Jacques Lacan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Jacques Lacan


The proofs sought from the other are impossible, imaginary tests of love.' ( G 132) ... The obstacles of love is actually internal, a fact which courtly or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Jacques Lacan

Jacques Lacan Elizabeth Bishop
  • Displaced Identities and Love

  • Summary Key Ideas
  • General Questions
  • Three Stages of Psychic Development
  • Mirror Stage ,Questions and Examples
  • Oedipal Stage
  • Gender Difference Language
  • Questions
  • Gender Difference
  • Insatiable Desire
  • Questions about Lacans views of love
  • E. Bishops Poetics of Displacement
  • Next week

Summary of Key Ideas
  • Chap 3 pp. 61- chap 4 161- (The Unconscious as
    language and Sexual development)
  • The unconscious is
  • structured like a language.
  • a constantly moving chain of signifiers (sliding
    of signifying chain.
  • The three-part personality (order) The Real,
    the Imaginary and the Symbolic, in which we have
    needs, make demands, and Desire.
  • Development and splitting of self mirror stage,
    self-Other and subject position, fragmented body.
  • Gendering process (chap 4) and phallus and love
    The Name of the Father,

General Questions
  • Your questions? Your Examples?
  • Do you agree that the Fathers authority is
    associated with language and interdiction(??)?
  • Do you agree that our learning of language is a
    process of castration and fragmentation
    (splitting)? And that our desire is drifting
    from one object to the next, and that ultimately
    we desire a kind of pre-Oedipal unity?
  • Why are there only signifiers(?? roz) but not
    signified (??the concept of rose) in the

The orders of human existence the Imaginary,
the Symbolic the Real
  • (chap 3 62-63 chap 4 164-65)
  • The Real pre-linguistic pure plenitude (no
    subject-object distinction) beyond the Symbolic
    order (cannot be talked about).
  • The imaginary (centering around the Mother) from
    bits and pieces to a sense of unity
    (mis)recongnition of ones self through an
    external image illusory unity with the mother ?
    split from her fragmentary sense of self
  • The Symbolic (intervention of the Name of the
    Father) entry into language (a world of
    difference) ? a loss of wholeness, a split in the
    speaking I and spoken I

The orders of human existence the Imaginary,
the Symbolic the Real
  • The Real oneness and jouissance
    (undifferentiated unity of the mother, objects of
    love, or objet a).
  • The imaginary (the mirror stage) two together
    and then separate (Baby and the Mother)
  • The Symbolic three the Father, the (M)other,
    and Self

The Mirror Stage
  • (chap 4 165)
  • The baby (with its fragmentary sense of self)
    identifies with an external image (of the body in
    the mirror or through the mother or primary
    caregiver) ? have a sense of self (ideal ego).
  • Split
  • 1) In the self experiences fragmentation but
    sees wholeness
  • 2) From the self sees loss in the mirror image

Split Identity in Language
  • Against Cartesianism (rational consciousness) and
    humanism (free will).
  • Unconscious is the language of the Other.
  • Language speaks us.
  • I think where I am not . . .(Ego alienated, not
    the center of ones identity.
  • Ideal ego (mirror image) ego ideal (role

Review Questions
  1. Do you agree that our identity is fragmentary and
    why?  Which of the following do you agree with? 
    "I think, therefore, I am," "Where I think, there
    I am," or "I think where I am not, therefore I am
    where I do not think." 
  2. What are the three phases of psychic development
    according to Lacan?
  3. What is mirror stage? Why is it an important
    stage in child development?

