Believing in God - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Believing in God


Section 3.1: Believing in God. Either. What is meant by the word numinous (2) Do you think that the problem of evil proves that God does not exist? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Believing in God


Design argument

Religious upbringing
Religious Experience
Causation Argument
Scientific explanations of the world belief
Believing in God https//
ONcjSCXD2k https//
Dl3U https// h
Unanswered Prayers
How do Catholic respond to Scientific
explanations of the world?
Evil Suffering
Section 3.1 Believing in God
  • Either
  • Or
  • What is meant by the word numinous (2)
  • Do you think that the problem of evil proves that
    God does not exist? Give two reasons for your
    point of view. (4)
  • Explain how a religious upbringing may lead
    someone towards belief in God (8)
  • Only God could have designed the world . In
    your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic
  • Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3)
  • Give reasons why some people may disagree with
    you (3)
  • What is meant by omnipotent? (2)
  • Do you think that Science proves that God did
    not create the world? Give two reasons for your
    point of view (4)
  • Explain how the causation argument might lead
    someone to believe in God (8)
  • Unanswered prayer proves that God does not
    exist. Do you agree?
  • In your answer you should refer to
    Roman Catholic Christianity.
  • Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3)
  • Give reasons why some people may disagree with
    you (3)

C1 Believing in God past paper questions
  (a)   Key Words (b) Do you think Give two reasons for your point of view. (c) Explain .. (d) Quote. In your answer you should refer to RC teaching (e) Do you agree? (f) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you.
2010 Free will Prayer The universe is designed?   Suffering proves that God does not exist? Why unanswered prayers may lead some people not to believe in God.   How religious experience may lead to belief in God All religious parents should make sure their children believe in God.   Only science can explain how the world was created.
2011 Omniscient   Agnosticism Science proves that God did not create the world?   A religious upbringing makes children believe in God? Why evil and suffering may lead some people not to believe in God. With examples, how tv programmes and/or radio programmes and or films might affect a persons attitude to belief in God Miracles cannot happen today.   The world is so beautiful it must have been designed by God.
2012 Natural evil   Omnibenevolent TV or radio programmes or films can affect a persons attitude to belief in God   Religious experience proves that God exists How RCs respond to the problem of unanswered prayers.   How the argument from design may lead to belief in God. No-one should be an atheist   There are no solutions to the problem of evil and suffering.
2013 Miracle   Moral evil Unanswered prayer proves that God does not exist?   Miracles may have happened? How the Causation argument may lead to belief in God   Why scientific theories about the origins of the world may lead some people not to believe in God Natural evil is proof that God did not create the world.   The Media helps people to believe in God
2014 Natural evil   conversion A religious upbringing leads to belief in God?   A numinous experience leads to belief in God? How Catholics respond to scientific explanations of the origins of the world   Explain why unanswered prayer may lead some people to reject belief in God God caused the world to exist   Religious experience proves that God exists
2015 Omniscient prayer that everyone should have a religious upbringing? God designed the world? How religious experiences may lead people to believe in God How tv programmes and/or radio programmes and/or films might affect a persons belief in God Suffering proves that God does not exist Miracles cannot happen today.
Believing in God Key Wordshttp//www.classtools.
AGNOSTICISMnot being sure whether God
exists CONVERSION When your life is changed by
giving yourself to God. FREE WILL The idea
that human beings are free to make their own
choices MIRACLESomething that breaks the laws of
science and makes you think that only God could
have done it. NATURAL EVILThings which cause
suffering which have nothing to do with
humans. NUMINOUSThe feeling of the presence of
something greater than you. OMNIBENEVOLENTThe
belief that God is all good. OMNIPOTENTThe
belief that God is all powerful. OMNISCIENTThe
idea that God knows everything that has happened
and everything that is going to happen.
PRAYERThe attempt to contact God, usually
through words. MORAL EVILActions done by humans
which cause suffering ATHEISMBelieving that God
does not exist

Why some people dont believe in life after death

Why Roman Catholics believe in life after death
Non religious reasons for belief in life after
Matters of life and death https//
watch?vWOEFgK2D2Ts https//
vsbRX43mrTdw https//
PfC_F1Q https//
0 https// http
The Media
Christian attitudes to abortion and euthanasia
Causes of world poverty
Unit 3 Section 2Matters of Life and Death
  • Either 3
  • Or 4
  • What is meant by resurrection? (2)
  • Do you think that there is life after death?
    Give two reasons for your point of view. (4)
  • Explain why Roman Catholics believe in life after
    death. (8)
  • The law on euthanasia should be changed. In
    your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic
  • Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3)
  • Give reasons why some people may disagree with
    you (3)
  • What is meant by sanctity of life? (2)
  • Do you think abortions should be completely
    banned? Give two reasons for your point of view
  • (c) Explain the causes of world poverty (8)
  • (d) Euthanasia is the same as murder. Do
    you agree? In your answer you should refer to
    Roman Catholic Christianity.
  • Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3)
  • Give reasons why some people may disagree with
    you (3)
  • 21/04/2016

