Title: Anatomy of a 2D Sidescroller
1Anatomy of a 2D Sidescroller
2Before we start
- Please turn off cell-phones and pagers.
- Save your questions for QA after lecture.
- Turn in feedback forms before you leave.
- Purpose of Lecture
- Establish that 2D is a format and not a
technology limitation.
- Propose the analysis of 2D games as a tool for
understanding universal gameplay fundamentals.
- Dissect the common components of 2D games as well
as their evolution throughout time.
4Lecture at a glance
- On having more Ds
- Elements of a 2D sidescroller
- 10 Model games
5On having more Ds
- 2D as a technological limitation
- Immersion vs. abstraction
- Ambiguity in representing 3D in 2D media
- 2D and 3D as presentation formats
6On having more Ds
- 2D as a technological limitation
- Since the mid-90s, 3D has been seen as an
improvement over 2D. The next step
- 3D capable platforms are more technologically
advanced, thus not using 3D is often seen as a
- Even in very 2-d specific platforms, rudimentary
3d engines are often seen as a tool for
7On having more Ds
- Immersion vs. abstraction
8Immersion vs abstraction
- We experience the real world in 3d
- We communicate abstractions in 2d
- Letters
- Maps
- Symbols
- Charts
- Diagrams
9Immersion vs abstraction
- Spatial perception
- The ability to mentally model/manipulate 3D
- A skill that human beings develop over time (and
are even tested on), it is a factor that must be
considered when designing a game
An example of a spatial perception test taken
from http//www.exn.ca/brain/tests/
10Immersion vs abstraction
- A thought on gender
- Psychologists have found that males have an
advantage at spatial perception and object
displacement. Even about finding their way
around maps. - Theyve also found that females have an advantage
at remembering landmarks.
- I am not a psychologist.
- http//www.unn.ac.uk/academic/ss/psychology/resour
- http//www.psychology.mcmaster.ca/3l03sun/2000-200
- http//psychology.unn.ac.uk/nick/HPlec06.htm
11On having more Ds
- Ambiguity in representing 3D in 2D media
12Ambiguity in representing 3D in 2D
- Technology impediment
- Unless a less ambiguous 3d medium becomes
commonplace (VR goggles, Star Wars Dejarik
chesslike holographic display), the tightness
of gameplay will not be the same in 3D as 2D. - To compensate games must often add a lot more
room for error, snapping or automatic guidance.
13Ambiguity in representing 3D in 2D
- Format difficulties
- Making sure objects are recognizable at any
- Mediation (Camera) issues (3rd person for
14On having more Ds
- 2D and 3D as presentation formats
- We should start looking at 3D vs 2D as a choice
of formats that will enhance different types of
- 3D - Immersion
- 2D - Abstraction pixel level accuracy
15On having more Ds
- 2D and 3D as presentation formats
- Quite a few games have been pursued a 2D
presentation on 3D platforms
- Castlevania Symphony of the night
- Viewtiful Joe
- Contra Shattered Soldier
- R-type Final
- And more are sure to come -)
16On having more Ds
17On having more Ds
18Elements of a 2D sidescroller
- The character
- The environment
- Game objects
- Game rules
- Mediation
19Elements of a 2D sidescroller
- Note
- Although we can dissect sidescrollers into
components, more often than not elements are
designed in parallel. For example designing a
grappling hook toss also requires designing
environment types that enable this move.
20Elements of a 2D sidescroller
- The character
- From a gameplay standpoint heres what interests
us about the character
- Set of available actions
- Visual footprint shape/size, its visibility and
its ratio to the screen and other objects
21Elements of a 2D sidescroller
- Action sets
- Interactivity is the core of what defines games
what do you do in the game? vs what is the
movie about?
- Game characters are defined as much by their
available actions as by the characters looks.
