Title: Campus Design Tiger Team
1Campus Design Tiger Team
- Presidents Forum Presentation
- February 27, 2008
2Campus Design Tiger Team
- William Harper, Chair, Head of the Department of
Health and Kinesiology - Robin Bellinger, Co-chair, Associate Vice
President for Advancement - Peter Caldwell, Student in Horticulture and
Landscape Architecture - John Collier, Director of Campus Planning
- Jamie Hendershot, CSSAC Member, Clerk, University
Development Office - Kim Lehnen, Administrative Assistant
- Paul Shepson, Professor of Chemistry, and Earth
and Atmospheric Sciences - Betty Suddarth, President of Purdue Retirees
Association - Kim Wilson, Professor of Horticulture and
Landscape Architecture
3Campus Design Process
- Living our land grant mission as a public
university - Must signify and represent a thriving educational
enterprise - Addresses the overall functional, aesthetic and
environmental quality of the campus, including - landscaping, outdoor features, furnishings,
transportation systems, quality of housing and
recreational areas
4Campus Design Process
- Included over 40 Information Clusters
- APSAC, CSSAC, Physical Facilities
- Architecture, Landscape Design and Planning
Committee - BCC, LCC, Black Caucus
- Boiler Green Initiative (student group)
- Discovery Park Energy, Climate, Environmental
Centers - Intercollegiate Athletics, Learning Spaces
Directors - L/WL Economic Development Committee
- Retirees, Transportation Services, CityBus
- Sustainability Council
- WL Mayor and Staff
5Campus Design Process
- Open Forum and Blog Questions
- What do you like most about Purdues existing
campus design? - What do you like least about Purdues existing
campus design? - What would you most like to change with regard to
Purdues future campus design?
6Campus Design Feedback
- What like most about existing campus design?
- Green/open space, tree paths
- Tradition of red brick
- Different shops/vending in facilities, new food
courts - Proximity of classrooms (10 minute rule)
- Connectivity to city by bus system
- International village
- Fountains
7Campus Design Feedback
- What like least about existing campus design?
- State Street division
- Transportation time to 65
- Campus signage
- Insufficient classroom space
- Insufficient lab and programs space
- Outdated recreation facilities
- Limited campus student housing
- Poor lighting in parking areas
8Campus Design Feedback
- Most like to change in future campus design?
- Become more pedestrian friendly
- Access for handicap and aging population
- More open areas and LEED certified buildings
- Better signage and mapping
- Additional parking
- Better lighting, particularly in remote parking
areas - Improved recreational facilities
- Provide a welcoming entrance
- Transportation options
- Consistency in technology across campus
9Sample Benchmarking
- Brown University
- Cornell University
- Iowa State University
- Michigan State University
- North Carolina State University
- Notre Dame
- Penn State University
- The Ohio State University
- Smith College of Liberal Arts
- University of Illinois
- University of Wisconsin Madison and Green Bay
- University of California at Santa Cruz
- University of California at Davis
- Virginia Commonwealth University
10First Core Vision A Living Laboratory
- Embodies what the university stands for
learning, discovery and engagement - Creates well-functioning and thriving community
- Pledge to a vision of balance and harmony
- Cultivates organic relationship of living parts
- A thing is right when it tends to preserve the
integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic
community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.
- --Aldo Leopold, environmentalist
11Second Core VisionSustainability
- Sustainability is the ability to meet the needs
of the present without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own
needs --1987 UN Word Commission on Environment
and Development - Ecological and environmental survival
- energy production, energy use and resource use
- Social equity
- employee diversity, fair compensation, respect,
health, safety and security - Economic vitality
- cost reduction, sustainable systems research
funding, industrial partnerships, development and
charitable contributions and investments
12Four Primary Initiatives
- Campus Living and Learning Initiative
- Accessibility Initiative
- Environmental Initiative
- Community Partnership Initiative
- The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind
of world that it leaves to its children - --Dietrich Bonhoeffer, theologian
131. Campus Living and Learning Initiative
- Campus structure
- Vibrant learning community
- Connectedness between north and south campuses
- Compact and dense campus
- Renovations of existing buildings
- Signature buildings
- Open spaces
- Culturally diverse
- Green space
- Gathering spaces
- Safe and universally accessible walking paths
141. Campus Living and Learning Initiative
- Art and culture
- More and a greater variety of public art
- Policy development, decision process
- Promote and expand museum art on campus
- Commissioned art from both well-known and lesser
known artists - Living and learning laboratory spaces
- Additional and well-designed classroom spaces
- Utilize residential and libraries spaces for
learning needs
15 2. Accessibility Initiative
- Signage and Wayfinding
- Purdue website as a navigational portal
- Implement the proposed wayfinding system
- Transportation Network
- Convenience and efficiency of public transit
system - Supplemental, two-way, campus transit loop or
shuttle system - Reduce traffic congestion
- Encourage alternative-vehicle usage
- Create a safe, interconnected, and efficient
street system - Safe, efficient, and easily accessible service to
buildings - Safe, convenient, universally accessible
pedestrian paths.
