Observing the Sky 2. How Does New Life Begin? Part 1 3. Asexual Reproduction Activity Look at the Sky on your way to school! Welcome to Science 2/3 On your paper take ...
Flatworms Phylum Platyhelminth Endoparasite Exoparasite / Ectoparasite Life cycles Most parasitic worms have more than one organism in their life cycle: An ...
Animal Kingdom Two Phyla Vertebrate (Backbone) Types of Vertebrates (Has Backbone) Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals Example of invertebrates arthropods have ...
BB: Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction Please copy this chart in your notebook use the WHOLE page. Name Type (asexual or sexual) What happens? Organisms that use ...
The Father of Genetics . Mendel thought there was a connection between the flower color of a pea plant and the type of seed the plant produced. He began to experiment ...
The body consists of an anterior scolex solely for attachment to the host's gut and a string of proglottids, each of which possesses both male and female organs aka ...
Title: Phylum Platyhelminthes Author: onacd.ca Description: The contents of this file belongs to the purchasing school of onacd.ca. To order your own copy please ...
Unit 4 - Phylums Platyhelminthes and Nematoda Flatworms and Roundworms * * Phylum Platyhelminthes Largest group of acoelomate (no body cavity) worms Flatworms with ...
Se han descrito cerca de mill n y medio de especies animales (95% invertebrados). Heter trofos. Reserva alimenticia: Gluc geno (en m sculos e h gado) y grasas.
Coelom: Fluid-filled body cavity lined by cells from the mesoderm In mammals it forms the peritoneal, pleural and pericardial cavities Acoelomate Pseudocoelomate ...
DIGESTI N ANIMAL Y HUMANA Por : Vladimir Mendoza Profesor del Instituto de Ciencias y Humanidades. 1. Sistema digestivo incompleto Celenter nico, 1 orificio, ejm ...
First group of critters to be made of THREE tissue layers. Have true organs and organ systems. Most of these ... Both male and female organs (hermaphrodite) ...
Title: Diapositiva 1 Author: Marcos Blanco Created Date: 7/28/2006 11:11:14 AM Document presentation format: Presentaci n en pantalla Company: Grupo ...
REINO METAZOOS Subfilo urocordado Ascidia Subfilo cefalocordado anfioxus Subfilo vertebrado Cuerpo dividido en cabeza, tronco y cola Ap ndices locomotores tipo aleta ...
0 Chapter 18 The Evolution of Animal Diversity Mammals are amniotes that have hair and produce milk Mammals are endothermic amniotes with Hair, which insulates their ...
Compare and contrast the anatomy and morphology of free-living and parasitic flatworms. ... Farther down, the gravid proglottids contain thousands of fertilized eggs. ...
True coelom. w/ mesentary (holds gut in place) & peritoneum (mesodermal. lining of body cavity. The Coelom or Body Cavity Advances. D. Phylum Platyhelminthes ...
Phylogeny Review District AP Biology Session Phylum Echinodermata The only invertebrate, nonchordate deuterostomes Sessile or slow moving Spiny skin Water vascular ...
Central nervous system = simple brain (aggregation of nerve cells) ... These individuals were photographed on a reef near the island of Guam. 3 Groups of Flatworms ...
Worms! Flatworms Roundworms Segmented worms Types of Worms Flatworms (Phylum Platyhelminthes) Class Turbellaria (Planeria) Class Trematoda and Monogenea (Flukes ...
Ch. 10,11- Phylums Platyhelminthes and Nematoda Flatworms and Roundworms Phylum Platyhelminthes Largest group of acoelomate (no body cavity) worms Flatworms with ...
Sponges are soft-bodied and may contain sharp, hard spicules for support & defense ... A few have external fertilization (occurring outside the animal's body) ...
Highly branched gastrovascular cavity runs close to all tissues giving cells ... Taenia saginata- Beef tapeworm. Live in cow muscles in cysts. High temp. kills larvae ...
These animals are also triploblastic they have three embryonic germ layers. Organ-system level of organization more division of labor among their organs.
Title: Metabolismo Microbiano Author: USER Last modified by: Observacoes Created Date: 5/15/2006 6:34:36 PM Document presentation format: Apresenta o na tela (4:3)
Fig. 14.10 ACOELOMATE ANIMALS 14.1. General Features A. Cephalization 1. Sessile animals survive well with radial symmetry. 2. Concentrating the sense organs on the ...
The vast majority of animal species belong to the clade Bilateria, which ... Phylum Mesozoa is considered a 'missing link' between protozoa and metazoa. ...
The grid for the animal phyla ... A sheet organizing key concepts with questions ... One is the mirror image of the other. We humans are bilaterally symmetric. ...
NMDA-like receptor activation and nitric oxide synthesis mediate the development ... from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO), LY 235959 was purchased from Lilly ...
SISTEM PEREDARAN DARAH MANUSIA Di dalam tubuh makhluk hidup terdapat sistem peredaran darah dan sistem peredaran getah bening Sistem peredaran darah terdiri dari ...
Belongs to Parazoa (beside the animals) Evolved from colonial protozoans ... locomote via ventral cilia and gland cells (slime) largest to locomote with cilia ...
ANIMALIA (Dunia Hewan) By: Maududi MA. CIRI CIRI UMUM KINGDOM ANIMAL Eukariot, Multiseluler Tidak memiliki dinding sel dan klorofil Heterotrof Dapat bergerak untuk ...
ANIMALIA (Dunia Hewan) By: Maududi MA. CIRI CIRI UMUM KINGDOM ANIMAL Eukariot, Multiseluler Tidak memiliki dinding sel dan klorofil Heterotrof Dapat bergerak untuk ...
carnivores and predators of other animals or dead remains. ... excreted from mouth and pharynx as in ... Adults live in the bile ducts of humans, dogs, and cats ...