Mirror Identity Some examples
  • Vanity In classical paintings fairy tales
    (actually it implies patriarchys repression of
    female subjectivity)
  • e.g. Venus at
  • her Mirror
  • by VELÁZQUEZ, Diego Rodriguez
  • de Silva y (b. 1599, Sevilla, d. 1660,
  • Madrid)

Uses of Mirror Some examples
  • The return/assertion of the repressed
  • Alter ego (or double)
  • Mirror image as deeper levels of self, or ideal
  • e.g. 1. 19th century women in Jane Eyre and Wide
    Sargasso Sea (textbook chap 4 166-69) alter ego
  • e.g. 2. chap 4 (176-77)The Awakening The Yellow

Mother and Daugher in The Piano
Uses of Mirror Some examples
  • 3. Looking at the mirror changing ones ideal
    ego or discovering ones selves. (Piano/French
    Lieutenants Woman)

Mirror Image Double extensions
  • Weesp. women-- are always conscious of our
    mirror images, or looking for screen images for
  • Whats projected on the mirror The Other, either
    ideal ego or the repressed.
  • e.g. Jane/Antoinette movie stars as the phallic
  • The magical and the uncanny? Mirror, Mirror
    on the wall
  • ? psychological roots the strangest //
    the most familiar (homely, unhomely)

The Oedipal Stage and the Symbolic Order
  • Second-stage split? desire for the mother
    sublimated into desire for the unattainable
  • Recognize the Name of the Father. (textbook chap
    3 63 chap 4 164)
  • Language as a system of difference (with no
    essential or unchanged meanings) (chap 4 p.
    171-73 e.g. woman femininity, fertility,
    lady, etc.all signifiers)
  • the signified get repressed beyond recognition

S-ier ------ S-ied
The self, the other, the Other(Lacans Schema L
revision of Fs triangle)

Id (man in the realm of the Real) the other (e.g. mother,mirror image)
Ego the Other (Father)
2. Interactions of different forces in the psyche
1. From The Mirror Stage to Oedipal stage and
Imaginary relation
The unconscious
the Other
  • The Other is embodied in the figure of the
    symbolic father. Its major signifier the phallus
  • . . . stands for language and the conventions of
    social life organized under the category of the
    law. (source)
  • (different from the feminine Otherwhich is
    the feminine space on the margin or outside of
    the Symbolic Cf. chap. 4.)

II. Questions
  1. Why is gender definition slippery?
  2. What is phallus to Lacan? Why is it
    transcendental signifier? Do you agree our
    desire centers around being or having
  3. Why is the unconscious structured like language?

Causes of Gender Fluidity and Unstable Self
Slippery Chain of Signification
  • Meaning of a sign is not in it rather, it
    resides in its difference from the other signs.
    (textbook chap 3 62 chap 4 169)
  • Sign signifier (form) signified (concept
    usu. more than one)
  • To determine its meaning(??, we need to look at
    its context (its differences from and relation to
    the signs around it ????????).
  • Transcendental signifier absolute sign whose
    meaning(s) does not change in its context who
    fixes the chain of signification. (chap 4 173)

Gender Difference
  • Lacans analogy of the restroom signs (chap 4
  • Arbitrary meaning structure determine gender
  • Slippery chain
  • 3. It speaks man?

Phallus vs. Woman as Other
  • (chap 4 172-73)
  • In the Symbolic Order, phallus wholeness and
    power wholeness ? hole, in fact, nobody owns the
  • Women as Lack, or Other which can move outside
    of language and be in jouissance (transgressive

the unconscious-- structured like language
  • supported by Fs view of repression (ideas
    repressed as codes)
  • evidence from Freuds language of Dream
    (condensation, displacement, symbolization)
  • S/s / the barrier between the conscious
    and the unconscious, which resists being
    represented / the phallus.
  • We are conditioned by the Symbolic order. ?
    movement of our desire like metonymy. (Cf. chap

    4 172)

Insatiable Desire Need, Demand, and Desire (1)
  • (chap 3 62)
  • A child develops from need to demand and
    desire.// its movement from the Real, to the
    Imaginary and Symbolic.
  • Need requirements for brutal survival.
  • (e.g. biological need for milk) ? absence of the
    mother ? the babys social, imaginary and
    linguistic functions evolve.

