This worm was first found in a tiger's lung in India in 1877. ... 1. Sputum examination: (1) Alkali digestive method (10%NaOH), (2) Direct sputum smear ...
First described in Bengal tigers housed in zoos in Hamburg and Amsterdam in 1877 ... found that the parasite found in the tiger is the same as the parasite that ...
Paragonimus westermani & kellicotti Jen Shirek & Tricia Smith Paragonimus westermani This lung fluke contains over 40 species and causes Paragonimiasis.
Fascioloides magna Giant Deer Fluke Different behavior and pathology in different hosts. Fascioloides magna Giant Deer Fluke Deer and Elk (normal hosts ...
Avoid eating uncooked water chestnuts in endemic areas. Sanitary disposal of sewage ... History of eating improperly cooked crab-meat in endemic areas. Eggs in ...
... ukuran 27-35 m x 12-70 m). 9. Heterophyes-heterophyes (telur ovoid dg operkulum spt kerucut, ukuran 28-30 m x 15-17 m) Perkembangan larva dalam Hp.
TREMATODA PENDAHULUAN Trematoda termasuk dalam filum Platyhelminthes Morfologi umum : Pipih seperti daun , tidak bersegmen Tidak mempunyai rongga badan
Prazicuantel: medicamento de elecci n Bitionol Triclabendazol: uso veterinario en fasciolosis No consumir cangrejos o langostinos de agua dulce crudos o mal cocidos.
Introduction to tromatodes Phylum Platyhelminthes Class Trematoda Order Digenea Morphology Adult worm Flattened (flatworm) and leaf like Sucker: oral & ventral (fluke ...
CLASIFICACI N DE LOS PAR SITOS DE ACUERDO A SU ESPECIFICIDAD Estenoxenos Eurixenos Oligoxenos ESTENOXENOS Tiene una alta especificidad o afinidad por un hospedero ...
May be infected outside the typical area by eating imported fish ... Eat raw or undercook crustaceans, contamination of fingers during preparation, etc ...
RELACI N HU SPED PAR SITO PARASITOLOG A: Ciencia que se encarga del estudio de los par sitos, principalmente de las relaciones y adaptaciones HU SPED U ...
Flatworms Phylum Platyhelminth Endoparasite Exoparasite / Ectoparasite Life cycles Most parasitic worms have more than one organism in their life cycle: An ...
Pneumonia is characterized by the emergence of new lung infiltrates, accompanied by clinical signs such as fever, purulent sputum, leukocytosis, and decreased oxygenation and Nosocomial Pneumonia is a non-incubating lower respiratory infection that presents clinically two or more days after hospitalization. In this presentation "Nosocomial Pneumonias" has been described including their causes, therapy, Principles, diagnosis, symptoms, management, etc. For more information, please contact us: 9779030507.
PHYLUM PLATYHELMINTES Platyhelmintes berasal dari kata platy= pipih, helmintes= cacing Merupakan kelompok hewan yang struktur tubuhnya lebih maju dibandingkan ...
Antihelmintic drugs By Dr.Mohamed Abd AlMoneim Attia Antihelmintic drugs Drugs active against nematodes Drugs active against trematodes Drugs active against cestodes ...
PARASITOLOG A Trichinella spiralis ARTR PODOS Los que transportan microorganismos pat genos son llamados VECTORES. La sarna (Sarcoptes scabiei) y la pediculosis ...
lots of stuff review in class? Don't let me hurry! ... If the egg reaches fresh water, it hatches to release the free-swimming larvae, the miracidia. ...
Title: Slide 1 Author: yunan Last modified by: Mas'ud Created Date: 8/15/2006 3:06:56 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company: surabaya
PARASITOLOG A EL PAR SITO Parasitolog a m dica Estudio de los par sitos del reino animal donde el Hombre act a de hospedero. Par sito: Unicelular (protozoarios ...
Eucaryotic organisms living in/on defined host for all or part of life cycle ... Most other protozoa are nonpathogenic. Vagina: Trichomonas vaginalis. E histolytica ...
Manifestaciones cl nicas de las enfermedades de las v as respiratorias inferiores ... Paladar blando elongado. Colapso lar ngeo. S ndrome respiratorio braquic falo ...
Cara bes, Oc an indien, Afrique, Am rique Centrale. Insuffisance cardiaque d' volution ... Extr me Orient, Philippines, Oc anie, Afrique Am rique tropicales ...
The Diagnosis Of Human Parasitic Diseases By Ban Abdul Wahhab Abdul Rahman AL- Gailani The Diagnosis Of Human Parasitic Diseases By Assistant professor Ban Abdul ...
Nematodes are their own phylum (roundworms vs annelids) ... Phylum nematode: roundworms are cylindrical, non-segmented worms (vs Cestodes & Annelids) ...
Ectoparasites - live on outside of body; infestation (e.g. scabies) ... Scabies: really itchy burrows & papules at body creases, finger webbing, person ...
Vector Intro Arthropods are animals with an exoskeleton, articulated legs and segmented body plans Two groups of major medical importance: chelicerata (in particular ...
Cara bes, Oc an indien, Afrique, Am rique Centrale. Insuffisance cardiaque d' volution ... Extr me Orient, Philippines, Oc anie, Afrique Am rique tropicales ...
ACQUA E MALATTIE L acqua, una risorsa importante Le malattie L organizzazione mondiale della sanit che tale problema si responsabile di circa 5.000.000 di morti ...
... recovered from the small intestines of a puppy that died of severe anemia. ... The owner says some of the puppies have been having intermittent, mucoid, blood ...