Title: Welcome to Fourth Grade
1Welcome to Fourth Grade
2Your Child Is A Super Star
Mrs. Erin Modde Ms. Kerri Dunleavy Ms. Amy
4- Mrs. Gaye Fedesna Ms. Kristina Gisin
5Expectations for the Learning Environment
- Listen carefully.
- Follow directions.
- Work quietly.
- Do not disturb others who are working.
- Respect others.
- Be kind with your words and actions.
- Respect school and personal property.
- Work and play safely.
6Rewards and Consequences
- Each classroom recognizes good behavior in
different ways. - Consequences for not following the rules will
result in a loss of citizenship points.
- The easiest way to get a message to each homeroom
teacher is through e-mail. - Each teachers e-mail is listed on the Lake
Pointe website. - Send any notes with your name and your childs
name on it. - The afternoons of October 3rd and October 8th
will be conference days.
8After School Plans
- Make sure your child knows what the after school
plan is before coming to school. - If the after school plan changes from the normal
routine, they will need to present the homeroom
teacher with a written note at 800 a.m. They
will then be sent to the office to obtain the
correct going home pass. - Students will not be given permission to use
the phone to change after school plans once they
arrive at school.
9Lunch Snack Time
- All fourth graders go to
- lunch from 1125-1155 and
- recess from 1155-1215.
- Teachers will designate a time during the morning
when students may eat a healthy snack. - Food and Allergies Disclosure form- please email
your homeroom teacher if you need this.
10Fuel Cafe
- 2.80 Fuel Café Meal
- Student may choose up to 5 items (food items and
one beverage) - 3 of the 5 must be different components
- Protein, Grain, Vegetable, Fruit Dairy
- At least one of those 3 choices must be a fruit
or vegetable. - 4.50 Eagle Extra Value Meal
- Student may choose up to 5 items (food items and
one beverage) - 3 of the 5 must be different components
- Protein, Grain, Vegetable, Fruit Dairy
- Selection from cookie, mini muffin or housemade
dessert of day - Beverage can be 100 juice Capri Sun if has met
the above (or choose from regular offerings)
11I Birthdays I
- On the last Friday of the each month, from
220-240, the classroom will celebrate birthdays
for those children having a birthday during that
month. On the actual day of the childs birthday,
a parent may bring a healthy snack only for their
child. No whole class snack.
12Tuesday Folders
- Students graded work will go home in their blue
Tuesday folder. - Beginning in the coming weeks, most notices from
our campus will be offered only electronically. - Parents should take out graded work from the
Tuesday folder, sign the form inside the folder
that indicates you have received the Tuesday
folder contents, then return the folder on
Wednesday. - Parents, please pay close attention to what comes
home in the Tuesday folder. This is another
method of communication and may contain important
documents regarding your childs progress that
need your signature.
13Teacher Conference Time
- The 4th grade teachers would like to designate
1040 as our time for conferences. If you would
like to meet and this time does not work in your
schedule, please email the teacher and another
time before or after school can be worked out.
14School Dismissal
- All students have been given a pass that releases
them from school in the following ways. If your
child needs a pass, please notify the homeroom
teacher. - Bus rider pass Dismissed from the back doors of
the school facing the back parking lot. - Extended Care students Go to room 106 or
cafeteria. - Unescorted Walkers Dismissed from the front
doors of the Kinder wing. - Escorted Walkers Dismissed from the end of the
first grade hallway by the back parking lot. - Car riders Exit from the double doors by the gym
to the front of the school.
15 If your child is ill, please send a note
from home explaining the absence. Make up work
will be given when they return to school. This
policy also applies for other absences from
16How LPE Handles Bullying
Description of Olweus Bullying Prevention
Program the most researched and best-known
bullying prevention program available today. It
is a whole-school program that has been proven to
prevent or reduce bullying throughout a school
setting. OBPP is used at the school, classroom
and individual levels and includes methods to
reach out to parents and the community for
involvement and support. The program will
help us to all use the same vocabulary when
talking about and defining bullying. It will
address not only how to work with the bully and
the victim, but it will also focus on the
importance of the role of the bystander(s).
