Welcome to 4th Grade - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome to 4th Grade


Welcome to 4th Grade Greenfield Intermediate School – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Welcome to 4th Grade

Welcome to 4th Grade
  • Greenfield Intermediate School

The 4th Grade Teachers
  • kcreamer_at_gcsc.k12.in.us  Katie Creamer  math and
  • rfada_at_gcsc.k12.in.us  Rhonda Fada reading, ELA
    and social studies
  • hjohnson_at_gcsc.k12.in.us  Heather Johnson
    reading, ELA and social studies, Quest reading
    and ELA
  • klewis_at_gcsc.k12.in.us  Kim Lewis  math and
  • klithgow_at_gcsc.k12.in.us  Kay Lithgow reading,
    ELA and social studies
  • jlowes_at_gcsc.k12.in.us  Jamie Lowes math and
    science, Quest math
  • sseelman_at_gcsc.k12.in.us  Sara Seelman reading,
    ELA and social studies
  • czellers_at_gcsc.k12.in.us  Courtney Zellers math
    and science
  • dbatton_at_gcsc.k12.in.us  Deena Batton  resource
  • Amy Bishop, Amber Markus and Tiffany Reighley 
    Instructional Assistants

Tonights Focus
  • We are pleased to meet with you tonight to
    discuss questions you may have about 4th grade at
  • For the privacy of your child, we will NOT be
    discussing individual student performance.
  • We encourage you to sign up for the
    Parent-Teacher Conference. They are October 29
    and November 4.
  • If you feel it is necessary to speak with your
    childs teachers before conferences, please
    contact us to schedule a meeting before or after

Principals Principles
Principals Principle 1 Treat others as you want
to be treated No Matter How They Treat You!
Principals Principle 2 Control only those
things that are in your control, dont worry
about that which you cannot control.
Principals Principle 3 Respect the learning.
4th Grade Values
  • RESPECT yourself, your school, and others who are
    here to learn.
  • MAKE GOOD CHOICES. Life is about making
    decisions and being the best you can be.
  • BE RESPONSIBLE. Plan and prepare to work hard.
    Do the things you know you should.
  • Keep our school SAFE and SECURE.
  • Take PRIDE and be PROUD to make your school the
    best it can be.

Blue Day Schedule
  • 750 755 Homeroom
  • 755 1000 Class 1
  • 1005 1045 RTI ELA
  • 1050 1120 Lunch
  • 1125 1150 Recess
  • 1155 200 Class 2
  • 205 210 Homeroom

Gold Day Schedule
  • 750 755 Homeroom
  • 755 930 Class 1
  • 935 1045 Related Arts
  • 1050 1120 Lunch
  • 1125 1140 Recess
  • 1145 1220 RTI math
  • 1225 200 Class 2
  • 205 210 Homeroom

  • Every student will have a final grade of A, B, C
    , D or F.
  • That grade will be a reflection of the students
    performance in class according to Indiana
  • A exemplary mastery of the standards
  • B showing acceptable mastery and growth of the
  • C Showing growth in most standards with some
  • D minimal mastery and minimal growth
  • F non mastery, little growth, below grade level

  • Check PowerSchool to monitor your students
  • Teachers will post grades as frequently as
    possible. Updates should appear every week. A
    students grade can change often throughout the
    grading period.
  • Each teacher determines how assignments will be
    scored. Tests, quizzes, homework, class work,
    projects, etc. can hold different weights toward
    the final grade.
  • Report cards are posted online or in hard-copy
    (at request) each 9 weeks.

Absent Work
  • It is GIS policy that the student has one day to
    make up absent work for each day absent.
  • It is the responsibility of the student who is
    absent to get with teachers to determine what
    he/she missed. This can be done when your
    student returns to school.
  • Arranging to have your students absent work
    picked up is helpful. This is preferred if your
    student will be absent for several days.
    Notification can be made with a call to the
    office or an email to your students teachers.

  • Homework will be assigned.
  • Homework is used as a review of skills being
    worked on in class. It is opportunity for
    students to work independently to practice
  • Students are expected to complete and turn in
    assignments on time. Homework is due at the
    start of the Rotation for which it was assigned.
  • Missing or incomplete homework will be completed
    during recess in study hall.

Homework and Grades
  • It is our expectation that homework is completed
    by the student. It is wonderful if you are able
    to help your student with his/her homework
    however, if you are having to DO the homework
    because your student seems lost, please contact
    your students teachers.
  • Work turned in LATE will be identified with l
    alongside the grade in PowerSchool.
  • Absent work will be identified with ab.
  • MISSING work will be identified with m.
  • It is a teachers discretion as to whether
    missing work that is completed later will receive
    all, partial, or no credit.