C2 Matters of Life and Death past paper
  (a)   Key Words (b) Do you think Give two reasons for your point of view. (c) Explain .. (d) Quote. In your answer you should refer to at least one religion /Christianity (i) Do you agree? (ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you.
2010 Reincarnation   Assisted suicide Should everyone agree with abortion?   There is life after death.   Why Roman Catholics believe in life after death.  Most Christians are against euthanasia The law on euthanasia should be changed.   No Christian should have an abortion
2011 Euthanasia   Near-death experience That the media should be allowed to criticise what religions say about matters of life and death? Euthanasia should be legal in the UK? Why non-religious people believe in life after death  Why CAFOD is trying to end world poverty? The law on abortion should be changed   Life after death is impossible.
2012 Quality of life   Immortality of the soul Abortions should be completely banned   Everyone should have the right to die when they want. How CAFOD is trying to end world poverty.  How RC beliefs about life after death affect the way RCs lead their lives. Euthanasia is the same as murder   Abortion should always be allowed.
2013 Abortion     Paranormal life after death is impossible?   belief in life after death should affect the way Roman Catholics lives their lives? Why euthanasia is a controversial issue?   Why some Christians accept abortion? That the media should not be allowed to criticise what religion says about matters of life and death   Euthanasia should never be allowed
2014 Reincarnation   Non-voluntary euthanasia Christians should agree with abortion?   ...Christians should agree with euthanasia? why some people do not believe in life after death   what the British law says about abortion Religious people should accept euthanasia.   Beliefs about life after death affect the way a person lives their life.
2015 Voluntary euthanasia reincarnation the media should be able to criticise what religions say about matters of life and death? people cause world poverty? why CAFOD is trying to end world poverty. how Roman Catholic beliefs about life after death affect the way they live. Everyone should believe in life after death. Abortion should always be allowed.
Key words abortion, assisted suicide,
euthanasia, immortality of the soul,
near-death experience, non-voluntary euthanasia,
paranormal, quality of life, reincarnation,
resurrection, sanctity of life, voluntary
euthanasia http//
Marriage and the Familyhttps//
CHANGING _________ to ___________, family life,
______________ and homosexuality
The purpose of _________ __________ ___________
and how this is shown in the ________ ceremony
THE __ _ _ _ _ how an issue arising from this
section has been presented in one form of the
______ including whether the treatment was ____
to __________ _________ people.
___ OUTSIDE _________ and _________ _______
RC ___________ on the importance of ______
_______ and how ________ can help keep the
_______ together and bring up _________
___________ attitudes to _________ and
_____________ and Christian ___________
McMillan Revision Videos https//
Unit 3 Section 3Marriage and Family Life
  • Either
  • Or
  • What is meant by pre-marital sex?
  • Do you think that marriage is the best way to
    begin family life?  Give two reasons for your
    opinion. (4)
  • Explain why Christians are against divorce? (8)
  • Roman Catholic parishes should do more to keep
    the family together. In your answer you should
    refer to RC Christianity.
  • Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3)
  • Give reasons why some people may disagree with
    you (3)
  • What is meant by remarriage? (2)
  • Do you think family life is important? Give two
    reasons for your point of view (4)
  • Explain How an issue arising from this section
    (marriage and the family) has been presented in
    one form of media (8) 
  • Everyone should accept homosexual
    relationships. In your answer you should refer
    to RC Christianity.
  • Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3)
  • Give reasons why some people may disagree with
  • 25/04/2016

