Title: The Future of Educational Technology at Illinois
1The Future of Educational Technology at Illinois
- Lanny Arvan
Assistant Chief Information Officer for
Educational Technologies
Campus Information Technologies and Educational
ServicesUniversity of Illinois at
2Talk Overview
- Where are we now?
- What are the drivers for change?
- A normative guess as to where we might be
3External Benchmarks
- Boyer Commission Report
- National Survey of Student Engagement
- Student Pragmatism vs Faculty Theory
- Pew Internet
4Seat Time Model
- 15 Credit Hours is the norm
- 2 hours out of class for each in class hour???
- Freshmen dont work (for ) much
- Juniors work 8-9 hours per week
5Does Teaching Count?
- Publish or Perish
- Faculty Idealistic Coming In
- Cynical After Promotion Review
- Teaching with Technology Takes More Time
6Ed Tech A Coordination Game?
7The Market for Students
- Within the Traditional Tier
- Population Growth - - Stasis in supply
- Increasing Exclusivity?
- Are Moderate Income Students from within the
State Captured?
8The Market for Students 2
- Nontraditional Students
- Is Adult Continuing Education a Growth Area for
the University?
9Interesting Technologies to Watch
- Wireless, Tablets
- Repositories, ePortfolios
- Point-to-Point Collaboration
- Graphical Content Creation
- Learning Management Systems
10Pedagogic Issues
- A Bad But Provocative Book Deep Learning for
a Digital Age Technologys Untapped Potential to
Enrich Higher Education by Van Weigel - Bricks and Clicks (too cutesy) vs Totally Online
11A Better Book
- The Social Life of Information by John Seely
Brown and Paul Duguid - While there is innovation in the technology
itself. - .Dont underestimate the creativity in adapting
the technology for productive use
12Pedagogy 2 Follow Dewey?
- Hands-on meaningful projects versus abstract
theory - Learning within courses versus Learning through
external group activities
13Employer Expectations of Grads
- Problem Solving Skills
- Communication Skills
- Ability to Work in Groups
- Appreciative of Value in Diversity
14Progressive Drivers of Change
- Student and Faculty Curiosity
- Central Administration Vision (MITs OCW, OKI)
but top down shouldnt
be only driver - The next Killer App
- Changes in Our Culture
15Defensive Drivers of Change
- Declining Quality of Applicants This
isnt happening now - Shrinking Budgets
This is - Interference from BOT/State
- Peer Institutions are Doing It
16The Future
- Students as Collaborators in Teaching
- Students as Creators of Software and Course
Content - Students as Equal Contributors in the Campus
17The Role of Ed Tech
- Virtual Interactions
- Virtual Creations
- Virtual Archives
- Repurposing of Content and Method
- Technology as Umpire rather than as Superstar
18Changes in Curriculum
- Movement toward studio work
- Projects have to be useful (not work that is
thrown away) - Movement toward writing intensive courses
- Integration of theory courses
19Changes in Work done in Clubs and Campus
- Movement toward serving communities broader than
students - Movement toward making this required
A Peace Corps for
the Campus
20Role of Graduate TAs
- After fear of displacement is overcome
- Tiered approach
- Teaching as reward rather than burden
- Mentor and collaborate with undergraduate
creators as well as with faculty supervisors
21Barriers to Getting There
- Business Model
- When is student work For course
credit? For income?
Done out of the goodness of
their hearts?
22Barriers to Getting There 2
- Fear of Experimentation
- Moving ahead programmatically before vision is
shared widely
23A Sensible Vision
- Oxymoron?
- Or What We Desperately Need to Make Progress?
24All Suggestions Appreciated
- Lanny Arvan