Title: European Design Study Towards a Global TeV Linear Collider
1European Design StudyTowards a Global TeV Linear
- Goals
- Proposal
- Participating Institutes
- Work packages UK participation
- Budget
- Outcome of the bid
- Status
3Goal of the Design Study
- European Particle Physics and Accelerator
Laboratories intend to contribute to a unique
research facility of worldwide relevance, the
Global Linear Collider - EU Contribution addresses
- Feasibility Studies
- Preparatory Work
- European effort naturally merges with similar and
complementary efforts undertaken in Asia and
America to enable construction of such a facility
4Focus of the Design Study
Generic Linear Collider
ITRP decision 2004for ILC 0.5-1.0 TeV collider
- NLC TESLA LINAC Technologies mature
- ILC-TRC (2003) concluded still many outstanding
RD items common to all designs (LINAC technology
independent) - Focus of FP6 bid is a subset of these RD items
to form the European contribution to an
International Linear Collider Design
5The ILC and International Design Effort
TDR phase
Eng. RD
International Linear Collider Design Team Concept
- ILC Road Map for the Global Linear Collider
- 2004 Formation of Central Design Group with
Regional Design Teams - 2005-2008 International Design Phase
- Re-evaluation of existing concepts
- Design of true International Machine
- Tackle outstanding (critical) RD (TRC)
6FP6 Design Study Proposal
Formation of theEuropean Design Team Initial
focus on TRC tech. Independent RD
Damping Rings
Global Accelerator Network
Beam Delivery System
International Linear Collider Design Team Concept
Luminosity Stability Studies
Polarised Positron Source
Metrology Stabilisation
7EUROTeV Work Package Structure
8European Added Value
- Physics Roadmap
- Europe Contributes to the Understanding of the
Fundamental Laws of Nature - World-wide consensus
- ECFA has endorsed LC as the highest priority
- Keeping Europe at the forefront of accelerator
development - Advancing LC Technologies in Europe
- Longstanding expertise
- Development of sophisticated Technologies
- Numerous spin-offs, e.g. SLS, FEL and XFEL,
medical treatment, computational methods - Science Opportunities and Training Ground
9Scientific and Technological Excellence
- Advanced accelerator technologies
- Acceleration of ultra-low emittance beams
- Beam stabilisation at the nm level
- Polarised Sources
- Global Accelerator Network
- Advanced communication techniques
- Remote controls
- towards a Global Linear Collider
10Participating Institutes
27 Institutes CCLRC (RALDL) 9 UK Universities
11WP1 MNGMNT Management Coordinator Eckhard
Elsen, DESY
- Tasks coordinated by WP coordinators
- Steering Committee consists of WP coordinators
MNGMNT - International Scientific Advisory Committee
addresses relevance and oversees integration with
worldwide efforts
13International Context
From individual attempts on WP in institutes to
European Design Study merging coherently with
the worldwide design efforts for a LC
Asia America Europe
14WP2 BDS Beam Delivery System Coordinator Susan
Smith, CCLRC
15WP2 Overall Goal
- Develop and evolve a BDS optics design to allow
the specification of beam delivery system
components in conjunction with the output of the
DIAG and BDYN WP - Progress the design concept of critical
components of the BDS, specifically the final
focus quadrupoles, the wakefield modelling and
design of collimation systems, fast feedback
systems and the crab cavity system
Participants CCLRC, CERN, CEA, TU Darmstadt,
Lancaster Uni., Queen Mary Uni, Manchester Uni
16BDS Goals
Design Optimisation ofFinal Focus system
Studies of SC Quadrupolesfor us as Strong Final
IR Quads
FF System
Crab Cavity Prototyping
Design Optimisation ofCollimation System
Coll System
Mechanical Spoiler Design Prototyping
Spoiler Design
Spoiler Wakefield Calculations
Fast Beam-BasedFeedback System(s) RD
17Beam Delivery System UK Participation
- CCLRC Lattice design for BDS Collimation
simulations, hardware beam test N/C crab cavity
design, prototype, test Development of fast
feedback systems (BPM) - Lancaster Crab cavities and associated RF
system design study, Collimator wakefield
calculations - Queen Mary Design and fabrication of prototypes
of beam-based feedback components BPMs, fast
kickers, driver amplifiers, feedback circuits,
Testing of prototypes with beam. - Manchester Effect of particle interactions on
the collimators and spoilers technology
18WP3 DR Damping Rings Coordinator Susanna
Guiducci, INFN-LNF
19WP3 Overall Goal
- Study of problems related to the low emittance
achievement - Emittance tuning (orbit, dispersion and coupling
correction) ? with Diagnostics and Beam
Dynamics - Dynamic aperture optimization
- Kickers/Deflectors
- Design of CTF3 extraction kicker
- Study of RF deflectors scheme for TESLA DR
- Impedance calculations (kickers, deflectors and
Combiner Ring vacuum chamber) - e-cloud, and Vacuum design ? with Beam
Dynamics - NEG coating
- Measurements of photoelectron yields.