C3 Marriage and the family past paper questions
  (a)   Key Words (b) Do you think Give two reasons for your point of view. (c) Explain .. (d) Quote. In your answer you should refer to RC teaching (e) Do you agree? (f) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you.
2010 Adultery   Procreation Family life is important?   Attitudes in the UK towards homosexuality have changed? Why some Christians accept homosexuality and others do not.   Why most Christians are against sex outside marriage Catholics should never use contraception   All Christians should allow divorce
2011 Promiscuity   Civil partnership Sex outside marriage is acceptable?   All Christians should accept divorce How the purposes of marriage are shown in the RC wedding ceremony   Why attitudes to family life have changed in the UK A religious family is a happy family.   Contraception should be accepted by all Christians
2012 Homosexuality   Re-constituted family All Christians should accept the use of contraception   Faithfulness within marriage is important How RC parishes help with the upbringing of children   Why some Christians allow divorce Marriage is the best way to begin family life   Everyone should accept homosexual relationships
2013 Faithfulness Nuclear family Marriage is important?   All Christians should accept homosexuality? How Roman Catholic marriages help to keep the family together.   How an issue arising from this section (marriage and the family) has been presented in one form of media Sex before marriage is always wrong   Attitudes to divorce have not really changed
2014 Contraception   Cohabitation All Christians should accept sex outside marriage?  Roman Catholic parishes are needed to help with the upbringing of children? Why Roman Catholic Christianity teaches that family life is important.   Why some Christians do not accept homosexuality Religious people should never divorce   Pre-marital sex is always wrong.
2015 Re-constituted Re-marriage sex outside marriage is acceptable? attitudes towards homosexuality have changed? why Christians accept divorce? how the purposes of marriage are shown in the Roman Catholic wedding ceremony? It is wrong to use contraception. Divorce is bad for family life.
Marriage the Family Key Words
1. Homosexuality http//
2. Civil Partnership
3. Cohabitation
4. Pre-Marital Sex
5. Adultery
6. Faithfulness
7. Promiscuity
8. Procreation
10. Nuclear Family
11. Reconstituted Family
12. Contraception
Government action for community cohesion

Attitudes towards men and women
Multi ethnic society
The work of the Catholic church to help asylum
Religion and Community Cohesion https//www.youtub https//
vEh_HXrurrTA https//
uVhYFVY https//
The Media
Why Roman Catholics should promote racial harmony
Religions promoting community cohesion
Multi faith society
Christian attitudes to other religions
Religion Community Cohesion
  • Either
  • Or
  • What is meant by a multi-faith society?
  • Do you think the Roman Catholic Church should do
    more to help asylum seekers? Give two reasons
    for your point of view.
  • Explain why some Christians support equal rights
    for women in religion and some do not.
  • A multi-faith society causes problems for
    society. Do you agree? In your answer you
    should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity.
  • (I) Do you agree? Give reasons for your
  • Opinion
  • (ii) Give reasons why some people may
  • disagree with you
  • What is meant by a multi-racial society?
  • Do you think that attitudes to the roles of men
    and women in the UK have changed? Give two
    reasons for your point of view.
  • Explain how an issue arising from this section
    was treated in one form of media (8).
  • Religious people can achieve community
    cohesion'. In your answer you should refer to
    Roman Catholic Christianity.
  • (I) Do you agree? Give reasons for your
  • opinion.
  • (ii) Give reasons why some people may
  • disagree with you

C4 Community Cohesion past paper questions
  (a) Key Words (b) Do you think Give two reasons for your point of view. (c) Explain .. (d) Quote. In your answer you should refer to at least one religion / RC teaching (e) Do you agree? (f) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you.
2010 Ethnic minority Religious pluralism There are benefits to living in a multi-faith society? That the roles of men and women have changed in the UK? Why some Christians support equal rights for women in religion and some do not Why Roman Catholics should help promote racial harmony If everyone was a Christian racism would not exist The government alone cannot achieve community cohesion
2011 Discrimination Religious freedom Women should have the same religious rights as men? That a multi-faith society causes problems for religious people? Why the government encourages community cohesion? Why there are differences amongst Christians in attitudes to other religions? All Christians should try to convert others Men and women are still not treated equally.
2012 Community cohesion Prejudice That attitudes to the roles of men and women living in the UK have changed? Living in a multi-ethnic society reduces racism. Why there are benefits to living in a multi-faith society How an issue from this section was presented in one form of media Everyone should accept inter-faith marriage Multi-faith societies cause problems for religious families.
2013 Sexism Interfaith marriages The government can prevent discrimination? Religious people should try to convert people to their religion How religions work to promote community cohesion why the RC Church works to help people who are immigrants or asylum seekers Racial harmony is possible in the UK Religious people can achieve community cohesion
2014 Racial harmony Religious pluralism Problems are caused because society is multi-ethnic? Women should have different religious rights to men in Christianity? The benefits of living in a multi-faith society Why Roman Catholics should encourage racial harmony? Men and women are treated equally in the UK today.   Government laws lead to community cohesion  
2015 Religious freedom prejudice men and women should have equal rights in religion? living in a multi-ethnic society reduces racism? why there are differences among Christians towards other religions. why interfaith marriages could cause problems for religious people. 'The government needs to do more to promote community cohesion'. 'All religious people should try to convert others to their religion'
Key Words
  • What is community cohesion?A common vision and
    shared sense of belonging for all groups in
  • What is an ethnic minority?A member of an ethnic
    group (race) which is much smaller than the
    majority group
  • What are interfaith Marriages?Marriage where the
    husband and wife are from different religions
  • What is a Multi-ethnic Society?Many different
    races and cultures living together in one society
  • What is Multi-faith Society?Many different
    religions living together in one society
  • What is Prejudice?Believing some people are
    inferior or superior without even knowing them
  • What is Racial Harmony? Different races/colours
    living together happily What is Racism ?The
    belief that some races are superior to others
  • What is Religious Freedom?The right to practise
    your religion and change your religion
  • What is Religious Pluralism?Accepting all
    religions as having an equal right to coexist
  • What is Sexism?Discriminating against people
    because of their gender (being male or female)
  • Discrimination treating people less favourably
    because of their ethnicity/ gender/ sexuality/
    age /class
  • http//

