Title: Strategic
1Strategic Marketing Planning How Do We Get
There From Here?
2If You Can Plan a Trip, You Can Plan A Marketing
- Where are you now on the map?
- Where do you want to go?
- How will you get there?
3Where Are You Now?
- Where are you now on the map?
- Point of departure
- Traveling alone or with others?
- Mode of transportation?
- Things to do before leaving
- Etc., etc.
4Where do you want to go?
- Why do you want to go there?
- Business? Personal? Beach? Shopping?
- How will it look when you arrive?
- Big buildings? A river? Expressways?
- What are your expectations ?
- Productive? Fun? Exciting? Relaxing?
5You know where you are and where you are going
now you must select them best route
- Fastest route?
- Shortest route?
- Most scenic
- route?
- Best route to
- the beaches?
6You Will Probably Choose the Most EfficientRoute
- Highest average
- speed
- Fewest delays
- Least traffic
7Landmarks along the way keep you on course
8You anticipate Potential Hazards!
Be Prepared For Detours, But Avoid Side Roads
9Signs along the way should indicate progress
toward your destination
10Not away from it!
11And with proper planning and attention to detail,
you arrive successfully!
12How Does The JourneyLook In Marketing Terms?
13Where are you now?(Situation Analysis)
- Do you have a business model for managing
operations? - What products do you offer?
- Target audiences (who buys, or might buy them?)
- Buying motives/influences (why do they purchase
your products and what influences their
decision?) - Channels of distribution (how is the product
delivered?) - Competition (who else offers the same or similar
products, and what are their strengths and
weaknesses?) - Trends (what trends could effect your marketing
positively and negatively?)
14Where do you want to go?
- Why do you want to go there?
- Growth? Revenue? Enrollment? Funding?
- How will it look when you arrive?
- More students? New audiences? New curricula?
- What are your expectations?
- Profitability? Leadership? Recognition?
15What Is The Most Efficient Route?
- Best use of capital and staff resources
- Fewest potential roadblocks to success
- Manageable risk levels
16Planning Your Route(Where The Rubber Meets The
- Sales Strategy
- Communications Strategy
- Budget
- Progress Assessments
17Sales Strategy
- Pricing
- Staffing Support
- Training
- Sales pitches
- Channels of distribution
18Communications Strategy
- Advertising
- Public Relations
- Support materials
- Trade shows, conventions
20Progress AssessmentsHow Will You KnowIf You
Are StayingOn Course?
21Identify your landmarksbefore starting your trip
- Identify short-term ways to measure your progress
- Mark them on the calendar
- Be diligent the most common failure of
strategic plans is getting off track
22Things To Remember
- Strategize everything and check often to make
sure everything is still on-strategy. - Know your audience, your market, your competition
and the trends that could effect you. Do the
research and keep it current. - Know your route and keep your eyes on the road.
Side roads are almost always dead ends. - Dont worry be happy! (Having a strategy in
place takes a lot of the pressure off)
23Stay On TrackAnd You Will ArriveSuccessfully!A
nd you shouldalready have a strategy in place
for your next destination!