the Real the Imaginary The Symbolic
need demand desire
Effects of the three orders Need, Demand, and
Desire (2)
  • Demand need formulated in language (with
    meanings e.g. need for breast as good or bad).
  • -- Demand has two objects one spoken, the other
  • -- verbalization of imaginary subject-object,
    self-other relations. 66 (Grosz pp. 59 - 67)
  • Desire primally repressed wishes for unity with
    the Mother or for self-confirmation reappear in
    and as unconscious desire.
  • -- insatiable characterized by lack. (Grosz
    pp. 59 - 67)

Desire expressed as
  • Demand of Different Objects (e.g. pacifier,
    receiving blanket, the mothers handkerchief,
  • The conflict or gap between ones demand and
  • The connection of the desired object and the
    demanded metonymic connection whole and parts,
    or continguity (??).

Questions III
  • Lacan thinks that both our desire and demand (for
    love) are insatiable, because there is always an
    otherness to it which cannot be represented in
    language, or because we ultimately desire an
    impossible unity with the lover/Mother.
  • Do you agree?

Lacans Views of Love (1) a Mirage to Hide the
  • Why is there love? Because there is no sexual
  • Love is the mirage that fills out the void of the
    impossibility of the relationship between the two
  • Why impossible? Unity with the other and in
    ones self.
  • Demand a demand for the unity of the self and
    the other Love consists in a series of demands
    for the proof of the others commitment. The
    proofs sought from the other are impossible,
    imaginary tests of love. (G 132)
  • The obstacles of love is actually internal, a
    fact which courtly or romantic lovers cannot

Lacans Views of Love (1) the Impossible
  • Examples Woman conflict between being a sexual
    object and a subject demanding recognition.
  • As a sexual object, she paints/shaves/dyes/diets/
    exercises her body, and clearly derives pleasure
    from compliments about her looks. Her whole body
    becomes a phallus to compensate for a genital
    deficiency. (G 133)
  • As subject, she demands the man, his attention,
    affections, and his capacity to give her identity

Lacans Views of Love (1) the Impossible
  • Examples Man conflict between desire and
  • When desiring a woman, he explores, conquers and
    appreciates her enigma as a phallus, which, once
    unveiled, is a lack and confronts the man with
    his own castration.
  • After a period of familiarity, the mystery is
    gone and the sexual partner becomes more an
    object of affection than of desire. The man then
    turns to another woman for her recognition of his
    having a phallus.
  • Note Having phallus and being phallus, places in
    the circuit of exchange.

Lacans Views of Love (2) paradoxical
  • For Lacan, loves sublime moment occurs when the
    beloved enacts the metaphor of love, when he
    substitutes his position of the lover for that of
    the beloved object and starts to act in the same
    way the lover has so far acted. . . .it occurs
    when the beloved returns love by giving what he
    does not have.
  • Beloved, realizing the real object-cause of the
    others love does not reside in me ? beloved
    object (metonymy what he does not have lack) ?
    can only return love (Bozovic 69 77)

Elizabeth Bishop
  • A victim of her loss displacement,
  • Or one who is able to turn it into art?

Elizabeth Bishop A Life of Displacement
  • Displacement in Life
  • born in Worcester, Massachusetts in 1911
  • her father was dead when she was 8 months old,
    and her mother institutionalized when she was
  • Spent her childhood in Nova Scotia with her
    grandparents (clip 1340)
  • Forced to move to Boston, MA to live with her
    paternal grandparents. Later rescued by her
  • Bishop traveled extensively in Europe and lived
    in New York, Key West, Florida, and, for sixteen
    years, in Brazil
  • Ref. http//www.youtube.com/watch?v_SJEylT-4GI
    250 524

In the Village the scream
  • A scream, the echo of a scream, hangs over that
    Nova Scotian village. No one hears it it hangs
    there forever, a slight stain in those pure blue
    skies, skies that travelers compare to those of
    Switzerland, too dark, too blue, so that they
    seem to keep on darkening a little more around
    the horizon-or is it around the rims of the
    eyes?-the color of the cloud of bloom on the elm
    trees, the violet on the fields of oats
    something darkening over the woods and waters as
    well as the sky. The scream hangs like that,
    unheard, in memory-in the past, in the present,
    and those years between. It was not even loud to
    begin with, perhaps. It just came there to live,
    forever-not loud, just alive forever. Its pitch
    would be the pitch of my village. Flick the
    lightening rod on top of the church steeple, with
    your fingernail and you will hear it.