17How LPE Handles Bullying
- Lake Pointe uses our morning announcements and
assembly to address character education through
Character Counts. - We will have class meetings to discuss any
problems and concerns that the students may be
18Homework Assignment Planner
- Each student should have a planner and will use
the planner to note important assignments. - Students who do not have a planner may purchase
one through the office. The planner is 6.50.
19 Homework
- Homework is a very important part of a students
academic progress. It should be treated as an
opportunity for each child to practice the skills
that were learned in the classroom. - Unfinished class work may need to be completed at
home and brought back the next day. - Help your child turn in homework on time. Check
your childs planner and homework folder daily. - Homework should be neat and with the correct
heading, date, and student number.
- Spelling- Students will receive a new list of
spelling words at the beginning of each week.
They should study each night to be prepared for
the test on Friday. - Homework will include writing each word two times
in cursive and an editing activity.
21Were going to READ, READ, READ!
- Reading Log Each 4th grade student will read
125 minutes every week. - Track reading in your childs reading log. Be
sure they have included minutes read and nightly
responses. - Help your child reach his/her reading goal by
designating a quiet spot in your house for
him/her to read. - Sign your childs reading log before Monday a.m.
- A grade will be assigned on a weekly basis.
- The best way to encourage your child to be a
reader is for them to see you reading.
- In 4th grade your child will take the S.T.A.A.R.
state assessment. It stands for The State of
Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness - Writing March 30th 31st , 1-page personal
narrative, 1-page expository, multiple choice
revising/editing - Math April 21st, multiple choice gridded
responses - Reading April 22nd , multiple choice
- Writing-Composition writing is a key factor in
fourth grade. Your child will be writing DAILY.
During each nine weeks, students will be given
various prompts to organize, develop, edit and
publish a final copy. The writing process is very
involved and very time consuming. Our goal is to
publish a final composition during each nine week
period using the Writing Process.
24Narrative Writing
- Focus and Coherence -The composition is
meaningful to the reader from introduction to
conclusion. - Organization -The writers thought process is
smooth and controlled with transitions adding
strength to the writers ideas. - Development -The writers presentation of ideas
is thoughtful and insightful. Each idea is fully
developed to enable the readers appreciation and
understanding of the composition. - Voice -The writer enables the reader to feel a
connection with the composition by using unique
expressions of emotion. - Conventions -The writer shows consistent control
of punctuation, spelling, grammar, word usage and
sentence structure throughout the entire
25Expository Writing
- Here are the different types of expository
writing genres your child will be learning - Informative-details, explanations informative
writing like from a newspaper. - Classificatory- cause effect, compare
contrast, such as writing a research paper. - Procedural- How to, such as recipes or
instruction manuals. - Masked- A How to in a more conversational way,
not as direct as Procedural, like in a magazine
- Place Value Whole numbers decimals
- Addition Subtraction of whole numbers
decimals - Multiplication Division
- Fractions
- Geometric Figures
- Measurement -Area Perimeter included
- Graphs Tables
- Transformations
- Probability
- Muti-step problem solving and critical thinking
skills are emphasized on the S.T.A.A.R. math
- Physical properties of Matter
- Mixtures solutions
- Forms of energy
- The changing Earth
- Natural resources
- Patterns of Earth
- Traits of living things
- Energy flow in living systems
- Adaptations of survival
- Life cycles of living organisms
- Fourth graders read several novels throughout the
year. - Reading skills are reinforced through daily
activities from our basal, trade publications and
other reading materials. - Individual and group projects will be assigned
periodically during the year. - Each class has an assigned library time where
they are learning to use our library and able to
check out books of their choice.
29Social Studies Texas History
- Incorporates an in depth study of Texas
- Geography Skills
- Early Life
- Colonization
- Statehood
- Industries
- Modern Day Texas
30A few more notes to mention
- PTO Volunteer Meeting is tomorrow at 800 a.m.
- Our first field trip will be to the Meadow Center
(Aquarena Springs in San Marcos) on Oct. 31st!
Stay tuned for more info on that and T-shirt
orders !
31We are looking forward to a fabulous fourth grade