Title: Chain of Signification
1Chain of Signification
2Chain of Signification (1)
Lets start off with a signifer, for example a
3Chain of Signification (1)
The signifier one on one level, becomes a
signified health professional. Thus, the sign
that is created is that a psychiatrist is a
health professional. i.e., Signifier Signified
Sign Psychiatrist Health Professional
Psychiatrist is a health professional (But
also remember that signs are unstable and fluid
as well in meaning.)
4Chain of Signification (1)
But on a deeper level, the psychiatrist is seen
as the expert. So the signified becomes an
expert instead of a health professional. The
health professional is in the process of erasure,
but not completely erased there is still a
residual trace there.
5Chain of Signification (1)
So the sign becomes that the psychiatrist is the
6Chain of Signification (1)
But oh no! Whats happened here? The signified
is no longer (because signified become almost
instantaneously the signified), and on another
level, the (temporary) signified becomes the
male sage of authority!
7Chain of Signification (1)
Now, the part of the signified is partially
reinterpreted with another meaning so that the
psychiatrist is now seen as a male sage who knows
whats best for his patient.
8Chain of Signification (1)
It must noted that all signified become
signifiers, and even the last signifier in this
diagram will go on to be interpreted with a
meaning at another level. But for the moment, the
psychiatrist who is seen as the male sage and
knows whats best for his patient is now part of
a constructed hierarchical binary.
9Chain of Signification (1)
This hierarchical binary is the
psychiatrist-over-patient binary. Derridian
deconstruction can now look at this binary and
its assumptions and also look back at some of the
traces (see the red arrows) that made this
ultimate assumption of psychiatrist over
patient. For example, what has expertise and
authority got to do with thinking that they
know what the patient needs?
10Chain of Signification (2)
- See what you can interpret from this next chain
of signification that contains a hierarchical
binary of Päkehä over Mäori -
11Chain of Signification (2)A racist binary
(Päkehä over Mäori)
- Signifier 1 becomes
Signified Signifier 2 becomes
Signified 2
- Signifier 1 Signified becomes
Signifier 2 Signified 2 becomes
Signifier 3
Exotic (Evil, Weak, Deviant)
Other Racial Features Contributions to Society
Other Skin colors
Hierarchical Binaries
Innocent, Strong Civilized
Päkehä/NZ European
Other New Zealanders
12Chain of Signification (2)
- A Possible Interpretation and Deconstruction
- Hierarchical binaries are created of Päkehä
over Mäori. - The Päkehä think they are burdened to
educate/ tame/ temper Mäori with Päkehä ways.
Päkehä believed this was their moral obligation
according to Päkehä God and country
(colonialist-based Päkehä religion and beliefs).
In other words, one (Päkehä) New Zealand. A
colloquial saying, Godzone, is often used in
New Zealand (meaning Gods own and the zone of
God) signifying New Zealand as pristine,
innocent, pure (Päkehä) country. - This notion of Päkehä over Mäori can then be
deconstructed by examining what is Päkehä and
what is Mäori and the absurdity of the myth that
is created between the two.
13Chain of Signification (2)
- (Interpretation and Deconstruction Contd)
- Päkehä strengthen their hierarchical binary by
de-emphasising or bracketing other races,
ethnicities, cultures, and so on, and by ignoring
important and valuable real and potential Mäori
contributions to society via a process of
erasure. This is absurd because Mäori have made
important contributions to New Zealand society.