Title: Presentazione di PowerPoint
1New Technologies in MultiFit System
DuraStar Lorenza Draghi Politecnico di
Milano Italy
2Modular THR system studies rationale
- To exploit the benefit of using modular
prosthesis, special care must be dedicated to
prevent stem/neck corrosion - For this reason both design of the prosthesis and
material must be carefully considered
3Modular THR system studies rationale
- To exploit the benefit of using modular
prosthesis, special care must be dedicated to
prevent stem/neck corrosion - For this reason both design of the prosthesis and
material must be carefully considered
4Modular THR system studies rationale
- Couplings of modular prostheses may be source of
metallic debris - The amount of debris produced depends on the
geometry of the coupling and of the entire
implant - Good design, however, can reduce the phenomenon
to negligible compared to other potential debris
sources (stem surface or prosthetic head).
Chir Organi Mov. 1997 Jul-Sep82(3)231-8.
5Modular THR system studies rationale
- An accurately designed taper connection can
minimize or eliminate the problem (JBMR vol. 30,
181) - The design of Multifit was based on specific
studies on wear and fretting developed by
Politecnico di Milano and CNR, the National
Council of Research
6Modular THR system taper connection
Gravimetric Wear
7Modular THR system studies rationale
- To exploit the benefit of using modular
prosthesis, special care must be dedicated to
prevent stem/neck corrosion - For this reason both design of the prosthesis and
material must be carefully considered
- Titanium has a lot of advantages, (is
biocompatible, load bearing etc.) - To improve its performances, a specific surface
treatment was developed
- TiHard is a combined electrochemical-mechanical
treatment of titanium alloys that enable to
ceramize titanium surface.
mechanical finishing phase
- step 1 Anodic Spark Deposition (ASD)
- ASD offers the possibility to generate ceramic
oxides on the surface of valve metals, like
Titanium. - The growing ceramic layer is created by
conversion of the substrate, where elements in
the electrolitic bath can be included. Therefore
Ti Hard is not a coating.
- step 2 Mechanical finishing
Titanium Alloy
- Scanning Electron Micrograph of TiHard treated
- Water contact angle of TiHard treated Ti6Al4V
Vickers micro-hardness
HV 965 35
HV 450 30
Water contact angle of untreated Ti
- Main advantages of TiHard for biomedical
applications - Reduced fretting corrosion
- Galling prevention
- Improved fatigue resistance
- without coatings, with no influence on cell
15Fretting resistance
- Weight loss is significantly reduced
Manually polished Electrochemically
polished Tumbler polished TiHard
Thin Layer Activation Joint study with European
Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for
Health and Consumer Protection, Cyclotron
Laboratory Ispra, Italy
16Fatigue resistance
- Fatigue resistance of Ti6Al4V is improved
859 MPa
762 MPa
10 milions bending cycles (UNI 3964)
17Fatigue resistance
Producer A
Producer B
- TiHard allows to significantly improve titanium
alloy performance, and can be exploited also for
modular components - TiHard titanium appears as an optimal choice
especially for revision prosthesis and for
allergic patients
19Modular THR system
- To exploit the benefit of using modular
prosthesis, special care must be dedicated to
prevent stem/neck corrosion - For this reason both design of the prosthesis and
material must be carefully considered
- Compared to Ti alloys, CoCrMo has superior
mechanical properties
Statical Mechanical Resistance
1600 1200 800 400 0
Ultimate tensile strenght (MPa)
- Compared to Ti alloys, CoCrMo has superior
mechanical properties
222_CrCoMo Durastar
- To safely use CoCrMo alloys, but the release of
debris and/or ions needed to be investigated - DuraStar is a special CoCrMo alloy (ISO 5832/12)
with exceptional mechanical resistance - A controlled shot peening process allows to even
increase its performance (higher mechanical
resistance and reduced wear)
232_CrCoMo Durastar
Safety assessment
Analysis done in SAMO (SAMO Labs) and coordinated
by scientific personnel from Politecnico di
242_CrCoMo Durastar
No detectable Co or Cr ions were in testing
252_CrCoMo Durastar
- Superior CrCoMo performance make them a vey
attractive opportunity for modular components - Conducted studies sowed very low corrosion
profiles and no appreciable Cr or Co ions release
262_CrCoMo Durastar
- Higher CoCrMo is justified by the superior
performance - CrCoMo appears as the safer choice for primary
surgery modular components, and other producer
have recently moved to this option (e.g. Stryker,
27New Technologies in MultiFit System
DuraStar Lorenza Draghi, Politecnico di
Milano Italy