Title: Welcome to Fourth Grade
1Welcome to Fourth Grade!
- Presented by your Fourth Grade Team
- Meredith Collins
- Kim Hall
- Melanie Homan
- Lauren Myers
- Jennifer Wilson
2The Mountain Brook City Schools Foundation
- The Mountain Brook City Schools Foundation
provides an ongoing and dependable funding source
for critical academic "extras" (i.e. technology,
teacher training and development, and library
enhancement). These extras benefit every grade
level and every academic subject area.
3Foundation Gifts 1995-2009 3,284,609
Professional Development
1,575,312 Library
Professional Development 91,000 Hours of
teacher training Staff Development Specialists
(Reading and Math) Technology Computer
Classroom Response
Systems Laptop Computer Labs at each
Listening Centers Portable AlphaSmart Labs
(Wireless Word Processors) Printers Porta
ble Dreamwriter Labs (Wireless Word
Processors) Pocket PCs GPS
Projectors Video Broadcasting Equipment
Cameras Classroom Sound Enhancement
Systems Science
Lab Equipment Library Enhancement 4,500 Library
4Approved for the 2008-2009 School
Year Professional Development Math
Coach 60,
000 Professional Development Stipends
80,000 Subtotal
140,000 Technology High
School Laptops, printers, classroom response
systems Sound enhancement systems
00 Junior High Laptops, printers, Classroom
Response Systems, Sound enhancement systems, band
sound system
107,500 Grades 5-6
Classroom Response Systems
24,000 Grades k-4 Listening Centers
22,918 Subtotal
TOTAL 385,918
5Homework Policy
- Purpose to reinforce concepts and skills
presented in class - Approximate amount of time per day 45 minutes to
1 hour (which does not include reading). More
time may be required if there is a need to
complete unfinished class work or study for a
6Homework Policy
- Frequency of Assignments 2-3 assignments
nightly. No more than one major test per day with
the exception of spelling tests, computation
quiz, or DOL test, which may coincide with
another test. - Types of Projects and Reports Projects are
generally integrated with Alabama History,
Science, or Writing. When projects are assigned,
parents are notified at the onset and progress is
closely monitored.
7Agenda Books
- At the end of the day, each student will record
all unfinished class work and homework
assignments in his/her agenda book. Please review
assignments to see that they are completed. - If there is a frequent problem with incomplete
homework, the student must have a parent sign the
agenda book each night.
9Monthly Newsletter
- The fourth grade team will send home a monthly
newsletter on the first Monday of the month to
inform you of what is happening in the classroom.
Class Webpages
Please check your childs class web page for
homework, updates, class news, etc.
10Signed Paper Folder
- In an effort to inform you of your childs
progress, work samples will be sent home every
Monday in the Signed Paper Folder. It is
important that you review these papers with your
child and monitor corrections. Sign the Weekly
Report and return the folder with the graded
papers by Wednesday.
11Weekly Report
- If a student chooses to break a rule
- Warning- W
- Miss recess- one
- Write a letter home-two
- Mrs. Treadwell
- NOTE students will begin each day with a clean
slate. - Please read and sign the Classroom Management
Plan provided by your childs teacher.
12Friday Fling Opportunity Time
- Students will earn an extra recess at the end of
the week if they complete all homework
assignments and do not have to sign their Weekly
Report. - Students who are unable to attend Friday Fling
with take advantage of OT (Opportunity Time)
where they will complete unfinished assignments
or reflect on their behavior choices.
13Weekly Tests
- Math Computation- Wednesday
- Spelling Test- Thursday
- DOL- Fridays
- Reading Quiz- Friday
14Language Arts- Spelling
- Students will be responsible for 75 priority
words used across the curriculum. A copy of this
list can be found in the agenda book. In
addition, your child will keep a copy of the 4th
grade core words in his/her Take Home Folder. - Our weekly spelling words will come from our
newly adopted Reading program. The words will be
posted our class web pages.
15Language Arts- Grammar
- Daily Oral Language (DOL) exercises will be
completed and discussed throughout the week.
Quizzes will be given on Fridays. - Grammar will also be taught through our adopted
Language Arts program.
16Reading Expectations
- Read Nightly for 30 Minutes
- 5 AR books 1st and 2nd nine weeks
- 6 AR books 3rd and 4th nine weeks
- Have a book at school
- at ALL times
- Reading Log
17Flash Drive
- A tool used for saving word processing documents,
Powerpoints, pictures, etc. Students are able to
transport their work from school to home and vice
versa. - OPTIONAL!
18Everyday Math
- Homework
- Math Boxes
- Study Link
- EMGames
- Students can access EMGames on the internet from
home. Login and password information will be
provided by your childs teacher.
- Daily Lessons
- Mental Math
- Math Message
- The Lesson
- Review a Previously Introduced Concept
- Practice (in class and homework)
- Games are played to reinforce skills
- Students will complete projects and assignments
from the following hands-on science modules
Electric Circuits, Solar System, Structures of
Life, Landforms, and Sound. Student progress will
be evaluated throughout the study of each module.
- A science rotation schedule has been provided for
you in your Parent Orientation Packet.
- The State-in-a-book is a year-long project with
most of the assignments being completed in class.
21States Capitals
- Our study of the states capitals will begin at
the beginning of the 4th Nine Weeks. Feel free to
work on this throughout the year. You can find
links for states capitals practice on the class
web pages.
22Alabama History
- Our Alabama History textbook is Alabama,
published by Scott Foresman. - Students will read and study the material in the
textbook as well as from other sources. - Chapter tests may consist of essay, multiple
choice, matching, and short answer questions. - Assignments may include studying vocabulary,
answering questions in the textbook, projects,
and workbook pages. - We will wrap up the year with a field trip to
23 Field Trips
- Huntsville Space Rocket Center- November 2008
- Montgomery- April 2009
25Thats all Folks!
- Volunteer sign-up sheets and Parent Orientation
packets are located in your childs classroom.