Unit 8 Religion LifeKey Words
  • https//


Situation Ethics

How Christians Make Moral Decisions
The Church
Rights and Responsibilities https//
Genetic Engineering Christian Attitudes
Electoral Democratic Processes
Scripture Passages
Human Rights
Unit 8 Section 1Rights and Responsibilities
  • Either
  • Or
  • What is meant by the golden rule? (2)
  • Do you think you are your brothers keeper? Give
    two reasons for your opinion. (4)
  • Explain why Christians should take part in
    democratic processes (8)
  • The Bible is not relevant today. In your
    answer you should refer to Christianity.
  • Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3)
  • Give reasons why some people may disagree with
    you (3)
  • (a) What is meant by electoral processes? (2)
  • (b) Do you think humans should be cloned. Give
    two reasons for your answer. (4)
  • ( c) Explain why Christians believe that they
    should follow their conscience when making moral
    decisions (8)
  • (d) Christians should always follow the
    teaching of the Church . In your answer you
    should refer to Christianity.
  • Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3)
  • Give reasons why some people may disagree with
    you (3)

Rights responsibilities Key Wordshttp//
  • Social Changethe way in which society has
    changed and is changing (and also the
    possibilities for future change)
  • Situation Ethics the idea that Christians should
    base moral decisions on what is the most loving
    thing to do
  • Pressure Groupa group formed to influence
    government policy in a particular issue
  • Political Partya group which tries to be elected
    into power (e.g. Labour, Conservative)
  • Human Rightsthe rights and freedoms to which
    everyone is entitled
  • The Golden Rulethe teaching of Jesus that you
    should treat others as you would like them to
    treat you
  • Electoral Processthe ways in which voting is
  • Democratic Processesthe ways in which all
    citizens can take part in government (usually
    through elections)
  • The Decaloguethe Ten Commandments
  • Consciencean inner feeling of the rightness or
    wrongness of an action
  • Churchthe community of Christians (with a small
    c it means a Christian place of worship)
  • Biblethe holy book of Christians

8.1 Rights and Responsibilities
  (a)   Key Words (b) Do you think Give two reasons for your point of view. (c) Explain .. (d) Quote. In your answer you should refer to at least one religion /Christianity (i) Do you agree? (ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you.
2010 Conscience Pressure group should humans be cloned? we should always treat people as we would like to be treated? some Christians use situation ethics and some do not why it is important to vote. The Bible is not relevant today Christians should support genetic engineering
2011 Social change Political party everybodys human rights be protected? 16 year olds should be allowed to vote? why Christians believe that they should follow their conscience when making moral decisions? why human rights are important for Christians No Christian should agree with cloning All decisions should be based on situation ethics
2012 Church Human rights genetic engineering is a good idea? you are your brothers keeper? why the parable of the sheep and goats is important for Christians. why some Christians use only the teaching of the Church to make moral decisions Using situation ethics is the best way to make a moral decision Your conscience should always be your guide.
2013 Bible Situation ethics people should be forced to vote? a persons conscience comes from God? . ..why some Christians agree with genetic engineering. why some Christians use only the Bible when making moral decisions. Christians should always follow the teaching of the Church. Christians should support all human rights
2014 Democratic processes Decalogue the Bible helps people make moral decisions? everyone should follow the Golden Rule? why human rights are important in the UK. why some Christians do not agree with genetic engineering A persons conscience comes from God. All Christians should use situation ethics to make moral decisions
2015 Decalogue Political party Christians should support human rights use the teaching of the Church when making moral decisions Explain why some Christians use Situation Ethics when making a moral decision and some do not. Explain how genetic engineering can be used to help people Voting is a waste of time It is impossible to follow the Golden Rule in every situation.