Elizabeth Bishop Style
  • Highly crafted
  • Displacement as a major theme.
  • e.g. One Art (clip 1150) and Sestina
    objectifying her losses and turn them into
    recognizable aesthetic forms (repetition,
    sestina, metaphor and metonymy). ?
    aestheticization or distanciation as a way of
    displacement. This displacement is actively
    done, but not permanent.
  • e.g. the scream Flick the lighting on top of the
    church steeple with your fingernail and you will
    hear it.
  • Cf. textbook (pp. 39 - )

Elizabeth Bishop a Psychoanalytic Reading
  • Cf. textbook (pp. 39 - )
  • distance and absence ? disturbs the childs
    sense of boundaries between subjectivity
    interiority and objective exteriority, so that
    many of the childs observations are
    characterized by crossingsof perceptual and
    actual realms, of modes, of being, of metaphoric
  • Displacement works along a metonymic pathway
  • From displacement to self-healing
  • e.g. Sestina images of pain, human interactions
    and transformation of these images?

  • Sestina six elements changing positionshouse,
    grandmother, child, stove, almanac, tears.
  • Metaphoric/metonymic chains
  • grandmas tears ? equinoctial(?????? ) tears ?
    almanac ? tea as dark brown tears? moons fall
    like tears ? sings to the stove (besides
  • Childs teakettles small tears ? Marvel Stove?
    rigid house, a man with buttons like tears ?
    moons fall like tears ? inscrutable house
  • Red Stove and Flowers
  • The inscription May the Future's Happy Hours
    /Bring you Beans Rice Flowers / April 27th,
    1955 / Elizabeth.

In the Waiting Room
  • What kind of identity is constructed by this a
    six-year-old girl?
  • How does she establish her identity?
  • What do the images of volcano and African
    natives, as well as all the other images on
    National Geographic mean to her?
  • How about the adults around her? And her aunt?
  • What is the big black wave she is sliding

In the Waiting Room
  • Thesis the poem records the speakers uncertain
    entry into society (and its symbolic order) as a
    one marginalized because of her gender and her
  • Not sure about her self (too shy to stop dare
    not look at herself, cannot look higher)
    simultaneous self-identification and
  • Three-stage identification
  • internalize the aunts pains
  • Unable to identify with the phallus or symbols
    of powerboots, trousers, hands.
  • Objects of identificationher aunt and hanging

In the Waiting Room
  • The self-construction is uncertain and retains
    traces of the maternal Other
  • moving from the exterior to the interior, pushed
    back to the exterior only to get back in
  • Moving between social order and the black wave
  • Social order represented by
  • Clear demarcation of place and time
  • clothing and boots,
  • Lamps and magazines
  • Social hierarchy implied in the magazine
  • The black wave
  • Unnamed
  • Close to the darkness and coldness outside

In the Waiting Room
  • traces of the maternal Other displaced by the
    social and historical world.
  • Signs of the maternal
  • The aunt in the clinic her voice heard
    (scream)a voice that could have got louder and
  • Family voice ? black wave
  • vs. whats seen by Elizabeth and the date of the
    first World War

Martin Osa Johnson
  • movies of Africa, Borneo, and the South Seas

  • Elizabeth Grosz Jacque Lacan A Feminist
  • The Other (with a big O) http//www.mii.kurume-u.a
  • Lacan and Love New Formations 23 (1994).

Next Week
  • Wide Sargasso Sea (excerpt) by Jean Rhys
  • Re-read chaps 3 4 for quiz 1 (due before
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