Title: Technology Refresh Programs
1Technology Refresh Programs
(And the Leasing Component Behind Them)
Service Associate Members of Illinois ASBO
- Jason Marquardt
- Director of Sales
- American Capital
- Lisle, Illinois
- Ph 630-512-0066
- Ejmarquardt_at_americancapital1.com
Jason Smith Illinois K-12 Sales Hewlett-Packard Na
perville, Illinois Ph 630-631-9543 E
Why Create a Refresh Program? What
Are The Initial Steps? How Can It Be
Implemented? What Are Some of the Pitfalls
to Avoid? How Can Leasing Play a
Role? Sample Success Story
4Why Create A Refresh Program?
- To advance technology within the classroom.
- To reduce technology costs within the District.
(Warranty issues) - To eliminate headaches associated with a
mix/match of equipment. (OS issues) - To support the educational needs now and in the
5Why Create A Refresh Program?(Cont)
- State driven mandates for compliance.
- Eliminate disposal costs and headaches.
- Going Green initiatives (energy costs)
- Stay current with software licensing and other
total cost of ownership costs.
6What Are TheInitial Steps?
- Get a detailed count of your current environment.
( of machines, location, age, etc) - Figure the future needs of the District.
(increase/decrease of users, types of usage,
programs, etc) - Determine what a reasonable annual deployment
schedule could look like? - Investigate if there are any financial
constraints tied to technology.
7What Are TheInitial Steps?(Cont)
- Discuss the concept with the Board of Education
and District Administration. - Discuss the concept with vendor partners.
(equipment suppliers, leasing cos, etc) - Set aside time to determine deployment goals with
IT staff. - Kick off the program.
8How Can It BeImplemented?
- By School Location (per building)
- By Grade Level
- By Building Type (K-12 Districts)
- By User (Students, Teachers, Administrators)
9What Are Some OfThe Pitfalls to Avoid?
- Unequal Distribution of Resources (jealousy
amongst users) - Lack of Administration Commitment.
- Re-alignment of Financial Resources.
- Different equipment models, operating systems.
10How Can LeasingPlay a Role?
- Leasing can reduce the financial cost of
technology within the District. (0 or below) - Leasing can help create a balanced budget, with
even annual expenditures. - Leasing can help avoid equipment obsolescence.
- Leasing can eliminate the disposal costs and
headaches associated with refresh.
11Sample Success Story
- Local K-12 School District
- Challenge Technology obsolescence and increasing
technology staff costs - Solution 3 year refresh program (HP equipment
with American Capital lease) - Benefits Less staff time spent on break-fix
work. Students and Teachers no longer dealing
with obsolete equipment. Tech staff only
supporting 3 models of equipment.
12Sample Success Story (cont)
- How did they do it?
- Broke District into 1/3rds. (Elementary Middle,
High School) - Board committed to long-term technology refresh
plan. - Each year, 1/3rd of the equipment is returned and
replaced with new. - All equipment is under warranty at all times.