The ZUZ token is a crypto-currency that is tendered in the political arena. Its attributes are different from those of a financial crypto-currency: A financial crypto-currency is designed for general trade, whereas ZUZ is meant to facilitate governance What gives value to a financial crypto-currency is the matter which it can acquire, whereas the value of ZUZ resides in the information that it transmits. The message of a financial crypto-currency is the one of self-interest, ZUZ promotes social choice and liquidity.
Coalichain, a decentralized political platform that connects citizens to their leaders and governments, has announced its ZUZ token crowdsale. Coalichain’s ICO pre-sale for the ZUZ token begins 28 February and will last until the crowdsale on 2 May. 1,770,000,000 ZUZ will be issued, and contributions can be made in fiat money, ETH, or BTC.
Game Theory: Sharing, Stability and Strategic Behaviour Frank Thuijsman Maastricht University The Netherlands Game Theory: Sharing, Stability and Strategic Behaviour ...
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Take a few minutes to spread. It's not on that you stand all bent over and closed up ... So bend your body and dance without fear. Ain't gonna stop until we ...
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ICOs are mostly marketed on various cryptocurrency forums. These companies share all their important information on these forums for potential investors and buyers to see.
Coalichain is a platform built on the Ethereum Public Blockchain that ensures complete transparency and an immutable voting facility. It n is the bridge that empowers people to interact directly with their Elected Leaders, eliminating once and for all, the communication gap that exists between citizens and governments.
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