Welcome to Fourth Grade! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome to Fourth Grade!


Welcome to Fourth Grade! Holy Family - St. Mary s School – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Welcome to Fourth Grade!

A Dog-Gone Good Class
Welcome toFourth Grade!
Holy Family - St. Marys School
Meet the Teacher
After nearly 30 years teaching at Holy Family, I
have been blessed. The children that I taught my
first year are now turning 40 years old. I
continue to make the same commitment to my
students as I have every year and I am looking
forward to sharing this year with
you and your child!
Morning Arrival
Fourth Graders fill out planners as soon as they
arrive. After morning prayer, each day begins
with a different morning openingMONDAY News
Day. Students bring a news article to share
(knowing the who, what, when, where and why of
the event)TUESDAY Guessing Jar Day. Students
bring two jars to school asap each filled with
the same sized items (MMs, marbles, pasta,
etc.) The items need to be counted and six clues
made for the total in each jar. WEDNESDAY
Wrap Around the Clock. The students measure the
hours of sunlight. The TOP DOG shares his/her
board!THURSDAY Partner Day. Students meet with
their first grade partner or go to Valley
4000.FRIDAY Math Morning. Students bring an
object (or an idea)to school that demonstrated
how math is used on a daily basis.PLEASE
Progress Reports are given four times a year. The
Fourth Graders will receive letter grades on
their papers, but letter grades will not show up
on report cards until the third grading period.
This allows them time to develop study and
organizational skills needed for success. Grades
are indicative of effort, performance, and
The Learning Team
We are a team student, parent, and team. Each of
us has our own responsibility.TEACHER writes
down assignments on the board, checks to be sure
they are recorded, reminds students to put
materials in their back packs daily.STUDENT
writes assignments in planner neatly, completes
assignments, has the planner in school daily,
uses it to stay on task.PARENT Assists in
making the writing assignments a daily habit,
insists on seeing the planner each night, may
sign the planner and write a note to teacher if
needed, encourages the student to prepare for the
next day independently and successfully.
There will be homework any work that is not
completed during the day. Also, occasional long
term projects will be assigned that require
planning a timeframe for completion. The Fourth
Grader should have 30 40 minutes of learning
time at home each night. Students are busy with
other activities so I suggest they make their own
weekly calendar to schedule in this time. If
there is no homework, the students should get in
to the habit of using this time reading, writing,
studying topics that may interest them.Set up a
study space at home free from distraction with
supplieson hand. Your child will benefit from
developing thesepractices if they are
implemented when the year begins.
H.O.U.N.D. Binders
Homework Organization, Useful Necessities,
Daily Skills
Your child will have a special H.O.U.N.D. this
year!! The HOUND is a folder that they will use
daily (to and from school) for organization and
communication.The first pocket is where students
will place homework. Homework that is taken home
gets handed in to the assignment boxes as soon as
the child comes to school.Then, you will find a
doggy bag a pencil case for you to send
important notes, lunch money, book orders, etc.
to school.Following this, there will be a HOUNDS
rule sheet, a list of spelling activities and
the weeks spelling list. Extra lose leaf is
kept in the binder for immediate use. A
signature sheet is included that you will sign
and make comments on after reviewing your
childs weekly work (found in the last pocket of
binder). Please talk about work with your child
each weekend, sign the sheet and return it in
binder every Monday.
Writing Workshop
Fourth Graders will use the Six Traits 1 Writing
Program this year. The focus traits are Ideas
not too broad, yet detailedOrganization no
loose ends, order and meaningVoice a personal
tone in the messageWord Choice rich, colorful
precise languageSentence Fluency rhythm and
flowConventions mechanical correctness
(spelling, punctuation, capitalization,
paragraphing) 1 Presentation!
Spelling Word Study
Spelling is more than getting the 100 on the
weekly test. To be a good speller can be an
innate gift for some, while it is not for others.
There are 30 no excuse words that children
should know in Fourth Grade (between, children,
around, etc.). There is a list of 100 sight words
they should also know. Review these words
often.Our weekly procedureMONDAY students
receive their listsTUESDAY - students have a
pre-test on the list. If a child spells all
correctly. A new list of 10 words is given to
him/her.FRIDAY students are given their final
test the only test to receive a grade.Studying
spelling words with your child is a greatway to
keep an eye on his/her learning!
CLASS!The more we read, the more we learn and
our writing improves right along with it!We
will attempt to have PAWS FOR READING time
everyday!We win whenever you order books from
the Scholastic book orders! I receive bonus
points from these orders and am able to order
books for the class to use with the
points.Ordering is easier when paid with checks
payable to Scholastic.I was able to set up
online ordering last year which worked well for
some parents.Your child is allowed to bring home
class texts,but they do need to be returned the
nextschool day.
Social Studies
Your childs global education will begin close to
home this year in the state of North Dakota!
Learning about Lewis and Clark through the eyes
of their pet Newfoundland, Seaman is first!We
will also use the supplement called Pigskin
Football to practice map skills. This curriculum
was created by a previous employee of the GRAND
FORKS HERALD and is well done.For the remainder
of the year, we will use our text to study US
Afternoon Dismissal
Children will be dismissed at 300. Latchkey
students will head their immediately. If you
choose to have your child in Homework club,
please let me know. If your child happens to have
a change of plans for after school, I also like
to know them. Rides to intramurals,play dates
should be organized the night before.This
provides safety for your children.
Each child in Fourth Grade will be given a week
to share some of his/her most precious memories,
photos, collections, awards. During this week,
your child will be considered the Pick of the
Litter, the TOP DOG! A letter with the designated
dates will be in your childs folder. Please send
the materials to school the Friday prior to this
Snack Time
We love treats as well as any puppy does. You may
find us waiting at the door for you! We will show
you our tricks!If your child has a summer
birthday, please send birthday treats the week
he/she is TOP DOG!Snack time is between 10 and
11 am daily. Monday - Thursday fruits and
vegetablesFriday free choice! WATER BOTTLES
Special Projects
As mentioned on the homework page, there may be
long term projects assigned this year. Fourth
Graders are at a wonderful age as they begin to
do projects individually with some or little
support. You play a big part by encouraging your
child. Accountability has positive results! Good
to learn this at an early age.
Special Events
Visits to Valley 4000Annual field trips
Assignment Pizza, Water FestivalRed River
Theater Christmas and Spring PerformancesLeaders
of LiturgyBaby ContestShel Silverstein Poetry
FestivalOlder American Essay ContestFifth Grade
Reception HostsParish Pals
International Night and much more!
You are always invited to be a part of our
learning. You are welcome to visit us, read to
us, teach us, play with us, etc. I believe that
we all are teachers of the students in my class.
What we do influences our children. Participating
in your childs classroom is a privilege. Feel
free to contact me of you have time, ideas,
resources that would benefit this class!
Students Pledge
I pledge to show my respectby listening to
others,using my hands for helping,caring about
others feelings,and being responsible for what I
say and do.This is who we are, even when no one
is watching!.
Helping your Child Succeed
The 10 Best Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in
School1. Encourage reading in any way you can2.
Treat your child as though he/she is an author3.
Make math a part of his/her daily life4. Teach
your child how to listen5. Support your childs
teacher and the school rules6. Tell the teacher
everything7. Make sure your child is ready for
school8. Spend time in your childs classroom9.
Encourage responsibility and independence10. Ask
your child about school everyday
Thank You...
for sending your child to Holy Family-St. Marys
I look forward to working with you and your child
this year. It is going to be a wonderful year
filled with exciting learning activities!You are
good people.Peace in Christ. Mrs. Mohr
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