Teleskope is a group of digital experts with presence in 12 different countries across the world. This organization is founded by Gavin & Dinesh aka DJ with the aim to provide marketers and publishers solutions to address their business challenges. Teleskope helps technology companies to enter new markets and accelerate sales using digital media. Founders of Teleskope are working for last 15 years in digital media technology to bring many successful products in continents including UK, USA, Middle East, Australia and Asia Pacific. We help publishers to generate revenue and grow their audience with innovative technologies and solutions like Anti-Ad blocking, Mobile Ad Formats and Content Insights. To marketers, we provide solutions like Playground XYZ Mobile Ad Formats, Radium One Audience Targeting and Social Status for brand and competitive intelligence.
Astronomsko dru tvo Vega Teleskop predstavitev za Univerzo za tretje ivljenjsko obdobje Gregor Verta nik Vodice, oktober 2006 Kazalo uvod refraktor reflektor ...
Title: Teleskop Author: Gregor Last modified by: matjaz Created Date: 10/10/2006 5:01:35 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company: Posameznik
Title: Teleskop Author: Gregor Last modified by: Gregor Created Date: 10/10/2006 5:01:35 PM Document presentation format: Diaprojekcija na zaslonu Company
Title: Folie 1 Last modified by: Benutzer Created Date: 4/24/2004 7:19:24 PM Document presentation format: Bildschirmpr sentation Other titles: Times New Roman Arial ...
finne frem p stjernehimmelen Birger Andresen Trondheim Astronomiske Forening Innhold Finne stjernebilder, sterke stjerner og sterke ...
JAGAT RAYA SUPERNOVA Lanjutan materi yang terdapat . 3. Gugus Bintang Gugus bintang merupakan sistem (susunan) yang terdiri atas ribuan bintang yang ...
Title: Zuk nftige Missionen Author: Bernd V lkl Last modified by: Bernd V lkl Created Date: 5/14/2006 3:13:26 PM Document presentation format: Bildschirmpr sentation
Title: No Slide Title Author: Preferred Customer Last modified by: Ewa Popko Created Date: 12/2/2000 11:04:13 AM Document presentation format: Pokaz na ekranie (4:3)
Bintang Bab 2 Ide Dasar: Matahari dan bintang-bintang menggunakan reaksi fusi nuklir untuk mengubah materi menjadi energi. Bintang padam ketika bahan bakar nuklirnya ...
Przyk ad obiektywu kamery Aparat fotograficzny z obiektywem zmiennoogniskowym i lamp b yskow Obiektywy szerokok tny teleobiektyw Szerokok tny p pe ny ...
Sternbilder Gliederung 1. Was ist ein Stern? 2. Was sind Sternbilder? 3. Wie k mmt es zu Sternbilder? 4. Der Tierkreis 5. Die hellsten acht Sternbilder 6.
Przyrz dy optyczne i ich zastosowanie Przyrz d optyczny urz dzenie s u ce do zmieniania drogi promieni wietlnych, a czasem tak e promieni niekt rych innych ...
Med en beskæresaks med udveksling sparer du både tid og kræfter. Læs om alle de specialsakse der gør havearbejdet lettere. Klik ind og få den seneste update.
Title: ALAT ALAT OPTIK Author: EDy Last modified by: Widia Created Date: 3/6/2004 3:22:59 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles
Hubble Eine Pr sentation ber das Hubble- Weltraumteleskop von Finn und Daniela Ein paar Informationen ber Hubble Es ist ein gro es Spiegelteleskop von 13 Metern ...
Sinar X Wilhelm Roentgen menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh sinar katoda pada suatu permukaan menghasilkan suatu jenis radiasi yang dapat menyebabkan zat-zat tertentu ...
Die Geschichte der Bewegungslehre Erstellt von Gunnar Ullrich und Niels Ohlen Inhaltsverzeichnis Einf hrung Aristoteles (384-322 v. Chr.) Galileo Galilei (1564-1642 ...
DOSE KI SODOBNE ASTRONOMIJE IN ASTROFIZIKE Stane Arh Operacijo delno financira Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada ter Ministrstvo za izobra evanje ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Werner Schmutz Last modified by: astrogst Created Date: 1/17/2001 8:25:47 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Astronomija kratka povijest problematike Podru je interesa Planeti Sun ev sustav Zvijezde Me uzvjezdani prostor Galaksije Aktivne galakti ke jezgre (AGN) Kvazari ...
Title: Supraleitende Magnete f r den LHC Proton-Proton Collider Author: rudi Last modified by: rudi Created Date: 12/8/2000 8:20:55 AM Document presentation format
Beobachtung des Galaktischen Zentrums sehr schwierig: 30 mag Extinktion im V-Bereich durch Gas + Staub in der galaktischen Ebene Information ber das GC: Radio, IR ...
Jak napisa dobry konspekt? Beata Nowakowska Zagadnienia: 1. Cechy dobrego konspektu. 2. Przedstawienie schematu konspektu obowi zuj cego w Zespole Szk w ... Apastron Periastron Apabila sistem ini adalah sistem bintang ganda dengan m1 adalah bintang ke-1 dan m2 ...
Pluto Made by Tom Sl vik o je to Pluto? PLUTO, deviata plan ta od Slnka, je studen , tmav svet, kde Slnko vyzer iba ako jasn hviezda na miestnej oblohe.
German Grammar Lectures Lecture 2: The Plural of German Nouns Designed by Paul Joyce University of Portsmouth E-Mail: 2.1 Are there German ...
... CT oder auch MRT Medizinische Bildverarbeitung Digitale Radiologie in Erlabrunn Die Kliniken Erlabrunn gGmbH sind u.a. auf H ftgelenksoperationen ...
Title: Slajd 1 Author: Aga Last modified by: Aga Created Date: 5/23/2005 3:48:45 PM Document presentation format: Pokaz na ekranie Company: ak Other titles
Title: Universums uppkomst Author: J W Last modified by: Natalia Viklund Created Date: 8/23/2006 2:01:48 PM Document presentation format: Bildspel p sk rmen (4:3)
... Geburt der KI 1956 Summer Research Project on Artifical Intelligence am Dartmouth-College, ... If you want the computer to have general intelligence, ...
Spar tid, spar kræfter og klip tykkere grene med en beskæresaks med udveksling, Læs alt om alle de nye specialsakse, der gør have arbejdet til en leg Klik ind…
Title: Kriteria RHI untuk Visibiltas Hilal Subject: Materi pada Dauroh Ilmu Falak IV RHI Surakarta di PPMI Assalaam Author: Ma'rufin Sudibyo Last modified by