Environmental Medical Issues https//
Unit 8 Section 2Environmental and Medical Issues
  • Either
  • Or
  • What is meant by creation?
  • Do you think religious people should not drive
    cars? Give two reasons for your opinion. (4)
  • Choose one religion other than Christianity and
    explain why its followers should look after the
    environment (8)
  • All Christians should support infertility
    treatment. In your answer you should refer to
  • Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3)
  • Give reasons why some people may disagree with
    you (3)
  • (a) What is meant by in-vitro fertilisation?
  • (b) Do you think more should be done to prevent
    pollution. Give two reasons for your answer.
  • ( c) Explain why organ donation is important
  • (d) .People must use scarce natural resources
    for the world to improve. In your answer you
    should refer to religion.
  • Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3)
  • Give reasons why some people may disagree with
    you (3)

Key Words Environmental and Medical Issues
ronmental_and_Medical_Issues_ifjLS.htm) artificia
l inseminationinjecting semen into the uterus by
artificial means Conservationprotecting and
preserving natural resources and the
environment Creationthe act of creating the
universe or the universe which has been
created Embryoa fertilised egg in the first
eight weeks after conception Environmentthe
surroundings in which plants and animals live and
on which they depend to live global warmingthe
increase in the temperature of the earths
atmosphere (thought to be caused by the
greenhouse effect) Infertility not being able
to have children in-vitro fertilisation the
method of fertilising a human egg in a test
tube natural resources naturally occurring
materials, such as oil and fertile land, which
can be used by humans organ donationgiving
organs to be used in transplant
surgery Stewardshiplooking after something so
it can be passed on to the next
generation Surrogacyan arrangement whereby a
woman bears a child on behalf of another woman
C2 Environmental Medical Issues
  (a)   Key Words (b) Do you think Give two reasons for your point of view. (c) Explain .. (d) Quote. In your answer you should refer to at least one religion /Christianity (i) Do you agree? (ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you.
2010 Creation Artificial insemination you should be able to sell your organs for transplant? you can help to stop global warming? Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why its followers should look after the environment. why some Christians agree with organ transplants All Christians should support infertility treatment. Religious people should not drive cars.
2011 Give two examples of organs that can be donated. Natural resources more should be done to find the answers to pollution? pollution will spoil the planet? Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why some of its followers agree with infertility treatment and some do not. why Christians should look after the environment. Religious people should do more than anyone else to protect the environment. Religious people should donate their organs when they die.
2012 Infertility Global warming natural resources will run out? people worry too much about pollution? Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why some of its followers are against transplant surgery. why some Christians are against infertility treatments All religious people should live lifestyles which do not harm the environment. Organ donation should be compulsory.
2013 Conservation environment transplant surgery is a good idea? humans are the stewards of the planet? how humans cause pollution Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why some of its followers agree with infertility treatment Infertility treatment should be available to everybody. People must use scarce natural resources for the world to improve.
2014 Embryo surrogacy infertility treatment should be available to everyone? humans have caused global warming? how the scarcity of natural resources threatens the planet. why some Christians do not agree with transplant surgery. Religious people are the best hope for the environment. It is impossible to stop polluting the environment.
2015 artificial insemination  environment religious people should donate their organs when they die? stewardship is an important religious teaching for the world today? how people can reduce global warming. why infertility treatment is important to childless couples There will always be natural resources to use. People can solve the problem of pollution.

Religious organisations and world peace
The UN and world peace
Why do wars occur?
Just war theory and Christian attitudes to war
Peace Conflict https//
Muslim attitudes to forgiveness an reconciliation
Muslim attitudes to war
Christian attitudes to forgiveness an
Religious conflict within families
Unit 8 Section 3 Peace Conflict
  • Either
  • Or
  • What is meant by just war (2)
  • Do you think religious people do enough to stop
    bullying? Give two reasons for your point of
    view. (4)
  • Explain why wars happen using examples from at
    least one CURRENT conflict (8)
  • There should never be a conflict in a religious
    family. In your answer you should refer to at
    least one religion.
  • Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion(3)
  • Give reasons why some people may disagree with
    you (3)
  • What is meant by pacifism? (2)
  • Everyone deserves to be forgiven. Do you agree?
    Give two reasons for your point of view. (4)
  • Choose one religion other than Christianity and
    explain forgiveness and reconciliation are
    important for its followers (8)
  • The UN has done more to encourage world peace
    than religion has. Do you agree?
  • In your answer you should refer to at
    least one religion.
  • Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion(3)
  • Give reasons why some people may disagree with
    you (3)

