Title: presentazione VIQCD
1The proton transverse structure
Mauro Anselmino, UniversitÃ
di Torino INFN VIQCD Inaugural Meeting
Jülich, 30 November 2007
2Torino group Theory (University INFN)
Mauro Anselmino Mariaelena Boglione Stefano
Melis Alexei Prokudin
3The longitudinal structure of nucleons is
simple It has been studied for almost 40 years
4Three leading twist partonic distributions (PDF),
in collinear configuration, q(x,Q2), ?q(x,Q2),
5Transversity distribution
Transversity decouples from Deep Inelastic
6The transverse structure is much more interesting
and less studied (not only because of
orbiting quarks?
spin-k- correlations?
Space dependent distribution functions
Transverse Momentum Dependent distribution
7Partonic intrinsic motion
Plenty of theoretical and experimental evidence
for transverse motion of partons within nucleons
and of hadrons within fragmentation jets
qT distribution of lepton pairs in D-Y processes
8pT distribution of hadrons in SIDIS
Hadron distribution in jets in ee processes
9The leading-twist correlator, with intrinsic k-,
contains several other functions .....
108 leading-twist spin-k- dependent distribution
Courtesy of Aram Kotzinian
11How and what do we know about TMDs and what do we
learn from them?
Single Spin
Asymmetries (SSA) in SIDIS Sivers
functions Collins function from ee-
unpolarized processes (Belle) and first
extraction of transversity SSA in hadronic
processes Future measurements and transversity
12Main source of information on transverse nucleon
SIDIS kinematics according to Trento conventions
13SIDIS in parton model with intrinsic k-
14Polarized SIDIS cross section, up to subleading
order in 1/Q
Kotzinian, NP B441 (1995) 234 Mulders and
Tangermann, NP B461 (1996) 197 Boer and Mulders,
PR D57 (1998) 5780 Bacchetta et al., PL B595
(2004) 309 Bacchetta et al., JHEP 0702 (2007) 093
15Azimuthal dependence induced by quark intrinsic
EMC data, µp and µd, E between 100 and 280 GeV
M.A., M. Boglione, U. DAlesio, A. Kotzinian, F.
Murgia and A. Prokudin
16Transverse single spin asymmetries in SIDIS,
experimentally observed
in collinear configurations there cannot be (at
LO) any PT
17How does intrinsic motion help with SSA?
One can introduce spin-k- correlation in the
Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) and in the
parton Fragmentation Functions (FFs)
Only possible (scalar) correlation is
18Sivers function
Boer-Mulders function
19Spin-k- correlations in fragmentation process
(case of final spinless hadron)
Collins function
20(No Transcript)
21Large K asymmetry!
22(No Transcript)
23(No Transcript)
24Present knowledge of Sivers function (u,d)
M. Anselmino, M. Boglione, J.C. Collins, U.
DAlesio, A.V. Efremov, K. Goeke, A. Kotzinian,
S. Menze, A. Metz, F. Murgia, A. Prokudin, P.
Schweitzer, W. Vogelsang, F. Yuan
The first and 1/2-transverse moments of the
Sivers quark distribution functions. The fits
were constrained mainly (or solely) by the
preliminary HERMES data in the indicated x-range.
The curves indicate the 1-s regions of the
various parameterizations.
25Numerical estimates from SIDIS data
U. DAlesio
Valence quark dominance?
26TMDs and SSAs in hadronic collisions
factorization theorem (?)
27excellent agreement with data for unpolarized
cross section, but no SSA
28BNL-AGS vs 6.6 GeV 0.6 lt pT lt 1.2
E704 vs 20 GeV 0.7 lt pT lt 2.0
observed transverse Single Spin Asymmetries
E704 vs 20 GeV 0.7 lt pT lt 2.0
experimental data on SSA
29STAR-RHIC vs 200 GeV 1.2 lt pT lt 2.8
and AN stays at high energies .
