Title: Presentazione di PowerPoint
S. Agnello 1 and B. Boizot 2 1 INFM and
Department of Physical and Astronomical Sciences,
Palermo, Italy 2 Laboratoire des Solides Irradiés
Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
- Introduction
- Experimental details
- Results Discussion
- Conclusions
Modification of the optical properties of a-SiO2
by ionizing radiation
Transmittance degradation Fiber gratings
Point defects generation mechanisms
Stabilization and destruction of defects
Precursors Unperturbed sites
Diffusing species Electrons - holes
We report experimental study of the optical
absorption induced by ?-ray irradiation in high
purity silica during and after the irradiation
4Experimental details
4 commercial silica samples (50 x 5 x 0.5 mm3) ?
Natural dry EQ906 (20 ppm OH) and wet Herasil
1 (150 ppm) ? Synthetic dry Suprasil 300 (lt1
ppm) and wet Suprasil 1 (1000 ppm)
? irradiation at T 300 K with 2.5 MeV
electrons (Dose rate 51?67 kGy/min Van de Graaff
accelerator, Palaiseau) In-situ prism-based
detection system Sources halogen or deuterium
Detection 1024 photodiode array
(PDA) Spectral range 1.24 ? 6.2 eV (1000 ? 200
nm) Spectral resolution 0.2 nm Ex-situ
absorption measurements (from 2 to 5 days after
irr.) Jasco V-570 double beam spectrophotometer
5In-situ optical absorption set-up
to prism and PDA (1024)
e- beam (2.5 Mev)
e- counter
from lamp (2D, halogen)
Single beam system difference absorption spectra
with reference to not irradiated sample
6Irradiation effects
Natural dry
Synthetic dry
absorption from ? 3 eV
absorption from ? 1.3 eV
Higher irradiation resistance in the synthetic
7Post-Irradiation effects
Natural dry
Synthetic dry
absorption decays with profile changes
absorption decays with unchanged profile
8Natural dry
Synthetic dry
OA 4.7 eV (NBOHC ? Si-O) L.Skuja, R.Silin,
Phys. Stat. Sol (a) 56 (1979) 11 OA 5.8 eV
(E-Si ? Si) R.A. Weeks, C.M. Nelson, J. Appl.
Phys. 31 (1960) 1555
OA 2.3 eV (Al centers ?) OA 4.2 eV (Ge centers
?) H. Nishikawa in Silicon-Based Materials and
devices, Ed. H.S. Nalwa (2001) OA 5.6 eV (E-Si
? Si)
9Natural dry (9.2 MGy)
Synthetic dry (52 MGy)
Irradiation induced modifications tend to a limit
value in all the spectral ranges activation of
precursor defects Post-irradiation kinetics are
non single exponential and last more than 1 h
diffusion limited process Different relaxation
rates are mainly evidenced for the spectral
features observed in the natural sample
10Natural wet (10 MGy)
Synthetic wet (59 MGy)
As for dry materials in the wet ones larger
spectral dependence of the relaxation rates is
found in the natural sample
11abs (max dose)- abs (1 h after irradiation)
Difference absorption spectra in the
post-irradiation relaxation evidence another
transient band peaked at 4.1 eV in all the
materials. It can be related to intrinsic defects
- We evidenced irradiation induced absorption in
natural and synthetic silica arising from
precursor defects. - In natural samples two bands are evidenced around
2.3 and 4.2 eV and are related to impurities.
Intrinsic defects are responsible for absorption
above 5 eV - Transient effects are found in all the materials
with decay rates of the order of hours. They can
be attributed to diffusion limited relaxation
processes. - A novel transient absorption band at 4.1 eV is
found and is guessed to arise from intrinsic
defects being present in all silica types.
Palermos group R. Boscaino M. Cannas F.M.
Gelardi M. Leone Discussion H.
Nishikawa People at LSI laboratory J.
Ardonceau and S. Guillous