Pro-Technology in Elementary Schools - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pro-Technology in Elementary Schools


Pro-Technology in Elementary Schools Erin Ryan Tamara Dodge Amy Farmer CEP 810 Next The Future of Our World Technology is past, present and especially our future. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Pro-Technology in Elementary Schools

Pro-Technology in Elementary Schools
  • Erin Ryan
  • Tamara Dodge
  • Amy Farmer
  • CEP 810

The Future of Our World
  • Technology is past, present and especially our
    future. Children must know the importance of
    technology. They must know how to utilize
    computer technology to become educated,
    successful citizens in our world. The time is now!

Pay Attention
Since most of today's students can appropriately
be labeled as "Digital Learners," why do so many
teachers refuse to enter the digital age with
their teaching practices?
  • It is a goal of No Child Left Behind that schools
    will Assist every student in crossing the
    digital divide by ensuring that every student is
    technologically literate by the time the student
    finishes the eighth grade, regardless of the
    students race, ethnicity, gender, family income,
    geographic location, or disability.

Without technology how can we do this?
Technology in the K-8 Classroom
  • "Technology is transforming society, and schools
    do not have a choice as to whether they will
    incorporate technology but rather how well they
    use it to enhance learning" (North Central
    Regional Educational Laboratory Illinois State
    Board of Education, 1995).

Reasons for Bringing Technology Into Schools
  • Support thinking processes
  • Stimulate motivation and self esteem
  • Promote equity
  • Prepare students for the future
  • Support changes in school structure
  • Explore technology capabilities

Technology in Elementary Why and How
  • So what is the proper age to start teaching
    technology? Remember the phraseearly
    intervention? It refers to identifying students
    with special needs at a young age. Well,
    incorporating technology is the same The earlier
    the better. Students who are exposed to
    technology often enough, begin to think of it as
    a regular part of life. Case in point, while many
    agree that technology exposure should be
    moderated in young children lives, its presence
    is essential.
  • Alamaki, A. 1998. Technology Education in
    Elementary School Why and How?. Eric Digest pg.

Software for the Elementary Classroom
Children like to do things that can be used. They
enjoy hands-on activities. Technology can be
integrated to assist in the development of a
child. Some educational software that can help
students in develop skills are
  • Searching Software (Google, AskJeeves, etc.)?
  • Knowledge Adventure http//shop.knowledgeadventure
    l softwareutm_sourceyahooutm_mediumcpcutm_ter
    meducational software
  • Type to Learn 4 (School Version)
  • Smart Steps http//
  • Learning Company http//

Technology in Elementary Why and How
  • Technology education should correspond to a
    child's stage of development to support later
    learning situations. Teachers need to not only
    teach the instruction of facts but also the
    nature of technology. Pupils have to learn to
    use technology in a meaningful way, understand
    its cultural meaning and the issues raised by or
    use of technology

Individualized Instruction
  • Regardless of how hard teachers and
    administrators work, it is still a difficult
    requirement to provide individualized
    instruction. individualized instruction for
    student achievement requires that
  • Students are assessed on a formative basis
    throughout the year
  • Appropriate instruction is assigned and delivered
    immediately upon completion of the assessment
  • Assignments are right at the students' point of
    instructional need
  • Assignments are engaging and provide personalized
    support, tutorials and opportunities for
  • Assignments contain embedded assessments to
    determine the point of mastery so students can
    move forward and
  • Data is available for teachers to track student
    progress and for administrators to determine
    whether districts are meeting AYP goals.
  • Current research shows that there is a solution
    technology. Teachers must be willing and able to
    incorporate technology in order to help each
    individual within their classroom to learn.

Technology as a Tool
  • Technology lends itself to exploration. But
    before technology can be used effectively,
    exploration must be valued as important to both
    teaching and learning.
  • In such an environment, acquiring content changes
    from a static process to one of defining goals
    the learners wish to pursue. Students are active,
    rather than passive -- producing knowledge and
    presenting that knowledge in a variety of
  • In such an environment, educators can encourage a
    diversity of outcomes rather than insisting on
    one right answer. They can evaluate learning in
    multiple ways, instead of relying predominately
    on traditional paper and pencil tests. And
    perhaps most importantly, teachers and students
    can move from pursuing individual efforts to
    being part of learning teams, which may include
    students from all over the world.
  • In a technology-rich classroom, students don't
    "learn" technology. Technology merely provides
    the tools to be used for authentic learning. It
    is a means, not an end.

