Title: Document Object Model
1Document Object Model
- ???
- http//www.ywdeng.idv.tw
2Document Object Model (DOM)
- What is model?
- Prototype or plan for the organization of objects
on a page - Defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
- HTML markup is applying markup solely to define
the structure of a document - DOM focuses primarily on the HTML document and
the content nested inside it
3Element Hierarchy of an Empty HTML Document
4The DOM in a Browser Window
5The DOM in a Browser Window
- window object
- Represents the content area of the browser window
where HTML documents appear - In a multiple-frame environment, each frame is
also a window - The outermost element of the object hierarchy
- navigator object
- read-only
- primarily to read the brand and version of browser
6The DOM in a Browser Window
- screen object
- read-only
- about the physical environment
- the number of pixels high and wide available in
the monitor - history object
- this object assists a script in simulating a
click of the Back or Forward button
7The DOM in a Browser Window
- location object
- This object is the primary avenue to loading a
different page into the current window or frame - document object
- Each HTML document that gets loaded into a window
becomes a document object - Contains the content that you are likely to
script - Except for the html, head, and body element
8DOM Object Hierarchy
9DOM Object Hierarchy
10DOM Object Hierarchy
11Object References
- After a document is loaded into the browser, all
of its objects are safely stored in memory in the
containment hierarchy structure specified by the
browsers DOM - Object Naming
12Rules About Object IDs (Identifiers)
- May not contain spaces
- Should not contain punctuation except for the
underscore character(_) - Must be inside quotes when assigned to the id
attribute - Must not start with a numeric character
- May not occur more than once in the same document
13Referencing a Particular Object
- The getElementById() command belongs to the
document object - JavaScript is case sensitive
14Node Terminology
15What Defines an Object?
- Properties
- Methods
- Events (Handlers).
19Window and Document Objects
20The window Object
- Accessing window properties and methods
- window.propertyName
- window.methodName(parameters)
- self.propertyName
- self.methodName(parameters)
- propertyName
- methodName(parameters)
21Creating a window
- The method that generates a new window is
window.open(). - Parameters
- the URL of the document to load
- its name for target attribute reference purposes
in HTML tags - physical appearance (size and chrome contingent)
chrome The area where scrollbars, toolbars, the
status bar, and (non-Macintosh) menu bar live is
known as a windows chrome
22Creating a window
23(No Transcript)
24window.open() ??
- height100 ????
- width400 ????
- top0 ?????y??
- left0 ?????x??
- toolbarno ?????,yes???
- menubar ??
- scrollbars ??
- resizableno ??????????,yes???
- locationno ???????,yes???
- statusno ???????,yes???
window.open ('page.html', 'targetWindow',
'height100, width400, top0, left0,
toolbarno, menubarno, scrollbarsno,
resizableno, locationno, statusno')
25Window Properties and Methods
- window.alert() method
- This method generates a dialog box that displays
whatever text you pass as a parameter - A single OK button (whose label you cannot
change) enables the user to dismiss the alert.
26Window Properties and Methods
- window.confirm() method
- presents two buttons (Cancel and OK)
- returns a value true if the user clicks OK or
false if the user clicks Cancel - as a way to have a user make a decision about how
a script progresses
27Window Properties and Methods
- window.prompt() method
- displays a message that you set and provides a
text field for the user to enter a response - Two buttons, Cancel and OK
- canceling the entire operation or accepting the
input typed in the dialog box.
28ltscript type"text/javascript"gt var answer
prompt("???????", "?") if (answer)
alert("??!\n" answer) else
alert("???!") lt/scriptgt
29The location Object
- location.href "http//www.dannyg.com"
- relative URL is OK
- If the page to be loaded is in another window or
frame - newWindow.location.href "http//www.dannyg.com"
30The navigator Object
- navigator.userAgent
- returns a string with numerous details about the
browser and operating system - Internet Explorer 7 in Windows XP
- Mozilla/4.0 (compatible MSIE 7.0 Windows NT
5.1) - Firefox 1.5 on a Macintosh
- Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh U PPC Mac OS X Mach-O
en-US rv1.8.0.7) Gecko/20060909 Firefox/
31The navigator Object
- navigator.appVersion
- Firefox 3.0 on Windows Vista
- 5.0 (Windows zh-TW)
- Internet Explorer 7.0 on Windows Vista
32Detecting Firefox x.x
ltscript type"text/javascript"gt //test for
Firefox/x.x or Firefox x.x (ignoring remaining
digits) if (/Firefox\/\s(\d\.\d)/.test(navig
ator.userAgent)) Â var ffversionnew
Number(RegExp.1) // capture x.x portion and
store as a number if (ffversiongt3)Â
document.write("You're using FF 3.x or
above")Â else if (ffversiongt2)Â
document.write("You're using FF 2.x")Â else if
(ffversiongt1)Â document.write("You're using FF
1.x")else document.write("n/a")lt/scriptgt
33Detecting IE x.x
ltscript type"text/javascript"gt //test for MSIE
x.x if (/MSIE (\d\.\d)/.test(navigator.userAge
nt)) var ieversionnew Number(RegExp.1) //
capture x.x portion and store as a number if
(ieversiongt8) document.write("You're using IE8
or above") else if (ieversiongt7)
document.write("You're using IE7.x") else if
(ieversiongt6) document.write("You're using
IE6.x") else if (ieversiongt5)
document.write("You're using IE5.x") else
document.write("n/a") lt/scriptgt
34The document Object
- The document object holds the real content of the
page - document.forms property
- Array of ltformgt
- document.forms.length ????
- document.forms0 ???????
- document.forms"formName" ???????
- document.formName
35The document Object
- document.images property
- Array of ltimggt
36The document Object
- document.write() method
- Append output to the document
- Can include HTML tags
- After a page loads, the browsers output stream
automatically closes - After that, any document.write() method issued to
the current page opens a new stream that
immediately erases the current page
37The document Object
- document.close()
- Your script should close the output stream when
it finishes writing its content to the window
(either the same window or another).
38The document Object
- If you want to add to or modify a page that has
already loaded, you need to call - document.createElement() method to create an
element node - document.createTextNode() method to create a text
node - Use elementNode.appendChild(childNode) to append
child node to the DOM tree
39(No Transcript)
40The document Object
- document.getElementById() method
- The sole parameter of this method is a quoted
string containing the ID of the element you wish
to reference - document.getElementById("output")
- The method returns a value, which you typically
preserve in a variable for use by subsequent
script statements - var oneTable document.getElementById("salesResul