Title: The Civil War
1The Civil War
Written By Alec L.
2Arguments between the North and the South divided
the country into two halves.
3The lines were drawn long before the war had
4The Civil War had begun!
5Much property was destroyed.
6President Abraham Lincoln died in a battle at
Bull Run.
The death of their leader disheartened the people
of the Union.
7The Union lost constantly following the death of
Abraham Lincoln.
8The confederates started to take over the country.
9The Confederates finally won the war.
10The United States of America is still governed by
Confederate beliefs today.
11We even have the same money as they did during
the Civil War.
12Most farms still have slaves, but the law does
not allow them to use tractors and other
mechanical devices.
13There is no president!
The Confederates decided that their country did
not need a president.
14Life is very different from what it was two
months ago!