Title: Presentazione di PowerPoint
1Conveying Affectiveness in Leading-edge Living
Adaptive Systems
2- The CALLAS Project
- http//www.callas-newmedia.eu
- Fiore Basile
- Metaware
- f.basile_at_metaware.it
- Diego Arnone
- Engineering Ingegneria Informatica
- diego.arnone_at_eng.it
Engineering (ITA) VTT Electronics (FI) BBC
(UK) MetaWare (ITA) Studio Azzurro (ITA) XIM
(UK) Digital Video (ITA) Humanware (ITA) Nexture
(ITA) University of Augsburg (DE) ICCS / NTUA
University of Mons (BE) University of Teeside
(UK) Helsinki Univ. Technology (FI) Paris 8
(FR) Scuola Normale Sup. (IT) University of
Reading (UK) Fondazione Teatro Massimo (IT) HIT
Laboratory (NZ)
- Emotions and affectiveness a fundamental element
for a rich human-machine interaction and
communication - Affective Interfaces are central to new media
experience, and especially for entertainment - Digital Theatre
- Interactive TV
- Augmented Reality Art
- Interactive public performances
- Develop specific re-usable technologies for the
multimodal processing of the emotional experience
associated to Arts and Entertainment - Handle new and innovative categories of emotions,
as well as improve the performance for existing
modalities at the input level - Promote technology transfer for these results in
particular towards SMEs (Small and Medium
Enterprises) in the new media sector.
6Working Areas
- CALLAS Shelf
- CALLAS Framework
- CALLAS Showcases
7The CALLAS Shelf
8The CALLAS Shelf
- Its a set of components, each one processing one
or more modalities, taking into account affective
aspects of the interaction - Many input modalities are foreseen speech,
gesture, sound, facial expressions, sensors, etc. - All components aim to be reusable and capable of
real-time processing - The Shelf components will be aggregated according
to commonly used fusion patterns, and composed
through a visual authoring environment
9The CALLAS Shelf
10FPMS I-Component
University of Mons
The word uttered and a corresponding emotion
(active - passive) between a small list of
Ekmanian and not Ekmanian emotions
ESR Emotional Speech Recognition
Main Concrete Elements of Work () Emotion
Robustness proposing and implementing
approaches for robust emotional speech
recognition Emotion recognition implementing
speech-related features for supporting extraction
of emotional information
11VTT I-Components(1/3)
VTT Electronics
speech music constant noise environmental
sound silence
SCA Sound Capture and Analysis
Audio streaming
Main Concrete Elements of Work Sound Capture
designed for different situations and events in
order to provide high quality audio capture Sound
Analysis in order to provide low and high level
information from the audio input (e.g. mapping 6
the states in emotional states )
12VTT I-Components(2/3)
VTT Electronics
VFE Video Features Extraction
Fast/slow Lot of/little amount Upper/lower
body movement
Video streaming on wide spaces
Main Concrete Elements of Work Video Features
implementing and analysing a set of low level
video features Audio Features implementing and
analysing a set of low level features to support
in extracting contextual and emotional
13VTT I-Components(3/3)
VTT Electronics
GBMT Gesture and Body Motion Tracking
Sensors ()
Hand movement
Video streaming
Main Concrete Elements of Work Gesture
recognition data acquisition with different
sensors and positions Emotion recognition -
Outlining relevant emotion related gestures and
body motions
14UOA I-Components(1/2)
University of Augsburg
ESR-speech Emotional Speech Recognition (based
on acoustic features)
Emotional class recognition
Audio files
Main Concrete Elements of Work Emotion
recognition analysing the acoustic features in
order to recognize emotional aspects
15UOA I-Components(2/2)
University of Augsburg
Emotional class recognition 2-9 emotional
classes ()
ESR-linguistic Emotional Speech Recognition
(based on linguistic features)
Text files
Main Concrete Elements of Work Implementation of
a fusion model for linguistic and acoustic
16ICCS I-Components(1/4)
What the user is looking at Up, down, right,
left OR Degree of direction (by means of sensors)
GzR Gaze Recognition
High resolution images of frontal faces and
signals coming from many sensors
17ICCS I-Components(2/4)
- Whissels quadrant or Expressions
- Neutral
- Anger
- Disgust
- Fear
- Sadness
- Joy
- Surprise
R-bFER Rule-based Facial Expression Recognition
Static images, Videos?
