Title: What do you think these charities aim to do
1Starter Activity
What do you think these charities aim to do?
Discuss your answers in pairs.
The Big Issue Foundation
Help the Aged
Save the Children
No Smoking Day
Help the Aged
Helps older people who live in poverty, in
isolation and who live with neglect.
Speaks and acts on behalf of environmental issues.
No Smoking Day
Helps people who want to stop smoking.
The Big Issue Foundation
Helps homeless people to earn an income.
Helps children in the UK and around the world who
suffer from poverty, disease and violence.
Save the Children
3The Big Picture
Charities work to benefit the public at large.
Some charities work to help specific groups of
4Todays learning objective
To be able to explain how the charity No Smoking
Day works in helping smokers to quit.
Learning Outcome
- To demonstrate you have met the learning
objective of - the lesson you will produce
- a) a poster
- b) a leaflet or
- c) a power point slide advertising
- No Smoking Day on Wednesday 11th March 2009
- to members of the public.
Get into groups of 3 or 4. Read through the
material you are given. On your piece of card
should be a focus question. With your group
prepare a 2 minute presentation to the rest of
the class on that focus question.
6Share your learning
Each group will now present their focused
learning to the rest of the class. This will help
you with your final activity.
7Demonstrate what you have learnt
To be able to explain how the charity No Smoking
Day works in helping smokers to quit.
8- You will now use the information you have learnt
to - design and produce
- a) A poster
- b) A leaflet
- c) A Power Point Slide advertising No Smoking Day.
- Your poster/ leaflet/ power point slide must
contain - 1) The name and aim of the charity
- 2) The date of the Day
- 3) What the Day can do
- 4) The website address
- 5) What will people find on the website
This question is to be done independently and
written in your exercise book.
What aspect of what No Smoking Day does do you
think is most effective in helping smokers quit
and why? For example you may think the
interactive calculator is the most effective as
it highlights how much money a smoker is spending.