22Elements of a 2D sidescroller
- Example
- I can shoot beams and missiles
- I roll into a ball
- I can freeze enemies to use them as platforms
- Metroids Samus Aran
23Designing Action Sets
- Actions types
- Generic (running, jumping, attacking)
- Game-specific
- Conventions
- With a genre as well explored as side-scrollers,
many actions have conventions associated with
- Feel free to ignore or work outside conventions
but do so consciously (especially with core
24Designing Action Sets
- Example Jumping
- Pre-scroller fixed jump
- Variable jump
25Jumping conventions
26Jumping Conventions
- Button Assignment
- B is action, A is jump
- Variable jumping, Y
- 2-tier jump
- Gravity delay
- Velocity reset (direct control feel)
- Variable jumping, X
- Direct control (character moves when directed)
- Indirect control (changes acceleration)
27Running Conventions
- Mainstream controls dont always become
- Example 1 holding action button for running
(Mario games)
- Double tap d-pad became convention
- In modern games shoulder button became
- Example 2 Up Action button for secondary
action (Ninja Gaiden, Castlevania)
28Damage conventions
- Touch damage model
- Character takes damage whenever coming in contact
with enemy (regardless of whether the enemy is
attacking or not)
- Brawler model
- Characters only deal damage when attacking
- Intermediate models
- Shinobi, Kung Fu, others. Touching an opponent
leads to either mutual repulsion with no damage
or a captured state with slow damage.
29Damage conventions
30Damage conventions
31Designing Action Sets
- Game-specific actions
- Refer to the greater vision or theme of the game
to come up with suitable actions.
- Bruce Lee Formidable fighting and acrobatic
prowess - deep combo tree, wall flip, pole
slide, etc.
- Brother Bear Animal vs. Nature - Water sliding,
balancing on logs.
32Designing Action Sets
- Shape
- Visibility
- Size ratio
- Mental models and Game Engines
- Characters in collision engines are usually
represented as a box or collections of boxes
- The player will develop his/her own mental model
for the way the game world works.
- A good correlation between the two will lead to a
feeling of tightness in gameplay
- A disconnection in the two will lead to sloppy
- Visibility
- Player characters need to be distinguishable not
just from the background but also from all other
game objects.
- Player characters actions and reactions need to
be distinguishable from each other.
- Size Ratio
- The size of a character cannot be judged in an
isolated manner.
- We need to consider the ratio of a characters
size to
- The screen
- The characters actions visual footprints
- Other objects
38Size Ratio vs Screen
- A screen must fit
- A character centered roughly on the bottom
leftmost third of the screen.
- A characters full jump arc
- A complete or near-complete encounter
- Example a bare pit must have both of its ledges
visible. A pit with an enemy threatening one of
the ledges must also account for the enemys
patrol range. - HUD and so on.
39Size Ratio vs Actions
- Ratio vs Jump
- Jumps are usually tall enough to clear at least
one character unit (so you can jump over
equivalent enemies).
- Jump should be small enough to not exceed the
screen size of a centered character as its a
convention to lock the camera through the natural
arc of a jump.
40Size Ratio vs Actions
- Ratio vs. Attacks
- Aim for your attacks to extend at least around
one character unit out.
- The Environment
- The environment can only be analyzed within the
context of handling.
- A Mario level will play very differently with
Spider-man as a player character.
- Building levels
- There are many approaches to building levels.
- Its always good to prototype a level before
dedicating art to it.
- Building metrics. The characters actions imply
metrics, good levels take these into account.
45Building levels (continued)
- Build encounters
- Encounters are group of environment sections and
game objects that need to be considered by the
player in conjunction
- Once an encounter works, use it as a building
46Building levels (continued)
- Build a narrative
- Sometimes you just have a strong vision of
moments of gameplay.
- In these cases linking these in a narrative form
and translating the narrative into a level works
47Building levels (continued)
- Example
- Bears sliding down waterslide.
- Bears getting shot off the end of the
- Bears landing directly into a balancing act
- This led me to design a level where you slide
down a long section, avoiding rocks, collecting
berries, get shot off the end of the waterslide
and landed on a log.
48Building levels (continued)
49Building levels (continued)
- Jump Metrics
- Jump height
- Jump reach
- Jump width
- Other Metrics
- Landing space
- Crawl space
50Building levels (continued)
51Game Objects
- What are they?
- Game objects are everything that the player
character (the subject) acts upon.
- Enemies, breakables, collectibles, doors, etc.