FFD Facial Features Detection
Coordinates of interest points of the face
18ICCS I-Components(3/4)
GR Gesture Recognition
One of six output states Representing recognized
Static images, Videos
Coordinates of hands and head
HHDT Hands and Head Detection and Tracking
19ICCS I-Components(4/4)
GEA Gesture Expressivity Analysis
Expressivity features for performed gestures
Static images, Videos
Coordinates of hands and head
HHDT Hands and Head Detection and Tracking
20ICCS I-Components
- Main Concrete Elements of Work
- Try to overcome issues introduced by imperfect
recording conditions and personalized
expressivity. - Enhance existing feature extraction with the
introduction of measures of confidence on the
feature values and the final emotion estimation. - Evaluate features with different emotional models
according to specific application requirements on
expected results.
21Output Shelf Components
22ICCS O-Component
An expressive model of users behaviour (by ECA)
ES Expressivity Synthesis
Image sequences, sensors, history and personality
23UOA O-Component
University of Augsburg
NLG Natural Language Generation
A text containing the desired utterance
Attributes and values pairs describing the
24PAR8 O-Component
Eye / head / gaze directions
Virtual env.
EA-ECA Emotional Attentive ECA
APML expressive gestures
- Main concrete elements of work
- develop an ECA that is sensitive to and
expressive - through aspects relating to emotion and
25HIT O-Component
ARToolKit is a software library for building
Augmented Reality (AR) applications
Main Concrete Elements of Work
- Develop an interface for visual programming of AR
applications - Add support for speech and gesture
- Extend AR toolkit to include natural feature
26The CALLAS Framework
27The CALLAS Framework
- Flexible application framework, based on the
following approach - Theory-neutral in terms of Modalities integration
- Supporting the semantic processing of modalities
- Supporting the development of applications
featuring - Blackboards
- Custom pre-defined multimodal fusion models
- Fusion of affective modalities
28The CALLAS Framework
- The CALLAS Framework aims to
- Ease the development of a specific kind of
applications targeted to entertainment and arts - Ease the aggregation of shelf components into
easy-to-reuse building blocks - Provide an intuitive metaphor suitable for
non-technical users (mainly artists) willing to
adapt and repurpose the CALLAS Showcases
applications or their high-level components
29The CALLAS Showcases
30The CALLAS Showcases
- The CALLAS Showcases are an on-going laboratory
for experimenting with the fusion of affective
modalities and their impact on digital arts - The target audience includes digital arts,
entertainment and digital theatre - They also serve as testbeds for the CALLAS Shelf
components and the CALLAS Framework
31The CALLAS Showcases
- Augmented Reality for Art, Entertainment, and
Digital Theatre - support the development of Augmented Reality Art
installations in which user interaction is
mediated by the detection of user emotions - demonstrate how real-time detection of the mood
and the affective state of the people involved in
a live performance (directors, actors, audience)
can generate a new genre of Digitally-enhanced
performances. - Interactive Installations for Public Spaces
- Next-Generation Interactive Television   Â
32The CALLAS Showcases
- Augmented Reality for Art, Entertainment, and
Digital Theatre - Interactive Installations for Public Spaces
- Explore how emotional states of members of a
group can be conveyed to other members through
mixed reality configurations and traces - Explore, in intensive group experiences, the
implications of adding awareness of emotional
states of remote or collocated members in
addition to other contextual features. - Develop mixed reality applications combining
sensors and user-controlled mechanisms - Next-Generation Interactive Television   Â
33The CALLAS Showcases
- Augmented Reality for Art, Entertainment, and
Digital Theatre - Interactive Installations for Public Spaces
- Next-Generation Interactive Television Â
- Develop the concept of affective Interactive TV
- Based on the generation of affective content by
ECA - ECA gets inputs from the broadcasted content and
the users perceived viewing experience Â
34Some examples..
35Emotional Tree (e-Tree)
Dynamic growth, a function of perceived Affective
ARToolkit Table top installation
Multimodal Interaction motion, non-verbal
behaviour, interaction history, spoken comments
Artistic concept by Maurice Benayoun
36Interactive TV
37Technical Approach
Virtual spectator
Interactive Story
Emotional Speech
Keyword spotting
Affective categories
Paralinguistic speech
Non-verbal (body attitude)
Interactive Storytelling Engine
Multimodal Affective Analysis
38(No Transcript)
39Collaboration ideas
- CALLAS results will be very focused on Digital
Arts and Entertainment - The project may become a viable channel for
experimenting other project results in these
sectors - CALLAS is open for collaboration both on the
technical and evaluation sides
- Fiore Basile,
- Metaware, Pisa, Italy
- Email f.basile_at_metaware.it
- Diego Arnone,
- Engineering I. I., Roma, Italy
- Email diego.arnone_at_eng.it