162. Accessibility Initiative
- Parking
- Redistribute facilities to better accommodate
demands - Establish financial incentives for carpooling,
use of public transit and/or remote parking - Regional Access
- Facilitate collaboration among local, state and
federal agencies for direct regional access - Find new uses and/or research collaboration
opportunities for the Purdue Airport
173. Environmental Initiative
- Organization
- Facilitate communication/collaboration among
environmentally-related researchers - Formalize the Sustainability Councils role
- Position for university sustainability director
- Promote sustainable best management practices and
183. Environmental Initiative
- Environmental Systems
- Expand energy inventories to establish a baseline
for consumption - Prioritize water conservation and reuse of
captured water - Manage storm water and wastewater discharge
- Increase reliance on production and use of
renewable energy - Support and use the ash recycling project
193. Environmental Initiative
- Environmental Systems, Continued
- Accelerate tree preservation and planting program
- Reduce campus-produced solid and hazardous waste
- Commit to green building practices
- Sustainable best management practices
- Recycling investment
203. Environmental Initiative
- Discovery and Outreach
- Publish assessment and measurement statistics
- Inventory and study greenhouse gas emissions
- Encourage more industrial partnerships
- Promote sustainability
- Maximize opportunities for students for research
- Reward personal responsibility for environment
214. Community Partnership Initiative
- Sustainable economic development
- New economic business, residents opportunities
- Revitalize core residential and commercial areas
- Cultivate community/Purdue partnerships
- Public relations
- Partner with cities on planning and renovation
efforts - Promote student participation in community
efforts - Collaborate on marketing, branding, visitor
publications - Establish a campus/community marketing strategy
- Integrate multi-culturalism into the entire
community - Sell Purdue and cities as destination site
- Relax ticketing and towing policies during major
224. Community Partnership Initiative
- Good Neighbor Policies
- Expand role of Purdue-WL Community Partnership
Team - Become active stakeholder in Wabash River
development - Create friendly and welcoming campus environment
- Provide recreation facilities for students on
weekends - Work with CityBus to establish free service for
major events.
234. Community Partnership Initiative
- Extension of Living Laboratories
- Overcome physical, jurisdictional, social
barriers - Maximize partnerships that offer learning
opportunities - Extend physical facilities into the community
- Youth development, education and support programs
- Partner with local schools to improve graduation
rates - Support collaborations between Purdue and local
mental health initiatives - Science/College Bound programs for local youth
24Leadership Responsibility
- Campus Community
- Trustees, President, Provost, Executive Vice
President and Treasurer - Office of Engagement
- Office of University Architect
- Discovery Park and Centers
- Office of Advancement Development, University
Relations, Marketing and Communications - Physical Facilities, Housing and Food Service
- Intercollegiate Athletics
- Employees, Students
- Partners
- State and government
- Municipal and community business leaders
- Corporate and industry constituents
- Community at large
- Capital building projects
- RR
- Private support fundraising individuals,
corporations and foundations - Private partnerships and grants
- Tuition and fees
- Municipalities TIFS
- Federal and state money
- Bonds
- 21st Century Fund
- INDOT and Federal Highway
- Industrial partnerships environmentally
friendly research, programs - Energy savings reinvestment
26Examples of Metrics
- Cost reductions
- Number of sustainability projects funded
- Number of projects initiated by Purdue students
and employees - New project outcome measures
- Number and kind of training and certificate
projects initiated - Kinds and number of internships created with
sustainability focus - Resource recovery measures
- Carbon footprint changes
- Sustainability national grading
- LEED certifications earned
- Emission reductions
- Computer energy reductions
- Performance of building utilities
- Ecosystem preservation inventories
- National acknowledgment of campus environment
27Sustainability Report CardSustainable Endowments
Institute 2008
- Grade A University of Washington, Dartmouth,
Middlebury College, Carleton College, University
of Vermont, Harvard - Grade B Oberlin, Stanford, Yale, Universities of
Wisconsin, Michigan Minnesota, Cornell, Penn
State - Grade C Boston College, Ohio State, Indiana,
Purdue, Universities of Maryland
Massachusetts, Notre Dame - Grade D Brown, Creighton, George Washington,
Pepperdine, North Carolina, Wake Forest, Houston
28Campus Design Tiger Team