52Game Objects
- Heres something key
- If your objects only provide your player with one
action the game will play itself
- Having dual or multiple use objects, allows the
player to make choices and increases the the
depth of your gameplay.
- Examples Samus can blast an enemy or she can
freeze it and use it as a platform. Mario can
hop on a turtle and leave it or he can kick the
shell towards other enemies.
53Game Objects
54Game Objects
- Use them to magnify player character actions
- Problem Bruce Lee We wanted combat to be
engaging, but foot soldiers to not be very
threatening (except in numbers).
- We focused on giving enemies interesting ways to
be beat up.
- Height and direction sensitive hit animations
- Disarms
- Using enemies as projectiles
- Very, very broad topic
- Victory and defeat conditions
- Rules governing saving and retries
- Associated conventions
- Falling off the bottom of the screen
- Exiting at the rightmost end of a level
- Come up with rules that engage the player at
different levels
- Damage model - immediate well being of
- Skill tree - strategic advancement of character
- Time limit - urgency for completion of goal
- X Collectibles to do Y - medium term objective
- Points and currency - long term or lateral goals
(secrets unlockables, etc.)
- Camera
- Centering
- Scaling
- Views
- Straight 2D
- Floor-tilt view
- Cabinet
- Camera what camera?
- Believe it or not, cameras in 2D games arent
- You only really notice a camera if its bad.
- A good sidescroller camera focuses on what the
next encounter is going to be (above and ahead of
the character).
- Centering
- As mentioned before, focus more on what is to
come than what has passed already.
- This basically means centering the character in
the lower third of the screen with the horizontal
space divided 1/3 behind it and 2/3 ahead of it.
- Also as stated before this should give the player
a good view of encounters to come.
- Scaling
- Limited platform support in 2D platforms (SNES,
Neo Geo, Game Boy Advance)
- Sacrifices certain features (less layers, less
- Allows you to depict larger encounters (or even
multiple encounters) in their entirety by zooming
the action out when needed.
62Views (for non-3D graphic engines)
- Straight-on 2D
- Every orthogonal surface is a line (i.e. you
cant see walls, ceilings or floors)
63Views (for non-3D graphic engines)
- Floor-tilt view
- Same as straight-on view but fake the angle so
the player can see the floor.
- Cabinet view
- The cabinet view is probably the hardest to
- It consists of a view similar to the full-on 2D
view but the player can see the wall and the
6810 model games
- Not the best or most well known
- Offer a good variety of examples for reference
- Come up with your own set of model games
6910 model games
- Game Batman
- System NES
- Why?
- Tightest wall jump in any game
- Greatest game over music ever
7110 model games
- Game Strider
- System Arcade/Genesis
- Why?
- Sloped terrain with matching leg movement
- Wall clinging and hand over hand action
- Gravity reversal
- Swooshes!!
- Shinobi or Ninja Gaiden will also work as action
game templates
7210 model games
- Game Metroid
- System NES
- Why?
- Interconnected levels
- Linking of skills progression with level
7410 model games
- Game Contra IV, the Alien Wars
- System SNES
- Why?
- Special FX
- Bosses
7510 model games
- Game Ghouls and Ghosts
- System Arcade, SNES, Genesis
- Why?
- Dynamic terrain
- Difficulty benchmark (if your game is harder than
this, youre screwed)
7610 model games
- Game Bionic Commando
- System NES
- Why?
- Example of a game that does without one of the
core sidescroller mechanics (jump) successfully.
7710 model games
7810 model games
- Game Double Dragon I
- System Arcade, NES, Genesis
- Why?
- Ok, so its not a 2D game (2.5D)
- Establishes the brawler damage model as well as
you need to understand it.
- The entire series (except 5) can be looked at for
progression in variations.
7910 model games
- Game Mega Man
- System NES, SNES
- Why?
- Swappable action sets
8010 model games
- Game Lost Vikings
- System SNES
- Why?
- Single-player multi-character puzzles
81Lost Vikings
8210 model games
- Game Super Mario All-Stars
- System SNES
- Why?
- Because all you need to know is probably here.
- Questions, comments?
- For additional information email me at
- luis_at_vvisions.com