30SSA can be understood with parton intrinsic
motion and TMDs
E704 data
STAR data
U. DAlesio, F. Murgia
31Predictions for PAX at HESR (FAIR)
predictions based on Sivers functions from E704
32TMDs and SSAs in Drell-Yan processes
factorization holds, two scales, M2, and qT
33Unpolarized cross section already very interesting
Collins-Soper frame
34(Polarized) Drell-Yan cross processes allow to
access many TMDs (Boer-Mulders, )
D-YLAND verify whether and offer the golden
channel to measure the transversity distribution
crucial QCD test
35(PAX experiment)
Ideal for optimising cross section and probing
valence quark region. ATT predicted to be large
and safe from pQCD corrections
all vector couplings, same spinor structure
and, at large x1, x2
measure ATT also in J/? resonance region
M. A., V. Barone, A. Drago and N. Nikolaev
37Turin group for custom pixel detector in PANDA
- INFN, Sezione di Torino
- Daniela Calvo
- Paolo De Remigis
- Alessandro Feliciello
- Alessandra Filippi
- Gianni Mazza
- Angelo Rivetti
- Richard Wheadon
- Dipartimento di Fisica Sperimentale, UniversitÃ
di Torino - and INFN, Sezione di Torino
- Elena Botta
- Tullio Bressani
- Francesca De Mori
- Simonetta Marcello
Torino group experiment
38PANDA Experiment Features
- Excellent forward acceptance and resolution
- Dynamic range of particle momenta 0.1 - 8
GeV/c - Momentum resolution (Dp/p ? 1)
- Particle ID for e?, m?, p?, K?, p,
- Electromagnetic calorimeter g, p0, h ...
(e?) - High-resolution vertex detection D?, D0 /
Ks, ?, S, O ... - High interaction rate up to 2107 s-1
- Triggerless data acquisition at high rates
39Micro-Vertex Detector in PANDA
- resolution and triggering of D decays need
spatial resolution of better than 100 mm
D0 -gt ct 123.7 mm (56 ? 5) K?
anything (42 ? 5) K0 K0 anything
15 cm
D? -gt ct 315 mm (30 ? 4) K?
anything (59 ? 7) K0 K0 anything
(c c ) also have considerable branching ratios
involving KK
- Tagging of the charm usually refers to offline
identification of displaced decay vertex - faster identification in PANDA ?
- good spatial resolution in r-phi for momentum
measurement of soft pions coming from D decays - good spatial resolution especially in z for
D-Tagging - good time resolution with DC beam (107
annihilations / s) - triggerless readout
- discrimination of particles by means of energy
loss measurements - low material budget (due to low momentum
particles) - fluence of 4 10 13 n 1MeV eq/cm2 for year
- (half year data taking) for p-p at 15 GeV/c
41Custom silicon pixel detector
- Standard hybrid technology
- thin pixel sensors realized with epitaxial
silicon material - pixel FEE developed with the 130 nm CMOS
Several depositions for defining geometry and
for obtaining pixel sensors are made on this side
15 cm
r 50 Wcm or more
25 150 mm
epitaxial silicon layer
silicon Cz substrate
Some hundreds of mm
r 0.01 0.02 Wcm
The thinning starts from this side and stops to
ten mm (or more) from the epitaxial silicon
42Epitaxial silicon diodes in the bibliography
- high tolerance to radiation (no type inversion up
to 1016 n/cm2 and 81015 p/cm2)
G.Kramberger et al.,Superior radiation tolerance
of thin epitaxial silicon detectors, NIM A 515
(2003) 665-670
43Work to be done
- Study and test of the epitaxial material and
sensor wafers - Test of some hybrid pixel assemblies in epitaxial
material - Study of the readout architecture based on 130 nm
CMOS technology - Test of readout circuit prototype
44The mother of all functions M. Diehl, Trento
workshop, June 07
Wigner function
(Belitsky, Ji, Yuan)