Title: Department%20of%20Labor,%20Licensing%20and%20Regulation
1Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
Division of Workforce Development and Adult
- Provide information and contact information to
assist customers to locate their next opportunity
or resources to become re-employed.
3Columbia Workforce Center
- Office of Employment Services
- Veteran Services
- Professional Outplacement Assistance Center
(POAC) - Division of Rehabilitation Services
- Howard County Office of Workforce Development
- FREE services
- and
- FREE resources
- Must be fully registered in the Maryland
Workforce Exchange (MWE) at mwejobs.maryland.gov - (Required by Unemployment Insurance)
- One Stop Career Centers are located throughout
Maryland to serve businesses and job seekers. - Provide a full range of assistance to job
seekers. - Staffed with qualified professionals who can
assist with training referrals, career
counseling, job listings and other
employment-related services.
5One Stop Job Center Services
- Current job openings
- Virtual Recruiter
- Résumé Builder
- Education and training programs
- Career and workforce information
- Events calendar
- Labor market information
- Links to community services
- Access to fax and copiers
- Tutorials/Workshops
6Maryland Workforce Exchange
7What is Labor Market Information(LMI)?
- Data about employment by location and occupation,
labor supply and demand, earnings, unemployment
and demographics of the labor force make up what
is known as labor market information.
8Why do I need Labor Market Information?
- If you are in the exploration phase of the career
planning process, labor market information is a
valuable resource. - You can use it to find answers to many questions,
including - Which industries employ people in this
occupation? - Where will I be able to find a job?
- Will there be opportunities in the field I am
considering after I complete required training or
education? - How much will I earn?
9Labor Market Information
Onet Online http//www.onetonline.org Maryland
Career and Workforce Information http//www.dllr.s
tate.md.us/lmi  Â
10 What is a Skills Assessment?
A self-assessment tool that is used to determine
whether you have certain skills as well as
whether you like using those skills.
What is the value?
- Taking assessments help you to answer the
following questions - What can I do?
- What do I like to do?
- What skills do I have, and are any of them
transferrable skills into new career options? - What is important to me in my career? Is it
money? Location? Flexibility? Advancement?
11 Where can I take a Skills Assessment?
Type of Assessment Source
Skill Set Profile
ONet Ability Profiler
Americas Career InfoNet Skills Profiler
12Skills Profiler
www.careerinfonet.org/skills Create a list of
your skills and match them to job types that use
those skills.
13mySkills myFuture
- www.myskillsmyfuture.com Helps laid-off workers
and other career changers find new occupations to
14Use to research your occupational field and see
the other occupations you may want to explore
that have similar skillsets.
15My Next Move
- www.mynextmove.org An interactive tool for job
seekers and students to learn more about
different careers
16Virtual Training Center
- Online Software Training
- Self paced
- Over 1000 courses
17- Maryland Division
- of
- Workforce Development