- Participants CCLRC, CERN, DESY, INFN
20DR Goals
Study of low emittance tuning algorithms
Dynamic Aperture Optimisation in Wiggler
Dominated Systems
Development of RF Separators
Tests in CTF3
Damping Ring
Development of Fast Kicker Systems
NEG Vacuum Technology RD
Low SEC Coating Technology
Vac. system
e-cloud sol.
Electron Cloud (and other instabilities) Studies
21Damping Rings UK Participation
- Emittance tuning algorithms,
- Testing of NEG material,
- Vacuum issues of electron cloud
22WP4 PPS Polarised Positron Source Coordinator
Achim Stahl, DESY
23WP4 Overall Goal
- Conceptual design of all infrastructure necessary
to produce polarised positron beams for a linear
collider with sufficient intensity and the
highest possible degree of polarisation. The
direction of the polarisation should be freely
adjustable at the IP - Full simulation of beams with polarisation all
the way from the undulator to the IP - Engineering design and prototyping of the most
critical components
Participants CCLRC, DESY, HU Berlin, Liverpool
Univ, Durham Uni
24PPS Goals
S.C. Helical Undulator Development
Beam Tests
PM Helical Undulator Development
Performance Simulation
Spin Rotator Systems
PPS Model
Photon Collimator Conceptual Design
Target System Design
Capture System
Source Polarimeter Design
Source Polarimeter Prototype
25Polarised Positron Source UK participation
- CCLRC 2 prototypes, comparison, final design,
test undulator design and construction, beam
test. - Liverpool
- Undulator design, simulation and measurement of
photon spectrum - Photon collimator Simulation, engineering design
- Photon target Engineering design
- Spin transport Implementation of linac DR,
simulation analysis - Durham Theoretical calculations on spin
26WP5 DIAG Diagnostics Coordinator Grahame
Blair, RHUL
27WP5 Overall Goal
The Linear Collider will need an unprecedented
concentration and quality of beam diagnostic
tools in order to deliver the required
luminosity. Some of these tools themselves will
require qualitatively new approaches and are
challenging projects in their own right. The
control system of the LC will need to combine all
the various diagnostic information in real time
and tune the system to respond to variations in
the beam due to ground motion, feedback
performance etc.
Participants CERN, DESY, LAL, Oxford Univ.,
RHUL, UCL, Cambridge Univ. Uppsala
28DIAG Goals
Laser Wire
Con-focal resonator pickup
Wide-Band Current Pickup
Precision timing phase systems
Critical BPM technology
Precision Magnetic Spectrometerbased on nm level
29Diagnostics UK participation
- Oxford Evaluate laserwire technique, design
electronics do beam tests - Royal Holloway Scanning systems and electronics
for the PETRA laser-wire. Optical design and data
analysis. Simulation of laser-wire systems in the
beam diagnostics section. - UCL Studies of upstream spectrometer for beam
energy determination. Development of beam
position monitors which can withstand beamline
conditions. Integration of beamline spectrometry
into determination of the luminosity spectrum. - Cambridge Studies of upstream spectroscopy for
beam energy determination. Beam tests of Beam
Position Monitors to access their precision and
stability for this task. Integration of
spectrometer into design of Beam Delivery System.
30WP6 BDYN Luminosity Stabilisation Studies (Beam
Dynamics) Coordinator Daniel Schulte, CERN
31WP6 Overall Goal
- Overall Goal
- Develop and use the necessary models and tools to
reliably predict the luminosity performance of a
future LC - Requirements
- Development and coding of tuning strategies
- Development and implementation of realistic models
Participants CERN, DESY, LAL, PSI, Uppsala,
Royal Holloway, Queen Mary, Manchester
32BDYN Goals
LET Simulation Package (application development)
Luminosity Tuning Simulations (inc. static
dynamic errors)
Lumi opt. stability
Beam-based Feedback Studies (optimisation)
Integrated Luminosity Performance
Halo Build-up and Detector background Studies
Design of path-length tuning chicane
Bunch Compressor Studies
(Further) development of e-Cloud theory and
modelling codes
33Beam Dynamics UK Participation
- Royal HollowayFurther development and
application of GEANT-based simulation code.