Homework and Planners
  • Students are expected to record assignments daily
    in their planner. Assignments will be on the
    board in every classroom.
  • Always check your students planner for
    assignments NIGHTLY.
  • Planners should be signed nightly. An ADULT
    signature is required on the planner. A
    signature on the planner is an indication that
    the adult has looked at each assignment and has
    verified completion.
  • Homeroom teachers will check for signatures each
  • Teachers will stamp or put a sticker on the date
    if everything was turned in on time and complete.
    If something wasnt turned in, teachers will
    note that in the planner either will a highlight
    or a NH.

MOOSE Binder
  • M.O.O.S.E. stands for Managing Our
    Organizational Skills Everyday
  • Inside the binder your student needs
  • Assignment Notebook
  • Pencil Pouch
  • 4-Pocket Plastic folders
  • Loose-Leaf Paper
  • The following slide shows what the binder should
    look like and how it will be organized.

MOOSE Binder
This binder has front and back pockets for
additional papers the students may wish to carry.
This is the requested 1 ½-3 inch binder.
This zippered pouch will be used to carry extra
pencils, colored pencils, etc. for daily
classroom use.
MOOSE Binder
This is the assignment notebook that will be
provided for daily use.
Here is a plastic 2-pocket folder with 3 holes to
go into the binder. Students need 4 folders, one
for each subject, to organize homework and
take-home papers.
Loose-leaf paper will be needed in the back of
the binder for classroom activities.
4th Grade Economy
  • Students will be involved in a mini-economy.
    Classroom money (MOOSE money) will be given in
    return for
  • completing homework
  • getting the planner signed
  • attendance
  • good behavior
  • Students will be able to use the money to qualify
    to attend special events and to purchase items at
    the MOOSE store.
  • Students NOT following rules will lose money.
  • Donations for the MOOSE store are accepted and

Staying in Contact
  • Students will be filling out their assignment
    planners DAILY.
  • An adult should check the planner DAILY for
    assignments and messages from your students
  • Please visit our webpage regularly for important
    updates, upcoming events, and classroom
    activities. You can access our page on the
    Greenfield Intermediate School website.
  • Emailing and leaving voicemails are also great
    ways to keep in touch with teachers.

Staying in Contact
  • We are sending out daily assignment updates via
    Remind so that you can double-check homework and
    announcements against your childs planner.
  • In order to receive messages on Remind, YOU must
    sign up via email or text.
  • Informational sheets were provided at Meet Your
    Teacher Night or were sent home with your student
    the first couple days of school.

Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences will be on October 29
    and November 4 from 330 700.
  • Parents will be able to sign-up online via the
    GIS website for an appointment with your childs
    homeroom teacher.
  • Additional details will be provided closer to the
    date of the conferences.

Cougars and Cubs
  • Program Overview
  • Cougars and Cubs is a program designed to provide
    educational resources for fourth grade students
    who attend Greenfield Intermediate School as well
    as offer mentoring and service opportunities for
    Greenfield-Central High School students who
    qualify. Twice a week select high-school
    students will travel to G.I.S to meet with fourth
    grade students for one-on-one tutoring/mentoring.
    A one-on-one approach to learning gives young
    students a chance to move past obstacles that may
    be preventing them from reaching their full
    academic potential and provides students access
    to individualized help. High school volunteers
    are given the opportunity to make a positive and
    lasting impact on childs life as well as further
    develop their own leadership and mentoring
    abilities. The critical focus of Cougars and
    Cubs is to uncover and exemplify skills and
    potential in all of the students who participate,
    both the Cougars and the Cubs.

Cougars and Cubs Primary Goals
  • Primary Cub Goals
  • Foster a positive attitude towards school
  • Provide guided homework assistance
  • Build Reading and Math confidence and efficacy
  • Model positive character traits
  • These goals will raise reading and math
    comprehension and fluency and improve concept
    understanding and skill mastery. We hope this
    ultimately produces academic success and positive
    attitude toward school.
  • Primary Cougar Goals
  • Set an example
  • Improve leadership abilities
  • Expand interpersonal skills
  • Become a part of something bigger than yourself
  • These goals will help students develop into
    productive citizens and effective employees.
    (college and career readiness)

4th Grade T-Shirts
  • Shirts are 10 each.
  • We provide Youth and Adult sizes.
  • We have order forms tonight.
  • Cash or check is accepted. Please make checks
    payable to GIS.

  • Attendance
  • Transportation
  • Medication
  • Lockers
  • Paper heading
  • Student Handbook
  • Field trips/Criminal background check

We are looking forward to a fantastic school
year with you and your student!
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