Benefits to Tech.
  • Increase in test scores on standardized tests.
  • Software supports early literacy skills phonemic
    awareness, vocabulary development, reading
    comprehension, and spelling.
  • Mathematics software supports experimentations
    and problem solving.
  • Scientific simulations, labs and visualization
    tools support students in understanding key
    science concepts.
  • Digital archives support research skills.
  • Collaboration between students and teams.
  • Kids can express and communicate ideas.
  • They develop positive attitudes towards their
    peers and understanding the value of working with

Administrative and Staff'sUse of Technology
  • Their is substantial evidence that technology has
    become a vital component for success in an
    education enterprise.
  • Technology provides administrators with better
    data to improve decision making and policy

  • Administrators  and teachers are required to use
    technology and the Internet by the State of
    Michigan to record student data.  Recording
    MEIS's 5 core databases (SRSD, REP, SID, FID,
    SAID) via the 'Net saves  time and paperwork.  
  • Teachers and Administrators use of SIS (Student
    Information Systems) allow them to access student
    and parent information quickly and easily.
  • Additionally, parents and community members are
    requesting that schools and classrooms have more
    of an online presence.  Web Pages and class
    information like syllabus as well as grade books
    posted online are becoming a  parent expectation.

No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)?
  • The NCLB has mandated that all schools meet
    Adequate Yearly Progress by meeting certain
    standards that have been set.
  • This same act also requires that all teachers be
    highly qualified to teach the subject area they
    are teaching.
  • This act is aiming to improve the performance of
    U.S. primary and secondary schools by increasing
    the standards of accountability for states,
    school districts, and schools, as well as
    providing parents more flexibility in choosing
    which schools their children will attend.
  • Technology has had a major impact in both of
    these areas. Allowing parents and educators easy
    access to this information.

Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)?
  • School Districts currently meeting or trying to
    meet AYP can gain instant access to the status of
    their district.
  • Parents researching school districts can learn
    which schools have met AYP and which have not at
    just the touch of a button.

Technology Support for AdministrationHighly
Qualified TeachersWinocular Portfolio
  • Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) analysis is a core
    functionality of the Portfolio software and it
    allows you to log the Highly-Qualified (HQ)
    status of every teacher in every assignment. For
    many employees, their HQ status has already been
    determined. In these cases you simply set the
    appropriate status in their NCLB profile. Should
    an employee wish to switch assignments, youll
    already have the information at your fingertips
    to determine if they are Highly Qualified for the
    new assignment no more extensive paperwork!

Highly Qualified Teachers
  • Professional development providers have taken
    note of the new requirements of NCLB for teachers
    to become HQ, and many have already shaped online
    courses aligned to NCLB's standards.
  • Beyond general professional development is the
    challenge of getting teachers to meet NCLB's
    specific certification requirements. In recent
    years there's been an explosion of organizations
    offering distance education programs for
    teachers-in-training, from traditional
    bricks-and-mortar institutions to Web-only

Technology Supports Changes in School Structure
  • Technology can support schools in a number of
    ways. Administration, teachers, and staff will
    likely have more time to teach when technology
    is present. Students in this environment can
    receive more individualized instruction to fit
    their needs.

Technology HelpsTeachers and Administrators
  • Today, life in technology-rich schools is
    different-- better-- for teachers. Handheld
    devices for reading assessment, electronic
    response systems, software programs for assessing
    and grading, and skills-based online resources
    provide teachers with an abundance of tools for
    evaluating students, producing information
    teachers can then respond to with instruction
    tailored to the needs of each student.

Technology allows for Exploration of Capabilities
  • Technology helps all members of an educational
    community to explore opportunities. Many students
    and teaching staff simply do so to find that
    outcome is a rich learning environment, with
    endless prospects.

NEA Positions on Technology and Education
  • Their thoughts on how to make technology useful
    to schools are
  • More funding is needed at all levels to better
    integrate technology into schools and classrooms.
  • The technology available to educators and
    students should be compatible with, and at least
    on the same level as, technology in general use
    outside of schools.
  • Education technology budgets should reflect the
    importance of professional development. At least
    a third of all tech budgets should be reserved
    for school staff to become proficient in using
    and integrating technology into their classrooms.
  • Educators themselves should be involved in
    decisions on planning, purchasing, and deploying
    education technology.
  • Teacher education programs need to embrace
    educational technology and help prospective
    teachers use it effectively in the classroom.
  • Technology should be deployed and applied
    equitably among all students and educators,
    regardless of geography or demographics.
  • Students should also be taught the appropriate
    and safe use of technology.