Key Wordshttp//
  • Aggressionattacking without being provoked
  • Bullyingintimidating/ frightening people weaker
    than yourself
  • Conflict Resolutionbringing a fight or struggle
    to a peaceful conclusion
  • Exploitationtaking advantage of a weaker group
  • Forgivenessstopping blaming someone and/or
    pardoning them for what they have done wrong
  • Just wara war which is fought for the right
    reasons and in a right way
  • Pacifismthe belief that all disputes should be
    settled by peaceful means
  • Reconciliationbringing together people who were
    opposed to each other
  • Respecttreating a person or their feelings with
  • The United Nationsan international body set up
    to promote world peace and cooperation
  • Weapons of Mass Destructionweapons which can
    destroy large areas and numbers of people
  • World Peacethe ending of war throughout the
    whole world (the basic aim of The United Nations

C3 Religion, Peace Conflict
  (a)   Key Words (b) Do you think Give two reasons for your point of view. (c) Explain .. (d) Quote. In your answer you should refer to at least one religion /Christianity (i) Do you agree? (ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you.
2010 United Nations Bullying it is always possible to forgive? there will ever be world peace? Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why its followers may be for or against war. why religion can cause conflict in a family. Bullies deserve sympathy not punishment. Religious people should all be pacifists.
2011 Respect Weapons of mass destruction bullies should always be excluded from school? there can ever be a just war? why Christians believe forgiveness is important. why wars happen, using examples from at least one current conflict. The United Nations has done more to encourage world peace than religion has. Religion causes more harm than good in families.
2012 Aggression Reconciliation some wars are worth fighting? everyone deserves to be forgiven? how a religious organisation tries to promote world peace.(8) why Christians are against bullying. There should never be conflict in a religious family. Religious people should never go to war.
2013 World peace Forgiveness religious people do enough to stop bullying .. religion causes conflict in families? why some Christians will not fight in wars. how the United Nations works for world peace. Some things are unforgivable If everyone believed in the same religion there would be no world war.
2014 Exploitation Conflict resolution religious organisations do enough to promote world peace? some actions are unforgivable? why the just war theory is important. Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why its followers may be for or against war. Bullies should be forgiven not punished. There will always be conflict in religious families
2015 Respect Weapons of mass destruction religious people should fight in wars? the United Nations has made the world more peaceful? Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why its followers are against bullying. why forgiveness and reconciliation are important for Christians. Religious organisations cannot prevent wars. It is impossible to have a just war.

Law Justice
Christians Justice
The purpose of punishment
Christian attitudes towards drugs alcohol
Crime Punishment https//
Muslims Justice
Christianity cap punishment
Muslim attitudes towards drugs alcohol
Capital punishment
Drugs alcohol the law
Drugs alcohol social and health effects
Islam capital punishment
Unit 8 Section 4 Crime Punishment
  • Either
  • Or
  • What is meant by deterrence(2)
  • Do you think laws help society? Give two reasons
    for your point of view. (4)
  • Choose one religion other than Christianity and
    explain why its followers may be for or against
    capital punishment (8)
  • Christians should never drink alcohol. In your
    answer you should refer to at least one religion.
  • Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion(3)
  • Give reasons why some people may disagree with
    you (3)
  • What is meant by addiction? (2)
  • Do you think drug use is a problem in society?
    Give two reasons for your point of view. (4)
  • Explain why some people think that deterrence is
    the best theory of punishment and some do not(8)
  • Religious people should do more to promote
    justice. Do you agree? In your answer you
    should refer to at least one religion.
  • Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion(3)
  • Give reasons why some people may disagree with
    you (3)

