Title: European Design Study Towards a TeV Linear Collider
1European Design Study Towards a TeV Linear
WP 5 Diagnostics Coordinator Grahame Blair, RHUL
2Diagnostics Overview
Concentration TRC-priority diagnostics Linac-techn
ology independent
- This work package will produce as output
- Strong groups, collaborating internationally.
- Working prototype systems
- International test beam work
- RAs, technical staff and students gaining
- in-the-field experience.
- All the results will be included in the
International LC - Design Study.
3The projects proposed are
- Bunch profile
- Confocal Resonator Pick-up.
- Post Collision Diagnostics
- Energy spectrometry based on high-precision BPMs.
- Polarimetry.
- Fast beamstrahlung monitor
- Beam Phase Measurement
- Wide Band Current Pickup
- Precision Beam Position Monitor
- Beam tests at CTF3
4Participating Institutes 1
Precision beam phase measurement phase reference
with stability better than 15 fs rms over long
distances (km), as needed for timing of LC
collider beams to fulfill stability requirements
on phasing and IP collision timing. Wide band
beam current pick-up Develop a beam current
monitor with ? 20 GHz bandwidth for measurement
of intensity and longitudinal position bunch to
bunch, providing a signal for machine set-up
and for equalizing bunch-charge and -spacing.
Applicable to LC main beams, drive beams and
damping rings.
5Participating Institutes 2
Precision beam position monitor Develop a BPM
with lt100 nm resolution, lt10 µm precision, lt15ns
rise-time, with an aperture gt4 mm for beam
position monitoring in LC main beam and beam
delivery system with the performance required
from beam dynamics studies. Beam tests Tests in
the existing test facility (CTF) of profile
monitors such as Laser wire prototype.
6Participating Institutes 3
Develop a high power laser polarimeter based
on laser power amplification with a Fabry-Perot
cavity To provide a gain as high as 10000.
Bunch Profile Monitors
Bunch Profile Monitoring
7Participating Institutes 4
BPM Spectrometry
Post Collision Diagnostics
Confocal Resonator Pickup
8Deliverables Milestones
- Beam Profile Monitor RHUL, DESY,
Oxford, - Milestones
- Sep 05 Install new PETRA laser.
- Mar 06 Present results on laser upgrade.
- Sep 07 Produce critique for LC beam profile
monitor systems - Mar 08 Input results to the international LC
design study. - Deliverables
- Fast scanning laserwire in 2D at PETRA
- Design of beam profile monitor system in BDS
9- BPM Spectrometry
Cambridge, UCL, DESY, (Dubna) - Milestones
- Jun 2005 Install equipment at SLAC and make
first test runs. - Mar 2006 Outline Proposal for BDS spectrometer
insert. - Mar 2007 Final beam tests spectrometer
proposal. - Mar 2008 Results of final tests.
- Deliverables
- Gantry tests of BPMs, Abs energy/jitter
measurements. - Design of spectrometer insert to BDS.
- Proposal for measurement of shape of energy
- Polarimetry
DESY, Orsay, (Lebedev) - Milestones
- Jan 06 Upgraded HERA polarimeter taking data
- Sep 06 locking of high high finesse cavity with
fs laser - Dec 06 Report on technical design of IP
polarimeter. - Dec 2007 Begin the building of a concentric
cavity. - Deliverables
- Design report for the Compton Polarimeter
estimates of precision - Hardware modification data analysis of HERA
polarimeter - Estimates of systematic uncertainties
10- Confocal Resonator
Uppsala - Milestones
- 6 month drawings ready
- 12 month prototype manufacturing complete
- 18 month Low frequency tests complete.
- 24 month Bench tests complete, start tests with
beam. - Deliverables
- Proof of principle prototype of a confocal
resonator - Beam position and bunch length measurements with
test beam.
- Post Collision Diagnostics
Uppsala - Milestones
- 6 month Assessment of the feasibility of the
subsystems - 12 month Outline of the geometry of the beam
line - 18 month Conceptual design and integration of
all parts finished - Deliverables
- Conceptual Design of beam line between IP and
beam dump - Integrated diagnostics to measure luminosity on
both fast and - slow time scales
11Budget 1 MANPOWER Preliminary!
CERN costs estimated From simple WP ratios No
breakdown by task.
Note all cost figures include overhead where
12Budget 2 MATERIALS Preliminary!
CERN costs estimated From simple WP ratios, No
breakdown by task. Orsay numbers need checking
Note all cost figures include overhead where
13Budget 3 TRAVEL Preliminary!
CERN costs estimated From simple WP ratios
institute is requesting more than the standard
3k/PY Justfication expensive to fly from
Note all cost figures include overhead where
14BUDGET 4 Summary Preliminary!