Technology and the Future
Students live in a digital world. Their future as
citizens relies heavily on technology and media.
Students must be capable of using and
implementing technology into their daily lives.
Such things as banking, shopping, and paying
bills are quickly becoming more prominent through
the use of various technologies such as Internet.
Technology Future Cont
  • Our goal as effective teachers, is to lend
    students the opportunities to be successful in
    life. Every student needs the ability to navigate
    through the 24/7 information flow that today
    connects the global community.  For students to
    thrive in a world enabled by information
    technology, we must give them the skills to make
    sense of and use the information that engulfs
    them (NEA, 2008).
  • Technology today must be integrated within
    curriculum rather than seen as a separate entity.
    No matter what job students have, technology will
    be found whether by way of a cash register or by
    taking measurements for a building. Before
    students can use technology in their jobs, they
    must have a basic knowledge of what kinds of
    tasks a computer can perform. In order to solve
    problems, they must know what program to choose
    and when to use it.

A Technology World
Technological advances have changed education,
work, and leisure in our society. Although most
people experience the benefits of these advances,
most also know the anxiety and frustration that
accompany rapid technological change as well as
the alienation generated by impersonal aspects of
technology. Elementary school counselors need to
help children develop emotionally and socially in
the context of rapid technological change.
Counselors often need to deal first with their
own concerns about technology before helping
children understand the benefits and limitations
of technology. Elementary school counselors
especially need to acquire competencies with
computers, to overcome anxieties about using the
technology, and to integrate computer technology
into counseling programs
Technology is the Future!
  • The National Academies' National Academy of
    Engineering and National Research Council in
    their new report, calls for a broad-based effort
    to increase the technological literacy of all
    Americans, a goal that will have many benefits
    including more informed decision-making by
    citizens and business and government leaders
    about the development and use of technology, and
    a more erudite population that will be better
    prepared for the demands of today's high-tech
    work environment.
  • Learning about technology should begin in
    kindergarten, and the connection between all
    subjects and technology should be emphasized
    throughout a student's education, the report
    says. Technology content should be infused into
    curricula, teaching materials, and student

Life Skills- Outcomes of Technology
  • Capable information technology users (e.g. 3rd
    grade students using teacher generated links to
    learn more about Australia )?
  • Information seekers, analyzers, and evaluators
    (e.g. 4th grade students researching pioneering
    activities on the web )?
  • Problem solvers and decision makers (e.g. 1st
    grade students using an Elmo projector device to
    share three-dimensional math problem solving
    solutions for whole-class feedback)?
  • Creative and effective user of productivity tools
    (e.g. 3rd grade students beginning formal
    keyboarding )?
  • Communicators, collaborators, publishers, and
    producers (e.g. 3rd grade students creating
    fables with words and graphics
  • 4th and 5th graders publishing their work on
    their own web pages )?
  • Informed, responsible and contributing citizens
    (e.g. students investigate current events in
    debate )?

