Title: Marco Battaglia
1Marco Battaglia
LBNL DOE Review, February 18-19, 2004
2Particle Physics beyond the LHC
Exploration of TeV scale at LHC should provide
major breakthrough towards answering some of the
fundamental questions in HEP Origin of Mass,
New Physics and its relation to Dark Matter
High-energy high-luminosity ee- Linear Collider
will complement the LHC discoveries with the
accuracy needed to test the fundamental
properties of new particles at the TeV scale and
establish their relation to Cosmology data
3Nov 03 LC Accelerator technologies have reached
mature designs and an informed decision on the
technology will be recommended by the ITRP by end
Dec 03 over 2000 Physicists signing in support
to Understanding Matter, Energy, Space and
Time The Case for the ee- Linear Collider
Linear Collider RD and Physics Studies
4The LC and the Origin of Mass
Standard Model explains Origin of Mass and EWSB
through the existence of the Higgs scalar
field LC studies the Higgs boson profile in
model-independent way, determining couplings to
Force and Matter particles to the few
accuracy, needed for testing the mechanism of
Mass generation
Linear Collider RD and Physics Studies
5LBNL Activity in Editorial Committee of white
paper on LC and Cosmology Connections
Linear Collider RD and Physics Studies
6LC Detector RD Si Vertex
Vertex Tracker to deliver tracking and jet
flavour id capabilities which make the LC
measurements unique.
After LHC RD, LC motivates new directions
thinner and more precise sensors, technologies
which were not applicable in LHC high radiation
environment as well as sensors of new concept.
Linear Collider RD and Physics Studies
7Novel Si Sensor RD at LBNL
Monolithic CMOS sensors offer several features
desirable for collider applications O(2 mm)
single point resolution, radiation tolerance,
O(50 mm) thickness, on-chip signal processing
Standard process and considerable industrial in
CMOS sensors
LBNL RD for STAR detector at RHIC (BNL) came
from European LC project and represents seed RD
program for LC detector activity.
LBNL APS Test 1.5 GeV e- Beam
Linear Collider RD and Physics Studies
8LC Detector RD TPC
LC requires large improvement in Momentum
Resolution than current Collider Experiments.
Plan to achieve better dp/p by higher B field,
larger sagitta and more precise space points
TPC RD and new Micro-Pattern detectors improve
space resolution by x3 and reduce material.
- Linear Collider RD and Physics Studies
Significant know-how at Lab, recent experience
with STAR TPC and new developments on software
have provided basis for continued LBNL
contribution to LC TPC RD efforts in
collaborations with Europe and Asia
Cosmic tests of small scale prototypes
demonstrate potential for significant
improvement in spatial resolution (160 -gt 60 mm)
Linear Collider RD and Physics Studies
10American LC Physics Group now evaluating physics
performance, reviewing designs and identifying
needed improvements for Large Detector based
on 3D TPC Main Tracker Small Detector based on
all-Si Main Tracker
LBNL to lead Task Force responsible for design
optimisation, and physics benchmarking of fully
integrated Large Detector
Design activity to bridge from physics studies
to RD assessment
Linear Collider RD and Physics Studies
11LC Design luminosity requires nm-level control of
beam position
NanoBPM Collaboration aims at developing RF Beam
Position Monitor with single-pulse nm accuracy
for IP feed-back
Tests at KEK prove 40 nm resolution limited by
pick-ups and mechanical stability
Electronics Developed at Berkeley
Linear Collider RD and Physics Studies
12Linear Collider RD and Physics Studies
13LBNL Staff and UCB Faculty in LC Activities M.
Battaglia Y. Kolomensky D. Nygren M.T. Ronan J.
Siegrist H. Wieman UCB Undergraduate
Students P. Charoenpong R. Malla M.L. Tuchscher
Linear Collider RD and Physics Studies
14Plan to join University Partners with Program of
Physics Studies, Detector Design and Sensor
RD in next round of LCRD Proposals
Linear Collider RD and Physics Studies