Support code on GRID. Study of secondary
background due to collimation, emphasis on the
effect of synchrotron radiation and its impact on
the collimation system design. - Manchester Study of secondary background
production in collimation region and its impact
on the system design emphasis on muons and
neutrons. Benchmarking GEANT4 and FLUKA
simulations. - Queen Mary Develop static alignment procedures
and feedback systems for BDS. Support codes on
GRID. Participate in code benchmarking.
34WP7 METSTB Metrology and Mechanical
Stabilisation Coordinator Yannis Karyotakis,
- Study of the ground motion and cultural noise
- Develop alignment methods and instrumentation
that allow for a rapid high precision alignment
of the complete accelerator - Develop an active stabilization method and
instrumentation at a nanometer level for the
final focus magnets - Extend usability of the stabilization to other
critical magnets in the BDS by developing cost
effective lower resolution derivatives of the FF
system solutions
Participants DESY, LAPP, CCLRC, Oxford Univ.
36METSTB Goals
Precision Laser Alignment System (LICAS)
Optical Anchoring Techniques
Motion Sensors and Actuators (Industrial Study)
Active Mechanical Stabilisation
Active Stabilisation FeedbackElectronics /
Component Alignment and Stabilisation
Critical FD (IR) Magnet Model
Precision Measurement of Ground Vibration Spectra
Ground Motion Characterisation
Refinement of Ground Motion Models, inc.
cultural noise
37Metrology and Mechanical Stabilisation UK
- Oxford Build prototype Rapid Tunnel Reference
System, test in DESY tunnel, Develop and test
Michelson-FSI Interferometer for FF vibration
sensing - CCLRC Modelling of ground motion and vibrations
38WP8 GANMVL Global Accelerator Network Multipurpos
e Virtual Laboratory Coordinator Ferdinand
Willeke, DESY
39WP8 Overall Goal
- Design and build a collaborative tool for
- far Remote Observation and
- far Remote Control of accelerator components or
experiments at accelerators with - full control of equipment and the program of
work, - with combined high quality audio and video and
- full sharing of managed information
- MVL will be a tool to demonstrate and gain
experience that - - accelerator components can be efficiently
operated, maintained and repaired under the
control of experts from remote sites - geographically dispersed experts can work
together in a virtual team
Participants DESY, GSI, Elettra, FHG-IGD,
INFN-Milano, INFN-Roma2, INFN-LNF, University
Udine, University Mannheim
41Requested by Country, total request 11.25M
Total budget 28 M
42Requested by Country/UK Institute
43Requested By Work Package
44Outcome of the bid
- EUROTeV ranked second in the scientific
evaluation - Recommended approval of 9M which is less than
the 11.2M bid - The recommendation is that the host institutes
makeup the shortfall to ensure that the scope of
the project is maintained! - Overall the UK host contribution is around twice
the UK request. This is around twice the relative
contribution of other countries which generally
commit just over the matching funds required by
the bid call.
- ITRP Review proceeding , a decision should be
announced during the summer - Global Design Initiative (GDI) starts discussion
on the structure of global design approach,
regional initiatives play an important role in
optimisation of worldwide research program - EUROTeV will assemble considerable resources
- Consider fine-tuning the proposed EUROTeV program
in accordance with global research program - EUROTeV starts in 2005 , funds will not be
available before 2005 - Kick-off meeting to be organised by ELAN towards
end 2004
- http//www-flc.desy.de/eurotev/
- First ELAN workshop meeting was 2 ½ days
- Covered ELAN WP and the JRAs in parallel was a
combination of network planning and scientific
workshop - ELAN
- LTECNC Normal conducting source, LTECSC Super
conducting, BDYN Beam dynamics, INSTR
Instrumentation, ANAD Advanced acceleration - JRAs
- SRF Superconducting RF, PHIN Photoinjector,
- Next meeting is combined CARE and ELAN (November
2nd - 5th _at_ DESY )