Parent Involvement
"Seventy-six percent of parents reported that
their schools used two or more technologies to
communicate with parents. While newsletters and
telephone calls are most common ways for schools
to exchange information with parents, school are
now beginning to explore the additional
opportunities for interaction afforded voice
mail, websites, and electronic mail" Technology
Facilitates Parents Involvement-
Future of TechnologyTeaching in the 1800s
Future of Technology -Teaching in the 1900s
Mr. Hartmann bangs his gavel As president of the
school board, I call this meeting to order. First
on the agenda, Mr. Stephens, high school English
teacher, would like to address the board.
Welcome, Mr. Stephens! Mr. Stephens Thank you,
Mr. Hartmann, and all the members of the school
board, for allowing me to speak this evening. I
will be brief I want to suggest that we
encourage our students to change to fountain pens
for their schoolwork and move away from the use
of quill pens. Mr. Oliveri Change?! Whats
wrong with a good quill pen? Mr. Stephens
Fountain pen points last longer. We wont lose as
much time when students break their quills and
have to sharpen a new one during class. Mrs.
Jasperson Mr. Stephens, you should keep a jar of
quills on your desk and let students use them if
they need them. Mr. Stephens Yes, Mrs.
Jasperson, I do. Some days, however, they need
more quills than I have. Fountain pens also have
a better ink delivery system, less likely to
spill and ruin papers. Mr. King If students have
to buy ink, they wont learn how to make good ink
from berries. What will they do when their
fountain pen runs out of ink? Mr. McNeeley Ive
never used a fountain pen, and Im getting along
just fine. My children can use quill pens, too.
Mr. Stephens In the city, people are making the
change without too much difficulty. I have been
using a fountain pen myself for a few months now,
and the finished documents are much easier to
read. Here, let me pass this pen around so you
can see it.
Mr. Hartmann Let me interject a note here. As
you know, I took the family to St. Louis during
our Christmas break, and I saw many people using
fountain pens. The hotel desk clerk let me try
his out, and I must say a fountain pen is a very
nice writing instrument. I bought one myself, and
the whole family takes turns using it. I wouldnt
be surprised if they caught on, down the road.
Mrs. Jasperson So youre saying that businesses
are switching to fountain pens? Mr. Hartmann It
looks that way. If we are preparing our students
for the business world, we might want to consider
this. Mr. McNeeley My son will farm and my
daughters will marry farmers. Quill pens will be
just fine for them. Mr. King So are you
proposing that the schools purchase a fountain
pen for every student? That would be
prohibitively expensive! Mr. Stephens I agree
that there would be a cost at first. Perhaps the
board could purchase just a class set of 30 at
first. But eventually students will bring their
own fountain pens to school. And consider that
the school would no longer have to supply ink.
Mr. McNeeley This is out of the question.
Fountain pens are unnecessary! We could put those
funds toward the new gymnasium for the basketball
team, instead. Mr. Hartmann Mr. Stephens,
perhaps we should table the matter for now and
give people some time to think about it. Mr.
Stephens As you wish. Thank you for your time
this evening. May I have my pen back, Mr.
Education can not revert to the 1800's
Education can not revert to the quillEducation
can not ignore technology
The Future of Technology
Works Cited
Works Cited
  • Alamaki, A. 1998. Technology Education in
    Elementary School Why and How?. Eric Digest pg.
  • CCV Software -Journey Ed. Retrieved 06/2008, from
    Type to Learn 4 (School Version) Web site
  • Dugger 1997 Dyrenfurth Kozak 1991
  • EdTechAction Network. Retrieved 6/30/08, from Why
    Technology in Schools? Web site
  • Fox. Christine, "Elementary Schools The Time Is
    Now," T.H.E. Journal, 7/1/2008,
  • Gerler, , E (1991-01-31). The Changing World of
    the Elementary School Counselor. Retrieved August
    4, 2008, from Eric Digest Web site
  • Sciencerulz, (2007, 4,04). Pay Attention.
    Retrieved August 4, 2008, from Teacher Tube Web
    site http//
  • (1998). North Central Regional Educational
    Laboratory Illinois State Board of Education.
    Retrieved 06/2008, from Critical Issue
    Developing a School or District Technology Plan
    Web site http//
  • (2000). Technology and Education Reform .
    Retrieved 7/14/2008, from Reasons For Bringing
    Technology Into Schools Web site
  • (2002). The National Academy of Engineering .
    Retrieved 06/2008, from Americans Need to Know
    More About Technology Web site
  • 2004). Mercer Island School District. Retrieved
    06/2008, from Benefits of Technology Web site
  • (2005, June). Michigan Department of Education .
    Retrieved 06/2008, from Michigan Department of
    Education Educational Technology Standards
    Expectations Web site http//

Works Cited Cont
Works Cited
  • The Learning Company . Retrieved 06/ 2008, Web
    site http//
  • National Education Association. Retrieved
    06/2008, from Technology and Education Web site
  • O'Neal, Sloane (2004/02). The Journal. Retrieved
    06/2008, from Individualized Instruction for
    Improved Student Achievement - Education's 'Holy
    Grail' Web site http//
  • Schrum, L (8/17/2005). Education World. Retrieved
    06/2008, from Technology as a Tool to Support
    Instruction Web site http//
    m/a_tech/tech/tech004.shtml http//
  • Tiny Einsteins. Retrieved 06/ 2008, from Smart
    Steps Web site http//
  • Wikipedia. Retrieved 06/ 2008, from No Child Left
    Behind Act Web site http//

The End
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