Section 4 Crime Punishment
  (a)   Key Words (b) Do you think Give two reasons for your point of view. (4) (c) Explain .. (d) Quote. In your answer you should refer to at least one religion /Christianity (e) Do you agree? (f) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (6)
2010 Justice   Responsibility Drinking alcohol is a sin?   It is always wrong to break the law? Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why its followers may be for or against capital punishment.   Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why its followers are against illegal drugs, Not all criminals need to go to prison.   Capital punishment should be legal in the UK.
2011 Addiction   Rehabilitation Punishment changes peoples behaviour?   Christians should support capital punishment? Why some non-religious people agree with capital punishment and some do not.   Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why its followers may be for and/or against drinking alcohol. Christians should never drink alcohol.   Prisons do not reform criminals
2012 Judgement   Retribution Capital punishment is wrong?   Laws help society? Why justice is important for Christians   How alcohol can lead to social problems People must be made to pay for their crimes   Capital punishment is a sin
2013 Capital Punishment   Reform It is important to reform criminals?   Drug use is a problem in society? Why Christians allow the drinking of alcohol.   Why society needs laws The law should never be broken   No religious person should support capital punishment
2014 Sin   Responsibility The laws on drugs should be changed?   Society needs laws Why some people believe that retribution is the best theory of punishment and some do not.   How alcohol and drugs can cause social problems Capital punishment is always wrong   Religious people care more about justice than anyone else
2015 Crime Reform non-religious people should support capital punishment? religious people should drink alcohol? why there are laws to control the use of drugs why some Christians agree with capital punishment All criminals should be rehabilitated It is always a sin to break the law.
Key Wordshttp//
Addiction a recurring compulsion to engage in an activity regardless of its bad effects Capital Punishmentthe death penalty for a crime or offence Crimean act against the law Deterrencethe idea that punishments should be of such nature that they will put people off (deter) committing crimes Judgementthe act of judging people and their actions Justicedue allocation of reward and the punishment/maintenance of what is right Lawrules made by Parliament and enforceable by the courts Reformthe idea that punishments should try to change the criminals so that they will not commit crimes again Rehabilitation restore to normal life Sinan act against the will of God Responsibilitybeing responsible for ones actions Retributionthe idea that punishments should make criminals pay for what they have done wrong
  • Identify three topics in which we have looked at
    Islamic views

Islamic Topics
  • Environment
  • Infertility Treatment
  • Organ donation and transplant surgery
  • War
  • Bullying
  • Forgiveness Reconciliation
  • Drugs alcohol
  • Capital Punishment
  • Justice

  • Belief in GodMuslims believe in one,
    incomparable God, He has no son nor partner, and
    that one has the right to be worshipped but Him
    alone. He is the true God, and every other god is
    false. In the Qur'an, God describes Himself
  • Say, He is God, the One. God, to Whom the
    creatures turn for their needs. He begets not,
    nor was He begotten, and there is none like Him.
    (Qur'an, 1121- 4)
  • Belief in the AngelsMuslims believe in the
    existence of the angels and that they are honored
    creatures. The angels worship God alone, obey
    Him, and act only by His command. Among the
    angels is Gabriel, who brought down the Qur'an to
    Muhammad.Belief in Gods Revealed
    BooksMuslims believe that God revealed books to
    His messengers as proof for mankind and as
    guidance for them. Among these books is the
    Qur'an, which  God revealed to the Prophet
    Muhammad . God has guaranteed the Qur'ans
    protection from any change.Belief in the
    ProphetsMuslims believe in the prophets and
    messengers of God, starting with Adam, including
    Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and
    Jesus (peace be upon them). But Gods final
    message to man, a repeating of the eternal
    message, was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.
    Muslims believe that all the prophets and
    messengers were created human beings who had none
    of the divine qualities of God.Belief in the
    Day of JudgmentMuslims believe in the Day of
    Judgment (the Day of Resurrection) when all
    people will be resurrected for Gods judgment
    according to their beliefs and deeds.Belief in
    Al-QadarMuslims believe in Al-Qadar, which is
    Divine Predestination, but this belief in Divine
    Predestination does not mean that human beings do
    not have freewill. Rather, Muslims believe that
    God has given human beings freewill. This means
    that they can choose right or wrong and that they
    are responsible for their choices. The belief in
    Divine Predestination includes belief in four
    things 1) God knows everything. He knows what
    has happened and what will happen.2) God has
    recorded all that has happened and all that will
    happen.3) Whatever God wills to happen happens,
    and whatever He wills not to happen does not
    happen.4) God is the Creator of everything.
  • Hadith

