Title: The Value of ONET
1(No Transcript)
2A new, global economy and increasing customer
expectations,require a new focus . . .
3Break through the clutter!
4A New Focus . . .
a New Direction.
5Group Discussion
- What do you know about ONET?
- What do you hope to accomplish today?
- Are you using ONET now? If so, how?
- What are some ways you think ONET can help with
WIA implementation?
6Todays Agenda
- Discuss the need for ONET
- ONET application to WIA
- Build a common understanding of ONET
- Focus on value, features benefits
- How ONET relates to other systems
- Get your feedback to help us support you
- Local applications of ONET
- Technical support and more information
7Todays Agenda
- Discuss the need for ONET
- ONET application to WIA
- Build a common understanding of ONET
- Focus on value, features benefits
- How ONET relates to other systems
- Get your feedback to help us support you
- Local applications of ONET
- Technical support and more information
8WIA Critical Success Factors
The Need...
- Customer Service Focus
- Youth
- One Stop Partnerships
- Employer Needs
- Accountability
- Individualized training
- Negotiated performance measures
- Continuous improvement
9CESER Survey
The Need...
- More information on ONET - DOT conversion
- Extensive training
- SESA staff, employers, job seekers, partner
agencies - Flexible training approach
- Manuals, on-line, CD-ROM,
10Todays Agenda
- Dialogue the need for ONET
- ONET application to WIA
- Build a common understanding of ONET
- Focus on value, features benefits
- How ONET relates to other systems
- Get your feedback to help us support you
- Local applications of ONET
- Technical support and more information
11ONET is...
- The Occupational Information Network is a dynamic
database - and growing integrated tool kit of
applications - that contains comprehensive
information on job requirements and worker
competencies. ONET offers a contemporary
framework for exploring todays world of work.
12ONET is...
13ONET is...
14ONET is...
- Contemporary
- Unique
- Comprehensive
15ONET is...
- Contemporary
- Unique
- Comprehensive
- An easy-to-use electronic database
16ONET is...
- Contemporary
- Unique
- Comprehensive
- An easy-to-use electronic database
- An intelligent tool kit for workforce
17Database skills, knowledge abilities
18 ONET Content Model
Worker Characteristics Abilities Interests Work
Abilities Cognitive Psychomotor Physical Sensory
Cognitive Verbal Idea Generation
Reasoning Quantitative Memory Perceptual Spatial A
Verbal ? Oral Comprehension ? Written
Comprehension ? Oral Expression ? Written
19ONET OnLine
20Find Occupations
21Skills Search
22Related Occupations
23View Snapshots of Occupations
24Detailed Occupational Information
25Using Crosswalks
26ONET the common language
for WIA Implementation
27ONET in action
ONET in it . . .
28School to Work
ONET in action
29ONET in action
30ONET in action
31ONET in action
32Occupational Research
ONET in action
33Demand Occupations
ONET in action
- Top 25 Demand Occupations Identified
- 5 Key Industry Clusters
- Analysis of Portable Skills in Demand
- http//www.ctdol.state.ct.us/lmi/choicestoday.pdf
34ONET in action
10 Highest Ranking Skills Needed
1. Oral expression 2. Oral comprehension 3.
Getting information needed to do the job 4.
Communicating with persons outside the
organization 5. Establishing maintaining
relationships 6. Written comprehension 7.
Mathematics 8. Communicating with other
workers 9. Written expression 10. Customer
personal service
35Potential ONET Users
- Job Seekers
- Students
- Career Counselors
- Trainers
- Employers
- Researchers and Developers
- Human Resources Personnel
36ONET in it . . .
37Whats Next?
The ONET Tool Kit
- New applications
- Environmental Career Center (ECC)
- www.ecconet.org
- ONET 3.0 Database
- ONET OnLine -- Web-based interface
- ONET 3.0 version in it
- http//online.onetcenter.org
38ONET at a glance...
- ONET offers
- State-of-the-art
- Flexibility
- LMI at the desktop
- A skills approach
- Searches by skill
- Crosswalks
- A common language
- SOC compatibility
- So you can. . .
- Meet client needs
- Adapt to local needs
- Empower customers
- Focus on portability
- Focus on customers
- Build partnerships
- Better placements
- Ease DOT transition
39ONET makes WIA work
Value of ONET
Critical Success Factors
- Customer Focus
- Accountability
- Job attainment
- Choice/empowerment
- Demand occupations
- Individualized training
- Performance reporting classification system
40Todays Agenda
- Dialogue the need for ONET
- ONET application to WIA
- Build a common understanding of ONET
- Focus on value, features benefits
- How ONET relates to other systems
- Get your feedback to help us support you
- Local applications of ONET
- Technical support and more information
41ONET in action
- Identify 3 critical initiatives youre managing
- What parts of the ONET Tool Kit can help?
- Who needs to hear this to make it happen?
What's "IN IT" for
42Food for Thought . . .
ONET in action
- One Stop delivery system
- Design processes to integrate ONET
- Use of assessments in individualized training
- Dislocated workers
- Transferability of skills
- Integrate ONET into operating system(s)
- Front line decision support using ONET
- School-to-work (CareerZone model)
43New learning opportunities!
- ONET Quick Start
- Assistance in project planning
- Targeted for IT and users
- Discover ONET
- Front line focus
- A how to guide
- Integrates ONET into everyday work
44More Info?
- ONET Center
- www.onetcenter.org
- Workforce ATM
- www.icesa.org