Incorporating hydrological processes knowledge into catchment modeling at ... Asymptotical consistence is assured even in the presence of long-memory (Hurst effect) ...
Global uncertainty assessment for hydrological model output based on the ... The present presentation and softwares for the application of these uncertainty ...
Normal quantile transform. Associate to each f(t) the correspondent standard ... Finally, by applying back the Normal Quantile Transform one can compute the 95 ...
The immune system recognizes and kills tumor cells. Apply ... Leukocytes count and cytofluorometric evaluation of antibodies, T (CD3, CD4, CD8) ... At necropsy ...
Il cuneo di imposta sul capitale Confronti internazionali, evoluzione, effetti economici Silvia Giannini Unibo Scienza delle finanze ...
Il cuneo di imposta sul lavoro Confronti internazionali, evoluzione, effetti economici Silvia Giannini Unibo Scienza delle finanze ...
Fisica Computazionale applicata alle Macromolecole Struttura e funzione delle proteine 1 Pier Luigi Martelli Universit di Bologna
Componenti formali del linguaggio Attenzione a non generalizzare: Fare una torta [agente] fa [paziente (tema)] Fare fallimento [experiencer] fa ...
Dal sito 3) Societ politica Societ politica = vi sono sovrano (potere di comandare) e sudditi (dovere di obbedienza) Societ ...
Fisica Computazionale applicata alle Macromolecole Reti Neurali per la predizione proteica Pier Luigi Martelli Universit di Bologna
Gianluigi Pilu Incontinenza Urinaria Definizione: la incapacit di posporre la minzione fino al raggiungimento di condizioni opportune dal ...
Design, Fabrication and Characterisation of RF-MEMS Roberto Gaddi Email: Summary Introduzione alle strutture MEMS Tecniche di fabbricazione ...
FILOSOFIA DEL DIRITTO Corso R-Z Giorgio Bongiovanni SITI WEB (per tutte le informazioni aggiornate sul corso e i materiali didattici) www.giuri ...
Psicologia Anno Accademico 2004-2005 Anna M. Borghi Sito web: La memoria 1. I compiti pi usati per ...
LA RIFORMA DELLA POLITICA AGRICOLA COMUNE REGIONALIZZAZIONE Entro il 1 agosto 2004 gli Stati membri (25: Austria, Belgio, Danimarca ...
ASSISTENZA ALLA PERSONA CON PATOLOGIA VASCOLARE: ANEURISMA AORTICO Emanuela Corbelli AORTA L aorta il vaso principale del sistema ...
BioSec: Biometrics and Security in the 6th Framework Programme. Porvoo Group 7th meeting ... Alma Mater Studiorum Universita Di Bologna, Italy (UNIBO) ...
MoWGLI - Mathematics in the Semantic Web. An Approach to Machine-Understandable ... HELM Hypertextual Electronic Library of Mathematics. ...
Viale Risorgimento 2. 40136 Bologna, Italy. ... To fully exploit advances in power converter and filtering technologies ...
Phone 051 209 2824 / 2825 / 2826. PAIS: ... Johnny Depp loves pasta. John Smith will divorce. Man kills wife. Man kills mosquito ...
Guy Aston. Compiling a corpus of transcribed speech. Anyqs. A corpus for classroom use ... Transcribed spontaneous speech (hard to come by) ...
RD priorities identified by the Technology Platform IT SusChem ... J.M. Kenny (UniPG) Reaction and. Process Design. E. Santacesaria (UniNA) A. Ricci (UniBO) ...
Title: Biblioteca ( dizionario De Mauro) Author: Paolo Last modified by: paolo.rambelli2 Created Date: 11/25/2006 5:51:26 PM Document presentation format
GULP is the Italian Association for Logic Programming ... I CILC (2004), Parma (Italy) XX. II CILC (2005), Rome (Italy) XXI. III CILC (2006), Bari (Italy) ...
Disorders: Too much growth hormones (GH) in early childhood can result in a condition called gigantism. Too little GH can result in Pituitary Dwarfism.
Title: Experience Learning and Studying at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna Dr. Giovanna Filippini Dr. Gianluca Bolelli International Relations Department
... in the field of economics, political science, sociology and antropology ... strategies and industry topics worldwide, including the articles from thousands ...
Title: Presentazione di PowerPoint Author: Stefano Capparelli Last modified by: Facolt di Economia di Forl Created Date: 11/3/2000 9:53:07 AM Document ...
SP5 Goals Goals of SP5 Biologically Inspired Techniques for Organic IT Long term Identify, understand and reverse engineer techniques inspired by biological and ...
Presented by Fabrizio Riguzzi University of Ferrara - Italy. Introduction ... costs can be computed as the shortest (Dijkstra's algorithm) and longest path. ...
... contemporary automated fingerprint identification and verification systems (AFIS) ... commercial fingerprint identification/verification systems and sensors ...
Title: LE COMPETENZE PER IL LAVORO CHE CAMBIA Last modified by: Enrico Document presentation format: A4 (21x29,7 cm) Other titles: Times New Roman Wingdings Nastri ...
Progetto di sistemi elettronici LA -esercitazioni Corso di Laurea in Ing. elettronica Esercitazioni copie dei lucidi presentati a lezione breve guida all utilizzo ...
Title: SLS-RF and Modulation WG SLS-Ranging WG Author: Enrico Vassallo Last modified by: Jean-Luc Gerner Created Date: 5/6/2004 2:50:57 PM Document presentation format
Parto prematuro Epoca gestazionale al parto Definizione di parto prematuro Conseguenze del parto prematuro Conseguenze del parto prematuro Morbilit in ...
The Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences is among the most ... stabile research activity on the premises with the intent to better the ...
ETP SusChem seeks to boost chemistry, biotechnology and chemical engineering ... R diger Iden, BASF. Reaction and. Process Design. Klaus Sommer, Bayer TS ...
... 2005. Daniele Vigo. DEIS - University of Bologna. Alessandra Bonoli. DICMA University of Bologna ... Alessandra Bonoli ( 39-051-2093396 alessandra.bonoli ...
IEEE 802.11b. Bluetooth. B. University of Trento. DAMASCO kickoff. Dzmitry Kliazovich ... IEEE 802.11b. Bluetooth. B. University of Trento. DAMASCO kickoff ...
The Big Bang The beginning of our universe as we know it A few questions to ponder What is the universe? What is the Big Bang Theory? What is a theory?
... (intrauterine growth restricion o IUGR / feto piccolo per l epoca gestazionale o Small for Gestational ... cardiopatie diabete Fattori ambientali ...
Evolvable systems: some ideas for modelling Ivan Lanese Computer Science Department University of Bologna Italy With input from Davide Sangiorgi, Fabrizio Montesi,