  • Belief in GodMuslims believe in one,
    incomparable God, He has no son nor partner, and
    that one has the right to be worshipped but Him
    alone. He is the true God, and every other god is
    false. In the Qur'an, God describes Himself
  • Say, He is God, the One. God, to Whom the
    creatures turn for their needs. He begets not,
    nor was He begotten, and there is none like Him.
    (Qur'an, 1121- 4)
  • Belief in the AngelsMuslims believe in the
    existence of the angels and that they are honored
    creatures. The angels worship God alone, obey
    Him, and act only by His command. Among the
    angels is Gabriel, who brought down the Qur'an to
    Muhammad.Belief in Gods Revealed
    BooksMuslims believe that God revealed books to
    His messengers as proof for mankind and as
    guidance for them. Among these books is the
    Qur'an, which  God revealed to the Prophet
    Muhammad . God has guaranteed the Qur'ans
    protection from any change.Belief in the
    ProphetsMuslims believe in the prophets and
    messengers of God, starting with Adam, including
    Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and
    Jesus (peace be upon them). But Gods final
    message to man, a repeating of the eternal
    message, was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.
    Muslims believe that all the prophets and
    messengers were created human beings who had none
    of the divine qualities of God.Belief in the
    Day of JudgmentMuslims believe in the Day of
    Judgment (the Day of Resurrection) when all
    people will be resurrected for Gods judgment
    according to their beliefs and deeds.Belief in
    Al-QadarMuslims believe in Al-Qadar, which is
    Divine Predestination, but this belief in Divine
    Predestination does not mean that human beings do
    not have freewill. Rather, Muslims believe that
    God has given human beings freewill. This means
    that they can choose right or wrong and that they
    are responsible for their choices. The belief in
    Divine Predestination includes belief in four
    things 1) God knows everything. He knows what
    has happened and what will happen.2) God has
    recorded all that has happened and all that will
    happen.3) Whatever God wills to happen happens,
    and whatever He wills not to happen does not
    happen.4) God is the Creator of everything.
  • Hadith

Key Words
  • Haram forbidden eg alcohol
  • Zakatpaying an alms (or charity) tax to benefit
    the poor and the needy
  • KhalifahA Khalifah is someone who carries out
    their role as the representative of Allah on
    earth, a steward
  • Akhirahan Islamic term referring to the
    afterlife. It is repeatedly referred to in
    chapters of the Quran concerning the Last
  • JihadJihad is a continuous struggle to defeat
    inner desires and to overcome the influence of
    Satan, in order to attain Allahs pleasure..
  • Ummahthe worldwide community of Muslims
  • Quranthe holy book of Muslims dictated to the
    prophet Muhammed by the nagel Gabriel
  • Hadithincludes reported sayings, actions, and
    stories about Mohammad and his companions.

The Meaning of Khalifah
  • A Khalifah is someone who carries out their role
  • as the representative of Allah on earth, carrying
  • out the Will off Allah using the powers and
    abilities Allah has in His Mercy endowed him /
    her with. Muslims regard it as a special honour
    to be chosen as Allahs Khalifah.
  • As a Khalifah of Allah, we must
  • ? Make ourselves good -- to be a Muslim who obeys
    Allahs injunctions.
  • ? Make a good society -- establish a life for all
    that is based on Islam, and which gains Allahs
  • ? Make the physical world around us good - to be
    a garden paradise which will please Allah greatly

The Meaning of Jihad
  • The rrolle off Khalliiffah off Allllah iiss tto
    be ffullffiilllled by jjiihad..
  • Jihad means to striive ttowards everything good
    and to avoid all that is evil.
  • Jihad is a continuous struggle to deffeat our
    inner dessiirress and to overcome the iinfluence
  • Sattan,, iin orrderr tto attttaiin Allllahss
  • Jihad is to be carried out by commanding the
    right and forbidding the wrong.
  • Jihad is besstt done through beautiful words and
    wise actions.

  • The Five Pillars of Islam
  • The most important Muslim practices are the Five
    Pillars of Islam.
  • The Five Pillars of Islam are the five
    obligations that every Muslim must satisfy in
    order to live a good and responsible life
    according to Islam.
  • Shahadah sincerely reciting the Muslim
    profession of faith
  • Salat performing ritual prayers in the proper
    way five times each day
  • Zakat paying an alms (or charity) tax to benefit
    the poor and the needy
  • Sawm fasting during the month of Ramadan
  • Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca

Islamic Questions
Topic  2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Environment Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why its followers should look after the environment   .
Infertility Treatment Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why some of its followers agree with infertility treatment and some do not.   . Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why some of its followers agree with infertility treatment
Organ donation and transplant surgery Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why some of its followers are against transplant surgery.
War Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why its followers may be for or against war. Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why its followers may be for or against war.
Bullying Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why its followers are against bullying.
Forgiveness Reconciliation
Drugs alcohol Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why its followers are against illegal drugs, Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why its followers may be for and/or against drinking alcohol . Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why its followers are against bullying
Capital Punishment Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why its followers may be for or against capital punishment.
Explain why forgiveness and reconciliation are
important for Muslims
Explain why justice is important for Muslims
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