Security

Modern History cont (final I promise!)
  • League of Arab States conference in Beruit
    Saudi Arabia pushes movement to normalize
    Arab-Israeli relations
  • Arab Peace Initiative March 28, 2002
  • Israel would withdraw from the Golan Heights,
    Gaza Strip, and West Bank completely
  • Israel would finance the return of the
    Palestinian refugees to Palestine, or give them
  • Israel basically ignores the Initiatives
    existence, no formal mention of it or response.

Right Now
  • Palestinians live in OCTs under Israeli military
  • Human Rights Violations
  • Access to education, healthcare, even basic
    necessities is sporadic
  • Some representation under PNA - Parliament
  • App. 4.5 million Palestinian refugees today
  • Original number 800,000 in 1947

UN Involvement
Israel and the UN
  • Israel is a nation with special status in the
  • They are active members in the Western European
    and Others Group (WEOG) in NY
  • Are not part of UN operations in Geneva barred
    from standing in elections, participating in
    Geneva committee debates, etc.
  • Many accusations of Anti-Semitism in the UN by
    Israel and US
  • Israel tends not to trust the UN resolutions,
    does not always comply with peacekeeping forces
    based in Israel/Palestine Territories
  • Government of Israel says that it must have equal
    rights to equally honor the wishes of the General

Palestine and the UN
  • Palestine is not a recognized state of the UN,
    but representatives from the PNA speak as guests
  • Observer status in the UN Palestinian
    National Authority is responsible for providing
    representation for the Palestinian peoples
  • Given because there is no legitimate national
    government for Palestine

Previous UN Action
  • Britain refers issue to the UN May, 1947
  • UNSCOP (UN Special Committee on Palestine)
    Resolution GA 181
  • Two State Arab and Israeli
  • Establishes 47 Borders
  • Jerusalem would be internationally administered
    part of neither state, temporarily run by UN
  • Never fully implemented
  • Geographic puzzle made navigation difficult for
    the still-fighting populations
  • Neither side would accept compromise, Israelis
    wanted all of it, Palestinians wanted all of it
  • Furious at Jerusalem plan

Previous UN Action cont
  • General Assembly Resolutions calls for violence
    to end, continued relief to aid Palestinian
  • 1949 - UNRWA provides food, education, aid, and
    temporary shelter continues
  • Security Council Resolutions
  • 1967 UNSC242 - Israeli withdrawal from OCs,
  • 1973 UNSC338 Demand for peace, continuted
    conflict negotiation
  • All bark, no bite.
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